Scavenger Hunts

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hello there!

Long ago, Joim had the fantastic idea to make use of Showdown!'s room feature and design something fun for the whole of Showdown! to take part in, separate from battling. The basic idea is you join into a special room devoted to the hunts, where a Room Owner/Mod/Driver will create and host a scavenger hunt. You then follow a series of hints by identifying what the hints are talking about, and the first person to "scavenge" all three answers is the winner! Since then, The Immortal has improved the scavengers plugin. These hunts can be held at any time for casual purposes, even official ones depending on who is hosting it.

How to play
You may type /scavengers or /join scavengers to join the room. When a scavenger hunt is active, you can join by using the command /joinhunt. To get your current hint, you can use /scavengerhint as many times as you want, although the first hint will always be declared for you and ensuing hints will be displayed to you once privately. When you think you know the solution to find the next "room", you may try it as many times as you want to answer using /scavenge [solution] (e.g /scavenge magikarp). The system automatically announces winners and people who finish. You may check your game status by typing /scavengerstatus.

The first three people to find out the third "room" will win the prizes of 25, 10, and 5 points respectively. People who win their first, second, and third position within 60 seconds of posting the first hint will get an additional 10 blitzkrieg points. People who manage to reach the final room before spoilers are posted will earn 1 point.

There will be a max of two games a day.
Games can only be held by administrators, Room Owners/Mods. Official games will be lead by Darnell, Spydreigon, Psywaves, Snaquaza and ashiemore
There can be up to fourteen official games a week (two a day), though these hunts are not guaranteed. While the times of the hunts are more or less set in stone, whether or not a hunt takes place on a given day is up to the Room Owners to decide. There will be a christmas break (sorry). E: with the end of Christmas holidays, hunts will most likely be taking place at the will of whichever Room Owner is active and wishes to fill a timeslot.
Spoiling and spamming will lead to a PS ban and a Scavenger Hunt ban, the last one starting at a one week ban, next one being one month, and next permanent.

New Ladder:

Wan the Avatar: 692 points
iap: 617 points
Angels2002: 458 points
AnthonySilverstone: 434 points
Weebl: 338 points
kevinrocks: 267 points
blackburn009: 267 points
losedude: 254 points
AnonymouzLSB: 235 points
Queez: 221 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 213 points
Chauque: 181 points
MukUsedDrillPeck: 180 points
Trickster: 171 points
Psywaves: 170 points
TheMightyRaven: 157 points
ILRB: 152 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 132 points
Catacomb: 122 points
Gleeb: 113 points
Cattail Prophet: 109 points
wontuns: 86 points
Manaphy286: 85 points
Snaquaza: 80 points
PK Aero: 80 points
Dylas: 77 points
AnthemOfTheWorld: 72 points
duch xd: 60 points
slayerx725232: 52 points
sirDonovan: 46 points
Soulblaster: 42 points
xhiglocke: 41 points
pushpaa: 35 points
Someoneelse2003: 35 points
Mega Sponge: 32 points
The Swift Wyvern: 31 points
Sly Mav: 27 points
Abra: 25 points
hardenmetapod: 25 points
Delibird Heart: 25 points
Magnetonium: 25 points
flarz: 25 points
Alter: 25 points
Drookez: 25 points
Hyper Spark 269: 25 points
lovemathboy: 25 points
LordArcanite: 25 points
Spheals: 21 points
chechnya: 21 points
Meteordash: 21 points
Timbuktu: 20 points
PokeGyarados: 20 points
Mouai: 20 points
YourBoss: 18 points
ss1234: 13 points
Midnightsecrets: 12 points
Cranham: 11 points
Gargoyle31: 11 points
Scrub Scrub: 11 points
magepwnz: 10 points
I'm a Genesect: 10 points
Lavi04: 10 points
Vacate: 10 points
Ryun: 10 points
Xylen: 10 points
antemortem: 10 points
MisCritManage: 10 points
Happpiness: 10 points
AMITGHOSH: 10 points
boxofkangaroos: 10 points
TheLusterLink: 10 points
Pegged: 10 points
Lord Arcanite: 10
Valiancy: 10 points
Ben Ohver: 6 points
Keldeo-Resonant: 6 points
1987 was a year: 5 points
Aeremiah: 5 points
alxnder11: 5 points
Sylennt: 5 points
SparksBlade: 5 points
Lady Timpani: 5 points
piikaa: 5 points
Jackcat136: 5 points
pokemonvortex: 5 points
Generic Battler: 5 points
onom: 5 points
unfixable: 5 points
snakeindagrass: 5 points
Logic: 5 points
FIREEEE: 5 points
nitrodog96: 5 points
Galom: 5 points
Zenly2570: 5 points
ElbowSkinn: 3 points
zacjl: 2 points
anto: 2 points
Druddigon C: 2 points
Mareep Sweep: 1 point
tditdatdwt: 1 point
Level 51: 1 point
Tomasom2000: 1 point
notevenkin: 1 point
Sukai&Mira: 1 point
coldgenisis: 1 point
batmanji: 1 point
Sora Amamiya: 1 point
Rayquaza2016: 1 point
Lunistrius: 1 point
Rohep: 1 point
TraceOfDeath: 1 point
CR4CK3R: 1 point
Happpiness: 1 point
Megajoule: 1 point
MaidenOfDeath: 1 point
soliloquy: 1 point
Jessilina: 1 point
RedemptionSword: 1 point
Toggleso: 1 point
Lithe Marmot: 1 point
RiverRusher: 1 point
ch1cken nugg3ts: 1 point
awesome2092: 1 point
rdlin: 1 point
growlithe the fang: 1 point
Long Penis: 1 point
ooheeaahdofu: 1 point
Hunter Sash: 1 point
Lord of the North: 1 point
Aardwolf: 1 point
ZeZangoose: 1 point

