Scrafty (QC 0/3)

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  • 115 Defense and Special Defense are great defensive stats
  • Fighting / Dark-type has 3 weaknesses and has an immunity to psychic
  • Has access to a large movepool, allowing for great coverage
  • Moxie can help in a late game sweep
  • 90 Attack stat gives it a niche as a partial sweeper
  • HP and speed are lacking severely at 65 HP and 58 Speed
  • 4x weak to fairies
Bulk up
name:Bulk up
move 1: Bulk up
move 2: Iron Head / Knock Off / Dragon Tail
move 3: Toxic / Crunch
move 4: Drain Punch
item: Leftovers
Nature: Careful
Ability: Shed Skin
evs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 248 SDef
  • This set takes advantage of its bulk to go for an early wall and late game sweep
  • Dragon Tail can swap out non-fairies that it struggles against
  • Bulk up helps against physical sweeps and can allow Scrafty to sweep
  • Drain Punch and Toxic can force switches
  • Knock Off can be used since it has STAB and utility
  • Crunch can be used over toxic with STAB and possible stat decreases

Set Details
  • Leftovers help it wall
  • Heavy Special Defense investment is to offset it's use of Bulk up
  • Iron head helps against fairies if needed over Dragon Tail
Usage Tips
  • Drain Punch is useful for staling with Toxic
  • Great wall and revenge killer with moxie and decent attack stat
  • Dragon Tail can deal a lot of entry hazard damage after a while
Team Options
  • Entry Hazard setters
  • Clerics to make up for the low pp of Drain Punch
  • Other pokemon that can help it in a late game sweep

Assault Vest
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Power-up Punch
move 3: Iron Head / Knock off
move 4: Crunch / Dragon Tail
item: Assault Vest
Nature: Impish
Ability: Moxie / Intimidate
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef

  • Drain Punch helps it wall
  • Power-up Punch can be used for set up
  • Iron head helps with faries and coverage
  • Crunch and Drain Punch are strong with STAB
Set Details
  • Assault Vest gives it an interesting move set
  • Impish and full defense are used for overall bulk
  • Moxie lets it sweep depending on if it can get a K.O.
  • Large coverage allows it to counter a lot
Usage Tips
  • Scrafty can be switched in to wall both physical and special attacks
  • Great revenge killer with wide coverage takes advantage of moxie
  • Power-up Punch can set up sweeps
Team Options
  • Teams that can use a semi-sweeper
  • Entry hazard teams
  • Teams requiring a mixed wall
Other Options
  • Dragon Dance Sweeper with High Jump Kick
Checks and Counters
  • Fairies
  • Burns
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No mention of a Dragon Dance set or High Jump Kick mention anywhere? Even with the extra Ghosts running around the power from HJK is nice (I'm at work at the moment but I think there are some OHKO's that can only be gotten with HJK that Drain punch can't get. I'll post them when I get home)

I think Crunch needs to be mentioned in the Bulk Up set alongside Toxic just because of the number of Ghost mons running around at the moment.
I'm not QC or anything but I think Intimidate should be the only ability w/ Assault Vest. Also no Knock Off mention? Also why Toxic on BU set? I think Rest > Toxic and Shed Skin > Moxie seems to be the superior choice. Again I'm not QC, so these are mere suggestions.
Making edits right now. I didn't see its other abilities when I wrote this up.
Icyfreez342 I'm going to add the DD set as an oo because I feel as though the set up isn't worth using it's 90 attack stat. I also didn't put HJK since I felt it was outclassed by the absorbs from Drain Punch. I'll also slash the crunch on the BU set.
Mylo Xyloto I figure if you can get a kill with AV, you can sweep with moxie, however I see why intimidate works. As for Toxic, I like the stall aspect it can provide, as well as making mons switch from toxic. I also didn't know it could have shed skin, so I'll definitely change that.
Take what I have to say with a grain of salt!

