Tournament OMPL V - Week 1


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Other Metagames Premier League V - Week 1
How this works
Each team will have have 6 players and at least 2 subs. The players are bought using the 80 credits that managers receive during the auction. The roster this season include: Almost Any Ability, Anything Goes, Balanced Hackmons, Mix and Mega, Monotype, and Sketchmons. Teams can win their matchup every week by winning 4 of the 6 matches that their players have to play.​

Beating another team gives you 2 points, drawing the match gives you 1 point, and losing it gives you nothing. In addition, the manner in which you win will also be stored; that is, how many you won vs how many you lost. The two teams with the highest points at the end of week 5 will play in the finals.​

Every week's winning team will be given 2 points, ties will give 1 and loss will give 0. This is how it's going to progress and finally the teams with the 2 highest total points will duke it out in finals week. In the event of 2 teams being tied for the finals spot, we will have a tiebreaker round.

Tiebreaker round rules: The most played meta from usage stats plus one metagame picked by each manager will give a best-of-three game between the tied teams, ultimately deciding who goes onto finals.​

If teams wish to conduct a trade, both managers (or assistant managers if the manager is not present) MUST PM antemortem on the FORUMS to have the trade be official. No trades may occur after the conclusion of week 2.
Scheduling should be done on VM walls, plain and simple, and I'd like to exaggerate the importance of this. If there is no communication on VM walls and a game goes undone, it will be left to the RNG to decide the winner. If there is communication on only one user's behalf, the win will go to them. If there is a very healthy back and forth regarding potential times and one user is a no-show, a manager may take the opportunity to sub out the no-show competitor; if this is not done, the user that showed up responsibly will be awarded the win. Case in point: VM your opponents, schedule your matches, and be reliable. If you're not reliable, let your manager know so they can sub you out ASAP.
Exhibitions of unsportsmanlike conduct with regards to Other Metagame Premier League will be met with an infraction at the discretion of the OMPL host/OM mods. This is unlikely to include interactions within a team's private chat unless there is reason found to make an exception. This rule is meant to protect other users from being publicly flamed/bashed/provoked by another competitor for the duration of and following the tournament.​
On Deadline & Match Completion
All players must complete their matches by 11:59 on July 12th, 2017. Any incomplete matches by that time will be subject to activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S VM WALL); otherwise, they will be decided via !pick publicly in the OM Room. All matches should ideally be done on your most notable alt (the one you registered for OMPL with) to avoid confusion and the replay must be saved and posted in this thread. The replays will be archived in the OMPL General Thread, and we will use them to calculate usage stats.

On Substitutions & Lineups
Managers, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the manager and assistant manager of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent, and myself. This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.

Managers, when you send in lineups, please send it in with the tier and Smogon username of each player fully written out (as shown below) for ease of transcription.


The Accelerating Aegiblades (Uselesscrab / Peef Rimgar) VS (Eevee General / rozes) The King Kois

4-2 | 2-4

Almost Any Ability: iLlama VS rozes
Anything Goes: Chloe. VS PurpleGatorade
Balanced Hackmons: TheBurgerKing99 VS GL Volkner
Mix and Mega: Quantum Tesseract VS Chazm
Monotype: Bushtush VS Sabella
Sketchmons: Megazard VS ihhca (Virginia)

The Bedroom Blisseys (The Immortal / E4 Flint) VS (Pikachuun / OM room) The Optimistic Mimikyus

4-2 | 2-4

Almost Any Ability: Laxpras VS Lax
Anything Goes: Fardin VS Catalystic
Balanced Hackmons: E4 Flint VS HeadsILoseTailsYouWin
Mix and Mega: Mark_K VS Zephyr Dragon Lord
Monotype: Leru VS motherlove
Sketchmons: The Ruins of Alpha VS Dr. Phd. BJ

The Five-Star Jolteons (Ransei / ScarfWynaut) VS (Bondie / Dream Eater Gengar) The Untitled Unfezants

3-3 | 3-3

Almost Any Ability: Racool VS Jordn
Anything Goes: HunterStorm VS Thimo
Balanced Hackmons: morogrim VS jasprose
Mix and Mega: InfernapeTropius11 VS Akashi (jeran)
Monotype: terrors VS Wanka
Sketchmons: Official Fissure VS wishes
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Almost Any Ability: iLlama VS rozes - OM player of the year, he can't lose

Anything Goes: Chloe. VS PurpleGatorade - I hear good things about PG, but chloe is esteemed agtl

Balanced Hackmons: TheBurgerKing99 VS GL Volkner - The name might throw you off, but TBK is good at this janky meta that I have strong opinions about

Mix and Mega: Quantum Tesseract VS Chazm - Hard to go against QT here, seasoned MnM player, and has a smart sounding name

Monotype: Bushtush VS Sabella - He's canadian, and a cool dude. Both are strong players though, will be a fun match.