The Immortal: 1088 points
Psywaves: 865 points
Wan the Avatar: 609 points
Angels2002: 591 points
ashiemore: 432 points
Snaquaza: 352 points
Instant Apple Pie: 292 points
sirDonovan: 176 points
Sunako: 166 points
hoenn remake: 160 points
macrarazy: 145 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 135 points
TheMightyRaven: 128 points
Spheals: 126 points
Timbuktu: 124 points
Pandon: 116 points
Stinson: 102 points
Mega Eevee X: 97 points
Cyllage: 93 points
Meteordash: 91 points
asgdf: 89 points
Hollywood: 76 points
Not Canadian: 72 points
Spydreigon: 69 points
UU iz da Shizzle: 67 points
Sturdynips: 67 points
Drookez: 66 points
antto: 65 points
Darnell: 61 points
Level 51: 55 points
The Real Red: 55 points
pokemonvortex: 53 points
Dudeman130498: 50 points
EpicPikachu63: 50 points
AnonymouzLSB: 50 points
Cattail Prophet: 48 points
Acedia: 48 points
Regime: 48 points
KevinJohnKaisar: 45 points
Xylenn: 45 points
derozans: 42 points
Miikasa: 41 points
Aza: 41 points
Calloflochie: 40 points
FranchescoEnzo: 39 points
JustLetMePlay: 38 points
Alter: 37 points
Scarf Wynaut: 37 points
TheMightyRaven: 128 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 36 points
Catacomb: 36 points
Aurora: 35 points
Shame that: 35 points
alyssathegreat: 35 points
clerk: 35 points
eriados: 35 points
mammitri: 35 points
le ou: le team: 35 points
LegitimateUsername: 35 points
Zodiax: 33 points
losedude: 30 points
SP458: 26 points
Archiac: 26 points
Ss1234: 26 points
xhiglocke: 26 points
GymLeaderThenin: 25 points
Mithril: 25 points
Aipom: 25 points
Rohep: 25 points
The Ozymandias: 25 points
ghetts: 25 points
Dragon Pulse: 25 points
asdj: 25 points
einstein00-1: 25 points
Dark Sage Green: 21 points
MukUsedDrillPeck: 21 points
YourBoss: 20 points
SilverChiko: 20 points
TheLusterLink: 20 points
RedzoneX: 20 points
yvelZEDD: 20 points
Kezza Bolt: 17 points
Coronis: 17 points
Bagon: 16 points
FriendSafari: 15 points
misstyy': 15 points
4R/a/g/i/o/n: 15 points
Shgeldz: 15 points
Adam Lambert: 11 points
SorryForYourLoss: 11 points
Politoed: 11 points
PsYkIk985: 11 points
FookMi: 11 points
Nickokster: 11 point
Arcticblast: 10 points
Chillarmy: 10 points
UnovaChampion N: 10 point
Empoleon XV: 10 points
Nani Man: 10 points
Trainer10913: 10 points
Gotta Troll Fast: 10 points
KhaosComplex: 10 points
Ubodot: 10 points
kentaroc: 10 points
Shrekle's Shekels: 10 points
Gargoyle31: 10 points
lazerbeam: 10 points
Cobalt the Master: 10 points
coldgenisis: 10 points
Dylas: 10 points
Cranham: 7 points
Champion Fizz ♫: 7 points
LordBlah: 7 points
Spieky: 7 points
Attack Order: 6 points
wontuns: 6 points
ajhockeystar: 6 points
Queez: 6 points
Pikachuun: 5 points
BetaHousing: 5 points
CactusCacti: 5 points
scotteh: 5 points
Louly Bob: 5 points
watersitfall: 5 points
Chikorita Meister: 5 points
Christato: 5 points
Feskit: 5 points
Fumduck: 5 points
High Ranger Amelia: 5 points
Lum_Beri: 5 points
Moneyminty: 5 points
FIREEEE: 5 points
barton: 5 points
flappyduck: 5 points
PokeGyarados: 5 points
Propyixie: 5 points
Suisho: 5 points
The Captain: 5 points
Whskey: 5 points
flyingclement: 5 points
JerryDaBaws: 5 points
brainiac222: 5 points
Bean: 5 points
Hairy Toenail: 4 points
offler: 3 points
Saburo: 3 points
Magnetonium: 3 points
Main Janitor: 2 points
Rextreff: 2 points
slayerx725232: 2 points
specmence: 2 points
Alexxi: 1 point
BAN FLATTER: 1 point
Cannons: 1 point
Catchy: 1 point
Dazzles: 1 point
Deluge: 1 point
Dildora: 1 point
Dragio: 1 point
Energyburst2: 1 point
Frizy: 1 point
Genital Warts: 1 point
Jaffa Ball: 1 point
Kangaaroo: 1 point
Leafeon's Wish: 1 point
Quarkiki: 1 point
ShinyEsp: 1 point
Skitty: 1 point
SlugKing: 1 point
Sound of Freedom: 1 point
TalkTakesTime: 1 point
The Devil's Son: 1 point
TheSlimmyShady: 1 point
Vgc is so fun: 1 point
Zerowaltz: 1 point
don't lose: 1 point
ghana7: 1 point
jdarden: 1 point
jester147: 1 point
making us crazy: 1 point
omgnowayitsuu: 1 point
thegreatfollower5: 1 point
ThePokemonDeoxys: 1 point
16bit: 1 point
kennysmith: 1 point
Crestfall: 1 point
Oxbridge: 1 point
Invictus Coldburn: 1 point
hiimbored123: 1 point
TalonUsesBraveBird: 1 point
tylerk1432: 1 point
Majoera: 1 point
Swirlyder: 1 point
Salmon: 1 point
M Night Shyamalan: 1 point
Smurph: 1 point
LunarSol: 1 point
alexthechud: 1 point
Zipzapadam: 1 point
ShadowCogg: 1 point
Beastlycheeze: 1 point
Zaiden: 1 point
DevilDuke: 1 point
kevinrocks: 1 point
Maximanz: 1 point
Nick Young: 1 point
FirePhoenix24: 1 point
Raymon the Mailman: 1 point
Sylennt: 1 point
AmpharosTheBeast: 1 point
heypokemon: 1 point
Lavi04: 1 point
Phantom Darknut: 1 point