  • 115 Defense and Special Defense are great defensive stats Impressive 58 / 115 / 115 defenses.
  • Fighting / Dark-type has 3 weaknesses and has an immunity to psychic Fighting / Dark has useful Rock-, Dark-, and Ghost-type resistances.
  • Dark received a buff this generation thanks to the Steel-type nerf, making his Dark STAB a little bit easier to spam.
  • Has access to a large movepool, allowing for great coverage 3 great abilities in Intimidate, Shed Skin, and Moxie.
  • Moxie can help in a late game sweep This is further compounded by a fantastic movepool; Bulk Up, Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Ice Punch etc.
  • 90 Attack stat gives it a niche as a partial sweeper 90 Attack and 58 Speed aren't good - he is overly reliant on multiple Bulk Up / Dragon Dance boosts to deal damage and outrun things.
  • Common weaknesses (Fighting, Flying), and Mach Punch is everywhere.
  • HP and speed are lacking severely at 65 HP and 58 Speed The introduction of the Fairy-type has made him more difficult to use; he has a new 4x weakness, and his STAB combo is easier to wall now.
  • 4x weak to fairies
Bulk up
name:Bulk up
move 1: Bulk up
move 2: Iron Head / Knock Off / Dragon Tail Rest
move 3: Toxic / Crunch Drain Punch
move 4: Drain Punch Knock Off / Crunch
item: Leftovers
Nature: Careful Sassy
Ability: Shed Skin
evs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 248 SDef

I've re-ordered the moveset just a wee bit. I haven't played with Scrafty as much as I have some others, like Mega Mawile, but there's nothing about this generation so far that would suggest (to me) that Rest is any less a necessity than before. Rest provides Scrafty with an immediate means of being brought back to full health and eliminating crippling status that would inhibit his sweep / hole punching. You can say "well he has Shed Skin and Drain Punch for that", but relying on a 1 in 3 chance to remove that burn that's really screwing you over sounds like a terrible idea, not to mention Scrafty really needs some boosts for Drain Punch's damage output to be any good. Part of what makes the Shed Skin + Rest combo so amazing is that Rest is on a timer for how long it puts you out, so you know you'll wake up eventually.

Iron Head sounds like a good idea on the surface, but there are a number of reasons why it is a terrible idea on the Bulk Up set. First and foremost, every single (viable) Fairy-type outruns you. Because of that, they're going to nail you with Dazzling Gleam / Moonblast / Play Rough before you can strike back. 4 SpA (Bold / Cam) Sylveon is hitting you for (87.4 - 104.1%) with Moonblast - that's absolutely ridiculous. You have no reason to be trying to take on Fairy-types with the Bulk Up set. Not at all. In addition to that, the guaranteed-to-be-OU-for-after-the-meta-settles Fairy-types (Azumarill, Togekiss) don't really care about Iron Head. Azumarill takes neutral damage, while Togekiss is going to flinch you to death with Air Slash.

Also, Fighting / Dark still gets good neutral coverage outside of Fairy-types, and the reliability of Drain Punch in tandem with the utility of Knock Off is too good to pass up on in favor of inferior moves that just worsen your match-ups with Fairy-type Pokemon. At least with Knock Off you can cripple them by removing Leftovers / Choice Band / Sitrus Berry / what have you. Dragon Tail and Toxic are SD at best, I think.

