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Rotom-H (QC 2/2) [GP 2/2]


Losing my way to Victory
is a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnus
Rotom-Heat has unique Electric and Fire typing, which is especially valuable when teambuilding because of Rotom-Heat's ability Levitate. Whereas normally Fire and Electric types add Ground weaknesses to your team, Rotom-Heat is immune to Ground attacks and can really help finish off your type chart. It has decent versatility with EV spreads and can run both supportive sets and offensive sets pretty well, although the fact that it's only Fire STAB is Overheat does put something of a damper on things. Furthermore, while the EVs can vary quite a lot to fit your specific team, the actual moves that Rotom-Heat will be running are extremely predictable. It is also weak to the relatively common Rain Archetype and the ever present Rock Slide, both of which limit it's effectiveness.

Name: Offensive
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
Item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
EVs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe



Overheat is a nuke that's amazing for getting KOs onto bulky Steel types like Mega-Mawile, Mega-Metagross, Aegislash and the less bulky Bisharp. Thunderbolt acts as a consistent and still relatively powerful Electric STAB, while Hidden Power Ice allows you to OHKO 4 HP Mega-Salamence and the standard Choice Scarf Landorus-Therian. Protect is a VGC staple, and it can do wonder's for Rotom-Heat's staying power on the field when it's using an Expert Belt. On the other hand, Choice Scarf sets can opt for Volt Switch to gain momentum and escape Shadow Tag abuse teams.

Set Details

The Speed EVs let you hit a stat of 124, which outspeeds Adamant Bisharp by 2 points; catching some Heatran and Arcanine that only outspeed Bisharp by a single point. With the Expert Belt, the Special Attack EVs allow you to net OHKOes on pretty much everything weak to Rotom-Heat's STABs, however it can still struggle to deal damage to neutral targets. When using the Choice Scarf, you sacrifice a decent chunk of power and the OHKOes that the extra power brings; save Bisharp you lose out on KO against every notable Steel type with Overheat. HP Ice still has a chance to OHKO no-bulk Landorus-Therian, however you still underspeed it unless you run Timid in which case you have no chance to KO. On the bright side Rotom-Heat's Electric type does prevent you from being paralized and losing the Choice Scarf speed boost, so that's something. The remaining EVs were just dumped into HP to generally maximize bulk.

Usage Tips

Offensive Rotom-Heat appreciates speed control so it can move before threats like Landorus-T and OHKO them, assuming it has HP Ice. Rotom-H also appreciates having good switching partners as Overheat leaves it spent on the field and, with a fully offensive moveset, leaving it out will result in it being KOed or a severe loss of momentum. Remember, switch ins will need to be bulky enough to take a hit to be effective. In terms of using Rotom-Heat itself, it is often a good Pokemon to conserve as opponents will sometimes try to keep Pokemon like Ferrothron or Aegislash alive on their side of the field as win conditions; when facing either of those Pokemon be sure to keep your Rotom-Heat alive.

Name: Bulky Support
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Will-O-Wisp
Move 4: Protect / Thunder Wave
Item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 12 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe


While not as powerful as the Offensive Rotom-Heat set, Overheat still deals massive super effective damage to targets even if it misses the KOes from full HP. Thunderbolt is the same strong secondary STAB as in the offensive set, and Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter the physical attackers of the metagame and to prolong Rotom's lifespan by Burning opponents. Protect can increase Rotom's surviviability further while Thunder Wave can allow it to support your team even more with speed control.

Set Details

This Rotom-Heat can survive a Double Edge from Jolly Kangaskhan without a Sitrus Berry and one from Adamant Kangaskhan with the Sitrus Berry. It has a 15/16 chance to take Draco Metoers from Choice Specs Modest Hydreigon running max Special Attack and Rock Slide from 252 Adamant Landorus-Therian is always a 3HKO, not counting Sitrus recovery. The remaining EVs where simply placed in Special Attack for slightly more Overheat damage with the scraps thrown into Speed.

Usage Tips

Supportive Rotom-Heat should be mainly used to disrupt the opponent and burn switches (literally). It can chip things with Thunderbolt, though the only KOs you should really be trying to get from it for are on Pokemon weak to it's STABs. It can make a good switch in, especially by making use of Levitate and it's several resistances but it suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off an Overheat. Even at -2 Special Attack, though, it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team.

Team Options

Both Gastrodon and Swampert make good partners with Rotom-H as they provide complimentary defensive and offensive synergy. Additionally, Gastrodon offers Storm Drain while Swampert has Wide Guard, and both of them can be used to mitigate Rotom-Heat's weaknesses in the form of Water moves and Rock Slide respectively. Terrakion makes a good partner for Rotom-Heat as it can remove threats like Kangaskhan and opposing Terrakion while receiving support from Rotom-Heat which can deal with Pokemon like Amoonguss that would threaten it otherwise. Landorus-Therian is another good partner as it can Intimidate threats to Rotom-Heat and is able to Earthquake freely next to the floating oven. Together they have good offensive and defensive synergy, sans bulky waters which destroy both.


Other Options

Rotom-H can run truly offensive Life Orb or Choice Specs sets, which are helped out by it's powerful STAB coverage. However, Rotom-H still finds itself outspeed by too much of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time.

Hidden Power Grass is usable on teams that are particularly weak to opposing Swampert and Gastrodon, although even with HP Grass Rotom-H doesn't check them terribly well.

Confuse Ray can be used over Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave as a support move. Notably, it has perfect accuracy and can affect all types unlike Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave, but it also lacks the attack and speed decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves.

Checks and Counters

While Amoonguss might not pose much of a threat to Rotom-H, Clefairy and Clefable can be quite terrifying for Rotom-H. Both of the Fairies can redirect Rotom-H's attacks, take minimal damage, and allow a partner to get up to sweep.

**Mega-Kangaskhan**: Rotom-H simply struggles to deal with the massive damage output of Mega-Kangaskahn. Even if Rotom-H manages to Will-O-Wisp it, Kangaskhan is still capable of returning it's attack to neutral with Power-Up-Punch.

**Rain**: Although Rotom-H has Electric type STAB to hit Politoed and other Pokemon that dwell in the Rain, it simply can't deal with Rain boosted Water type STAB attacks. The fact that Ludicolo and Kingdra also always outspeed it thanks to Swift Swim is just salt in the wound.

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but the always deal massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H so you also have to worry about the flinch chance.


