BW RU ruGGed Mountain: A Stage 6-15 RMT



Ah, the legendary RUgged Mountain. For those of you unaware of this prestigious tournament, allow me to fill you in. RUgged Mountain was a Rarelyused tournament hosted in June 2012 by DittoCrow, where the top Rarelyused battlers at the time came together with 1 goal: to kill any civilian that attempted to climb the mountain. In order to climb the mountain and reach the pinnacle of Pokemon glory, one had to defeat all of the trainers in order with only 5 losses total. The 6th loss sent the trainer back to the beginning. Eventually, a champion emerged in shnen, who soon became a legend on Smogon. However, the mountain was still an extremely daunting challenge, and this was due to the supreme might of the first trainer: me. My team went 65-22, proving the strength of the Masters of Rarelyused. This team was so good that despite many changes within the tier, it continued to flourish for almost an entire year without any changes. Being a premier team for 10 consecutive stages in Rarelyused is no easy feat, and this team accomplished just that utilizing both Trick Room and non-Trick Room cores. Luckily for Double01, who managed to lose about 50 times in a row to this team, with UU's pillaging of Nidoqueen, the team is no longer able to function in the tier. With its days of vanquishing trainers over, I only saw it fitting to share the magnificence of this team upon the users of Smogon.

The Team:​


Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Trait: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Spore
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Whirlwind

The best lead of all time. Smeargle has the capability to put its user in a ridiculously advantageous position early on in the game, incapacitating an enemy Pokemon while setting up entry hazards. Smeargle is such a dominant lead that many Pokemon such as Kabutops and Uxie started running Lum Berry to counter it. It had that much of an impact on the RU metagame. Whirlwind is a key move on Smeargle, allowing it to phaze out opponents that try to set up on the brilliant painter. Whirlwind is especially effective in that it often can bring out a Pokemon that Smeargle can outspeed, allowing it to use Spore and set up entry hazards. Focus Sash allows it to live any one hit, and almost guarantees that Smeargle will be able to sleep something and set up a layer of Stealth Rock afterwards. Truly the greatest lead in the history of Rarelyused.


Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 HP / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Earth Power
- Shadow Ball

DramaQueen. This thing is so powerful it almost broke up the Rarelyused Community. So much hate and turmoil were caused because of this behemoth; sadly thankfully, this age is behind us now. Nidoqueen single-handedly shut down most stall teams, being able to annihilate the majority of the Pokemon with its amazing coverage and superb power. The entire tier quivered in its wake. Earth Power, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt hit almost the entire tier for super effective damage between them, with the exception of some Ghost- and Psychic-types, such as Misdreavus and Mesprit, respectively. This was where Shadow Ball came in. Nidoqueen often forwent Shadow Ball for Sludge Wave, which hits the majority of Nidoqueen's switch-ins neutrally, and eases prediction; some Nidoqueen users also ran Substitute to ease prediction. However, if one can predict well, those moves really aren't needed, allowing Shadow Ball to shine. Shadow Ball allowed Nidoqueen to hit those pesky Psychic- and Ghost-types much harder than its other coverage moves. Another noteworthy change from the standard Nidoqueen set of the time is the nature. I ran Timid Nidoqueen since it often allowed me to outrun other Nidoqueen, but also because it gave me the edge against Pokemon such as Cryogonal, which often ran enough Speed EVs to outrun Modest Nidoqueen, and Adamant Kabutops. With entry hazards up, Nidoqueen is almost unstoppable.


Absol @ Life Orb
Trait: Super Luck
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Night Slash
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower
- Magic Coat

The Killer. Absol was hardly used before the advent of RUgged Mountain, but during it, it proved how deadly it could be. After the tournament, Absol became a premier threat in the metagame, being able to sweep many teams using its vaunted Dark- / Fighting- attacking combination in tandem with its high Attack stat. Using Absol is all about prediction, and I took full advantage of this by running Magic Coat over Swords Dance. Absol was my late-game sweeper and priority user, so I often did not even need Swords Dance. Magic Coat revolves entirely around prediction, but if it is successful, it can turn a game around. I ran Magic Coat on Absol mainly because of opposing Smeargle leads. Other Smeargle users often ran Magic Coat, completely defeating my Smeargle, stopping me from setting up my own hazards, and setting up theirs. Opposing Smeargle could essentially end the game for me with 1 move. By running Magic Coat, I could completely troll Smeargle users and take the advantage. Magic Coat is also very effective against Lilligant, being able to bounce back the Sleep Powder.


Slowking @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Surf
- Fire Blast
- Psyshock
- Trick Room

OTR Cofagrigus V2. Slowking was my tank on this team, allowing me to take hits from Pokemon such as Entei without sacrificing members of my team. Slowking is the main part of my Trick Room core, and can decimate offensive. Fire Blast, Surf, and Psyshock provide amazing coverage, allowing Slowking to annihilate the majority of the tier. Fire Blast annihilates Ice- and Grass-types, while Psyshock allows Slowking to hit Fighting-types and hit opposing special walls hard. Trick Room also allows Slowking to completely mess up the opposing team by trolling the Speed Tiers. It often allows me to gain massive advantage along with Escavalier. With the help of the entry hazards Smeargle provides, Slowking can be a deadly late-game sweeper. Also, since Absol is slower than a large portion of the tier, Slowking can support that as well.