  • This set takes advantage of its bulk to go for an early wall and late game sweep This set relies too heavily on the removal of your opponent's Fairy-type and Fighting-type Pokemon to function for you to be able to advertise it as an "early game wall." Mid game sweeper / Late game sweeper / Tank is much more appropriate - but this should be in usage tips or set details, right? This line should have something to do with what Bulk Up lets you do, specifically, so make sure to include that when you go back and edit this.
  • Dragon Tail can swap out non-fairies that it struggles against Dragon Tail is garbage on Scrafty because it just makes it easier for Fairy-types to wall him. Shuffling is better left to Pokemon like Mega Aggron, who have a Steel-Type STAB and Heavy Slam to shuffle opposing teams relatively uninhibited.
  • Bulk up helps against physical sweeps and can allow Scrafty to sweep I wouldn't phrase it like this. Bulk Up lets Scrafty boost his mediocre Attack stat and make his already impressive Defense Stat absolutely massive. It does make him harder to take down with Physical Sweepers, like you mentioned, but it is really important, I think, that you stress that Scrafty needs it in order to deal damage.
  • Drain Punch and Toxic can force switches Neither Drain Punch nor Toxic are forcing switches - Drain Punch is your primary means of damaging the opponent and restoring health; Toxic would be used to punish the opponent for switching in (i.e., Hippowdon, Rotom-W).
  • Knock Off can be used since it has STAB and utility Knock Off should be the go-to Dark STAB since the buff has made it awesome.
  • Crunch can be used over toxic with STAB and possible stat decreases When mentioning Crunch, say that it has a more reliable damage output since Knock Off doesn't get the boost against Mega Pokemon.
There is quite a bit to say! Dragon Tail and Toxic are SD or OO, I think. Scrafty has access to great STAB moves and needs to use Rest to both recover and remove status reliably. In addition to that, Fighting / Dark is still a good STAB combination, and Drain Punch and Knock Off are fantastic moves - nothing should be getting used over either one of them. I can see merit in using Toxic over Rest if the rest of the team can support that decision, but again, Scrafty needs two to three turns of boosting before he is capable of 2HKO'ing un-invested targets that take neutral damage from Drain Punch, like Keldeo, Genesect, Haxorus, and more (not to suggest that Scrafty should / shouldn't be taking these Pokemon on, but, rather, I am just stressing that Scrafty needs those boosts to deal damage) - Rest is capable of buying him that time. My suggestion(s):
  • The first line should talk about Bulk Up. Mention how Scrafty's stellar Defenses and useful resistances make him a formidable Bulk Up sweeper, patching up his mediocre Attack stat and boosting his already fantastic Defense stat.
  • The second line should be about Rest. Rest and Shed Skin increase Scrafty's longevity significantly, removing Burns and restoring health, which can provide him with more opportunities to accumulate boosts.
  • The third line should be about Drain Punch. Drain Punch will be Scrafty's go-to STAB as it gives him a means to keep himself healthy without having to resort to using Rest.
  • The fourth line should be about Knock Off. Talk about the buff it received and also about its utility.
  • Mention Crunch in passing - Crunch's damage output can be seen as more reliable because of the introduction of Mega Evolutions, but Knock Off has so much more utility overall.