  • Good offensive coverage with Fire/Electric STAB
  • Makes amazing use of Levitate to provide it's STABs without the Ground weaknesses that normally accompany them
  • Has decent versatility with EVs being able to run both bulky supportive sets and offensive variants
  • Weak to Rock Slide and Rain
  • Only Fire STAB is Overheat, forcing you to lower your SpA
  • Actual moves are extremely predictable

Name: Offensive
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
Item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
EVs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe


  • Overheat with the SpA investment and Expert Belt kills most steel types like Mega-Mawile, Mega-Metagross, standard Aegislash-Shield and the aforementioned Bisharp
  • Thunderbolt acts as a strong Electric STAB
  • Hidden Power Ice can OHKO 4 HP Mega-Salamence and standard Choice Scarf Landorus-Therian.
  • Protect can extend Rotom's lifespan while Volt Switch allows you to swap out for a more favorable matchup
Set Details

  • The EVs allow you to outspeed Bisharp by 2 points, creeping some Heatran and Arcanine
  • The SpA combined with Expert Belt allows you to get all needed OHKOes of targets weak to Rotom's STABs, however it does struggle against neutral targets
  • Choice Scarf gives you extra speed, and because of Rotom-H's Electric typing you don't need to worry about being paralyzed, however it costs you almost all of your KOs (excluding Bisharp). You still retain a chance to OHKO no-bulk Landorus-T (69%), however you have to risk a Rock Slide flinch to even try for the OHKO roll on Scarf variants (Timid fixes that, but then you don't KO Lando-T ever baring a critical hit, and your damage output is even worse)
  • The rest of the EVs were simply dumped into HP

Usage Tips

  • Although it outspeeds Bisharp, Offensive Rotom-H appreciates speed control so it can move before threats like Landorus-T and OHKO them assuming it has HP Ice
  • Rotom-H also appreciates having good switching partners as Overheat leaves it spent on the field and with a full offensive moveset leaving it out will result in it being KOed or a severe loss of momentum. Remember, switch ins will need to be bulky enough to take a hit to be effective.
  • Rotom is often a good Pokemon to conserve as opponents will sometimes try to keep Pokemon like Ferrothron or Aegislash alive on their side of the field as win conditions; when facing either of those Pokemon be sure to keep your Rotom alive
Name: Bulky Support
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Will-O-Wisp
Move 4: Protect / Thunder Wave
Item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 12 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe


  • Overheat still deals massive super effective damage to targets, however it doesn't get KOs from full HP
  • Thunderbolt is the same strong secondary STAB as in the offensive set
  • Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter the physical attackers of the metagame and to prolong Rotom's lifespan by Burning opponents
  • Protect can increase Rotom's surviviability further, while Thunder Wave can allow it to support your team even more with speed control
Set Details

  • This Rotom can take Double Edge from Jolly Kang without Sitrus Berry and one from Adamant Kang with it
  • Has a 15/16 chance to take Draco Metoers from Specs Modest Hydreigon running max special attack
  • Rock Slide from 252 Adamant Landorus-Therian is always a 3HKO, not counting Sitrus recovery
  • Remaining EVs simply placed in SpA for slightly more Overheat damage with the scraps thrown into speed

Usage Tips

  • Should be mainly used to disrupt the opponent and burn switches (literally)
  • It can chip things with Thunderbolt; the only KOs you should really be trying to get from it for are on Pokemon weak to it's STABs
  • Can make a good switch in, especially by making use of Levitate and it's several resistances
  • Also suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off an Overheat, although it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team

Team Options

  • Both Gastrodon and Swampert make good partners with Rotom-H as they provide complimentary defensive and offensive synergy. Gastrodon also offers Storm Drain while Swampert has Wide Guard.
  • Terrakion makes a good partner as it can remove threats like Kangaskhan and opposing Terrakion while receiving support from Rotom-H which can deal with Pokemon like Amoonguss that would threaten it otherwise.
  • Landorus-Therian can Intimidate threats to Rotom-H and is able to Earthquake freely next to the floating oven. They have good offensive and defensive synergy sans bulky waters which destroy both.

Other Options

Rotom-H can run truly offensive Life Orb or Choice Specs sets, which are helped out by it's powerful STAB coverage. However, Rotom-H still finds itself outspeed by too much of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time.

Hidden Power Grass is usable on teams that are particularly weak to opposing Swampert and Gastrodon, although even with HP Grass Rotom-H doesn't check them terribly well.

Confuse Ray can be used over Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave as a support move. Notably, it has perfect accuracy and can affect all types unlike Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave, but it also lacks the attack and speed decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves.

Checks and Counters

While Amoonguss might not pose much of a threat to Rotom-H, Clefairy and Clefable can be quite terrifying for Rotom-H. Both of the Fairies can redirect Rotom-H's attacks, take minimal damage, and allow a partner to get up to sweep.
**Mega-Kangaskhan**: Rotom-H simply struggles to deal with the massive damage output of Mega-Kangaskahn. Even if Rotom-H manages to Will-O-Wisp it, Kangaskhan is still capable of returning it's attack to neutral with Power-Up-Punch.

**Rain**: Although Rotom-H has Electric type STAB to hit Politoed and other Pokemon that dwell in the Rain, it simply can't deal with Rain boosted Water type STAB attacks. The fact that Ludicolo and Kingdra also always outspeed it thanks to Swift Swim is just salt in the wound.

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but the always deal massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H so you also have to worry about the flinch chance.
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I wouldnt mention Mega Kanga as counter/check. It totally hates Will O Wisp, and cant OHKO back, even without burn. Also only 1/4 of Kangas run Power-Up Punch.
this is pretty good, but i'd like to see an offensive rotom-h, and probably as the first set. something like:

Name: Offensive
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
Item: Life Orb / Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest / Timid
EVs: uh, probably outspeed bisharp and/or smeargle, max spa and rest in hp?

you can probably split it into 2 sets, though. basically as a bulky fire type we have better options now (heatran/entei/arcanine) so rotom-h's big selling point nowadays is its excellent offensive typing. hp ice might not OHKO stuff at full health, but get a little chip damage on them (at least 10%... not too hard, right?) and you can check megamence and maybe landog (flinches). i'd write more but i just got back from regs and don't feel like writing too much but i wanted to make sure you didn't feel ignored. choice specs rotom isn't a terrible idea either, but i'm not too sure about it based on past experience with specs rotom-w.
I'd also like to see Offensive Rotom-H as the main set and a bulkier set listed second since we have so many other fat fire types around and they can use consecutive Fire moves. I'm not fully convinced on Life Orb Rotom-H since its solid bulk and plentiful resistances are a big draw of it imo so I guess Expert Belt with Choice Specs / Scarf sound good as items. I'd also like to see the bulkier set get a bit bulkier if we're going to have it for extra time spreading WoW and trading with other Fire-types. I'll swoop back in for a QC set once an offensive set's live.
TheMantyke, perfect timing; I had intended to update this today. Still uncertain about the format or what to do next, but the post has been updated. There are now two different Rotom-H sets, one extremely offensive and the other very defensive. Sorry about the wait, things have been a bit hectic with me in between finals and some sketchy Wi-Fi, but finals are done now and Wi-Fi's getting better, so you shouldn't have to wait like this again.