Escavalier @ Choice Band
Trait: Overcoat
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Megahorn
- Iron Head
- Return
- Pursuit

The terminator. Escavalier's power cannot be matched. STAB Megahorn and Iron Head hit the majority of the tier neutrally or super-effectively, decimating all those in its wake. Even Pokemon that resist Escavalier are often OHKO'd / 2HKO'd. Under the Trick Room provided by Slowking, Escavalier outspeeds every Pokemon in the tier, allowing it to make full use of its supreme power. This also makes it a very good late-game sweeper. Its Steel-typing and bulk also allows it to take hits from the opposition giving me another Pokemon to tank hits with; its ability, Overcoat, also makes it immune to hail. Return provides neutral coverage against Pokemon such as Entei, who resist Escavalier's STAB moves. Pursuit rounds out the set by allowing Escavalier to trap Pokemon such as Cryogonal who are completely walled.


Tauros (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naive Nature
- Rock Climb
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast

The BEAST. Tauros was a very underrated Pokemon when this team was made, but now people truly recognize its power. 110 Base Speed is nothing to scoff at, and neither is a STAB Sheer Force- and Life Orb- boosted Rock Climb. It hits the majority of the tier neutrally, meaning that they get hit extremely hard by the raw power of the move. Fire Blast is a nice surprise for Pokemon such as Ferroseed and Escavalier that think they can wall Tauros. Earthquake hits other Steel-types, as well as Nidoqueen (when it was in the tier), and is the only 100% accurate move on this set, making it a good choice for finishing off weakened opponents. Rock Slide decimates Pokemon such as Moltres. With entry hazards, Tauros is extremely difficult to stop, as it outruns the majority of the tier. Sheer Force works perfectly with this set, boosting every move with the exception of Earthquake; Sheer Force also negates the Life Orb recoil caused by all of the moves that it boosts, making it even more effective. Tauros is also physically bulky enough to take attacks such as Absol's Sucker Punch, making it almost impossible to revenge kill with priority moves.

While Nidoqueen is hard to replace, the team can still function since the rest of the team is still intact. Suggestions to replace this behemoth are always welcome people :)

Threat List:​
Sceptile: Lol. Sceptile rapes this team. I often have to switch around to try and find out if it runs Hidden Power Fire or Hidden Power Rock; if it carries HP Rock, it is much easier to kill. However, it can still be a challenge. If it runs Hidden Power Fire, I often have to sacrifice Pokemon and try and set up Trick Room late-game to try and win it. Probably the biggest threat.

Lilligant: This thing is also a major pain. This basically comes down to prediction with Magic Bounce and whether or not they run Hidden Power Fire or Hidden Power Rock. Predicting wrong with Magic Bounce (or using it when they miss Sleep Powder), can often spell doom for this team. It is definitely a major threat.

Nidoqueen: lol.
Magic coat absol screwed me over so badly :(

Yeah so you could possibly use a Fire type over nidoqueen? Emboar could work.. a choice scarf set deals with sceptile and lilligant really well, and can still really threaten stuff like spiritomb. Nothing really fits nidoqueens place tbh, but if you dont like emboar entei could possibly work as well, but the SR weakness means it cant switch in and out as freely. Restalk roar entei can rack up hazard damage and deal with grass types really well though. Toxic spikes really screw the team over then, but thankfully theyre rare and you can play around with magic coat, spore, and sheer offensive pressure.

The teams basically flawless obviously but either scarf emboar or restalk roar entei should br able to keep it usable :) congrats on the success with it man. How did shnen beat you?
I think Mixed Druddigon makes a lot of sense in the place of Absol to cover your weakness to Lilligant and Sceptile, while still offering a powerful Sucker Punch, perfect coverage, and wall breaking capabilities. It gives you quite a bit of extra bulk because you're trading the super frail Absol away for a decently bulky Pokemon with great defensive typing. It also gives you another viable SR user if you want to drop EQ or Flamethrower, so then you could go with your own Magic Coat Smeargle to still beat Smeargle, but its really a shame to drop both coverage moves on Drudd and take SR off Smeargle just to beat opposing Smeargles :/.

Now I'm basically just going to spout off potential ideas to replace Nidoqueen that all do different things (nothing really does what Nidoqueen did) and you might test:

1. Flare Blitz / Stone Edge / ESpeed / Sleep Talk Entei with Leftovers is a nice general check to most things Queen did with solid bulk and powerful attacks. It also means you could avoid doing all those shenanigans with Smeargle and Drudd just so you beat other Smeargle because Attack + Sleep Talk'd attack KO's Smeargle no problem. The weakness to Aggron really puts me off to this change though because of no Rock resist.

2. SD Lum Gallade seems cool to beat Smeargle and massacre stall teams. It has enough special bulk to check things if needed and pounds Rock types still. Even against balance, Gallade and Escavalier should beat down pretty much all physical walls so Tauros has a clean run through the opposing team.

