Q/C: 3/3
GP: 2/2
Volkraken swoops out of its underwater abyss and threatens the metagame with its fearsome Special Attack and its ability to punish switch-ins with Analytic. Its rare typing gives it powerful STAB moves that complement its Special Attack while simultaneously giving Volkraken good coverage. Collectively, these traits allow Volkraken to perform multiple offensive roles and allow it to either be a revenge killer or a wallbreaker.
However, one of the more dubious aspects about Volkraken is its odd Speed tier that leaves it somewhere between being an all-out sweeper and an Analytic abuser. As a result, Volkraken's item choice is a big factor in what role it can perform, often leading it into the role of a Choice attacker. Unfortunately, being weak to Stealth Rock and susceptible to all other entry hazards somewhat reduces its own opportunities to switch in. Overall, Volkraken tries to control the switch game on the opposing side of the field, but simultaneously has some trouble gaining switches itself. That said, Volkraken still has the potential to dish out massive damage and maybe even reveal a few surprises along the way, while its access to sacrificial moves such as Memento helps to differentiate it from other powerful attackers.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Surf / Hydro Pump
move 3: Power Gem / Flash Cannon
move 4: U-turn / Memento / Destiny Bond
ability: Analytic / Infiltrator
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid
Fire Blast is a fairly reliable STAB move with more firepower than its alternatives. Surf or Hydro Pump rounds out Volkraken's STAB coverage. Scald is an alternative, but might miss KOs against Mega Charizard Y, Landorus-T, and specially defensive Gliscor. Power Gem hits Flying-types and Mollux and can hit Mega Charizard Y especially hard. Flash Cannon is only for Mega Altaria should Volkraken's team need to hit it.
Destiny Bond can be used against some slower threats for a surprise KO; this is particularly useful when Volkraken is blazingly fast thanks to Choice Scarf. Memento can be used as a sacrificial move to help Volkraken's next teammate set up. U-turn allows Volkraken to keep momentum and lets it have more flexibility in the switch wars that it aims to control.
Set Details
Choice Scarf allows Volkraken to outspeed most Pokemon and its choice of nature comes down to a few threats. With a Modest nature, Volkraken outspeeds the likes of Mega Manectric and Mega Beedrill. With a Timid nature, it can outspeed Aurumoth even after it has a single Speed boost up, as well as Mega Aerodactyl and Choice Scarf Landorus-T. However, regardless of the choice of nature, the EVs are standard for a special sweeper.
The choice of ability is fairly subjective, though Volkraken normally appreciates Analytic to be able to punish the foe for switching in and out. However, Infiltrator has the ability to bypass Substitute, Light Screen, and Reflect, which can land a surprise hit against foes such as Substitute Tomohawk.
Usage Tips
For the most part, Choice Scarf Volkraken plays like a standard hit-and-run revenge killer. However, what Volkraken lacks in coverage, it makes up for with a few niche tricks. While predicting obvious switches is always helpful, Analytic Volkraken shouldn't be be too afraid to use Hydro Pump or Fire Blast most of the time. That said, foes with abilities that grant immunity to Fire or Water are usually a sign that trouble is on the way, so risk-reward decisions become important. However, Volkraken with U-turn can opt to play it safe and avoid these risky situations.
For those not opting for U-turn, at the start of the match, it is strongly advised to begin thinking about which threat is best for Volkraken to use Memento or Destiny Bond against (if any at all). These moves are highly conditional but can provide fantastic team support if used properly. That said, most of the time Volkraken would rather provide assistance by using its attacking options and staying alive.
Team Options
Physically bulky partners, especially those that can take Ground-, Rock-, and Electric-type attacks, are great partners to Volkraken in terms of type synergy. Cawmodore works surprisingly well, but both it and Volkraken are wrecked by Kyurem-B's Fusion Bolt due to Teravolt. However, Cawmodore gets a special mention for Memento sets. There are few things that would make it worth it for Volkraken to sacrifice itself, but providing support to one of the most fearsome Belly Drum sweepers in the metagame is arguably one of the more worthy causes available.
Spinners and Defoggers are helpful, if not mandatory, as Volkraken greatly appreciates entry hazard removal support, especially with all of the switches involved on a Choice set. Colossoil in particular can be a great partner, as it is immune to the Electric-type attacks that Volkraken fears.
