RBY RBY OU World Championship 2016: Round 1

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RBY OU World Championship is a standard RBY OU Tournament with a goal to find the best RBY OU player of the year. Last year's champion was Tiba. Rounds will be best of 3 until 16 are left. Then they'll be two double round-robin group stages, going down to 8 and then 4. The semi-finals and finals will be best of 5. This year a $50 (or equivalent) amazon gift card will be given out to the winner!

Welcome to the RBY OU tournament with the largest amount of spots ever!

Past Gen 1 New Horizons Tournaments:
Next Gen 1 New Horizons Tournament:
  • Stadium OU World Championship (tentatively March 2016, may be swapped out for RBY Ubers/Mewbers depending on interest levels). Gen 1 tournaments are marked in red here.
RBY OverUsed Format:
  • Banned Moves: Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize (Dig/Fly Glitch Prevention + Evasion + OHKO moves).
  • Banned Pokémon: Mew, Mewtwo.
  • Clauses: Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause.
Tournament Format (200 man):
  • Round 1 - 100 best of 3 matches (200 unseeded players with a substitution period)
  • Round 2 - 50 best of 3 matches (100 unseeded players)
  • Round 3 - 25 best of 3 matches (50 unseeded players)
  • Round 4 - 5 x 5 double round-robin groups (25 unseeded players)
  • Round 5 - 2 x 5 double round-robin groups (2 or 3 x 1st and 2 or 3 x 2nd Round 3 seeds in each group)
  • Round 6 - 2 best of 5 matches (2 x 1st vs 2nd Round 4 seeds from alternate groups)
  • Finals - 1 best of 5 match (2)
Tie rules:
  • Battle ties will not be counted in any best of match, but they will now count in round-robin matches as 1/2 a point each.
  • Ties between 1st and/or 2nd positions in a group will result in a single battle or single round-robin of battles repeated, until positions within the group are established.
Arrange location: Visitor Messages on the Smogon Forums.
Battle location: Pokémon Showdown! (Pokémon Online if both users agree)

Matches (71/100 complete):

Ranger Mike Enigami (2) vs (0) Jethalal
PK-Kaiser (2) vs (0) Drake'sProdigy
p2 (2) vs (0) Julfordio
Jhonx~ stunner047
(1) vs (2) Mizuhime
Absol4Prez dEnIsSsS (1) vs (2) Alastor Law
Dark G
(2) vs adilbilal (0) thecrystalonix
Arkian (2) vs (0) antemortem
Alice Kazumi
(1) vs (2) ZoroDark
PokèManiac Livio vs Krauersaut
Laurel vs JaydeMetalGro$$ (2) vs (0) bumbaloe
(1) vs (2) Jirachee Zepherox
Zenadark (1) vs (2) NOVED
(2) vs (0) Evil
Selise (2) vs (0) qsns
Mister Tim (2) vs (1) Rumor
Bro Kappa
(0) vs (2) Stathakis
Lusch (1) vs (2) Disenchanted
Bouffalant (O) vs Thatsjustpeachy (W) vakatalesau
IBIREVER (0) vs (2) Kingler12345
Rodriblutar (0) vs (2) Genesis7
(W) vs (O) Kyblad
Vileman (2) vs (1) CrapAtRBY
badabing (2) vs (1) xJoelituh
We Three Kings (2) vs (1) Cristal
(0) vs (2) smilzo
babidi1998 Sergi SaiyanMaster95 (1) vs (2) TheInsanity
(2) vs (0) Rayzark
GaryTheGengar (2) vs (0) Golden Gyarados
(O) vs (W) Nails
(2) vs (0) IvoPost
tennisace Jellicent
(0) vs (2) Veni Vidi Vici
snagaa (1) vs (2) Fireburn
jacob (1) vs (2) noname4505
LightningLuxray (0) vs (2) Teddeh
Leftiez (O) vs (W) Leodamin
.CarloO~ (0) vs (2) Real FV13
PlatinumBlad3 OP (W) vs (O) Utu6
Rewer vs Shadow_Sneak
M Dragon (W) vs (O) ThimoTheUltimateBOBO
Triangles (2) vs (0) Mysterious M
(1) vs (2) Agammemnon
galbia (1) vs choolio (2) Not Troller
Dundies (1) vs (2) Tesung
(2) vs (0) Septicus
Hachimaki98 (2) vs (1) Texas Cloverleaf
(0) vs (2) TraceofLife
(2) vs (0) kingmidas
(0) vs (2) reyscarface
(2) vs (1) Tricking
(0) vs (2) scald
Shogarth (1) vs (2) Poek97
(W) vs (O) Robert.
AugustRadburn (W) vs (O) Pat Labor
(O) vs (W) Danilo
Welli0u (0) vs (2) Fake Melo AM
shartruce (1) vs (2) theurbandear
Maestro Arena
(2) vs (1) D. Miralis
Isa (2) vs (0) Miss Kaneda
-Tsunami- (F) vs (O) Wind Ice
(0) vs (2) Prague Kick
H-C bugzinator (0) vs (2) -Snow
(2) vs (0) average fella
Conflict Crestfall vs xtra$hine
EdwardElric15 (O) vs (W) TopLel TopKek
(2) vs (1) Culone
rozes vs During Summer
Cicada (2) vs (0) m00ns
trc (2) vs (0) Khaytra
praj.pran Moonclawz
(0) vs (2) Peasounay
Ortheore (0) vs (2) Bomber.
(2) vs (U) djanxo unchained
(O) vs (W) MikeDecIsHere
(2) vs (0) FullLifeGames
NicoReaper (F) vs (O) wisc
Eternal Spirit
(0) vs (2) Mr.378
Derk (O) vs (F) Level 56
dusk raimon (O) vs (W) Mr. NudistoBeach
Century Express (O) vs (F) Sam
Hyper-red (O) vs (W) teal6
(F) vs (O) FLCL
(0) vs (2) Mael Cronenberg
(2) vs (0) King UU
Aurious (2) vs (0) raddical
TGMD vs Valentine
Haruno (0) vs (2) Hyogafodex
(2) vs (0) Impact
Huston (0) vs (2) fapkingg
Lord Qwilfish
(W) vs (O) Diogo
Holiano Demerging
(0) vs (2) Alexander.
Kiyo Rain. (O) vs (F) boudouche
(2) vs (0) SharpManAreEpic
KratosMana (2) vs (0) KSBK
WreckDra (W) vs (O) papai noel
(O) vs (W) Raseri
Reymedy (1) vs (2) Desthing
(W) vs (O) unfixable
Sir_Bagel (2) vs (0) dreamyyy
(0) vs (2) GOAO.
Confide. (1) vs (2) Bedschibaer

