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[Program] !v1.1 LIVE! Forum Assist; Tool for assisting clear and concise listing of Pokemon.

What should be worked on next?

  • Option for use of previous gen sprites.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • More formatting options.

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • Small housekeeping changes such as only allowing "Mega" to be checked for Pokemon with a mega form.

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Other: (Please state below).

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
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I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this, but due to it only really assisting people in the Wi-Fi forum I posted it here (Pls no send to technical area where nobody will find it =( ). I even asked in SQSA to no response. To any mods who stumble across this pls no lock the thread itself still needs formatting improvement, I know.

-Forum Assist-
Forum assist is a small C# application which generates a block HTML text which can be directly pasted into the forums to create neatly formatted trade threads using a simple GUI. The aim being to save the user trawling through websites for resources and manually typing the HTML code. The application supports multiple preset formats and the ability to save and reload Pokemon information for editing at a later date

For example:
I want to list my nice, freshly hatched 31/31/31/xx/31/00 Nest Ball Ferroseed with egg moves in a way that's easily read by potential visitors to my trade thread. By filling out the fields of the program I can easily generate such a listing:


Can create multiple different listing formats by selecting the format at the top and clicking the "Create" button, then by Clicking the "Copy" button (which copies the required text) and pasting it into my thread. Easy.

For example by entering what I have above, I get this result:

Species: Ferroseed
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0

Move 1: Bullet Seed
Move 2: Spikes
Move 3: Stealth Rock
Move 4: Leech Seed
Notes: -0 Speed for most damage out of Gyro Ball!
-Can be Nicknamed!​

By selecting "Format 2" I get this result:


Species: Ferroseed

Ability: Iron Barbs|Nature: Relaxed
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0
Move 1: Bullet Seed|Move 2: Spikes
Move 3: Stealth Rock|Move 4: Leech Seed

Notes: -0 Speed for most damage out of Gyro Ball!
-Can be Nicknamed!​

And by selecting "Format 3" I get:


IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0
Nature: Relaxed Ability: Iron Barbs
-Bullet Seed
-Stealth Rock
-Leech Seed
OT: -=Blu=- ID: 49000
-0 Speed for most damage out of Gyro Ball!
-Can be Nicknamed!

(And in case you were wondering I created all of those in about 20 seconds =D)

-Saving and loading-

What if I thought I might make changes to my Ferroseed in the future, but want to list it as is for the moment anyway?

I'm able to save the entries to my computer using the save feature!

By clicking the "Save" button I'm prompted by a menu to enter a file name and location. Name the file whatever you like with the extension .txt, I named mine "Ferroseed.txt" because I'm creative.


Now whenever I want to change something about Ferroseed I can load the file by clicking the "Load" button and selecting my file.


This can be used to keep a back up of all the Pokemon you have listed on your thread in case you manage to mess something up. Like turn the entire thread into a link to photobucket like I did one time.


Sorry people who aren't very good with computers, at this time the process is kinda difficult.

Forum Assist can now run your own custom format! to create a custom format:

First create an ordinary .txt file somewhere convenient on your computer and call it whatever you like


Next, you must obtain the BB code for your format. Don't be scared! its easy, follow these steps.

Edit your thread

Click the "Show BB code" button, it should look like this


now locate a Pokemon you have listed previously and copy the BB code


Now here is the tricky part. Paste your code into your text document


Now you must replace parts of the code with these tags depending on what's ment to appear there.

[SPECIES] = This will display the species name in text eg: "Ferroseed"
[SPRITE] = This will display the appropriate sprite
[BALL]= This will display the appropriate Poke Ball
[GENDER]= This will display the Appropriate gender icon
[OT]= This will display the Pokemon's OT eg: "-=Blu=-"
[ID]= This will display the Pokemon's OT's ID eg: "49000"
[MOVE1]= This will display a move eg: "Splash"
[MOVE2]= This will display a move eg: "Splash"
[MOVE3]= This will display a move eg: "Splash"
[MOVE4]= This will display a move eg: "Splash"
[ABILITY]= This will display the pokemon's Ability
[IVS]= This will display the pokemons Iv's in the conventional format
[NATURE] =This will display the pokemon's nature
[KB]= This will display the Kalos born star if appropriate
[SHINY]= This will display the Shiny star if appropriate
[REDIS]= This will display the pokemons distribution rights
[NOTES]= This will display notes.

