With its newfound ability Speed Boost, Scolipede has established its role in the Overused metagame. Not only can it serve as a great entry hazards lead with access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, but it can also serve as a Baton Pass user, passing its accumulated boosts to deadly sweepers. With access to Swords Dance and Substitute and its naturally high Speed and Attack, it can also serve as a formidable sweeper. However this is pretty much Scolipede's only use in the metagame, making it very predictable, and its inability to beat most physically defensive phazers that threaten its accumulated boosts make its job more difficult.
Offensive Lead
name: Offensive Lead
move 1: Megahorn
move 2: Spikes / Toxic Spikes
move 3: Swords Dance / Toxic Spikes
move 4: Baton Pass / Earthquake / Rock Slide
ability: Speed Boost
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
Megahorn serves as Scolipede's main damage output, preventing it from being complete setup bait. The choice between Spikes and Toxic Spikes is dependent on the team surrounding Scolipede, but Spikes is more useful in general because of its ability to hit a wider range of targets. Swords Dance works well in conjunction with Baton Pass, allowing Scolipede to pass along more boosts to a teammate. However, if that is not an area of concern, then both Spikes and Toxic Spikes can be used. If Toxic Spikes is used instead of Swords Dance, it is recommended to use Earthquake or Rock Slide instead of Baton Pass. Both augment Scolipede's coverage significantly, with Earthquake hitting Heatran and Aegislash while Rock Slide hits Talonflame on the switch and Dragonite. It's important to note, however, that regardless of the coverage move chosen, Scolipede will be hard walled by at least one previously mentioned threat.
Set Details
Being an offensive lead, Scolipede forgoes any bulk in an attempt to maximize its Speed and offensive presence. A Jolly nature is crucial, allowing Scolipede to outspeed key threats such as Latios, Latias, and Terrakion. A Focus Sash is used to allow Scolipede to acquire as many boosts as possible or lay as many entry hazards as possible, but a Mental Herb can be used instead. A Mental Herb allows Scolipede to bypass Taunt users, but it is important to note that Scolipede might have a harder time setting multiple layers of entry hazards without a Focus Sash. A Life Orb is also a viable option, increasing Scolipede's damage output, but it works best in conjunction with Swords Dance and more coverage options.
Usage Tips
It is often best to lead with Scolipede and immediately set up entry hazards in order to pressure your opponent as soon as possible. However, if the opponent has a Defog user on their team, it is usually better to use Scolipede's Baton Pass to set up a sweeper on them. Similarly, it is important to note if the opponent has a physically defensive phazer on their team, as Scolipede is generally unable to hurt them and can be used for entry hazards bait. Once again, its best to make use of Baton Pass to lure out those phazers and then threaten them with a teammate.
Team Options
Scolipede works best on a hyper offensive team, making powerful sweepers such as Mega Lucario or Dragonite, which appreciate Attack and Speed boosts, excellent partners. On that note, when using Swords Dance, its very important to keep possible recipients for a variety of situations in mind.
Baton Pass
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Iron Defense / Swords Dance
move 2: Protect
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Baton Pass
ability: Speed Boost
item: Mental Herb / Black Sludge
evs: 248 HP / 208 SpD / 52 Spe
nature: Timid
The choice between Iron Defense and Swords Dance is dependent on the team surrounding Scolipede, with Swords Dance working better on a more offensive team and Iron Defense working better in a Baton Pass chain. Protect and Substitute help Scolipede gather more Speed Boosts, with Substitute working very well in conjunction with Iron Defense. Baton Pass is the most important move of the set, allowing Scolipede to pass its acquired boosts to a teammate.
Set Details
These EVs allow Scolipede to outspeed Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-W after one Speed boost, with the rest going into maximizing Scolipede's bulk. A Mental Herb can be used to prevent Scolipede from being Taunted once, but the passive healing from Black Sludge is very useful for creating more Substitutes. Black Sludge also works very well with the many free turns Protect allows Scolipede.
Usage Tips
If used on a dedicated Baton Pass team, Scolipede works exceptionally well as a lead, gathering very useful Defense and Speed boosts. When using Scolipede, it is often best to begin by Protecting so that it outspeeds all relevant non-Choiced threats. If Iron Defense is used, acquiring early Defense boosts can be very useful in creating sturdy Substitutes that can later be passed to a teammate. It is important to recognize if the opponent possibly has a physically defensive phazer, as Scolipede is unable to damage them while they can use Scolipede as entry hazard bait in return. As such, it is usually best to use Scolipede as a lure and then Baton Pass for free momentum as they switch in.
Team Options
Scolipede pairs best with other dedicated Baton Pass users, such as Espeon and Scizor, which greatly appreciate the accumulated boosts. If Swords Dance is used over Iron Defense, then offensive sweepers such as Dragonite and Lucario make for good partners, greatly appreciating the Attack and Speed boosts.
Other Options
A defensive entry hazard set can be used, attempting to make use of Scolipede's resistances and physical bulk to set up on common Fighting- and Fairy-type Pokemon such as Breloom and Sylveon. A pure offensive set can also be used, but it faces stiff competition from the lead set and, with its innately flawed coverage, has a difficult time sweeping.
Checks & Counters
**Physically Defensive Walls**: Physical defensive walls—in particular phazers—are the best counters to Scolipede. Pokemon such as Skarmory and Hippowdon have little to fear from Scolipede, can use it as entry hazard bait, and can phaze it once it has acquired too many boosts. Walls with access to Unaware such as Quagsire and Clefable, while unable to phaze Scolipede, are indifferent to the various stat boosts it acquires.
**Perish Song and Taunt Users**: Pokemon with access to Perish Song, such as Politoed, are able to reliably stop Scolipede from Baton Passing its accumulated boosts. Similarly, Taunt users such as Sableye are able to prevent Scolipede from passing its boosts or setting up entry hazards.
**Offensive Checks**: Scolipede is prone to having opposing setup sweepers boost alongside it and then threaten its recipient. Ditto, while unable to boost, can steal Scolipede's acquired boosts and pass them to a teammate of its own. Scolipede can also be checked by a myriad of Flying-types, such as Dragonite, Zapdos, and Talonflame, if it lacks Rock Slide. Similarly, Steel-types such as Heatran and Aegislash can threaten Scolipede if it lacks Earthquake.
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