Trappers such as Gothitelle or physical attackers such as Colossoil can help get rid of the special walls that plague Volkraken. Generally, Volkraken should always be played with a teammate or two that can take out Chansey.
name: Count Kraken and the Thirst for Power (Special Wallbreaker)
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Hydro Pump / Scald
move 3: Power Gem / Flash Cannon
move 4: Memento / Destiny Bond / U-turn
ability: Analytic / Infiltrator
item: Choice Specs / Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid
Fire Blast is Volkraken's reliable Fire-type STAB move, and the extra power over Flamethrower really adds up when stacked with Volkraken's item and a potential Analytic boost. Hydro Pump is Volkraken's most powerful Water-type STAB move. Scald is an option as well, but might miss KOs against Mega Charizard Y or Assault Vest Landorus-T. Hydro Pump and Scald can actually be used on the same set if you forego Volkraken's last moveslot, as together they provide both power and utility. Surf, however, is not recommended on this set due to the lack of Pokemon that it can KO that Scald cannot. Power Gem hits Flying-types and Mollux and can hit Mega Charizard Y especially hard, while Flash Cannon hits Mega Altaria.
Memento can be used as a sacrificial move to help Volkraken's next teammate set up. Destiny Bond can be used against some slower threats for a surprise KO. U-turn allows Volkraken to keep momentum and lets it have more flexibility in the switch wars that it aims to control.
Set Details
Choice Specs makes Volkraken stupidly powerful, while Life Orb gives it power and flexibility at the cost of health. Both items play quite differently in terms of switching, but either can be used to let Volkraken muscle through similar threats. A Modest nature is usually preferred for the extra power, though Timid lets Volkraken outspeed a few rare threats such as Jolly Excadrill. Even with Life Orb and U-turn, Volkraken should still use an Attack-lowering nature due to its pitiful base Attack. The EVs are standard for a special attacker.
The choice of ability can be a toss-up at times, though Volkraken normally appreciates Analytic to be able to punish the foe for switching in and out, something that is especially handy when the boost stacks with Volkraken's item boost. However, Infiltrator has the ability to bypass Substitute, Light Screen, and Reflect, which can land a surprise hit against foes such as Substitute Tomohawk.
Usage Tips
This set plays as a typical wallbreaker for the most part. If using Analytic, Volkraken's Fire Blast and Hydro Pump will hit most foes extremely hard on the switch, so they are the safest moves for prediction's sake. However, Volkraken must beware of potential Pokemon that can absorb its STAB moves if holding Choice Specs; having to switch out because you mispredicted eats up valuable momentum. In general, Life Orb Volkraken doesn't fear foes with Flash Fire as much, as in the event of a misprediction it can just hit them hard with a Water-type move next turn.
At the start of the match, start thinking about which threat is best for Volkraken to use Memento or Destiny Bond against, if it is using either of those moves. Sacrificing Volkraken is a big decision and should generally been done after Volkraken has expended much of its wallbreaking potential.
Team Options
Spinners and Defoggers are helpful, if not mandatory, as Volkraken greatly appreciates entry hazard removal support, especially with all of the switches involved on a Choice set. Colossoil in particular can be a great partner, as it is immune to the Electric-type attacks that Volkraken fears. Due to its sometimes lackluster Speed, Volkraken also appreciates Sticky Web support from Necturna, but this hinders Analytic boosts except in instances of switching.
In terms of type synergy, physically bulky partners that can take Ground-, Rock-, and Electric-type attacks are great partners to Volkraken. Cawmodore fills this niche surprisingly well, but both it and Volkraken can be defeated by Kyurem-B's Fusion Bolt due to Teravolt. However, Cawmodore gets a special mention for Memento sets. There are few situations that would make it worth it for Volkraken to sacrifice itself, but providing support to one of the most fearsome Belly Drum sweepers in the metagame is arguably one of the more worthy causes available.
Trappers such as Gothitelle or physical attackers such as Colossoil can help rid the special walls that plague Volkraken. Generally, Volkraken should always be played with a teammate or two that can take out Chansey.
Other Options
Flamethrower has better accuracy than Fire Blast, but the loss in power is noticeable. Assault Vest is handy for letting Volkraken take some special attacks, most notably Thunderbolt. In general, however, Volkraken appreciates extra Speed or power more. Hidden Power Grass is an option to hit the rare Water / Ground types such as Quagsire, whereas Hidden Power Ground allows Volkraken to hit Cyclohm and Mollux. Substitute can be used to avoid status, most notably paralysis. Red Card can be useful if a faster foe hits Volkraken; the foe will be forced to switch out, letting Volkraken land an Analytic boost against a new target. Though this is not reliable, it does allow for another opportunity for Volkraken to abuse Analytic.
