Research Week ORAS Edition [Week 17] - Won by bsu

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Hello, Underused!

Professor Kink here to present to you Week 17 of the ORAS edition of Research Week!

Keep the following things in mind during every Research Week:
  • Be open-minded, don't just say something is terrible and walk away; look at its stats and typing and think something up!
  • Feel free to theorymon early in the research period, but make it clear you're doing so. Later in the period though, you will be expected to back up your posts with hard evidence like logs, actual sets, perhaps even teams.
  • Just because an analysis has been done for a Pokemon doesn't mean there isn't more to explore; it's very likely that something has gone unnoticed.
  • Do not post in this thread complaining about the Pokemon or movesets I choose and / or suggesting ones we should do for future weeks. Feel free to VM / PM me these suggestions, but don't expect me to always listen to you.

A few things to clarify:

  • Sign-ups can be as late as you want, but the week will end on Sunday.
  • Early period means the first three days of the Research Week, so let's keep the theorymoning to a minimum after this period. The late period refers to the last four days of the research week, where raw evidence and discussion should become the basis of the thread.
  • The prizes for Research Week have been decided; winning a Research Week will grant you half-ops on our IRC channel, #xyuu. Don't forget, participation in projects like Research Week help towards earning the Community Contributor badge!
  • I'm implementing a mandatory discussion in order to be considered as a winner of Research Week. If you do not post one somewhat-coherent post that describes the Pokemon that you're using, their roles, and their niche in the metagame, you will be disqualified from winning this week. Please post about your experiences no matter if you think you've got a chance to win or not.
  • Finally, I'd like to implore you to all please remember to post and save your replays. Often, these replays are the most informative sources of information about RW Pokemon - you can write a full two paragraphs about the role of a Pokemon, but often that can all be summed up with a video and an explanation of it.

This Week's ORAS Selection




How useful are these Pokemon in ORAS UU? What gives them trouble?
What advantages do they have over other Pokemon?
How well do they work in the metagame?

If you have anything to say about any of these Pokemon, please post about them! Remember, discussion is not limited to this topic, you are encouraged to talk about these Pokemon in #xyuu and the Viability Ranking Thread as well.

In order to participate you must do the following:

  • Post here with a fresh alt and the name(s) of the Pokemon you will be using.
  • Use at least one of the Pokemon being researched.
  • Post your experiences with the Pokemon you're using, participate in the discussion!
  • Post logs of this Pokemon in action against other teams - don't just tell us, show us
  • The winner of the challenge will be the person who has the highest peak ladder ranking on the Pokemon Showdown UU ladder on the alt they registered.
  • PLEASE post your updated rank with your updated analysis, otherwise you will not win.
alright, after extensive research, I think I know what I'm doing.

alt: Brolaire343

Pokemon I'll be Using (Drumroll please...): Mandibuzz! Looks like a lot a bulky fun.
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Why in the blue hell is Mamoswine's pic Sarah Palin?

alt: Mamoswiiiiiiiine (that's 8 Is)

Obviously I'm using Mamoswine. Dude was my favorite Pokemon in HGSS OU, glad to see him in ORAS UU.
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alt: u1u

Idk why i actually have to post a set since it only has like 2 sets but leggo
Mamoswine @ Focus Sash
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Shard
- Knock Off/Superpower/Stone Edge/Endeavor
Y'all should know what mamo does tbh but I'll still explain! EQ and ice shard are staples, Main stab for DAMAGE and ice shard for priority. Stealth rock because this is a lead set. The last slot can be used for a variety of things, I use knock off because i felt like it has the most utility, though all can be good, superpower for normals + like ferroseed i guess lol, stone edge for rotom H!, and endeavor for dedicated lead mamo. I chose adamant because jolly doesn't really let it outspeed much, the only thing it would do would be like speed tieing specs timid chandelier or something so.
I originally had oblivious to prevent taunt, but i realized i never got taunted, and that i would have appreciated thick fat a lot more so lol.
Team mates:
Lead Mamo fits better on offense obviously, it also synergizes well with teams weak to like scarf mence, or teams that need a ice type revenge killer. Mamo also goes well on teams with hazard control, as you can choose to lead something else to preserve the sash for things. Surprisingly enough Mamo has a pretty bad matchup vs a lot of the steels in the tier (cobalion if it gets in safely, Pdef forretress, bronzing kinda) so teaming it up with a (scarf) magneton to get rid of steels would be good. I personally used the Mbeedrill + scarf magneton combo wombo trapper squad and it did pretty good hehe :]

I don't really know what to calc since there's nothing like really unexpected lol, maybe ice shard calcs?
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 348-412 (105.1 - 124.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Sceptile: 372-436 (132.3 - 155.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Pidgeot: 174-206 (56.4 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Aerodactyl: 168-198 (55.8 - 65.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Mamoswine Ice Shard vs. 16 HP / 0 Def Haxorus: 158-188 (53.1 - 63.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Entei Sacred Fire vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Thick Fat Mamoswine: 296-350 (81.9 - 96.9%)
General Notes:
Mamo does pretty well on offense, especially as part of like a priority spam team lol. it cant switch in on much, though it can live a surprising number of hits. i think.
Mamo's attack stat + priority is just really good at providing chip damage, as well as stealth rocks
turn 1 mamo gets burned and dies :( thick fat mamo actually could have lived possibly but i was oblivious lol. turn 4 his own mamo does work against my Pdef P2 :[
Beginning i super misplay against this damn gourgeist lol but i got up rocks and weakened 2 mons so not bad???
turn 25 mamo saves me from a mence sweep, and does like 30% with a resisted ice shard to a sharpedo lol so mamo is strong
turn 21 life orb mamo only does 70% to a Pdef p2 without an eviolite, most likely opponent was jolly lol, turn 25, ice shard 2koes haxorus
turn 1 kyurem does 70% with ice beam, would have only done like 35% with thick fat :/
turn 32 Mamo ice shard does enough to mienshao for lucario espeed to kill
turn 16 mamo does 60% to vaporeon like what
turn 3 mamo eq 2k0s doublade, pulls through at end go priority!!
turn 11 ice shard only does 27% to a mandibuzz :[
turn 7 mamo takes 73% from a crit BP from machamp :O
turn 23 more priority is just so good
turn 10 adamant mamo does 46% with eq to a mega swampert :O


ignore the other tiers lol i got bored while waiting for uu matches
ps I'll be using mamo, possibly mandibuzz later on if i have time/effort lol
mamo is super fun to use hehe :]
ps aren't these supposed to be like garbage mons lol otherwise its not super challenging :((((

(wil add more later ugh finals :( )
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alt: u1u

ps aren't these supposed to be like garbage mons lol otherwise its not super challenging :((((
It's not necessarily supposed to be a challenge, we're trying to find out what certain Pokemon can do in UU. Some of them have been garbage mons, but not all of them have to be.
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