So my code from above becomes this:


An example is included in the download package =).

Now all you have to do is load your format with the "Load" button, select "Custom format" and you're done.

Forum Assist V1.1 can be downloaded Here

Net framework 4.3 or higher.

-I am always looking for ways to improve the application and NEW FORMATTING STYLES I can add. Please suggest below.
This is a work in progress, and I'm fairly inexperienced in programming. You may encounter some bugs particularly with loading saved data at this point.
-Use the save feature with cation at the time being, I may change the format I use in the saved files as I add more features.
-Please check back every so often for updates, often will include added features and bug fixes.
-Please report any issues you find with the software here.
-I know my method of saving was probably used by cavemen, but I'm a noob, Okay?

Change log:
23/09/2014, v1.1.0.0
-Added the ability to load custom formats!
-Added a "Not for trade" option if no redis option in selected
-Added an error message for failed load.

-Massive optimization to the method by which the HTML strings are generated

22/09/2014, v1.0.0.0.
-Initial release.

-PkPariso For providing the animated Pokemon gifs!
-Serebii For providing the Pokeball sprites!

-My friends for putting up with my spamming about progress I was making and providing early feedback, namely: *Trev*, <Totes>, awiec, flargananddingle, Lady Valkyrie, lockiegengar12, Mewdraco, Slashari and Valzy.

- .com for providing me with a file containing the data to allow me to make drop-down menus instead of text boxes.
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Just a suggestion, but how about adding Hidden Powers with these (like having the IVs 31/E/31/30/31/31 and letting this pop up:)
Notes: Hidden Power
Also, do you have pictures for the different forms (i.e. Rotom and co.?)

Like I said, just some ideas. Hope you like them :)
I usually use font size 2 in my layouts. Have you thought about implementing an option for something like that?

Just a suggestion :)

I could implement font/colour changes somewhat easily. I'll consider doing this for the next version =).

My suggestion is that there should be a way to implement our own format because we all have unique formats or formats we like. Just a suggestion , looks good anyway :]

This is a long term goal, I'm not sure how I'll be able to read the users format quite yet, But I'm working on it!

Wow this is awesome lol.

Suggestions: Add some way to bold moves for indicating past gen tutor moves or event moves, since those are pretty cool.

Easy enough to do. I could also make it put little egg sprites beside egg moves if that'd look okay.
Actually why not have multiple options next to each move, like bold, italics, or whatever.
The risk I run is making the UI so cluttered that nobody knows what's going on =P. If the application becomes more difficult to navigate than just typing manually I defeat the point.

Maybe I'll make an "Advanced Options" button while will allow the user access to more options.
I have a dumb question, would it be possible to take .pk6 files (or I guess KeySav dumps) and convert them into this program?

Random test:


Afro Thunder/33580
Species: Xerneas
Ability: Fairy Aura
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31

Move 1: Moonblast
Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Geomancy
Move 4: Substitute


Species: Xerneas
Afro Thunder|33580|
Ability: Fairy Aura|Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31
Move 1: Moonblast|Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Geomancy|Move 4: Substitute


IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31
Nature: Timid Ability: Fairy Aura
OT: Afro Thunder ID: 33580

I like option one the best tbh
I have a dumb question, would it be possible to take .pk6 files (or I guess KeySav dumps) and convert them into this program?