. . .

So, what do I do now? Wait for QC?
I believe Protect should be slashed over Volt Switch on the main set if Expert Belt is your item of choice. Rotom-H definitely appreciates being able to avoid any extra chip damage from Fake Outs and just being KO'd in general.

Otherwise this looks solid, QC 1/2!
i dont understand the aversion to choice scarf. it looks like the main set could have scarf slashed, but it isn't. also hp grass is complete garbage. the bulky support set is outclassed by basically every other notable fire type. if anything stuff like sitrus and saftey goggles should be in the additional comments of the first set. and wowing/twaving rotom-h is outdated anyway.
lucariojr, for Scarf sets they simply suffer from lacking power and the set ruins Rotom's natural bulk. I mean, HP Ice can't even OHKO Lando-T, let alone Salamence when Rotom is Timid in order to actually outspeed them. I don't disagree about HP Grass, however it can be a very valuable tech. Perhaps it is better placed in the additional comments though, which is a change I'll make. As for Rotom-H being outclassed as a supportive Fire type, I have to heavily disagree. Rotom is one of a grand total of two non-Mega Fire types that isn't weak to Ground type, the other one being Volcarona which is pretty lacking in defense. It'd unique typing coverage and natural bulk are all reasons to chose it over alternatives like Arcanine. It may not be for every team, but that doesn't mean that it's as outclassed as you seem to think. (Out of curiosity, did you want me to remove the whole set because you don't feel it's good?) Finally, while Thunder Wave/W-o-W Rotom-H is rarer now, it HAS seen success this year (most notably with amr97's 3rd place finish at Virginia Regionals). Hopefully, that addresses all of your issues, and I'll start making changes. If you could mention specific changes you would like to see it would be helpful.
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Serapis ik this is really old and idk if you still want to work on this but I really want a rotom-h analysis on-site, since its one of the last top-priority pokemon

Slash Volt Switch with Protect instead of HP Ice on the first set, because atm you have Choice Scarf listed as an option but Protect on the set without any slashes.

Volt Switch is also listed in OO, remove it from either the set or OO. And remove HP Ice from OO, since its in the first set. Scarf is mentioned in moves instead of set details.

In usage tips on the first set, where you mention having good switch partners, add the fact that they need to be bulky to survive the incoming hit. In set details for the set, specify that outrunning bisharp by 2 points lets you outpace most Arcanine and Heatran because they are often EV'd to outspeed Bisharp by one point.

Otherwise this looks good, I'll stamp it when you make these changes
Ksh13 I made all of those changes except for the last one about outspeeding Arcanine and Heatran with 140 speed EVs because I already had that. Of course, that has changed now somewhat since the advent of Assault Vest Landorus has promoted a strong rise in Timid Arcanine so that you can Will-O-Wisp it before it can move, so it might be wise to remove or edit that section to reflect that. I personally would, but since you wanted me to say what I'm currently saying, I'm just bringing it to your attention.

Also, thanks for being the person to finally get back to me on this.
I mean tbh do whatever you want with that section, I don't mind that much if you remove it, I'll let it be your decision.


once you do something (or nothing) about that, qc 2/2 :)
The Offensive set's EVs don't take into account Hidden Power Ice IVs (30 Attack and Defense by default on Showdown), which means the 4 EVs in Defense aren't contributing any stats. The spread with the greatest overall bulk when taking this into consideration is simply 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe.
Definitely mention Fake Out users in TO for the offensive set because Rotom greatly appreciates the extra chip damage and flinches to help it get things into KO range safely.
Addition [AP] = Add Period | [AC] = Add Comma.
Removal [RP] = Remove Period | [RC] = Remove Comma.

Tagging Snobalt to check me so this AM check can become official. I'm still learning. Remember this is an amateur check, and is not official until approved and checked by a GP member. Feel free to use my changes, however!

Rotom-Heat has unique Electric and Fire typing, which is especially valuable when teambuilding because of Rotom-Heat's ability Levitate. Whereas normally Fire Fire- and Electric types Electric-types add Ground weaknesses to your team, Rotom-Heat is immune to Ground attacks and can really help finish off your type chart. It has decent versatility with EV spreads and can run both supportive sets and offensive sets pretty well, although the fact that it's its only Fire STAB move is Overheat does put something of a damper on things. Furthermore, while the EVs can vary quite a lot to fit your specific team, the actual moves that Rotom-Heat will be running are extremely predictable. It is also weak to the relatively common Rain Archetype and the ever present Rock Slide, both of which limit it's its effectiveness.

Name: Offensive
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
Item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
EVs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe



Overheat is a nuke that's amazing for getting KOs onto bulky Steel types Steel-types like Mega-Mawile Mega Mawile, Mega-Metagross Mega Metagross, Aegislash,[AC] and the less bulky Bisharp. Thunderbolt acts as a consistent and still relatively powerful Electric STAB move, while Hidden Power Ice allows you to OHKO 4 HP Mega-Salamence and the standard Choice Scarf Landorus-Therian Landorus-T. Protect is a VGC staple, and it can do wonder's wonders for Rotom-Heat's staying power on the field when it's using an Expert Belt. On the other hand, Choice Scarf sets can opt for Volt Switch to gain momentum and escape Shadow Tag abuse teams.

Set Details

The Speed EVs let you hit a stat of 124, which outspeeds Adamant Bisharp by 2 points; catching some and outpacing Heatran and Arcanine that only outspeed Bisharp by a single point. With the Expert Belt, the Special Attack EVs allow you to net OHKOes OHKOs on pretty much everything weak to Rotom-Heat's STAB moves, however it can still struggle to deal damage to neutral targets. When using the Choice Scarf, you sacrifice a decent chunk of power and the OHKOes OHKOs that the extra power brings; save Bisharp you lose out on KO against every notable Steel type Steel-type with Overheat. HP Hidden Power Ice still has a chance to OHKO no-bulk Landorus-Therian, however you still underspeed it unless you run Timid nature in which case you have no chance to KO. On the bright side Rotom-Heat's Electric type Electric-type does prevent you from being paralized paralyzed and losing the Choice Scarf speed boost, so that's something. The remaining EVs were just dumped into HP to generally maximize bulk.