Sketchmons: Megazard VS ihhca - ihhca is my homie, and he's strong as hell too, but I can't deny what Mzard has done with sketchmons. I hope I can catch this game live, it'll be a sick one.

Almost Any Ability: Laxpras VS Lax - The #laxbowl! going with my good friend here, although I know both players are great

Anything Goes: Fardin VS Catalystic - A matter of just not knowing Catalystic. Fardin is good, so Catalystic will have to show up here.

Balanced Hackmons: E4 Flint VS HeadsILoseTailsYouWin - flint all day

Mix and Mega: Mark_K VS Zephyr Dragon Lord - Fire memes

Monotype: 1 True Lycan VS Clearly - Mono god, doesn't get better than 1tl in my opinion

Sketchmons: The Ruins of Alpha VS Dr. Phd. BJ - Don't think I've seen either of them play, but one got their PhD so...

GL everyone

Almost Any Ability: iLlama VS rozes While smogon skill ratings are undoubtedly the greatest metric of pokemon talent available to us, iLlama's superior testing base will probably allow him to pull off a win.
Anything Goes: Chloe. VS PurpleGatorade People still haven't caught on that she's weak to rock types
Balanced Hackmons: TheBurgerKing99 VS GL Volkner Sohu is going to win this one? I doubt it. Speaking of names, while they're both garbage GL volkner's quality is decreasing, an opposite of the excellent transition from TBK to Halliday.
Mix and Mega: Quantum Tesseract VS Chazm
Monotype: Bushtush VS Sabella The first of our three great monotype matches, this is obviously going to be fun to watch. I could see this going either way, but I think Bush has just a bit of an edge.
Sketchmons: Megazard VS ihhca (Virginia) While sketchmons is worse than stabmons, skill doesn't necessarily translate to the inferior metagame (Sketch players: All three of you have my sincere condolences), and Megazard has the experience to pull out a win.

Almost Any Ability: Laxpras VS Lax More letters means more deadweight, and despite Laxlapras' decent attempt at narrowing that gap lax still has an edge.
Anything Goes: Fardin VS Catalystic two AG voices here, and I'm honestly torn on who to root for; instead, I just flipped a coin and called it a prediction.
Balanced Hackmons: E4 Flint VS HeadsILoseTailsYouWin Preperation makes stall a lot less useful, and even if /THEGODS/ make an appearance flint should still have a good shot.
Mix and Mega: Mark_K VS Zephyr Dragon Lord While Zephyr is a skilled player, his predilection towards the unusual and unused in teambuilding puts him at a distinct disadvantage to Mark's more conventional teams; while its entirely possible that Zephyr will be able to surprise Mark, he'll be operating at something of a disadvantage.
Monotype: 1 True Lycan VS Clearly Another great monotype match here. I'm honestly not familiar enough with their playstyles to say somethign definative here, but from what I have seen I think 1tl has a bit of an edge. Could go either way, however, and should be fun to watch.
Sketchmons: The Ruins of Alpha VS Dr. Phd. BJ I honestly can't call this either way. DPB has skills, but is severely rusty, while Drampa hasn't made a major mark on this generation. I Just can't call this one either way.