Random test:


Afro Thunder/33580
Species: Xerneas
Ability: Fairy Aura
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31

Move 1: Moonblast
Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Geomancy
Move 4: Substitute


Species: Xerneas
Afro Thunder|33580|
Ability: Fairy Aura|Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31
Move 1: Moonblast|Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Geomancy|Move 4: Substitute


IVs: 31/31/27/31/31/31
Nature: Timid Ability: Fairy Aura
OT: Afro Thunder ID: 33580

I like option one the best tbh
Thanks for trying the software =).

I can look into adding Keysav dump support, however I'll need some Keysave dump files to work with =).
Hey, nice app (have been using something similar for my thread for a while). Gave it a couple of runs through to see what it can do :). Looks good so far.

A couple of nice features which might be useful to some people (obviously, any suggestions that can be made are gonna be situational, but, ah well:
• Load from pk6 file (would save some people a lot of the hassle of manually typing these things out).

• Allow for (possibly by some "add set" button) additional spreads/moves/balls/abilities/natures available for the Pokémon—useful for breeders who can breed several of the same Pokémon, with different things available).

• Add a "not for trade" option. Some people list Pokémon they have, but that they cannot trade. While I appreciate most likely do this in a "trophy case" type section of their thread, there are those who don't.

• Gray out the "Create" button if some essential information is missing (Species, IVs, etc.).

• Make the TextArea for the BBCode editable (or some option to enable this). I'd prefer to edit it on the program than to paste to the forum and then make any minor edits (because BBCode likes to be a sod some of the time...).


• Add an "edit format" type field. Where the user can enter something along the lines of:
#Nature | #Ability
#Move1 | #Move2 | #Move3 | #Move4
#OT | #TID
which would then enter the information thrown in by hash-tags into the appropriate place in their formatted code.
Anyways, nice idea (I apologise for making a lot of suggestions, this is genuinely because I like the idea and would love to see people use it, rather than just being an asshole). Good luck! :D
The risk I run is making the UI so cluttered that nobody knows what's going on =P. If the application becomes more difficult to navigate than just typing manually I defeat the point.

Maybe I'll make an "Advanced Options" button while will allow the user access to more options.
I guess there can be a simplified version and a complex version of the software. That way on one software, the UI is simpler for newer users or users who don't care about making their thread fancy and stuff. And the complex version for more experienced people with the software and care about making their thread looking clean and nice.
• Allow for (possibly by some "add set" button) additional spreads/moves/balls/abilities/natures available for the Pokémon—useful for breeders who can breed several of the same Pokémon, with different things available).

• Add a "not for trade" option. Some people list Pokémon they have, but that they cannot trade. While I appreciate most likely do this in a "trophy case" type section of their thread, there are those who don't.

• Gray out the "Create" button if some essential information is missing (Species, IVs, etc.).

• Make the TextArea for the BBCode editable (or some option to enable this). I'd prefer to edit it on the program than to paste to the forum and then make any minor edits (because BBCode likes to be a sod some of the time...).


• Add an "edit format" type field. Where the user can enter something along the lines of:
#Nature | #Ability
#Move1 | #Move2 | #Move3 | #Move4
#OT | #TID
which would then enter the information thrown in by hash-tags into the appropriate place in their formatted code
Thanks very much for your imput! =). I'm glad you like the idea, and thanks for your help earlier on =).
In response to your suggestions.
1)I need some of those files to examine to do this =P.

2) I could do this, wouldn't be too hard, It'd basically just be a cut down version of the first output.

3)Easy. Could do that in a few minutes.

4)Also easy, could do that in a few minutes.

5)Yep, I'd just adjust the size, shape and accessibility of the current output text-box.

6) Yeah this is the most common request, and I'm trying my best to come to an effective method of doing this =).

You'll be seeing 3 and 4 in the next update for sure =).

Thanks again for your feedback.
I really like this! If I ever decide to make a trade thread, this is exactly what I'd use to do it.

I'll play around with it and see what I can do. I particularly like the "custom format" feature.