Checks and Counters
**Bulky Water-types**: With resistances to Volkraken's STAB moves, bulky Water-types can usually come in safely and chip away with their STAB attacks. Arghonaut in particular counters Volkraken, while Krilowatt threatens Volkraken back with its Electric-type STAB moves. Though they are rarer, Kingdra absolutely tanks Volkraken's STAB attacks and Gastrodon can potentially net a Storm Drain boost from Volkraken's Water-type moves.
**Chansey**: Taking neutral damage from all of Volkraken's moves and shrugging the blows off, Chansey can come in and Toxic stall Volkraken or whittle away its HP with Seismic Toss. Switching in on a Choice Specs + Analytic set cannot be done unless healthy, however. Once in, hits become softer due to Chansey's naturally lower Speed.
**Dragon-types**: Most Dragon-types will resist both of Volkraken's STAB moves. Latias can take multiple hits and recover the damage. Garchomp can KO with Earthquake and doesn't have to worry about much other than a Scald burn. Cylclohm has Electric-type STAB attacks, but has to worry about taking multiple hits due to its weaker Special Defense.
**Bulky Electric-types**: Most of the bulkier Electric-types have the potential to tank a lot of Volkraken's moves, but they still don't want to switch in. Rotom-W stands out for resisting both of Volkraken's STAB moves, while Plasmanta is notable for being immune to Volkraken's Water-type moves (but it doesn't want to take a Fire Blast at all).
**Powerful Neutral Priority**: Boosted or Choice Band priority moves can be a thorn in Volkraken's side, potentially allowing it to be KOed before it can move. However, if Volkraken survives a priority move, its Analytic will activate.
**Mollux**: Thanks to Dry Skin, Mollux can take hits well and can potentially regain HP if brought in on a Water-type move. It fears Hidden Power Ground, which is thankfully rare, and Power Gem, so it should only be switching in once Volkraken is known to be Choice-locked into a different move.
**Fast Rock-types**: Aerodactyl and Stratagem can generally take out non-Choice Scarf Volkraken, though they can't switch in directly. Focus Sash Stratagem can mess up even Choice Scarf variants of Volkraken, however.
**Paralysis**: Being paralyzed hinders Volkraken's sweeping ability, but it also can make Analytic even deadlier.

Q/C: 3/3
GP: 2/2
Volkraken swoops out of its underwater abyss and threatens the metagame with its fearsome Special Attack and its ability to punish switch-ins with Analytic. Its rare typing gives it powerful STAB moves that complement its Special Attack while simultaneously giving Volkraken good coverage. Collectively, these traits allow Volkraken to perform multiple offensive roles and allow it to either be a revenge killer or a wallbreaker.
However, one of the more dubious aspects about Volkraken is its odd Speed tier that leaves it somewhere between being an all-out sweeper and an Analytic abuser. As a result, Volkraken's item choice is a big factor in what role it can perform, often leading it into the role of a Choice attacker. Unfortunately, being weak to Stealth Rock and susceptible to all other entry hazards somewhat reduces its own opportunities to switch in. Overall, Volkraken tries to control the switch game on the opposing side of the field, but simultaneously has some trouble gaining switches itself. That said, Volkraken still has the potential to dish out massive damage and maybe even reveal a few surprises along the way, while its access to sacrificial moves such as Memento helps to differentiate it from other powerful attackers.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Surf / Hydro Pump
move 3: Power Gem / Flash Cannon
move 4: U-turn / Memento / Destiny Bond
ability: Analytic / Infiltrator
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid
Fire Blast is a fairly reliable STAB move with more firepower than its alternatives. Surf or Hydro Pump rounds out Volkraken's STAB coverage. Scald is an alternative, but might miss KOs against Mega Charizard Y, Landorus-T, and specially defensive Gliscor. Power Gem hits Flying-types and Mollux and can hit Mega Charizard Y especially hard. Flash Cannon is only for Mega Altaria should Volkraken's team need to hit it.
Destiny Bond can be used against some slower threats for a surprise KO; this is particularly useful when Volkraken is blazingly fast thanks to Choice Scarf. Memento can be used as a sacrificial move to help Volkraken's next teammate set up. U-turn allows Volkraken to keep momentum and lets it have more flexibility in the switch wars that it aims to control.
Set Details
Choice Scarf allows Volkraken to outspeed most Pokemon and its choice of nature comes down to a few threats. With a Modest nature, Volkraken outspeeds the likes of Mega Manectric and Mega Beedrill. With a Timid nature, it can outspeed Aurumoth even after it has a single Speed boost up, as well as Mega Aerodactyl and Choice Scarf Landorus-T. However, regardless of the choice of nature, the EVs are standard for a special sweeper.