3. RD Seismitoad is a bit out of left field, and doesn't beat Smeargle, but brings most of the same things to the table as Nidoqueen typing wise, and together with Druddigon means you have Electrics covered without problems. It really cant break stall sadly, but beats down offense pretty handily. To break stall if you went with this you might go NP over Fire Blast on Slowking. It and Escavalier both appreciate Rain as a bonus.

I had too many ideas in my head and thought I'd throw them all out there. Gallade seems like the best replacement in my opinion.

Finally, I don't really get how Smeargle works without a Ghost as a backup vs Cyrogonal with Explosion, or any other spinner without it. I would consider putting Explosion on it over Whirlwind.

Great team!
Actually, we were talking about this team last night, and Honko suggested that Druddigon would be a good replacement for Nidoqueen. It not only checks Electric-types like Nidoqueen, but also Grass-types that troubles this team, not to mention it packs a lot of punch with its Life Orb or CB set.
I'm thinking CB Entei with Sleep Talk could work really well to counter Lilligant and Sceptile that aren't running HP Rock. Sleep Talk allows Entei to switch into Lilligant, absorb the Sleep Powder, and still go on a rampage and kill stuff.
Even if Sceptile does carry HP Rock, Entei can survive and have a high chance to KO factoring in SR, 1 layer of Spikes, and the LO damage Sceptile took from attacking.
252 SpA Life Orb Sceptile Hidden Power Rock vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Entei: 218-257 (58.76 - 69.27%) -- guaranteed 2HKO still just a 2HKO with SR up

252+ Atk Choice Band Entei ExtremeSpeed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Sceptile: 186-219 (66.19 - 77.93%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

CB Entei doesn't do the job that Nidoqueen did, but it is still a very capable attacker. It patches up your weaknesses to two of the premier Grass types in the tier.

Hope I helped! :nerd:

Edit: I just saw all of the other Enteis suggested. Derp.
This is an amazing team man, there isn't much anybody can suggest that would make it even better. I just have a very small nitpick which is to change Pursuit or Return on Escavalier for Sleep Talk. This is because you don't really have a sleep fodder on your team and it's nice to have a Pokemon asleep still hitting hard as shit.

Great team man, Luvdic'd :]
Hello ShakeItUp!

I would say this Team is "Good" or "Great" like I do the with every other person but evidently, you aren't just some person. Only a genius could have come up with something such as this, and only a brave one would have the guts to use.... What was that? Magic Coat Absol?

However "no team is without it's Weaknesses" and this Team is no exception. You mentioned above the Threats to this Team, and I just so happened to see that both happen to be Grass Type. That being said, with the suggestions of a Sleep Talk Fire Type in either Emboar or Entei, you could also add a Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability in the place of Tauros:

Miltank- Miltank is one of the Pokemon with the Sap Sipper Ability that could possibly replace your Tauros. Although it lacks access to a Special Fire Attack, he has a decent powered Fire Punch that still gets the job done just fine. Lets compare the power of Miltank's Double-Edge to the Double-Edge of Tauros:

Tauros V.S. Lilligant

252Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Tauros (Neutral) Double-Edge vs 4HP/0Def Leftovers Lilligant (Neutral): 95% - 113% (270 - 319 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 75% chance to OHKO.

Lilligant V.S. Miltank (Sap Sipper Activated)

252Atk Life Orb +1 Miltank (Neutral) Double-Edge vs 4HP/0Def Leftovers Lilligant (Neutral): 124% - 146% (351 - 412 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.

Tauros is naturally stronger than Miltank without it's Sap Sipper boost, although both KO. However, when absorbing a Grass Type Move from, say, Lilligant or Sceptile, two threats to your Team, Miltank becomes the stronger option in the long run. Here is the suggested Sets:

Miltank @ Life Orb
Trait: Sap Sipper
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Double-Edge/Return
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- Milk Drink

An underestimated Miltank Set that is surprisingly pretty damn Fast, able to outspeed Pokemon below the Base 100's. With it's Natural Bulk, it can also eat a Focus Miss (Blast) from Sceptile or a Hidden Power [Rock] from Lilligant much better than Tauros can, while also gaining access to recovery from LO recoil in Milk Drink.
This team is almost as gay as you but it looks nice,

I think for a Nidoqueen replacement, you could maybe try Life Orb Clefable, it gets some pretty nice coverage like Nidoqueen did and can still wreck shit with Fire Attacks. Another possible replacement would be the LO Sigilyph that's all the rage nowadays, I'm pretty sure that it hits just as hard as Nidoqueen+its faster. Actually yeah only second thought Sigilyph is probably better since one nice thing about Nider is that it can take on/beat down Misdreavus which is usually one of the Pokemon you kinda need to kill since Absol doesn't really have the safest switch so go Sigilyph bc he owns. I guess you are a bit more Escav weak w/o Nido though so maybe go to like Moltres or something; since he has a lot of offensive presence like Sigilyph and Nido. Anyways its a good team although its 6-0d by DD Crawdaunt :O

sad to see nider go after all this long, such a controversial pkmn,,good thing theres not a pokemon that powerful in ou that can 2hko everything with sheer force once it switches in, that would be really bad!!