1. stunner047 (subbed in)
2. Moonclawz (subbed in)
3. OP (subbed in)
4. Sergi (subbed in)
5. Enigami (subbed in)
6. MetalGro$$ (subbed in)
7. thecrystalonix (subbed in)
8. Zepherox (subbed in)
9. badabing (subbed in)
10. Triangles (subbed in)
11. AM (subbed in)
12. vakatalesau (subbed in)
13. bugzinator (subbed in)
14. Crestfall (subbed in)
15. rozes (subbed in)
16. TGMD (subbed in)
17. Demerging (subbed in)
18. Rain. (subbed in)
19. bumbaloe (subbed in)
20. Cronenberg (subbed in)
21. Not Troller (subbed in)
22. dEnIsSsS (subbed in)
23. SaiyanMaster95 (subbed in)
24. Jellicent (subbed in)

Play a best of 3 in RBY OU. State whether you've won or lost (2-0) or (2-1) following the completion of the match.

Round 1 Contact Deadline: Friday January 8th 08:00 AM EST (you may be subbed out if you haven't contacted by this time)

Round 1 Matches Deadline: Friday January 15th 08:00 AM EST
Last edited:
Post to make sure everyone is alerted, since I copied userlinks instead of @'s in the OP.

Ranger Mike , Jethalal, PK-Kaiser , Drake'sProdigy, fleggumfl , Julfordio, Jhonx~ , Mizuhime, Absol4Prez , Alastor Law, Dark G , adilbilal, Arkian , antemortem, Alice Kazumi , ZoroDark, PokèManiac Livio , Krauersaut, Laurel , Jayde, Syncrasy , Jirachee, Zenadark , NOVED, Fortune , Evil, Selise , qsns, Mister Tim , Rumor, Bro Kappa , Stathakis, Lusch , Disenchanted, Bouffalant , Thatsjustpeachy, IBIREVER , Kingler12345, Rodriblutar , Genesis7, michaeloche , Kyblad, Vileman , CrapAtRBY, e7e , xJoelituh, We Three Kings , Cristal, PoMMan , smilzo, babidi1998 , TheInsanity, Mambo , Rayzark, GaryTheGengar , Golden Gyarados, ceraa , Nails, TDK , IvoPost, tennisace , Veni Vidi Vici, snagaa , Fireburn, jacob , noname4505, LightningLuxray , Teddeh, Leftiez , Leodamin, .CarloO~ , Real FV13, PlatinumBlad3 , Utu6, Rewer , Shadow_Sneak, M Dragon , ThimoTheUltimateBOBO, mibuchiha , Mysterious M, Twixtry , Agammemnon, galbia , choolio, Dundies , Tesung, Tatsumaa , Septicus, Hachimaki98 , Texas Cloverleaf, mariveau80 , TraceofLife, @Kotori , kingmidas, Omfuga , reyscarface, Balto , Tricking, Scotti , scald, Shogarth , Poek97, Marshall.Law , Robert., AugustRadburn , Pat Labor, ~GreenCore , Danilo, Welli0u , Fake Melo, shartruce , theurbandear, Maestro Arena , D. Miralis, Isa , Miss Kaneda, -Tsunami- , Wind Ice, McMeghan , Prague Kick, H-C , -Snow, BKC , average fella, Conflict , xtra$hine, EdwardElric15 , TopLel TopKek, Vinc2612 , Culone, Yeray , During Summer, Cicada , m00ns, trc , Khaytra, praj.pran , Peasounay, Ortheore , Bomber., jeran , djanxo unchained, truedrew , MikeDecIsHere, goyagma , FullLifeGames, NicoReaper , wisc, Eternal Spirit , Mr.378, Derk , Level 56, dusk raimon , Mr. NudistoBeach, Century Express , Sam, Hyper-red , teal6, D4RR3N , FLCL, Ren-chon , Mael, dice , King UU, Aurious , raddical, TitinhoRibeiro , Valentine, Haruno , Hyogafodex, slurmz , Impact, Weebl , HANTSUKI, Huston , fapkingg, Lord Qwilfish , Diogo, Holiano , Alexander., Kiyo , boudouche, Finchinator , SharpManAreEpic, KratosMana , KSBK, WreckDra , papai noel, idiotfrommars , Raseri, Reymedy , Desthing, Tirander , unfixable, Sir_Bagel , dreamyyy, Haund , GOAO., Confide. , Bedschibaer
Edit: Hid it.
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