Raichu is a decent wallbreaker with access to Nasty Plot, good coverage, and a good Special Attack stat. Raichu has excellent speed Speed that outspeeds lets it outrun the majority of the PU tier and lets Raichu run multiple roles such as , (AC) allowing it to revenge killing and cleaning up while still being able to wallbreak. Raichu also is also good at taking advantage of forced switches by pivoting with Volt Switch or setting up with Nasty Plot. Raichu faces a lot of competition from Zebstrika and Electrode, but it has the advantage of hitting harder and having access to Nasty Plot in exchange for despite being slower. It also faces competition with Electabuzz, but Raichu is a little faster and has Nasty Plot, (AC) while Electabuzz is bulkier. Finally, (AC) Raichu is very frail and is easily weakened, (AC) meaning that Raichu is easily revenge killed and has a hard time setting up.
name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
item: Life Orb
ability: Lightning Rod
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Thunderbolt is Raichu's obligatory STAB with its good power and no drawbacks. Nasty Plot is Raichu's boosting move to break through bulky teams and greatly increases Raichu's power and allows it to break through bulky teams. Thunderbolt is Raichu's obligatory STAB move with its good power and no drawbacks. (placed this here as this is the 2nd move in the set. Also added "move" after STAB) Focus Blast gives Raichu good coverage and hits Pokemon such as Lickilicky and Regice, (AC) while Hidden Power Ice does good damage to Grass-types, (AC) such as Gourgeist or Exegguctor and Exeggutor, (AC) and hits Ground-types such as Stunfisk. Surf is a viable option instead of Focus Blast to hit Stunfisk, Golem, and Solrock harder while still hitting Probopass decently hard; however, Raichu loses a lot of damage and wallbreaking potential on many Pokemon such as Regice and Lickilicky though and Raichu is also forced to run Static.
Set Details
Max Speed and Special Attack are to The given EVs maximize Raichu's good Speed and Special Attacker. A Timid nature is used instead of a Modest nature to let Raichu outspeed positive natured maximum Speed 100s base 100 Speed Pokemon and up such as Simipour, Ninetales, and Dodrio and to speed-tie Speed tie with Jumpluff. Lighting Lightning Rod can boost Raichu's Special Attack while also giving Raichu an immunity to Electric-type moves. Life Orb increases Raichu's damage so it can wallbreak easier more easily but causes recoil every time Raichu attacks.
Usage Tips
Raichu primary focus should be to wallbreak mid-game; however, Nasty Plot shouldn't always be used, should only be used against bulkier Pokemon like such as (like should never be used for examples, only for comparison) specially defensive Clefairy and Grumpig, (AC) because the extra power is needed to damage them enough for a KO. Late-game cleaning is possible against slower teams once the enemy has been softened up enough. Raichu's nice speed Speed tier also lets it able to be a Revenge Killer against slower revenge kill Pokemon like such as Machoke, Simipour, and Rapidash. Nasty Plot can be used on forced switches. Raichu should never be switched in directly because it is so frail, so slow Volt Switches, U-turns, Baton Passes, or switching in after a Pokemon is KOed is teammates that can provide free switches for Raichu are preferable. Priority move users, such as Dodrio and Pawniard, and Choice Scarf users, such as Simipour and Sawsbuck, are important to be taken take out because any many of their attacks can KO Raichu (Not every attack is capable of KOing Raichu, despite how frail it is). In addition, Raichu should be wary of switching into Electric-type users attacks because Raichu it can be severly severely crippled by any non-Electric-type move a mispredicted move. (This sentence feels a bit contradictory to an earlier sentence saying that Raichu should never be directly switched in...)
Team Options
Water-types such as Floatzel and Simipour and Flying-types such as Dodrio appreciate Lightning Rod for the Raichu's Electric-type immunity, (AC) which also and a stops to Volt Switches, (AC) while they get rid of Ground-types and Grass-types respectively for Raichu it. Fire-types such as Simisear and Monferno can KO Grass-types in exchange for Raichu KOing the majority of Water-types for them. Hazards setters such as Roselia and Metang make Raichu's job of wallbreaking easier by weakening the opponent's Pokemon. For example, one layer of Spikes or Stealth Rock will insure the 1HKO OHKO on Regice after a Nasty Plot. Hazard Removal removal from the likes of Pelipper and Swanna makes it easier for Raichu switch in. Slow Volt Switch and U-turn Pokemon users like such as Probopass and Vibrava can give Raichu safe switch ins free switches. Mr. Mime and Clefairy are both good teammates with can use Healing Wish which to lets Raichu have a second chance at wallbreaking or cleaning up. Roselia lures such as Knock Off Tangela, Knock Off Simipour, and Choice Band Floatzel can weaken or KO Roselia so that it can't check Raichu as well.
name: All-out-Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Surf
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
item: Life Orb
ability: Static
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Volt Switch lets Raichu pivot and gain momentum on an obvious switch or an unfavorable matchup. Thunderbolt is a powerful STAB move for Raichu to us use when staying in. Surf is Raichu's main coverage move and hits Stunfisk, Solrock, and any other Rock- or and Ground-types, (AC) such as Stunfisk and Solrock, (AC) much harder than any other move. Hidden Power Ice is a second coverage move that hits Grass-types, (AC) such as Gourgeist and Jumpluff.
