Tournament Other Metagames Premier League IV - Week 5

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thanks to Arhops for the banner!



How this works
Each team will have have 6 players to fill the 6 slots and at least 2 subs. The players are bought using the 80 credits that managers receive during the auction. The roster this season include: Almost Any Ability, Anything Goes, Balanced Hackmons, Monotype, STABmons and Tier Shift. Teams can win their matchup every week by winning 4 of the 6 matches that their players have to play.

Beating another team gives you 2 points, drawing the match gives you 1 point, and losing it gives you nothing. In addition, the manner in which you win will also be stored; that is, how many you won vs how many you lost. The two teams with the highest points at the end of week 5 will play in the finals.

Tie Breaker
In case of a tie at the end of week 5, a best of 3 game will be played between the teams that are tied. The 3 OMs played will include Anything Goes* and a unique OM other than AG picked by the manager of each team. If there are more than 2 teams tied, the win/loss difference will be used to identify the two teams that will play the tiebreaker to get the second slot in finals.

* Anything Goes was chosen as a default in tiebreakers because it has the most ladder activity. (Anything Goes= 646417, Monotype= 251045, Balanced Hackmons= 80147)

[Key: Name - Points | Total Win/Loss difference]
  1. The Legendary Pikachus - 7 | +6
  2. The Bedroom Blisseys - 6 | +6
  3. The Five-Bidoof Fighting Battlion - 5 | +2
  4. The Majestic Mantykes - 3 | -2
  5. The King Kois - 2 | -6
  6. The Beta Bagons - 1 | -6
Week Five info
All players must complete their matches by 12:30 AM UTC, July 26th. Any matches that are not done by then will be decided via !pick publicly in the OM Room. All matches should ideally be done on your PS main account* to avoid confusion and the replay must be saved and posted in this thread when confirming the win. The replays will be archived in the OMPL General Thread linked above. You should contact your opponent to set times using VMs on their profile so I can check for activity wins.

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FINISH SCHEDULING BY 72 HOURS AFTER THE WEEK'S THREAD IS UP. This basically makes sure any major scheduling conflict is known before it is too late and your teams can make the necessary substitutions. You should also make a post on the schedule VM when you're online at the scheduled time and are waiting for your opponent. This makes sure your opponent knows you're available and lets me know that you didn't miss your scheduled time, meaning I can give you the activity win, should it come to that.

*The main account is the one you signed up with in the signup thread.


If Managers wish to substitute a player, they must make a post here tagging both the player they're subbing in and the player being subbed out, both managers from the opposing team, the substitute's opponent and lastly, me.

Tagging all managers to notify them: baconbagon, Beta., Eevee General, nv, Peef Rimgar, The Immortal, Pikachuun, Ransei, scpinion, Dream Eater Gengar, Uselesscrab, Zangooser


The King Kois VS The Majestic Mantykes

Almost Any Ability: miltankmilk VS Shiba
Anything Goes: Megazard VS HunterStorm
Balanced Hackmons: HeadsILoseTailsYouWin VS nyan kat
Monotype: Andromeda. VS Sabella
STABmons: Level 56 VS all falls down
Tier Shift: rozes VS -Tsunami-

The Bedroom Blisseys VS The Legendary Pikachus

Almost Any Ability: aesf VS LaxLapras
Anything Goes: Gunner Rohan VS thelinearcurve
Balanced Hackmons: E4 Flint VS Lcass4919
Monotype: Paleo VS terrors
STABmons: Scyther NO Swiping VS Betathunder
Tier Shift: Confide VS Official Fissure

The Five-Bidoof Fighting Battalion VS The Beta Bagons

Almost Any Ability: Jordn VS Mambo
Anything Goes: DontStealMyPenguin VS Peli
Balanced Hackmons: Kl4ng VS InfernapeTropius11
Monotype: 1 True Lycan VS Entei.
STABmons: ellipse VS Joshz
Tier Shift: Knight of Cydonia VS AWailOfATail

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Some playoff scenarios for you folks:

  1. The Legendary Pikachus - 7 | +6
  2. The Bedroom Blisseys - 6 | +6
  3. The Five-Bidoof Fighting Battalion - 5 | +2
The final top two depends mostly on who loses the Pikachus-Blisseys matchup this week, and by how much

If the Blisseys lose 4-2:
Bidoofs win (6-0, 5-1, or 4-2) = Pikachus-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs tie = Pikachus-Blisseys finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

If the Blisseys lose 5-1:
Bidoofs win (6-0, 5-1, or 4-2) = Pikachus-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs tie = Bidoofs-Blisseys tiebreaker, winner faces Pikachus in finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

If the Blisseys lose 6-0:
Bidoofs win (6-0, 5-1, or 4-2) = Pikachus-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs tie = Pikachus-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

If the Blisseys and Pikachus tie:
Bidoofs win 6-0 = Pikachus-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs win 5-1 = Bidoofs-Blisseys tiebreaker, winner faces Pikachus in finals
Bidoofs win 4-2 = Pikachus-Blisseys finals
Bidoofs tie = Pikachus-Blisseys finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

If the Pikachus lose 4-2:
Bidoofs win 6-0 = Blisseys-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs win 5-1 = Blisseys-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs win 4-2 = Bidoofs-Pikachus tiebreaker, winner faces Blisseys in finals
Bidoofs tie = Pikachus-Blisseys finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

If the Pikachus lose 5-1:
Bidoofs win (6-0, 5-1, 4-2) = Blisseys-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs tie = Pikachus-Blisseys finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

If the Pikachus lose 6-0:
Bidoofs win (6-0, 5-1, 4-2) = Blisseys-Bidoofs finals
Bidoofs tie = Pikachus-Blisseys finals
Bidoofs loss = Pikachus-Blisseys finals

Anyway, it's possible that I may have screwed this up at some point along the way (EDIT: I did), but the key thing to note is that we need a win (or a tie + big Blisseys loss) to make the finals. FORWARD BATTALION

edit: also retroactive lol @ "flint is a prize fighter"

edit 2: boy that edit made me look stupid
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where's the replay?
I usually don't have to save it because I lose :/

If you really want to watch it, imagine me using the same team I've used every week. I used Fire Blast on his Flash Fire Skarmory. He switches it out for some reason. I then spam Extreme Speed with my Dragonite. Somehow I manage to win with a Lucario that doesn't get burned by hot water. The end.
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