Usage Tips

Offensive Rotom-Heat appreciates speed control so it can move before threats like Landorus-T and OHKO them, assuming it has HP Hidden Power Ice. Rotom-H also appreciates having good switching partners as Overheat leaves it spent on the field and, with a fully offensive moveset, leaving it out will result in it being KOed or a severe loss of momentum. Remember, switch ins switch-ins will need to be bulky enough to take a hit to be effective. In terms of using Rotom-Heat itself, it is often a good Pokemon to conserve as opponents will sometimes try to keep Pokemon like Ferrothron Ferrothorn or Aegislash alive on their side of the field as win conditions; when facing either of those Pokemon be sure to keep your Rotom-Heat alive.

Name: Bulky Support
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Will-O-Wisp
Move 4: Protect / Thunder Wave
Item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 12 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe


[Added an enter here, following the formatting it seemed as though it needed one here.]
While not as powerful as the Offensive offensive Rotom-Heat set, Overheat still deals massive super effective damage to targets and may kill even if it misses the KOes from full HP. Thunderbolt is the same strong secondary STAB move as in the offensive set, and Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter [Lol? I LOVE this word. Not changing it. XD] the physical attackers of the metagame,[AC] and to prolong Rotom-H's lifespan by Burning burning opponents. Protect can increase Rotom's surviviability longevity further while Thunder Wave can allow it to support your team even more with speed control.
Set Details

This Rotom-Heat can survive a Double Edge from Jolly Kangaskhan without a Sitrus Berry and one from Adamant Kangaskhan with the Sitrus Berry. It has a 15/16 chance to take Draco Metoers from Choice Specs Modest Hydreigon running max Special Attack and Rock Slide from 252 EV Adamant Landorus-Therian is always a 3HKO, not counting Sitrus Berry recovery. The remaining EVs where were simply placed in Special Attack for slightly more Overheat damage with the scraps thrown into Speed.
Usage Tips

Supportive Rotom-Heat should be mainly used to disrupt the opponent and burn switches (literally). It can chip things with Thunderbolt, though the only KOs you should really be trying to get from it for are on Pokemon weak to it's its STAB moves. It can make a good switch in switch-in, especially by making use of Levitate and it's its several resistances but it suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off using an Overheat. Even at -2 Special Attack, though, it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team.
Team Options
Both Gastrodon and Swampert make good partners with Rotom-H as they provide complimentary defensive and offensive synergy. Additionally, Gastrodon offers Storm Drain while Swampert has Wide Guard, and both of them can be used to mitigate Rotom-Heat's weaknesses in the form of Water moves and Rock Slide respectively. Terrakion makes a good partner for Rotom-Heat as it can remove threats like Kangaskhan and opposing Terrakion while receiving support from Rotom-Heat which can deal with Pokemon like Amoonguss that would threaten it otherwise. Landorus-Therian is another good partner as it can Intimidate threats to Rotom-Heat and is able to Earthquake freely next to the floating oven [LOL? I'm not sure if you can keep this, but Snobalt will remove it for me if so. WTF. This analysis is making me giggle.]. Together they have good offensive and defensive synergy, sans bulky waters which destroy both.

Other Options

Rotom-H can run truly offensive Life Orb or Choice Specs sets, which are helped out by it's its powerful STAB move coverage. However, Rotom-H still finds itself outspeed by too much outsped by a majority of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time.

Hidden Power Grass is usable on teams that are particularly weak to opposing Swampert and Gastrodon, although even with HP Hidden Power Grass Rotom-H doesn't check them terribly well.

Confuse Ray can be used over Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave as a support move. Notably, it has perfect accuracy and can affect all types unlike Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave, but it also lacks the attack Attack and speed Speed decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves.

Checks and Counters

While Amoonguss might not pose much of a threat to Rotom-H, Clefairy and Clefable can be quite terrifying for Rotom-H. Both of the Fairies can redirect Rotom-H's attacks, take minimal damage, and allow a partner to get up to sweep.

**Mega-Kangaskhan**: Rotom-H simply struggles to deal with the massive damage output of Mega-Kangaskahn. Even if Rotom-H manages to Will-O-Wisp it, Kangaskhan is still capable of returning it's attack its Attack to neutral with Power-Up-Punch.

**Rain**: Although Rotom-H has Electric type STAB Electric-type STAB moves to hit Politoed and other Pokemon that dwell in the Rain, it simply can't deal with Rain rain boosted Water type Water-type STAB attacks. The fact that Ludicolo and Kingdra also always outspeed it thanks to Swift Swim is just salt in the wound. Ludicolo and Kingdra also outspeed Rotom-H in the rain thanks to Swift Swim.

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but the always deal will take massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H so you also have to worry about the flinch chance.

Few notes here for your next work:

  1. Using "it's" is like saying "it is". "Its" is the correct usage if you're implying it's possessive. Example: "It's cold outside." Example: "Latias has Draco Meteor. Its Special Attack makes this move hit for massive damage."
  2. Always use "-type" when using "Steel-type" or "Fire- and Water-types". The exception to this would be when using "Fire typing".
  3. When using "STAB", you want to follow it with "move". Words from my teacher, Snobalt. I had to learn this too. ;_;
    1. "STAB moves;" NEVER just STAB.
That should cover the major ones. Good luck with this analysis and I hope to see you again soon! It was a pleasure.
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oh god this is old

GP 1/2 Serapis
don't use double spaces after periods
implement by hitting the Reply button, removing the pink, reading the green and removing it, and unformatting the blue with the Tx button next to bold/italics/underline.

also was a little confused about Set Details in the first set--

[2:42:25 AM] plumb: timid 140 spe rotom = 136 Speed
adamant max speed lando-t = 143 Speed
[2:42:42 AM] plumb: (no need to do x1,5 for scarf because those cancel each other out anyways)

[2:44:00 AM] plumb: so that would imply lando-t doesn't run max speed, which contradicts with "no-bulk"
[2:44:14 AM] plumb: so that implies timid nature with more than 140 spe evs
[2:44:30 AM] plumb: because timid max is 151
[2:44:46 AM] plumb: so just have him clarify that additional speed investment is required and yay

[2:46:04 AM] pluviometer: ;;;;;
[2:46:09 AM] pluviometer: can i just cp what you just said
[2:46:23 AM] pluviometer: regarding the no bulk stuff
[2:46:29 AM] plumb: yeah sure

lemme know if you have questions.
Rotom-Heat has a unique Electric / Fire typing, which is especially valuable when teambuilding because of its Rotom-Heat's ability Levitate negating its 4x Ground weakness. Whereas normally Fire and Electric types add Ground weaknesses to your team, Rotom-Heat is immune to Ground attacks and can really help finish off your type chart. (sorta informal and fluffy besides) It has decent versatility with EV spreads and can run both supportive sets and offensive sets pretty well, although the fact that it's its only Fire-type STAB move is Overheat does put something of a damper on things. (this is also kind of informal sounding but i'll leave it up to the second checker) Furthermore, while the Rotom-H's EVs can vary quite a lot to fit your specific team, the actual moves that Rotom-Heat will be running are extremely predictable. It is also weak to the relatively common rain archetype and the ever-present Rock Slide, both of which limit it's its effectiveness.

