Hello, Underused!
Professor Kink here to present to you Week 17 of the ORAS edition of Research Week!
Keep the following things in mind during every Research Week:
- Be open-minded, don't just say something is terrible and walk away; look at its stats and typing and think something up!
- Feel free to theorymon early in the research period, but make it clear you're doing so. Later in the period though, you will be expected to back up your posts with hard evidence like logs, actual sets, perhaps even teams.
- Just because an analysis has been done for a Pokemon doesn't mean there isn't more to explore; it's very likely that something has gone unnoticed.
- Do not post in this thread complaining about the Pokemon or movesets I choose and / or suggesting ones we should do for future weeks. Feel free to VM / PM me these suggestions, but don't expect me to always listen to you.
A few things to clarify:
- Sign-ups can be as late as you want, but the week will end on Sunday.
- Early period means the first three days of the Research Week, so let's keep the theorymoning to a minimum after this period. The late period refers to the last four days of the research week, where raw evidence and discussion should become the basis of the thread.
- The prizes for Research Week have been decided; winning a Research Week will grant you half-ops on our IRC channel, #xyuu. Don't forget, participation in projects like Research Week help towards earning the Community Contributor badge!
- I'm implementing a mandatory discussion in order to be considered as a winner of Research Week. If you do not post one somewhat-coherent post that describes the Pokemon that you're using, their roles, and their niche in the metagame, you will be disqualified from winning this week. Please post about your experiences no matter if you think you've got a chance to win or not.
- Finally, I'd like to implore you to all please remember to post and save your replays. Often, these replays are the most informative sources of information about RW Pokemon - you can write a full two paragraphs about the role of a Pokemon, but often that can all be summed up with a video and an explanation of it.
This Week's ORAS Selection
How useful are these Pokemon in ORAS UU? What gives them trouble?
What advantages do they have over other Pokemon?
How well do they work in the metagame?
What advantages do they have over other Pokemon?
How well do they work in the metagame?
If you have anything to say about any of these Pokemon, please post about them! Remember, discussion is not limited to this topic, you are encouraged to talk about these Pokemon in #xyuu and the Viability Ranking Thread as well.
In order to participate you must do the following:
- Post here with a fresh alt and the name(s) of the Pokemon you will be using.
- Use at least one of the Pokemon being researched.
- Post your experiences with the Pokemon you're using, participate in the discussion!
- Post logs of this Pokemon in action against other teams - don't just tell us, show us
- The winner of the challenge will be the person who has the highest peak ladder ranking on the Pokemon Showdown UU ladder on the alt they registered.
- PLEASE post your updated rank with your updated analysis, otherwise you will not win.