Special thanks to people who've helped in the past : Level 51, The Captain, Vacate, Alter, Joim and The Immortal
The Scavengers Ladder was reset on 27/07/2014. Congratulations to The Immortal getting 1st with 1088 points, Psywaves getting 2nd with 865 points and Wan the Avatar on 3rd with 609 points!
Last edited by a moderator:
27/07/14 GMT -0

Winner of the Universe/Scavenger Hunt: Queez
Second place: AnonymouzLSB
Third place:
Consolation prize: xhiglocke, Mareep Sweep
Solution: reshirampardoshawott, yveltalonflamedichampharos, dragalgengarcaninetalespeon


1. [Gen 5 Dragon Type][Gen 4 Rock Type][Gen 5 Water Type]
2. [Gen 6 Dark Type][Gen 6 Fire Type][Gen 3 Fighting Type][Gen 2 Electric Type]
3. [Gen 6 Dragon Type][Gen 1 Poison Type][Gen 1 Fire Type][Gen 1 Fire Type][Gen 2 Psychic Type]

The theme of this hunt was portmanteaus!

I am honored to be the creator of the very first Scavenger hunt for the new ladder!
I am also grateful for the fact that this is my first real post on smogon!
27/07/14 GMT -0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Abra
Second place: Vacate
Third place: Queez
Consolation prize to: MukUsedDrillPeck, wontuns, HeracrossTheGreek, Archiac, zacjl, MooKif
Solution: staryu, registeel, 494.

(no blitz)

1. Which is the only Pokemon that learns Flash in Pokemon Ranger?
2. A doll of which Steel-type Pokemon was programmed into the games in R/S/E but unused?
3. Which user whose username consisted of only numbers was once a global driver on Pokemon Showdown?

A user unknowingly leaked the answer to Q3 in lobby when it was asked, so 3rd place and after will not recieve points :[ sorry guys. Abra and Vacate both won well before it was leaked
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Ask me whenever you want to get help with updating ladder (if I'm active because School) AND one more thing. It will be better for the newer users and a bit more informative if you took the time and added the points distribution system stuff in the OP, Darnell.

