Froslass Focus sash
Ability Cursed body
252SpA 252Spe 4HP
Destiny bond
Ice beam
Spikes is the crux of this set as due to froslass speed she will more often then not get atleast 2 layers of spikes on the field. Taunt is there to prevent ure opponent from setting up their own hazards or status that can annoy Froslass, Destiny bond ls there as a last ditch move when u know u cant do anything else and can help froslass force switches allowing here to set up all the spikes u need. The last moveslot is debatable, ice beam attains wider SE coverage while Shadow ball attains overall more coverage, ice beam takes care of te many dragons in the many dragons in the tier and allows it to maim Landorus.

Mega Manectric @Manectrite
Ability lighting rod --> intermediate
252 SpA 252 Spe 4HP
Volt switch
Hidden power
What do transformers do? They switch voltages, just like manectric. Manectric also transforms opponent switch advantage into yours ;-). Anyways, mega manectric is a rock solid pokemon. Intimidate, speed, power and movepool that manectric has allows it to switch in on, answer to on switch advantage, or check a number of pokemon, including but not limited to scizor, dragonite, salamence, ferrothorn, jirachi, togekiss, thundurus-therian, etc. Volt switch is your primary move, when you find yourself up against a pokemon that you are forcing out, or can KO with volt switch, spamming it allows you to maintain switch advantage. One of mega manectric's merits is that due to naturally stellar speed and special attack he is still good without a choice item, and thus, many ground types that might want to halt a volt-switch simply find themselves facing a strong hidden power ice, that in many cases is 4x effective. Garchomp, landorus-therian, gliscor, the list goes on, volt switch stopping pokemon no longer have the luxury that is gaining momentum against a choice item. Weakened hippowdons, thudurus', jolteon, and other electric immune pokemon should also watch out when tangling with manectric. OVerheat is great move for a hit and run pokemon, and countless pokemon in OU get scorched by it. Something like mega lucario can only hit you with its resisted bullet punch while it takes an overheat. Thunderbolt is the strong STAB move for when you need to deal some good consistent damage.

Conkeldurr Life orb
252 Atk 252 Hp
Drain punch
Knock off
Bulk Up
This is Conkeldurr's generic all-out attacking set, pounding the OU metagame with powerful coverage attacks backed up by its gargantuan Attack stat. This Conkeldurr specializes in wallbreaking. While its STAB attacks are not boosted by Sheer Force and thus cause Life Orb damage, Drain Punch actually heals said damage.

Garchomp @ Yache berry
252 Atk 252 Spe
Stealth rocks
Dragon claw
Poison Jab
This variant works well as a supporter for other dragons on your team, weakening their checks and counters and removing sashes with stealth rock + rough skin. Makes a great lead and handles spinners well.

Florges Leftovers
252 SpA 252 Def
Moon blast
With Florges' high Special Attack and a movepool just big enough, an offensive set could be used. Calm Mind is the crux of this set, as it raises Florges' already high Special stats to monstrous levels. Moon Blast is obligatory STAB, with HP Ground allows it to hit to hit the Poison- and Steel-type that resist it. However, HP Fire could be used to hit things like Skarmory and Bronzong, while still doing neutral damage to Poison-types. If you run HP Fire, it's in your best interest to run Psychic so you can hit Poison-types super-effectively.

Aggron LifeOrb
252 Atk 252 Def
Iron head
Sleep talk
Dragon tail
A standard RestTalk set. Iron Head for damage, and the obvious Rest and Sleep Talk for a semi-decent recovery option. Dragon Tail can be used if you'd prefer phazing out.
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