Set Details
  • Leftovers help it wall Mention what the EV spread and choice of nature accomplish here.
  • Heavy Special Defense investment is to offset it's use of Bulk up Mention other potential EV spreads - can he opt for something more offensively inclined? Does he need a certain attack investment to hit a damage threshold after so many boosts? What makes these other options inferior to the spread listed?
  • Iron head helps against fairies if needed over Dragon Tail Here is where Leftovers would fit best, I think.
  • After that, talk about Scrafty's other abilities (Moxie, Intimidate), what they can do for him if used over Shed Skin, and why Shed Skin is the better choice overall.
  • Maximizing Scrafty's Special Defense is recommended as it makes it more difficult to take him out from either side after a few Bulk Up boosts.
  • A Sassy nature is used to out-slow Aegislash so you can OHKO him with Knock Off without any boosts.
  • Other potential EV spreads? The consequences of using them instead of the one listed?
  • Leftovers stuff.
  • Intimidate can be used to make setting up on Physically inclined Pokemon easier.
  • Moxie can be used to accumulate boosts more quickly by picking off weakened Pokemon.
  • Toxic / Dragon Tail / Poison Jab can be used over Rest if the other abilities are opted for.
  • Scrafty's longevity will be halved, though, by not using Rest + Shed Skin, and therefore it is not recommended to use what is not recommended.
Usage Tips
  • Drain Punch is useful for staling with Toxic This set isn't designed to stall - it sweeps or it paves the way for other sweepers.
  • Great wall and revenge killer with moxie and decent attack stat Scrafty is too slow to be considered a revenge killer and lacks the useful priority moves that give Conkeldurr and Scizor that title.
  • Dragon Tail can deal a lot of entry hazard damage after a while Dragon Tail is AC / OO and this does little to tell the reader how to use Scrafty.
What I suggest saying:
  • Scrafty's mediocre Attack stat makes it difficult to break through defensively inclined Pokemon that carry phazing moves. These should be eliminated before he tries to sweep or soften up the opponent's team.
  • Despite his stellar Defenses, Scrafty has difficulty handling Fairy-, Fighting-, and Flying-type Pokemon. These should be eliminated before he tries to sweep or soften up the opponent's team.
  • With this in mind, Scrafty makes a good mid-to-late game sweeper / cleaner, rather than an early game one.
  • That doesn't mean Scrafty is useless early game, though. Use Shed Skin as an opportunity to absorb status and cripple opponent's Pokemon with Knock Off.
  • With Shed Skin and Rest, Scrafty can use defensively inclined Pokemon without a phazing move, but a would-be-crippling status move, as set-up fodder. Blissey, Rotom-A, Jellicent, and other common users of Will-O-Wisp / Thunder Wave are a few that come to mind.
Team Options
  • Entry Hazard setters
  • Clerics to make up for the low pp of Drain Punch He doesn't need it unless he's running Intimidate or Moxie, which aren't / shouldn't be recommended.
  • Other pokemon that can help it in a late game sweep This is a sound suggestion but you'll have to be more specific than that.
  • Pokemon that can eliminate Azumarill / Togekiss / Sylveon / Florges; Steel-types, strong Electric-types, powerful Special Attackers with good coverage (Gengar, Goodra).
  • Pokemon that can eliminate Fighting-types like Terrakion / Keldeo; Ghost-types, Clefable.
  • Pokemon that can eliminate Flying-types like Tornadus-T and others; ??
  • Strong sweepers that can either pave the way or take advantage of a weakened team.

Assault Vest
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Power-up Punch Foul Play
move 3: Iron Head / Knock off Knock Off
move 4: Crunch / Dragon Tail Dragon Tail
item: Assault Vest
Nature: Impish
Ability: Moxie / Intimidate Intimidate (Moxie to AC)
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef

I don't know if Dragon Dance is fitting for OO. It could still work, I think, with Poison Jab / Ice Punch as the fourth move slot.

I don't have the time right now to be able to suggest stuff for the rest of it. Assault Vest Scrafty should be playing a completely defensive role. With Intimidate, he has fantastic mixed bulk, and can check Physical and Special Attackers alike. I'll provide some damage calculations later, also to discuss a more offensive spread that uses 252 HP / 252 ATK w/Adamant Nature.

Good luck with this thing, by the way.
Assault Vest should just look like this IMO:

Assault Vest
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Drain Punch / High Jump Kick
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Poison Jab / Dragon Tail / Foul Play
item: Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe

Slot 4 is the only one that confuses me.

- You can use more bulk I guess. Intimidate is mandatory with this set IMO.
- Ice Punch is mainly for catching Landorus-T and Gliscor.
- Knock Off compliments well.
- Poison Jab hits all the Fairies barring Klefki (HJK / Drain Punch is neutral).
- HJK is for more of an offensive push but it can probably be used with something else.
Nearly all of its defensive natured sets were completely ruined by Fairy-types, and it's offensive sets just aren't up to snuff anymore. (It has to make a hard choice between Poison Jab & Ice Punch; it's check by too many threats)

Unfortunately, Scafty lacks a viable niche in the current generation.

QC Rejected (2/3)
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