The choice of ability is fairly subjective, though Volkraken normally appreciates Analytic to be able to punish the foe for switching in and out. However, Infiltrator has the ability to bypass Substitute, Light Screen, and Reflect, which can land a surprise hit against foes such as Substitute Tomohawk.
Usage Tips
For the most part, Choice Scarf Volkraken plays like a standard hit-and-run revenge killer. However, what Volkraken lacks in coverage, it makes up for with a few niche tricks. While predicting obvious switches is always helpful, Analytic Volkraken shouldn't be be too afraid to use Hydro Pump or Fire Blast most of the time. That said, foes with abilities that grant immunity to Fire or Water are usually a sign that trouble is on the way, so risk-reward decisions become important. However, Volkraken with U-turn can opt to play it safe and avoid these risky situations.
For those not opting for U-turn, at the start of the match, it is strongly advised to begin thinking about which threat is best for Volkraken to use Memento or Destiny Bond against (if any at all). These moves are highly conditional but can provide fantastic team support if used properly. That said, most of the time Volkraken would rather provide assistance by using its attacking options and staying alive.
Team Options
Physically bulky partners, especially those that can take Ground-, Rock-, and Electric-type attacks, are great partners to Volkraken in terms of type synergy. Cawmodore works surprisingly well, but both it and Volkraken are wrecked by Kyurem-B's Fusion Bolt due to Teravolt. However, Cawmodore gets a special mention for Memento sets. There are few things that would make it worth it for Volkraken to sacrifice itself, but providing support to one of the most fearsome Belly Drum sweepers in the metagame is arguably one of the more worthy causes available.
Spinners and Defoggers are helpful, if not mandatory, as Volkraken greatly appreciates entry hazard removal support, especially with all of the switches involved on a Choice set. Colossoil in particular can be a great partner, as it is immune to the Electric-type attacks that Volkraken fears.
Trappers such as Gothitelle or physical attackers such as Colossoil can help get rid of the special walls that plague Volkraken. Generally, Volkraken should always be played with a teammate or two that can take out Chansey.
name: Count Kraken and the Thirst for Power (Special Wallbreaker)
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Hydro Pump / Scald
move 3: Power Gem / Flash Cannon
move 4: Memento / Destiny Bond / U-turn
ability: Analytic / Infiltrator
item: Choice Specs / Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid
Fire Blast is Volkraken's reliable Fire-type STAB move, and the extra power over Flamethrower really adds up when stacked with Volkraken's item and a potential Analytic boost. Hydro Pump is Volkraken's most powerful Water-type STAB move. Scald is an option as well, but might miss KOs against Mega Charizard Y or Assault Vest Landorus-T. Hydro Pump and Scald can actually be used on the same set if you forego Volkraken's last moveslot, as together they provide both power and utility. Surf, however, is not recommended on this set due to the lack of Pokemon that it can KO that Scald cannot. Power Gem hits Flying-types and Mollux and can hit Mega Charizard Y especially hard, while Flash Cannon hits Mega Altaria.
Memento can be used as a sacrificial move to help Volkraken's next teammate set up. Destiny Bond can be used against some slower threats for a surprise KO. U-turn allows Volkraken to keep momentum and lets it have more flexibility in the switch wars that it aims to control.
Set Details
Choice Specs makes Volkraken stupidly powerful, while Life Orb gives it power and flexibility at the cost of health. Both items play quite differently in terms of switching, but either can be used to let Volkraken muscle through similar threats. A Modest nature is usually preferred for the extra power, though Timid lets Volkraken outspeed a few rare threats such as Jolly Excadrill. Even with Life Orb and U-turn, Volkraken should still use an Attack-lowering nature due to its pitiful base Attack. The EVs are standard for a special attacker.
The choice of ability can be a toss-up at times, though Volkraken normally appreciates Analytic to be able to punish the foe for switching in and out, something that is especially handy when the boost stacks with Volkraken's item boost. However, Infiltrator has the ability to bypass Substitute, Light Screen, and Reflect, which can land a surprise hit against foes such as Substitute Tomohawk.
Usage Tips
This set plays as a typical wallbreaker for the most part. If using Analytic, Volkraken's Fire Blast and Hydro Pump will hit most foes extremely hard on the switch, so they are the safest moves for prediction's sake. However, Volkraken must beware of potential Pokemon that can absorb its STAB moves if holding Choice Specs; having to switch out because you mispredicted eats up valuable momentum. In general, Life Orb Volkraken doesn't fear foes with Flash Fire as much, as in the event of a misprediction it can just hit them hard with a Water-type move next turn.