[Rotom-H] [SET] (name/move/item/etc should all be lowercase)
ame: Offensive
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Modest
evs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe


Overheat is a nuke that's amazing for KOing getting KOs onto bulky Steel-types like Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, and Aegislash and the less bulky Bisharp. Thunderbolt acts as a consistent and still relatively powerful Electric-type STAB move, while Hidden Power Ice allows you Rotom-H to OHKO 4 HP Mega Salamence and the standard Choice Scarf Landorus-Therian. Protect is a VGC staple, and it can do wonders for Rotom-Heat's staying power on the field when it's using an Expert Belt. On the other hand, Choice Scarf sets can opt for Volt Switch to gain momentum and escape Shadow Tag abuse teams.

Set Details
The Speed EVs let Rotom-H you hit a stat of 124, which outspeeds Adamant Bisharp by 2 points; catching and some Heatran and Arcanine that only outspeed Bisharp by a single point. With the Expert Belt, the Special Attack EVs allow Rotom-H you to net OHKOes on pretty much everything weak to its Rotom-Heat's STAB moves; (ASC) however, (AC) it can still struggle to deal damage to neutral targets. When using the Choice Scarf, you sacrifice a decent chunk of power and thus some the OHKOes that the extra power brings; save Bisharp, (AC) you lose out on the KO against every notable Steel-type with Overheat. HP Hidden Power Ice still has a chance to OHKO no-bulk uninvested Landorus-Therian, however you still but Rotom-H will underspeed it unless you running Timid, (AC) in which case it has you have no chance to KO. On the bright side, (AC) Rotom-Heat's Electric typing does prevent it you from being paralyzed and losing the Choice Scarf Speed boost, so that's something. The remaining EVs were just are dumped into HP to generally maximize bulk.

Usage Tips
Offensive Rotom-Heat appreciates speed control so it can move before threats like Landorus-T and OHKO them, assuming it has HP Hidden Power Ice. Rotom-H also appreciates having good switching partners, (AC) as Overheat leaves it spent on the field and, with a fully offensive moveset, leaving it out will result in it being KOed or a severe loss of momentum. Remember, switch-ins will need to be bulky enough to take a hit to be effective. (this seems kind of obvious) In terms of using Rotom-Heat itself, it is often a good Pokemon to conserve, (AC) as opponents will sometimes try to keep Pokemon like Ferrothorn and or Aegislash alive on their side of the field as win conditions wincons; when facing either of those Pokemon be sure to keep your Rotom-Heat alive.

(where is Team Options for the Offensive set?)

[Rotom-H] [SET]
(make these all lowercase) n
ame: Bulky Support
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat (you talk about Overheat first and Thunderbolt second in Moves, but it's the other way around on the set. change them to match)
Move 3: Will-O-Wisp
Move 4: Protect / Thunder Wave
Item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 12 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe


While not as powerful as that of the offensive Rotom-Heat set, Overheat still deals massive super effective damage to targets even if it misses the KOes from full HP. Thunderbolt is a reliable is the same strong secondary STAB move as in the offensive set, and Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter the physical attackers of the metagame and to prolong Rotom-H's lifespan by Burning opponents. Protect can increase Rotom's surviviability longevity further, (AC) while Thunder Wave can allow it to support your team even more with speed control.

Set Details
This Rotom-Heat can survive a Double-Edge from Jolly Kangaskhan without a Sitrus Berry and one from Adamant Kangaskhan with the Sitrus Berry. It has a 15/16 chance to take Draco Meteors (multiple? how many? if just one, then make that Meteor) from Choice Specs Modest Hydreigon running maximum Special Attack, (AC) and Rock Slide from 252 Atk Adamant Landorus-Therian is always a 3HKO, not counting Sitrus Berry recovery. The remaining EVs are where simply placed in Special Attack for slightly more Overheat damage, (AC) with the scraps thrown into Speed.

Usage Tips
Supportive Rotom-Heat should mainly be mainly used to disrupt the opponent and burn switch-inses (literally). It can chip foes things with Thunderbolt, though the only KOs you should really be trying to get from it for are on Pokemon weak to its STAB moves. It can make for a good switch-in, especially by making use of Levitate and its several resistances, (AC) but it suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off an Overheat. Even at -2 Special Attack, though, it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team.

Team Options
Both Gastrodon and Swampert make good partners with for Rotom-H, (AC) as they provide complementary defensive and offensive synergy. Additionally, Gastrodon offers Storm Drain while Swampert has Wide Guard, and both of them they can be used to mitigate Rotom-Heat's weaknesses in the form of to Water moves and Rock Slide with Storm Drain and Wide Guard, respectively. Terrakion makes a good partner for Rotom-Heat, (AC) as it can remove threats like Kangaskhan and opposing Terrakion while receiving support from Rotom-Heat, (AC) which can deal with Pokemon like Amoonguss that would threaten it otherwise. Landorus-Therian is another good partner, (AC) as it can Intimidate threats to Rotom-Heat and is able to Earthquake freely next to the floating oven. Together they have good offensive and defensive synergy, aside from bulky Water-types, sans bulky waters which destroy both.


Other Options

Rotom-H can run truly offensive Life Orb or Choice Specs sets, which are helped out by its powerful STAB coverage. However, Rotom-H still finds itself outsped by too much of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time. Hidden Power Grass is usable on teams that are particularly weak to opposing Swampert and Gastrodon, although even with HP Hidden Power Grass Rotom-H doesn't check them terribly well. Confuse Ray can be used over Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave as a support move. Notably, it has perfect accuracy and can affect all types unlike Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave, but it also lacks the Attack- and Speed-decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves.