Almost Any Ability: Racool VS Jordn If this were sketchmons, this would be going the reverse even with the OMGS showing. However, while Racool is excellent at AAA Jordn has been, in my experience, simply better. It's not set in stone, but Racool will be fighting an uphill battle if she wants to take this one home.
Anything Goes: HunterStorm VS Thimo While Hunter may have won the AG Open, Thimo is considered the all-around top AG player for a reason. This won't be an easy match by any means, but Thimo has better-than-even odds of pulling out a victory
Balanced Hackmons: morogrim VS jasprose Primal Kyogre checks are hard to come by, and carrying enough for 6 is harder yet.
Mix and Mega: InfernapeTropius11 VS Akashi (jeran) IT11 has a crippling weakness in which he loses to sample teams, but Akashi won't be using those so that should be mostly negated. It honestly is probably going to come down to the matchup of who brings what team.
Monotype: terrors VS Wanka A third great mono match, but I'm betting on my boi Terrors.
Sketchmons: Official Fissure VS wishes Again, STAB isn't sketch. Wishes is also somewhat inactive, while Official fissure is one of that rare breed who actually plays sketch, and is on the same team as Racool for team building and testing.
is Marshadow and the megas allowed to be used this week? From what I hear marshadow's made a huge impact in nearly everything that it's legal in so i'd think players would want longer to adjust to it.

Mix and Mega: Mark_K VS Zephyr Dragon Lord While Zephyr is a skilled player, his predilection towards the unusual and unused in teambuilding puts him at a distinct disadvantage to Mark's more conventional teams; while its entirely possible that Zephyr will be able to surprise Mark, he'll be operating at something of a disadvantage.

You dare doubt the mighty UNSTABLE FORM, which can turn mentors into DURGONS?

yes you would, because it is just as likely to die as a result

...Anyways, yes. We have finished our match swiftly. I won. Good battle, Mark. I'll have some petitions for the viability rankings pretty soon now...
Bushtush VS Sabella - both are great players and under normal circumstances i would give sabella the edge, but i'm not sure how motivated he is for this tour
1 True Lycan VS Clearly - probably the best series of the week, lycan will probably win but never count out BURNINGICE1227
terrors VS Wanka - honestly, the only way i see terrors winning is via hax
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Almost Any Ability: Laxpras VS Lax - laxpras is great at pokemon and I often avoid picking the other lax, but I think this game will come down to who's more out of practice, and I think that's somewhat apparent
Anything Goes: Fardin VS Catalystic - Catalystic seems like a really nice guy and any friend of QueBien is a friend of mine, but if Fardin is really so great he should be able to win this match. Good thing there's no anchor shot perish song users in AG
Balanced Hackmons: E4 Flint VS HeadsILoseTailsYouWin - Flint, the supposed "prize fighter" of last year's Blisseys, prepares really well for ompl. We shall see how he functions this year with draegn rather than moro as his disciple / testing partner, but I'm pretty sure he will have the necessary stall breakers to defeat the self-proclaimed queen of the playstyle, Anna says CFZs are balanced.
Mix and Mega: Mark_K VS Zephyr Dragon Lord - how do you even beat someone who boldly switches Hydreigon into a Fairy-type? I'm pretty sure zephyr is going to dominate or get 6-0d every week
Monotype: 1 True Lycan VS Clearly - both are definitely good but how do you even beat the single veracious werewolf?
Sketchmons: The Ruins of Alpha VS Dr. Phd. BJ - this is a close game, but not what I would call a highlight match. Drampa probably will listen to Star Wars bad lip readings during the game, while I am pretty sure BJ got his doctorate before sketchmons was even invented

Almost Any Ability: Racool VS Jordn - as other people said, this isn't sketch. Jordn will probably be looking to take frustration out on someone in the wake of that omgs defeat vs esteemed aegiblade megazard.
Anything Goes: HunterStorm VS Thimo -another omgs rematch, but I think this one will go the opposite way
Balanced Hackmons: morogrim VS jasprose - this is kind of a make-or-break moment for jasp to prove that his open win wasn't a fluke (meanwhile, jrm probably got drafted by posting that replay of him 6-0ing jasp in every discord). At the same time, morogrim needs to show that he's capable of functioning independently in a tournament setting, as he's surprisingly unproven. Who wants it more?
Mix and Mega: InfernapeTropius11 VS Akashi(jeran) - Jeran wins every game he should lose and loses every game he should win. Thus, it11's triumphant debut will be put on hold.
Monotype: terrors VS Wanka - why did I nominate terrors when I already had 2 mono players and then give ransei the chance to get him? Also, rip the dbw dream of proving the haters wrong
Sketchmons: Official Fissure VS wishes - We see a flaw in bondie's otherwise surprisingly effective draft plan here in the sketch slot. No better way to kickstart WISHES 2K17 than by winning against arguably the top sketch player alongside a few others, but I really don't see that happening for our beloved TAPULELE...