At the start of the match, start thinking about which threat is best for Volkraken to use Memento or Destiny Bond against, if it is using either of those moves. Sacrificing Volkraken is a big decision and should generally been done after Volkraken has expended much of its wallbreaking potential.
Team Options
Spinners and Defoggers are helpful, if not mandatory, as Volkraken greatly appreciates entry hazard removal support, especially with all of the switches involved on a Choice set. Colossoil in particular can be a great partner, as it is immune to the Electric-type attacks that Volkraken fears. Due to its sometimes lackluster Speed, Volkraken also appreciates Sticky Web support from Necturna, but this hinders Analytic boosts except in instances of switching.
In terms of type synergy, physically bulky partners that can take Ground-, Rock-, and Electric-type attacks are great partners to Volkraken. Cawmodore fills this niche surprisingly well, but both it and Volkraken can be defeated by Kyurem-B's Fusion Bolt due to Teravolt. However, Cawmodore gets a special mention for Memento sets. There are few situations that would make it worth it for Volkraken to sacrifice itself, but providing support to one of the most fearsome Belly Drum sweepers in the metagame is arguably one of the more worthy causes available.
Trappers such as Gothitelle or physical attackers such as Colossoil can help rid the special walls that plague Volkraken. Generally, Volkraken should always be played with a teammate or two that can take out Chansey.
Other Options
Flamethrower has better accuracy than Fire Blast, but the loss in power is noticeable. Assault Vest is handy for letting Volkraken take some special attacks, most notably Thunderbolt. In general, however, Volkraken appreciates extra Speed or power more. Hidden Power Grass is an option to hit the rare Water / Ground types such as Quagsire, whereas Hidden Power Ground allows Volkraken to hit Cyclohm and Mollux. Substitute can be used to avoid status, most notably paralysis. Red Card can be useful if a faster foe hits Volkraken; the foe will be forced to switch out, letting Volkraken land an Analytic boost against a new target. Though this is not reliable, it does allow for another opportunity for Volkraken to abuse Analytic.
Checks and Counters
**Bulky Water-types**: With resistances to Volkraken's STAB moves, bulky Water-types can usually come in safely and chip away with their STAB attacks. Arghonaut in particular counters Volkraken, while Krilowatt threatens Volkraken back with its Electric-type STAB moves. Though they are rarer, Kingdra absolutely tanks Volkraken's STAB attacks and Gastrodon can potentially net a Storm Drain boost from Volkraken's Water-type moves.
**Chansey**: Taking neutral damage from all of Volkraken's moves and shrugging the blows off, Chansey can come in and Toxic stall Volkraken or whittle away its HP with Seismic Toss. Switching in on a Choice Specs + Analytic set cannot be done unless healthy, however. Once in, hits become softer due to Chansey's naturally lower Speed.
**Dragon-types**: Most Dragon-types will resist both of Volkraken's STAB moves. Latias can take multiple hits and recover the damage. Garchomp can KO with Earthquake and doesn't have to worry about much other than a Scald burn. Cylclohm has Electric-type STAB attacks, but has to worry about taking multiple hits due to its weaker Special Defense.
**Bulky Electric-types**: Most of the bulkier Electric-types have the potential to tank a lot of Volkraken's moves, but they still don't want to switch in. Rotom-W stands out for resisting both of Volkraken's STAB moves, while Plasmanta is notable for being immune to Volkraken's Water-type moves (but it doesn't want to take a Fire Blast at all).
**Powerful Neutral Priority**: Boosted or Choice Band priority moves can be a thorn in Volkraken's side, potentially allowing it to be KOed before it can move. However, if Volkraken survives a priority move, its Analytic will activate.
**Mollux**: Thanks to Dry Skin, Mollux can take hits well and can potentially regain HP if brought in on a Water-type move. It fears Hidden Power Ground, which is thankfully rare, and Power Gem, so it should only be switching in once Volkraken is known to be Choice-locked into a different move.
**Fast Rock-types**: Aerodactyl and Stratagem can generally take out non-Choice Scarf Volkraken, though they can't switch in directly. Focus Sash Stratagem can mess up even Choice Scarf variants of Volkraken, however.
**Paralysis**: Being paralyzed hinders Volkraken's sweeping ability, but it also can make Analytic even deadlier.
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