The first three people to find out the third "room" will win the prizes of 25, 10, and 5 points respectively. People who win their first, second, and third position within 60 seconds of posting the first hint will get an additional 10 blitzkrieg points. People who manage to reach the final room before spoilers are posted will earn 1 point.
28/07/14 GMT +8

Second place: Mouai.
Solution: onix, southamerica, sixthgenerationpokemonanalysesindex.
(no blitz)


which Pokemon has the highest Defence while holding an item?
country continent was mew discovered in?
Name the thread that has the most views on Smogon,


Sidestory: Hunt lasted for an hour, first finished in 45 mins, second 46mins

q1 courtesy of iloverandbats
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28/07/14 GMT -0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Lavi04
Third place: Sylennt

Consolation prize to: Spheals, TheMightyRaven, MukUsedDrillPeck, Meteordash
Solution: duosion, dragon, awifiwarstorygaspkouvsstrikejp

(no blitz)

1. Which NFE Pokemon has the highest special attack?
2. Which Pokemon type has the least non-legendary Pokemon without an evolutionary family?
3. In Smogon's Warstory Archive which warstory thread has the least replies? (Full name of the thread)
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29/07/14 GMT -0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: MukUsedDrillPeck
Second place: TheMightyRaven
Third place: Queez

Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar
Solution: claydol, delibird, cromat

(no blitz)

1. Which fully evolved Pokemon has a name that is homophonic with its species name?
2. In the updated Pokemon Ultimate Handbook which non-legendary Pokemon has a legendary-exclusive yellow glow on their namebox?
3. The invention of the famous Crocune (Calm Mind/Rest/Sleep Talk/Surf) Suicune set is credited to which Smogon user?
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30/07/14 GMT -0

Winner of the Scavenger Hunt: wontuns
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: AnthemOfTheWorld
Consolation prize: zacjl, Instant Apple Pie
Solution: bonsly, four, pokemonheroes


1. In the movie "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" which 4th gen pokemon's name is pronounced differently than in anime episodes?
2. By the end of Pokemon Adventures Chapter 9 how many badges has Silver earned?
3. In which pokemon movie did permanent death of pokemon become canon? (Full name)
30/07/14 GMT +0

Winner of the Scavenger Hunt: Catacomb
Second place: pushpaa
Third place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Consolation prize: antto, Cranham, Therazer456
Solution: p1kachul0ver12, juiceshoppe, dougjustdoug

(no blitz)

1. Which username did Electrolyte have as an example in the numbers section of his article in "The Player"
2. Which store in the main pokemon games sells soup?
3. Who entered a drawing resembling a beaver to the CAP 10 art contest
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31/07/14 GMT-4

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: xhiglocke [BLITZ]
Second place: Timbuktu [BLITZ]
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize: Queez, AnthemOfTheWorld
Solution: vanilluxe, shellos, parasect

1. Which was the last Pokemon in alphabetical order that James Turner designed?
2. Which Pokemon's Pokedex entry in the main series games consists of the least words?
3. Which Pokedex entry from Pokemon Stadium mentions the real world country of China?

I am literally so bad at this lol
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31/07/14 GMT+0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: Dylas
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: losedude, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: azurill, rufflet, fletchinder

(no blitz)

1. Which Baby Pokemon can have the highest Attack stat?
2. In Pokemon Black which Normal-type Pokemon can you not obtain a 'seen' dex entry for without trading?
3. Which Pokemon's English name would be unusable as a Pokemon name in Generation IV?
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01/08/14 GMT+8

Winner of the Scavenger Hunt: iloverandbats
Second place: I'm a Genesect (^
Third place: Aeremiah.
Solution: vitalthrow, brodie, dweedle.

(no blitz)

In generation III- this damaging move has 100% accuracy despite it cant missing
which character was disguised as Millie in the anime?
This user was awarded with the nicest user 2005 of smogon
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01/08/14 GMT+0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: AnthemOfTheWorld [BLITZ]
Second place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Third place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Consolation prize to: Catacomb, tditdatdwt, Instant Apple Pie, TheMightyRaven
Solutions: togekiss, gabite, pokemongrandcentralstation

1. Which Pokemon can learn the most never-miss moves?
2. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness which Pokemon's scales are stated to be user for curing illness?
3. Before Smogon was officially formed a user named Paperfairy suggested which name for it?
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If it's down longer than that, can I suggest rescheduling it as a double official for the next gmt+8 hunt slot since otherwise it'll start to get too late for some of the GMT+0 regs and early enough for some of the -4 regs?
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