Art by Zracknel
Welcome to the third Past Gens Resource Archive. This thread exists as a one-stop hotspot for important past gens guides and resources. If there's anything you would like to see added to this, feel free to nominate it below. Please provide a link and a brief explanation for nominations. Everything from RBY to ORAS, Ubers to LC is fair game.
Universal Past Gens Resources
The RoA SQSA - The past gens' simple question, simple answer thread. If you have a quick question about anything related to past gens competitive Pokemon, feel free to ask it here.
Pokemon Showdown - PS is a browser-based Pokemon simulator with accurate past gens mechanics. They also have a chat dedicated to Old Gens that frequently hosts live tournaments.
The Old Gens Discord Server - Smogon's official Discord server for past gens discussion. It features live chats and is a good way to get to know the rest of the community.
Smogon Old Gens Tournament Calendar & Details - A regularly-updated list of old gens tournaments scheduled throughout the year. Also includes tournament spreadsheets and some usage stats.
Past Gens Research Thread - For mechanical inquiries and in-game research.
The Flying Press Archives - TFP archives feature a Past Gens tag to make those articles easy to find. There are also plenty of ORAS articles from when that was the current gen.
The Smog Archives - The Smog Archives have a wide range of useful past gens articles, especially for gens 4-6. There's a wealth of information here if you're willing to do a little digging.
Mechanical Differences Between the Gens - A compilation of the major mechanical changes between each of the generations.
RoA Sample Teams - A community-based project that compiles usable teams from tiers across all generations. Also check out the sample teams pastebin.
Underrated Sets - A discussion thread that showcases underrated sets for all past gens.
RBY Resources
GSC Resources
ADV Resources
DPP Resources
BW Resources
ORAS Resources
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