Checks and Counters

**Redirection**: While Amoonguss might not pose much of a threat to Rotom-H, Clefairy and Clefable can be quite terrifying for Rotom-H. Both of the Fairies can redirect Rotom-H's attacks, take minimal damage, and allow a partner to get set up to sweep.

**Mega Kangaskhan**: Rotom-H simply struggles to deal with the massive damage output of Mega Kangaskhan. Even if Rotom-H manages to burn it with Will-O-Wisp it, Kangaskhan is still capable of returning its Attack to neutral with Power-Up Punch.

**Rain**: Although Rotom-H has Electric-type STAB moves to hit Politoed and other rain team staples Pokemon that dwell in the Rain, it simply can't deal with rain-boosted Water-type STAB attacks. The fact that Ludicolo and Kingdra also always outspeed it thanks to Swift Swim is just salt in the wound. Ludicolo and Kingdra also outspeed Rotom-H in the rain thanks to Swift Swim.

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but the always deal it will take massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H, (AC) so you also have it also has to worry about the flinch chance.
(remember to check analysis formatting. the below needs to be fixed)

Name: Offensive
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Overheat
Move 3: Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
Item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
EVs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe

Overheat is a nuke that's amazing for getting KOs onto bulky Steel-types like Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, and Aegislash, [AC] (remove comma) and the less bulky Bisharp.
(can you figure out why I made the purple changes here?)

The Speed EVs let you hit a stat of 124, which outspeeds Adamant Bisharp by 2 points; catching some and outpacing (check your parallelism here; "which outspeeds blah blah and outpacing blah blah" is not grammatical) Heatran and Arcanine that only outspeed Bisharp by a single point. With the Expert Belt, the Special Attack EVs allow you to net OHKOes OHKOs on pretty much everything weak to Rotom-Heat's STAB moves, however it can still struggle to deal damage to neutral targets.
("however" cannot be used this way. here are some ways you can use however:

1. I wanted to go to the meeting. However, I had to study.
2. I wanted to go to the meeting; however, I had to study.

3. My sister went to the meeting. I, however, had to study.
4. You can have it however you want it.

make sure you understand how to use semicolons.)

On the bright side Rotom-Heat's Electric type Electric-type does prevent you from being paralized paralyzed (it prevents Rotom-H from being paralyzed, not you)

While not as powerful as the Offensive offensive Rotom-Heat set, Overheat (right now you're saying Overheat isn't as powerful as the offensive set. that comparison doesn't make sense. you should compare either this set's Overheat to the other set's Overheat, or this set to the other set. a change like "while not as powerful as that of the offensive Rotom-H set, Overheat" fixes this problem) still deals massive super effective damage to targets and may kill even if it misses the KOes from full HP. (ignoring the fact that you change content at the end of the sentence, we don't use "kill" in analyses aside from "revenge kill". should be KO/defeat/something like that.)

Thunderbolt is the same strong secondary STAB move as in the offensive set (cross-set referencing is not allowed; you don't know that the reader has read the offensive set.), and Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter [Lol? I LOVE this word. Not changing it. XD] (no reason to anyways, there's nothing wrong with the word "neuter") the physical attackers of the metagame,[AC] and to prolong Rotom-H's lifespan by Burning burning opponents (you burn foes, not opponents).

This Rotom-Heat can survive a Double Edge (remember to check whether some moves are hyphenated. Double-Edge is the correct way to write this move)

It can make a good switch in switch-in, especially by making use of Levitate and it's its several resistances but it suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off using (there is nothing wrong with "firing off", no matter what other people tell you) an Overheat. Even at -2 Special Attack, though, (this was an important word for flow/transition and shouldn't have been removed) it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team.

Team Options
Both Gastrodon and Swampert make good partners with Rotom-H as (when "as" = "because", it needs a comma before it. this pops up very often in analyses, so you should make it a habit to check for that) they provide complimentary (remember to check for misspellings; this should be "complEmentary") defensive and offensive synergy.

Landorus-Therian is another good partner as it can Intimidate threats to Rotom-Heat and is able to Earthquake freely next to the floating oven. Together they have good offensive and defensive synergy, sans bulky waters which destroy both. (this seems pretty important; why did you remove it? i can kinda understand removing the first part, but the latter part about bulky waters is worth a mention)

However, Rotom-H still finds itself outspeed by too much outsped by a majority of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time. ("too x to y" is a common phrase pattern. "I'm too cold to wear sandals"; "he's going too fast to stop now"; "it is too late to go out now". you removed "too (much)" here but not the corresponding "to (get off enough hits)" later, effectively leaving it orphaned)

but it also lacks the attack Attack and speed Speed decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves. (adjectives like these need hyphens. "Attack-decreasing capabilities"; "well-known actors"; "100-Base Power STAB move", "rain-boosted attacks".)

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but (this needs a subject (like "it"), or you should remove the comma before "but") the always deal will take massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H so (conjunction time! for/and/nor/but/or/yet/so--this needs a comma before it) you also have to worry about the flinch chance.
snobalt said:
"STAB moves;" NEVER just STAB.
^ for the record i don't like the use of NEVER because STAB is perfectly fine when referring to the boost. im p sure you know that but "NEVER" especially in all capital letters should just be avoided imo
Last edited:
Serapis If you could copy and paste the below into the OP and update the title to include "[GP 1/2]" so that this can recieve one last GP check that'd be great. I implemented the first GP check and added a section for Team Options to the first set. I'll then implement the last GP check myself so that it can be uploaded as a Battle Spot Doubles analysis.


Rotom-H has a unique Electric / Fire typing, which is especially valuable when teambuilding because of its ability Levitate negating its 4x Ground weakness. It has decent versatility with EV spreads and can run both supportive sets and offensive sets pretty well, although the fact that its only Fire-type STAB move is Overheat does put something of a damper on things. Furthermore, while Rotom-H's EVs can vary quite a lot to fit your team, the actual moves that Rotom-H will be running are extremely predictable. It is also weak to the relatively common rain archetype and the ever-present Rock Slide, both of which limit its effectiveness.

name: Offensive
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Modest
evs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe


Overheat is a nuke that's amazing for KOing bulky Steel-types like Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, and Aegislash and the less bulky Bisharp. Thunderbolt acts as a consistent and still relatively powerful Electric-type STAB move, while Hidden Power Ice allows Rotom-H to OHKO 4 HP Mega Salamence and the standard Choice Scarf Landorus-T. Protect is a VGC staple, and it can do wonders for Rotom-H's staying power on the field when it's using an Expert Belt. On the other hand, Choice Scarf sets can opt for Volt Switch to gain momentum and escape Shadow Tag teams.

