All Gens Past Gens Resource Archive III


Art by Zracknel

Welcome to the third Past Gens Resource Archive. This thread exists as a one-stop hotspot for important past gens guides and resources. If there's anything you would like to see added to this, feel free to nominate it below. Please provide a link and a brief explanation for nominations. Everything from RBY to ORAS, Ubers to LC is fair game.

Universal Past Gens Resources

The RoA SQSA - The past gens' simple question, simple answer thread. If you have a quick question about anything related to past gens competitive Pokemon, feel free to ask it here.

Pokemon Showdown - PS is a browser-based Pokemon simulator with accurate past gens mechanics. They also have a chat dedicated to Old Gens that frequently hosts live tournaments.

The Old Gens Discord Server - Smogon's official Discord server for past gens discussion. It features live chats and is a good way to get to know the rest of the community.

Smogon Old Gens Tournament Calendar & Details - A regularly-updated list of old gens tournaments scheduled throughout the year. Also includes tournament spreadsheets and some usage stats.

Past Gens Research Thread - For mechanical inquiries and in-game research.

The Flying Press Archives - TFP archives feature a Past Gens tag to make those articles easy to find. There are also plenty of ORAS articles from when that was the current gen.

The Smog Archives - The Smog Archives have a wide range of useful past gens articles, especially for gens 4-6. There's a wealth of information here if you're willing to do a little digging.

Mechanical Differences Between the Gens - A compilation of the major mechanical changes between each of the generations.

RoA Sample Teams - A community-based project that compiles usable teams from tiers across all generations. Also check out the sample teams pastebin.

Underrated Sets - A discussion thread that showcases underrated sets for all past gens.

RBY Resources
GSC Resources
ADV Resources
DPP Resources
BW Resources
ORAS Resources
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RBY Resources

RBY Battling - An introduction to RBY OU by Hipmonlee. Note this guide is rather old.

How RBY Has Changed - A look at how the RBY metagame evolved following Crystal_'s discoveries, by Disaster Area. This serves as a good compliment to Hip's guide.

RBY OU Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY OU.

RBY Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for RBY OU. Because chances for critical hits are based on base Speed in RBY, those are included as well. Courtesy of Niched.

Understanding RBY Mechanics - A guide to learning RBY's unique mechanical quirks, by p2.

Leads in RBY - An in-depth look at the common leads of RBY OU, by Disaster Area.

Sleep and Leads in RBY - A look at sleep and how it affects the lead metagame in RBY OU, courtesy of Crystal_.

RBY Team Showcase - Features top teams in various RBY formats.

RBY and GSC Illegal Movesets - A list of illegal move combinations in RBY, RBY Tradebacks, and GSC.

RBY Analyses - Smogon's database for all RBY Pokemon analyses.

RBY Ubers Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY Ubers.

RBY UU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY UU. Based off of initial impressions and not regularly updated, but still a good starting point for the format.

Intro to RBY Tradebacks OU - A guide covering what's different about and effective in the Tradebacks metagame, by Jellicent.
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GSC Resources

Guide to Competitive battling/team building - An in-depth look at battling and team building in GSC OU, by Borat. Also check out Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, & Part 7

Introduction to Competitive GSC - A guide to the essentials of GSC OU, by Royal Flush

GSC OU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in GSC OU.

GSC OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in GSC OU.

GSC OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in GSC OU, by Jellicent.

Playing with Spikes in GSC - A guide to using and removing Spikes in GSC OU, by Jorgen.

GSC Good Cores - A discussion thread featuring cores that work well in GSC.

RBY and GSC Illegal Movesets - A list of illegal move combinations in RBY, RBY Tradebacks, and GSC.

GSC Analyses - Smogon's Database for all GSC Pokemon Analyses.

GSC Ubers Resources - features viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

GSC UU Resources - features viability rankings, a threat list, an example team and sets.

GSC NU Resources - Includes viability rankings, a threat list, sample teams, and sets.

NU Old Gens Hub - features viability rankings and sample teams.
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Teambuilding/Strategy: Archetypes and Cores - Includes Cores and Synergy, Archetypes and Confidence, Analysis and much more! Courtesy of vapicuno. (NEW)

ADV OU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in ADV OU.

ADV OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV OU.

ADV OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in ADV OU, courtesy of Alan.

ADV OU Teambuilding Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ADV OU.

Gen 3 Teams Archive - A collection of great teams from various ADV metagames. See also: ADV Team Showcase.

Your Lead Pokemon - A guide to leads in ADV OU, by Jumpman16.

The Advance Metagame - A review of major threats and playstyles, by Mekkah.

ADV Analyses - Smogon's database for all ADV Pokemon analyses.

ADV Ubers Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV Ubers.