Oh, and sorry for the "like" spam. :)
I think the Kalos pentagon is broke, or it might just be my computer. Can someone check?
I think the Kalos pentagon is broke, or it might just be my computer. Can someone check?
I just tested it out in my signature (without saving ;D) and it seems only "Format 1" shows the Kalos Pentagon. That's a shame, as I really like Format 3. I mean, it's not like that can be manually added, but it is a very minor annoyance.

Thanks for pointing that out, ash1236 - didn't exactly check the OP to see when checking the code in real-time. As to your response, didn't I already say that?

So, I guess that means this is a bug report?
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I just tested it out in my signature (without saving ;D) and it seems only "Format 1" shows the Kalos Pentagon. That's a shame, as I really like Format 3. I mean, it's not like that can be manually added, but it is a very minor annoyance.

So, I guess that means this is a bug report?
The OP shows that only format 1 has the Pentagon. Also you can use the custom format option if you want it I think.
I really like this! If I ever decide to make a trade thread, this is exactly what I'd use to do it.

I'll play around with it and see what I can do. I particularly like the "custom format" feature.

Oh, and sorry for the "like" spam. :)

I like to see the appreciation for my work xD

I think the Kalos pentagon is broke, or it might just be my computer. Can someone check?

Were you running a custom format or one of the defaults? Only default 1 actually features the Pentagon, however I may make all of them include it, as if people don't like it they can just not check the check box. Initially I was intentionally making option 2/3 kind of cut down in case some people preferred a simple format.

If you were running a custom format I'll look into the problem.

I just tested it out in my signature (without saving ;D) and it seems only "Format 1" shows the Kalos Pentagon. That's a shame, as I really like Format 3. I mean, it's not like that can be manually added, but it is a very minor annoyance.

Thanks for pointing that out, ash1236 - didn't exactly check the OP to see when checking the code in real-time. As to your response, didn't I already say that?

So, I guess that means this is a bug report?

A) Make all the default formats include the pentagon, as stated before if somebody doesn't like it, they can just not check the box.
B) Make the sorce code for the default formats included in the DL package so people can modify them to make a custom if they feel like it. The problem is I'd like to accumulate multiple changes at once so people don't have to keep re-downloading every 12 hours =P

The OP shows that only format 1 has the Pentagon. Also you can use the custom format option if you want it I think.

Thanks for helping answer this while I was away =).
I like to see the appreciation for my work xD

Were you running a custom format or one of the defaults? Only default 1 actually features the Pentagon, however I may make all of them include it, as if people don't like it they can just not check the check box. Initially I was intentionally making option 2/3 kind of cut down in case some people preferred a simple format.

If you were running a custom format I'll look into the problem.

A) Make all the default formats include the pentagon, as stated before if somebody doesn't like it, they can just not check the box.
B) Make the sorce code for the default formats included in the DL package so people can modify them to make a custom if they feel like it. The problem is I'd like to accumulate multiple changes at once so people don't have to keep re-downloading every 12 hours =P

Thanks for helping answer this while I was away =).
Actually, it was just that the image wasn't loading. I figured it out because it was a school computer, and the site the image was from was blocked.
This is a neat idea. I would like a way for a poke to be organised automatically via national dex number. So say you have a bunch of pokes in a random order it would be great if the program could reorder them so that you don't have to do it yourself manually.
This is a neat idea. I would like a way for a poke to be organised automatically via national dex number. So say you have a bunch of pokes in a random order it would be great if the program could reorder them so that you don't have to do it yourself manually.
A possible workaround is to save all the data you enter into the application as text files via the save option and name the files "001 - Balbasaur.txt", "002 - Ivysaur.txt" and then in the folder organize them by alphabetical =P, and then they will all be set out nicely in the right order in the folder.
Can say that this is very simple to use, as I was sick of having to manually do everything. Creating a Custom format is super easy even if you have no computer experience. Really all you do is put the bracket items where you want everything so if you want to list the pokemon image, ball and gender in the same line all you do is [SPRITE][BALL][GENDER] and the program will do the rest. This file is safe, my computer is not dying and was super easy to extract/install.
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