Set Details

The Speed EVs let Rotom-H outspeed Adamant Bisharp and some Heatran and Arcanine. With Expert Belt, the Special Attack EVs allow Rotom-H to net OHKOs on pretty much everything weak to its STAB moves; however, it can still struggle to deal damage to neutral targets. When using Choice Scarf, you sacrifice a decent chunk of power and thus some OHKOs; save Bisharp, you lose out on the KO against every notable Steel-type with Overheat. Hidden Power Ice still has a chance to OHKO uninvested Landorus-T, but Rotom-H will underspeed it unless running Timid, in which case it has no chance to KO. On the bright side, Rotom-H's Electric typing does prevent it from being paralyzed and losing the Choice Scarf Speed boost. The remaining EVs are dumped into HP to generally maximize bulk.

Usage Tips

Offensive Rotom-H appreciates speed control so it can move before threats like Landorus-T and OHKO them, assuming it has Hidden Power Ice. Rotom-H also appreciates having good switching partners, as Overheat leaves it spent on the field and, with a fully offensive moveset, leaving it out will result in it being KOed or a severe loss of momentum. Remember, switch-ins will need to be bulky enough to take a hit to be effective. In terms of using Rotom-H itself, it is often a good Pokemon to conserve, as opponents will sometimes try to keep Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Aegislash alive on their side of the field as wincons; when facing either of those Pokemon be sure to keep your Rotom-H alive.

Team Options

Grass-types such as Ferrothorn and Ludicolo make great partners as they can beat both Rock- and Water-types which threaten Rotom-H. Ground-types such as Landorus-T and Garchomp also make good partners as they can equally eliminate Rock-types. Further, they are able to Earthquake freely alongside Rotom-H as a result of its Levitate ability. Gastrodon, as both a Water- and Ground-type, is able to eliminate Rock-types with ease, and its Storm Drain ability can Protect Rotom-H from single target Water-type moves. Swampert is another Water / Ground type, but has access to Wide Guard, which allows it to shield Rotom-H from Rock Slide. Other Water-types such as Gyarados and Azumarill equally do a great job at eliminating common users of Rock-type attacks such as Landorus-T and Tyranitar. Pokemon with low Defense stats such as Gardevoir and Sylveon enjoy Rotom-H's ability to burn foes and thereby reduce their Attack.

name: Bulky Support
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Protect / Thunder Wave
item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
ability: Levitate
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 12 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe


While not as powerful as that of the offensive Rotom-H set, Overheat still deals massive super effective damage to targets even if it misses KOs from full HP. Thunderbolt is a reliable secondary STAB move, and Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter the physical attackers of the metagame and prolong Rotom-H's lifespan. Protect can increase Rotom's longevity further, while Thunder Wave can allow it to support your team even more with speed control.

Set Details

This Rotom-H can survive a Double-Edge from Jolly Kangaskhan without a Sitrus Berry and one from Adamant Kangaskhan with Sitrus Berry. It has a 15/16 chance to take a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Modest Hydreigon running maximum Special Attack, and Rock Slide from 252 Atk Adamant Landorus-T is always a 3HKO, not counting Sitrus Berry recovery. The remaining EVs are placed in Special Attack for slightly more Overheat damage, with the scraps thrown into Speed.

Usage Tips

Supportive Rotom-H should mainly be used to disrupt the opponent and burn switch-ins. It can chip foes with Thunderbolt, though the only KOs you should really be trying to get from it are on Pokemon weak to its STAB moves. It can make for a good switch-in, especially by making use of Levitate and its several resistances, but it suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off an Overheat. Even at -2 Special Attack, though, it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team.

Team Options

Both Gastrodon and Swampert make good partners for Rotom-H, as they provide complementary defensive and offensive synergy. Additionally, they can mitigate Rotom-H's weaknesses to Water moves and Rock Slide with Storm Drain and Wide Guard, respectively. Terrakion makes a good partner for Rotom-H, as it can remove threats like Kangaskhan and opposing Terrakion while receiving support from Rotom-H, which can deal with Pokemon like Amoonguss that would threaten it otherwise. Landorus-T is another good partner, as it can Intimidate threats to Rotom-H and is able to Earthquake freely next to the floating oven. Together they have good offensive and defensive synergy, aside from bulky Water-types, which destroy both.

Other Options

Rotom-H can run truly offensive Life Orb or Choice Specs sets, which are helped out by its powerful STAB coverage. However, Rotom-H still finds itself outsped by too much of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time. Hidden Power Grass is usable on teams that are particularly weak to opposing Swampert and Gastrodon, although even with Hidden Power Grass Rotom-H doesn't check them terribly well. Confuse Ray can be used over Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave as a support move. Notably, it has perfect accuracy and can affect all types unlike Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave, but it also lacks the Attack- and Speed-decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves.

Checks and Counters

**Redirection**: While Amoonguss might not pose much of a threat to Rotom-H, Clefairy and Clefable can be quite terrifying for Rotom-H. Both of the Fairies can redirect Rotom-H's attacks, take minimal damage, and allow a partner to set up to sweep.

**Mega Kangaskhan**: Rotom-H struggles to deal with the massive damage output of Mega Kangaskhan. Even if Rotom-H manages to burn it with Will-O-Wisp, Kangaskhan is still capable of returning its Attack to neutral with Power-Up Punch.

**Rain**: Although Rotom-H has Electric-type STAB moves to hit Politoed and other rain team staples, it simply can't deal with rain-boosted Water-type STAB attacks. Ludicolo and Kingdra also outspeed Rotom-H in the rain thanks to Swift Swim.

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but it will take massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H, so it also has to worry about the flinch chance.
add/fix spelling remove comments


Rotom-H has a unique Electric / Fire typing, which is especially valuable when teambuilding because of its ability Levitate negating its 4x Ground weakness. It has decent versatility with EV spreads and can run both supportive sets and offensive sets pretty well, although the fact that its only Fire-type STAB move is Overheat does put something of a damper on things. Furthermore, while [remove extra space] Rotom-H's EVs can vary quite a lot to fit your team, the actual moves that Rotom-H will be running are extremely predictable. It is also weak to the relatively common rain archetype and the ever-present Rock Slide, both of which limit its effectiveness.

name: Offensive
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Protect / Volt Switch
item: Expert Belt / Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Modest
evs: 124 HP / 244 SpA / 140 Spe


Overheat is a nuke that's amazing for KOing bulky Steel-types like Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, and Aegislash, [ac] as well as and the less bulky Bisharp. Thunderbolt acts as a consistent and still relatively powerful Electric-type STAB move, while and Hidden Power Ice allows Rotom-H to OHKO 4 HP Mega Salamence and the standard Choice Scarf Landorus-T. Protect is a VGC staple, and it can do wonders for Rotom-H's staying power on the field when it's using an Expert Belt. On the other hand, Choice Scarf sets can opt for Volt Switch to gain momentum and escape Shadow Tag teams.