ADV Ubers Resources - Includes sample teams, viability rankings, and relevant mechanics.

Multi Gen Ubers Speed Tiers - Includes ADV Ubers.

ADV Ubers Mini-Analyses - Quick analyses for viable Pokemon in ADV Ubers.
ADV UU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV UU.

ADV UU Resources - Includes sample teams, viability rankings, and relevant mechanics.
Introduction to ADV NU - A guide and threat list of ADV NU, by Disaster Area and Oglemi.

ADV NU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV NU.

ADV NU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in ADV NU, by Oglemi.

ADV NU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in ADV NU, by Oglemi.

NU Old Gens Hub - Includes sample teams, replays, speed tiers, and sample sets for ADV NU.
ADV PU Resources - Includes an intro guide, viability rankings, sample teams, role compendium, speed tiers, and more.

The 200 Metagame - A guide to the RS 200 metagame, where only Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire were available, courtesy of Kikuichimonji and Blue Kirby.

Allowed Pokemon and Banned Moves List - For ADV 200, compiled by Typhlito.
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DPP OU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in DPP OU.

DPP OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP OU.

DPP OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP OU, by TheMaster42 and Mekkah.

DPP OU Roles Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in DPP OU.

4th Gen RMT Archive - A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from DPP.

Warstory Archive - A collection of high-quality DPP battles, with insight from those battling.

Guide to Entry Hazards - An introduction to the entry hazards in DPP OU and how to use them, by Dark Talon.

Guide to Wall Breaking - How to break past common defensive sets in DPP OU, by Jediment, Xia, and mtr.

DPP Cores - Discussion thread containing good cores to use in DPP OU and UU.

Playstyle Guides:
Sand by Jimbo and twash
Rain Offense by Legacy Raider, EspyJoel, and Fireburn
Sunny Day by Matthew and Venom
Baton Pass by maddog, Fuzznip, and Komodo
Hail Stall by Dragontamer, blackware, and Legacy Raider
Trick Room by Matthew​

HeartGold and SoulSilver Illegal Movesets Workshop - A list of illegal move combinations in Gen 4.

DPP Analyses - Smogon's database for all DPP analyses.

DPP Ubers Resources - Includes viability rankings, sample teams, role compendium, and relevant mechanics.

Basic Guide to Ubers

Advanced Guide to Ubers

DPP Ubers Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP Ubers.

DPP Ubers Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP Ubers, by TheMaster42, Vashta, and Fireburn.

Arceus Guide by firecape and Theorymon
DPP UU Resources - Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

DPP UU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in DPP UU.

DPP UU Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP UU.

DPP UU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP UU.

DPP UU Metagame Analysis - An in-depth look at the most common threats in DPP UU, courtesy of Eo Ut Mortus.

DPP UU Offense Analysis - A guide on how to use offense in DPP UU and how it fares in the metagame, by Heysup
DPP NU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP NU.

DPP NU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP NU.

DPP NU General Discussion - Includes sample teams, tier list, usage stats and replays for DPP NU.

NU Old Gens Hub - Includes sample teams, replays, speed tiers, and sample sets for DPP NU.
Guide to DPP LC - An introduction to the many intricacies of DPP LC.

DPP LC Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP LC.

DPP LC Threat List - An overview of major Pokemon to watch to watch out for in DPP LC.

DPP LC Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP LC, by eric the espeon.

DPP LC EV Spread Guide - How to get the most out of your EVs in DPP LC, by eric the espeon and Oglemi.

DPP LC Legality Guide - A guide to legal movesets in DPP LC, by SwinubToupee.
DPP PU Resources - Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers, sets compendium, roles compendium, and more.

Double Battle Primer - An introduction to Doubles by TheMaskedNitpicker.

VGC 2010 Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for VGC 2010, by Alaka

Battle Mechanics at Level 50 - A guide to how mechanics work for Level 50 battling, by Ditto.

1v1 Metagame Guide by Badal, coolking49, and LinIsKorean.
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BW OU Threat List - An overview of major threats to watch out for in BW OU.

BW OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW OU.

BW OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for BW OU, by TelemonianAjax.

BW OU Teambuilding Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW OU.

5th Gen RMT Archive - A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from BW. See also: the BW Team Showcase.

Warstory Archive - A collection of high-quality BW battles, with insight from those battling.

Guide to Priority Attacks - An introduction to using priority attacks in BW OU, by zarator.

Guide to Entry Hazards - An introduction to the entry hazards of BW and how to use them, by zarator.

BW OU Cores - Discussion thread showcasing good cores in BW OU.

Playstyle Guides:

BW Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW analyses.

BW Ubers Resources - Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

BW Ubers Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW Ubers.

BW Ubers Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW Ubers.

BW Ubers Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW Ubers, by shrang.

BW Ubers Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW Ubers.