Set Details
Life Orb gives Raichu more power to be a more threatening cleaner or wallbreaker (I thought this set wasn't supposed to be a wallbreaker...) but has recoil damage. Max Maximum Special Attack EVs investment boosts Raichu's already good Special Attack and , (AC) while max maximum Speed EVs with a Timid nature is to lets it outspeed Pokemon such as Simisear and Simisage. Static has a chance of paralyzing any physical attacks foes that use contact moves. (I think it's kinda silly to restate what Static does, especially seeing as it hardly has an effect on how Raichu plays the game, and Raichu doesn't necessarily have a choice when it comes to its ability. I know you stated this for the previous set but I feel it's helpful rather than reptitious to note it here)
Usage Tips
In the early-game, Raichu will be Volt Switching out of its counters such as Clefairy and Grumpig to weaken them. As the match goes on, Raichu can both be used as a Revenge Killer revenge killer or late-game cleaner, (RC) meaning Raichu can be used effectively for a long period of time starting mid-game. Raichu is too frail to come in on direct hits so the best option is to come in on slow Volt-Switches (remove hyphen), U-turns, or after a KO. Ground-types and Lightning Rod users need to be weakened enough so that Raichu can take them out by itself before , (AC) as otherwise Raichu can't safely use Volt Switch and Thunderbolt. In addition, Lightning Rod users also need to be KOed before Raichu can safely use its STAB, especially Volt Switch.
Team Options
Raichu should be paired with Water-types, (AC) such as Floatzel and Simipour, (AC) because Water-types they can easily get rid of Ground-types easily. Flying-types such as Dodrio and Chatot can KO Grass-types that resists Raichu's STAB moves. Fire-types such as Monferno and Simisear can also take out Grass-types for Raichu and while Raichu can take out Water-types for them. Hazard Removers Defoggers such as Swanna and Pelipper lessen the residual damage which is important because Raichu already takes so much residual damage from Life Orb. Ninjask and other U-Turn U-turn Pokemon users can make a nice Volt Turn VoltTurn core with Raichu and some slower users can also be used as a slow U-turn Pokemon so that Raichu can have an easy time switching in. Knock Off users such as Machoke and Simisage can knock off Eviolites and Leftovers from foes so that Raichu has an easier time weakening them with Volt Switches.
Other Options
Choice Scarf lets Raichu outspeeds the entire unboosted tier and, (AC) as well as quite a bit of many Choice Scarf Pokemon in PU, (AC) and lets Raichu get surprise kills KOs on Pokemon like such as Floatzel and Ninjask, but Raichu loses a lot of power and is, (AC) making it quite underwhelming at times. Choice Scarf Raichu also faces competition from Electabuzz as an Electric-type scarfer Choice Scarf user, although Raichu has the advantage of outspeeding Stoutland in the sand while losing just a little power. Choice Specs is also a usable item for more immediate power compared to than Life Orb, but getting stuck using locked into one move is horrible for Raichu in exchange for only a little more power and not worth the extra power. Choice Band Raichu can be used due to its access to priority in the form of Extreme-Speed (remove hyphen) and , (AC) strong Electric-type STAB moves, (AC) such as Volt Tackle or Wild Charge. Raichu also gets , and Knock Off. The problem with Choice Band though is that it However, Raichu can't use Volt Tackle in conjunction with Extreme-Speed (remove hyphen), both crucial moves for physical Raichu. Knock Off instead of a coverage move can be used to take away Eviolites remove Eviolites from Pokemon like such as Roselia, Clefairy, and Machoke that try to switch in. Encore can also be used to lock the opponent Pokemon into an ineffective move such as an Electric-type move. Finally, Substitute and a + Salac Berry instead of Life Orb or just Substitute are both options for the is an option for the Nasty Plot set and can be used alongside a Salac Berry instead of a Life Orb.
Checks and Counters
**Ground-types**: Ground-types such as Golem and (Missing an example here) completely shuts down Raichu's main STAB move, Thunderbolt, and doesn't don't let it escape with Volt Switch out. Stunfisk needs to be extremely weakened for HP Hidden Power Ice to KO.
**Grass-types**: Bulky Grass-types such as Roselia, Gogoat, and Gourgeist all give Raichu trouble by taking little from its STAB attacks. HP Hidden Power Ice doesn't do enough to KO them unless they are severally weakened. Roselia, (AC) in particular, (AC) is the most common and best check to Raichu because of its high Special special bulk.
**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Raichu has trouble breaking through specially defensive oriented Pokemon, (AC) such as Grumpig and Lickilicky, (AC) until Raichu it gets enough Nasty Plot boosts. They These Pokemon can threaten to also KO Raichu with their STABs moves.
**Faster Pokemon**: Faster Pokemon such as Floatzel and Zebstrika can greatly damage or KO Raichu because of its frailness. Any viable scafer Choice Scarf user, notably Simipour and Mr. Mime, can outspeed and KO Raichu once it is weakened.
**Residual Damage**: Hazard damage, (AC) status conditions, (AC) and Life Orb recoil can quickly
weaken Raichu until Raichu can't switch in or use a move without getting KOed. Status also helps weaken Raichu quickly.
**Priority**: Priority move users such as Pawniard's Sucker Punch and Monferno's Mach Punch can easily revenge kill Raichu easily due to Raichu's its frailness and lack of priority.