Set Details

The Speed EVs let Rotom-H outspeed Adamant Bisharp and some Heatran and Arcanine. With Expert Belt, the Special Attack EVs allow Rotom-H to net OHKOs on pretty much everything weak to its STAB moves; however, it can still struggle to deal damage to neutral targets. When using Choice Scarf, you sacrifice a decent chunk of power and thus some OHKOs; save Bisharp, you lose out on the KO against every notable Steel-type with Overheat. Hidden Power Ice still has a chance to OHKO uninvested Landorus-T, but Rotom-H will underspeed it unless running Timid, in which case it has no chance to KO. On the bright side, Rotom-H's Electric typing does prevent it from being paralyzed and losing the Choice Scarf Speed boost. The remaining EVs are dumped into HP to generally maximize bulk.

Usage Tips

Offensive Rotom-H appreciates speed control so it can move before threats like Landorus-T and OHKO them, assuming it has Hidden Power Ice. Rotom-H also appreciates having good switching partners, as Overheat leaves it spent on the field and, with a fully offensive moveset, leaving it out will result in it being KOed or a severe loss of momentum. Remember, switch-ins will need to be bulky enough to take a hit to be effective. In terms of using Rotom-H itself, it is often a good Pokemon to conserve, as opponents will sometimes try to keep Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Aegislash alive on their side of the field as wincons; when facing either of those Pokemon be sure to keep your Rotom-H alive.

Team Options

Grass-types such as Ferrothorn and Ludicolo make for great partners, [ac] as they can beat both Rock- and Water-types, [ac] which threaten Rotom-H. Ground-types such as Landorus-T and Garchomp also make for good partners, [ac] as they can equally eliminate Rock-types. Furthermore, they are able to use Earthquake freely alongside Rotom-H as a result of its Levitate ability. Gastrodon, as both a Water- and Ground-type, is able to eliminate Rock-types with ease, and its Storm Drain ability can Protect Rotom-H from single-target Water-type moves. Swampert is another Water / Ground type, but has access to Wide Guard, which allows it to shield Rotom-H from Rock Slide. Other Water-types such as Gyarados and Azumarill equally do a great job at eliminating common users of Rock-type attacks such as Landorus-T and Tyranitar. Pokemon with low Defense stats such as Gardevoir and Sylveon enjoy Rotom-H's ability to burn foes and thereby reduce their Attack.

name: Bulky Support
move 1: Overheat
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Protect / Thunder Wave
item: Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
ability: Levitate
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 12 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe


While not as powerful as that of the offensive Rotom-H set, Overheat still deals massive super effective damage to targets even if it misses KOs from full HP. Thunderbolt is a reliable secondary STAB move, and Will-O-Wisp is pretty much mandatory to neuter the physical attackers of the metagame and prolong Rotom-H's lifespan. Protect can increase Rotom's longevity further, while Thunder Wave can allow it to support your team even more with speed control.

Set Details

This Rotom-H can survive a Double-Edge from Jolly Kangaskhan without a Sitrus Berry and one from Adamant Kangaskhan with Sitrus Berry. It has a 15/16 chance to take a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Modest Hydreigon running maximum Special Attack, and Rock Slide from 252 Atk Adamant Landorus-T is always a 3HKO, not counting Sitrus Berry recovery. The remaining EVs are placed into Special Attack for slightly more Overheat damage, with the scraps thrown into Speed.

Usage Tips

Supportive Rotom-H should mainly be used to disrupt the opponent and burn switch-ins. It can chip foes with Thunderbolt, though the only KOs you should really be trying to get from it are on Pokemon weak to its STAB moves. It can make for a good switch-in, especially by making use of Levitate and its several resistances, but it suffers from lack of offensive power after firing off an Overheat. Even at -2 Special Attack, though, it can remain on the field and continue to spread status and support the team.

Team Options

Both Gastrodon and Swampert make for good partners for Rotom-H, as they provide complementary defensive and offensive synergy. Additionally, they can mitigate Rotom-H's weaknesses to Water-type moves and Rock Slide with Storm Drain and Wide Guard, respectively. Terrakion makes for a good partner for Rotom-H, as it can remove threats like Kangaskhan and opposing Terrakion while receiving support from Rotom-H, which can deal with Pokemon like Amoonguss that would threaten it otherwise. Landorus-T is another good partner, as it can Intimidate threats to Rotom-H and is able to use Earthquake freely next to the floating oven. Together they have good offensive and defensive synergy, aside from bulky Water-types, which destroy both.

Other Options

Rotom-H can run truly offensive Life Orb or Choice Specs sets, which are helped out by its powerful STAB coverage. However, Rotom-H still finds itself outsped by too much of the metagame to get off enough hits to make either set worth it the majority of the time. Hidden Power Grass is usable on teams that are particularly weak to opposing Swampert and Gastrodon, although even with Hidden Power Grass Rotom-H doesn't check them terribly well. Confuse Ray can be used over Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave as a support move. Notably, it has perfect accuracy and can affect all types unlike Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave, but it also lacks the Attack- and Speed-decreasing capabilities of the other two status moves.

Checks and Counters

**Redirection**: While Amoonguss might not pose much of a threat to Rotom-H, Clefairy and Clefable can be quite terrifying for Rotom-H. Both of the Fairies can redirect Rotom-H's attacks, take minimal damage, and allow a partner to set up to sweep.

**Mega Kangaskhan**: Rotom-H struggles to deal with the massive damage output of Mega Kangaskhan. Even if Rotom-H manages to burn it with Will-O-Wisp, Kangaskhan is still capable of returning its Attack to neutral with Power-Up Punch.

**Rain**: Although Rotom-H has Electric-type STAB moves to hit Politoed and other rain team staples with, it simply can't deal with rain-boosted Water-type STAB attacks. Ludicolo and Kingdra also outspeed Rotom-H in the rain thanks to Swift Swim.

**Rock Slide**: Rotom-H has the bulk to take a Rock Slide or two, but it will take massive damage and almost all Rock Slide users are faster than Rotom-H, so it also has to worry about the flinch chance.