Guide to BW Ubers Stall

Arceus Guide - How to best use Arceus in BW Ubers, by zarator.

BW Ubers Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW Ubers analyses.
BW UU Resources - Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

BW UU Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW UU.

BW UU Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW UU.

BW UU Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW UU.
BW RU Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW RU.

BW RU Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW RU.

BW RU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW RU, by Honko.

BW RU Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW RU.

Guide to Entry Hazards - An introduction to entry hazards and how to use them in BW RU, by DittoCrow.

Guide to Trick Room - How to build and use Trick Room teams in BW RU, by Jellicent.

Guide to Sunny Day - How to build and use Sunny Day teams in BW RU, by BTzz, Endorfins, and Yonko7.
NU Old Gens Hub - Includes sample teams, replays, speed tiers, and sample sets for BW NU.

BW NU Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW NU.

BW NU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW NU.

BW NU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW NU, by Raseri and erisia.

BW NU Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW NU.

Guide to Sun in BW NU
Beginners Guide to BW LC

BW LC Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW LC.

BW LC Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW LC.

BW LC Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW LC, by Moo and Zephyr.

BW LC Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW LC.

BW LC Move Legality Guide by Ray Jay
Fifth Gen Double Battle Guide by muffinhead and Cassie.

BW Doubles Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW Doubles.

BW Doubles Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW Doubles analyses.

Differences Between Smogon Doubles and VGC by lucariojr and Audiosurfer

VGC 2012 Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in VGC 2012, by muffinhead and cosmicexplorer.
BW PU Resources - Includes a threat list, viability rankings, sample teams, and speed tiers.

Introduction to BW Monotype - A beginner's guide to playing BW Monotype.
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A Beginners Guide to Stat Distribution - A guide to how stats work in ORAS, by Metal Sonic.

ORAS OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS OU

ORAS OU Sets Viability Ranking - A look at how viable different sets are in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Teambuilding Guide - An in-depth look at creating successful teams in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Roles Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU EV Spread Compendium - A collection of good EV spreads to use in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Good Cores - Discussion thread containing good cores in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS OU.

Playstyle guides:
Sand by Analytic​
Hyper Offense by Mysteria​

ORAS Analyses - Smogon's database for all ORAS analyses.

ORAS Ubers Resources - Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

ORAS Ubers Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS Ubers.

Multi Gen Ubers Speed Tiers - Includes ORAS Ubers.

ORAS Ubers Teambuilding Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS Ubers.

ORAS Ubers Sets Viability Rankings - A look at how viable different sets are in ORAS Ubers.

ORAS Ubers Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS Ubers.

Arceus Field Guide - A guide to using different Arceus types in ORAS Ubers, by Minority Suspect.
ORAS UU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS UU.

ORAS UU Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS UU.

ORAS UU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS UU.

ORAS UU Teambuilding Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS UU.

Boiling Water - A guide to sun teams in ORAS UU, by Threw.

Fishing for Threats - A guide to lures in ORAS UU, by Threw.
RU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Team Style Analysis - An overview of how different playstyles function in ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Role Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Checks Compedium - A list of which Pokemon check various threats in ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Cores - Discussion thread featuring good cores in ORAS RU
ORAS NU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS NU.

ORAS NU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS NU, by ryan.

ORAS NU Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS NU.

ORAS NU Roles Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS NU.

NU Checks Compendium - A list of which Pokemon check various threats in ORAS NU.

NU Playstyle Analysis - An overview of how different playstyles function in ORAS NU.

NU EV Spread Compendium - A collection of good EV spreads to use in ORAS NU.

Good Gores in ORAS NU - Discussion thread showcasing good cores to use in ORAS NU.
PU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS PU.

PU Resource Thread - Includes speed tiers, roles compendium, sets viability rankings, checks compendium, and EV spread compendium.

ORAS PU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS PU, by Twix and Magnemite.

ORAS PU Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS PU.

Making the Choice - A guide to PU Choice item users, by ShuckleDeath.
A Little Help?! - A guide to the intricacies of ORAS LC, courtesy of Mambo.

LC Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS LC.

ORAS LC Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS LC, by Mambo.

ORAS LC Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS LC.

ORAS LC Roles Compendium - A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS LC.

Little Cup Checks Compendium - A list of which Pokemon check various threats in ORAS LC.

LC Set Viability Rankings - A look at how viable different sets are in ORAS LC.

ORAS LC Good Cores - Discussion thread showcasing good cores to use in ORAS LC.

Setup for Success - A guide to setup sweepers in ORAS LC, by Holiday.
Doubles OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS DOU.

ORAS DOU Team Showcase - Features top teams in ORAS DOU.

Doubles OU EV Spread Compendium - A collection of good EV spreads to use in ORAS DOU.

DOU Effective Cores - Discussion thread showcasing good core to use in ORAS DOU.

