Furfrou @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Thunder Wave
- U-turn
- Sucker Punch
Furfrou is an underrated pokemon imo considering it currently sits at c- of the VR, and its a nice coincidence that i happened to build a team with furfrou today (actually is a coincidence). Most people try to run AV or cotton guard restalk which quite frankly are dumb sets, the set that i use, i feel, is the best way to acheive furfrou's fullest potential. Wild charge could be used over thunder wave, but im haxy shit so yah. It fits best on volturn teams, as it is basically a 'pivot', as it baits a lot of pokes in, like Missy, poliwrath and pelipper, which can be abused, the former by sneasel/ninetales, and the latter two by the volt switch part of the core. I havent played too many games with it so far (only two against legit teams), so i will try and play more to source replays.

Persian @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Dark] / Hidden Power [Ghost]
- Water Pulse / Substitute
Fake out + technitian ermahgerd amazing. No. Those sets are done better by kecleon/purugly (lol) and they are still bad without them. Persian's niche is nasty plot. Its high speed allows it to become an effective late game cleaner, and nasty plot somewhat makes up for its bad special attack. Hyper voice is obviously its stab, then hp dark and ghost hit the ghost types which annoy persian, as well as rock/steels. HP dark is used with water pulse, as both ghost and dark have the same coverage other than carbink, which water pulse hits, however hp dark doesnt drop any IVs, however with sub, you might as well hit carbink a bit harder. Water pulse hits rocks and grounds like golem, which can potentially wall you, while sub is nice to set up on pokes trying to twave, or shadow ball missy, and lets you live a hit from a scarfer. I have used this before in a lot of tour games, but sadly it has not put in much work, as i have accidentally used hyper beam>hyper voice and PS teambuilder doesnt save my changes :(. Other moves like shock wave can be used as well, but i will primarily try out this moveset. e: Also dont use hp fight bcus you drop a speed iv
I will use cottonee more and comment then, but currently it looks as trash as whoever suggested using it