Doubles OU Teambuilding Frameworks - Discussion featuring good partners to build around in ORAS DOU.
VGC 2015 Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in VGC '15.

Where's the Speedometer? - A beginner's guide to speed control in VGC '15, by Mr.GX.

Archetypes in the VGC '15 Metagame - A look at common team archetypes in VGC '15, by Steven Stone. Part 2.

VGC 2016 Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in VGC '16.

VGC '16 Teambuilding Frameworks - Discussion featuring good partners to build around in VGC '16.

VGC Team Showcase - Includes top teams in VGC '16.
Battle Spot Damage Calculator - A damage calculator built specifically for ORAS BS.

Battle Spot Singles Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS BS Singles.

BS Singles Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS BS Singles.

Battle Spot Singles Cores - Discussion thread showcasing good cores to use in ORAS BS Singles.

Battle Spot Doubles Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS BS Doubles.

Battle Spot Doubles Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for ORAS BS Doubles.

Battle Spot Triples Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS BS Triples.

Rotations Retrospective- An in-depth look at ORAS BS Rotations battles, by Theorymon.

Battle Spot Team Showcase - Includes top teams in ORAS BS formats.

Classics Guides - The Classics were featured BS formats that only allowed Pokemon from each respective generation. All were by Theorymon and various contributors.
Index - Other Metagame Resources Found Here - Contains links to resources for various ORAS OMs. Note that many of these resources are in a closed forum, which requires being logged into Smogon to view.

Other Metagames Team Showcase - Includes top teams in ORAS OMs.

Copy Paste - A guide to breaking the Species Clause in ORAS AG.

Baton Pass in Anything Goes - An article covering Baton Pass chains in ORAS AG.

Relevant Moves in STABmons - An article looking into some of the best users of the best moves in ORAS STABmons, by baconbagon.

Balanced Hackmons 101 - Imposters and Imposter Proofing & Priority and -ates, by HeadsILoseTailsYouWin.

Mixing Things Up - A beginner's guide to ORAS Mix and Mega, by ChrystalFalchion.

Beginner's guide to 1v1 - An introductory guide to ORAS 1v1, by Articuno I, Dream Eater Gengar, and Fake Melo.

Pageantry - A beginner's guide to ORAS Got Talent, by nv..
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Alright, I just moved 44 resource and discussion threads into RoA so they could still be viewed by logged off users. I left permanent redirects, so the old forums should be fine. Almost all of the threads were for ORAS, so at least we finally have a bunch of topics on Gen 6 here.

This thread's now open for suggestions~
Jellicent, I recommend moving and into RoA with permanent redirects left in the old forums, so we can view those when logged off. There currently isn't any RoA topics for DPP LC viability rankings and DPP Ubers viability rankings.

Add to the DPP NU section above as it has a few teams that the NU Old Gens Hub doesn't and it's just better.

EDIT: I forgot about
plz add that too
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(If this is considered advertisement, feel free to delete.)

I have made a video guide about the Spikes Game in ADV OU. It goes over your options for spikes/spinning, the pokemons to pair with them or run against them, etc. If you ever wanna get into the tier and wanna learn the basics (and more) of one of its best playstyle, this video should be helfpul!

according to the post, the oras stat distribution guide was written by metal sonic, but the guide itself says that it was written by scorpdestroyer. what's up with that?

along with the viability rankings in this RoA forum are the most important ADV NU resources.

Also for the time being, there are tons of in-progress analyses here:
which will eventually be uploaded and (possibly?) listed here: like we've been doing for dpp analyses
added both articles, thanks~

and yeah, adv nu analyses should be on-site shortly, we're just going through a massive GP push / some QCing atm :3
Took time but I made a video about techs you can run in ADV to help you in the spikes wars. Once again, feel free to delete if this is considered advertisement.

I just noticed the warstory archive has no threads, were they deleted? And if so, should the link to them be removed?
Jellicent Lutra undisputed the ORAS VR thread is still not updated to the proper one (linked in the post above).

also, i just made a proper ORAS sample teams thread:

i think these resource compilations are pretty poor honestly. i think every tier just needs a VR, a proper sample teams thread, speed tiers, a role compendium (if there is one for the tier), and a link to the analyses forum. keep it simple since a lot of those other threads like good cores were only useful when they were being actively updated. you should also put a big notice about how the analyses are no longer frequently updated and may be out of date.

edit: linked the wrong thread originally.
Can someone update the link to the sample teams thread?

Edit: The link labeled ADV/RSE UU viability rankings really links to the OU teambuilding compendium, so I think that link should be deleted.

Edit: The link to DPP viability rankings is also outdated. New link: I get it if you're busy with SwSh stuff, but please update this more often after the SwSh stuff settles down.
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