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OM Interviews (#26: OM room)

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thanks for letting me avoid the double post! just change your avatar from that ass fake calvin and hobbes

1) Whats your (full) name?
Not revealing, sorry. Don't particularly want to be looked up on the internet

2) How old are you?

3) Whats your Birthday?
29th August, 2001

4) What starsign does that make it?

5) Whats your favourite colour?

6) Whats your lucky number?
7 or 56

7) Do you have any pets?
Nope, sadly

8) Where are you from?
New Zealand

9) How tall are you?
No idea - between 1 and 2 metres iirc

10) What shoe size are you?
6 or 7 last time I checked

11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Literally two - school shoes (uniform) and a pair of Nike sports shoes

12) If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make?
Probably some stuff about education and esports

13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have?
Invisibility seems handy, perhaps flight?

14) and what would your hero name be?
basedlord bacon

15) and what outfit would you wear?
An ugly awkward Bagon costume

16) What was your last dream about?
I was sick recently so the last dream I remember involved characters from Ghost Trick and Melee blending together. I think it was Sissel fighting Falco?

17) What would you do if you won the lottery?
Bravely Default, Bravely Second, Mario Kart 7, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Kirby: Planet Robobot (pre-order if too early), Pokemon X, Pokemon Omega Ruby, Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem Fates - Birthright, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destines, a Wii U, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Twilight Princess HD

18) Would you like to build/design your own house?
Nah, I feel I'd be a terrible architect

19) Which form of public transport do you prefer?
I like buses, they're good for the environment and you meet cool people. Generally Dunedin is a very friendly city so it's safe too

20) What talents do you have?
I'm an incredible competitive Pokemon player

21) Can you juggle?

22) Can you solve a rubix cube?
My record is 50 seconds or so, yeah

23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear?
A panda actually

24) Are you psychic in any way?
Unfortunately not

25) Are you a good dancer?

26) Are you a good singer?

27) Are you a good cook?

28) Are you a good artist?

29) Are you a good listener?

30) Are you a good public speaker?

31) Are you a good babysitter?

32) Are you a good mechanic?

33) Are you a good diplomat?

34) Are you a good employee?

35) Are you a good dresser?
Yes I wear the same sports hoodie and trackpants every day

36) Are you a good swimmer?
I'm ok

37) Are you a good skier?

38) Are you a good lover?
I'm on a Pokemon forum what do you think

39) Are you a good musician?
I'm ok

40) Are you a good comedian?
Yes I come up with hilarious ways of provoking people

41) Are you a good cleaner?

42) Are you a good actor?
I'm ok

43) Are you a good writer?

44) Have you ever been bungee jumping?
No, almost went once but was missing something so I couldn't. It looked really fun though

45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking?

46) What types of holidays do you prefer?
The ones where I can sit down and play Majo-

Ones with nice weather

47) Whats the furthest you've ever been on holiday?
NZ -> China or NZ -> USA

48) What was your favourite holiday?
The one where we went to the US

49) Where would your dream holiday be?
idk something involving Japan and a lot of food

50) Can you tap dance?

51) Whats your favourite zoo animal?
Tasmanian Devil

52) Whats your favourite sport?
idk either football or basketball

53) Whats your favourite food?
Sushi or something with a lot of meat (particularly bacon)

54) Whats your favourite pizza topping?

and sweet chilli sauce

55) Whats your favourite film?
Don't really have one, I enjoy a bunch of films but I can't really think of them right now fsr

56) Whats your favourite song?
ugh idk that's hard

57) Whats your favourite alcoholic drink?
I'm on a Pokemon forum hello

58) Whats your favourite non-alcoholic drink?
Probably something like L&P but I enjoy watching others drink bubble tea shoutouts Hector Hard Mode and GonxKillua

59) Whats your favourite TV program?
Kirby: Right Back At Ya tbh

60) Whats your favourite boyband?

61) Whats your favourite girl group?
Also nonexistent

62) What would be your ideal partner?
A dragon

63) Do you want children?
Bit early to say

64) Do you want a church wedding?

65) Are you religious?

66) Do you like reality TV programs?

67) Do you like TV talent shows?
Some of them

68) If you were gay who would your life partner be?
Not sure

69) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?
idk because of the possible futuristic implications - getting Nintendo to re-orchestrate the Twilight Princess HD soundtrack and improve the landscapes would be nice

70) How many hats do you own?
One - an NZ Football cap

71) Are you any good at pool?

72) Whats the highest you've ever jumped into the water from?
Literally like 1.5 metres. There's a higher diving board at my local pool which I see every week but have never used

73) Have you ever been admitted to hospital?

74) Have you ever had any brushes with the law?
I-I download games illegally
but no

75) Have you ever been on TV?
No to the best of my knowledge

76) Have you ever met any celebrities?

77) Have you ever been to Legoland?
No, sadly

78) Have you ever done something heroic?
Don't think so, unless some of my actions have had other consequences

79) Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone?

80) Have you ever been the recipiant of a practical joke?

81) What would be your best achievement to date?
Won a national maths competition once which was p nice

82) Do you prefer baths or showers?

83) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural dryin your hair?
Natural, although time contraints force towel often

84) Have you ever built a snowman?

85) Have you ever been sledging?

86) Have you ever flown a kite?

87) What colour socks are you wearing?
White right now

88) If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
Literally New Zealand, it's a great place

89) Have you ever been famous?
Famous in my school? idk

90) Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Probably not

91) Would you ever go on Big Brother?

92) How big is your TV?
42-inch I think

93) What is your most essential appliance?

94) What type of music do you like?
Game and movie soundtracks, some pop and rock

95) Have you ever been skinnydipping?

96) How many Pillows do you sleep with?

97) What position do you often sleep in?
Varies, I normally end up on back but start on side

98) What do you wear to bed?
A shirt and some pants

99) How big is your house?
Pretty big but not that big

100) Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets; sunrises are too early
You're a fake ass

Thanks for answering the first 100
Life is like a cabbage: Sometimes it is green and crunchy, sometimes dad stabs the cat with a knife because his foot ball team lose again

Life is like a cabbage: sometimes it is green and round, and sometimes mom wish you were never born

If you throw a cabbage in the air he will alway come right back down to you because he is lonely without you.

If there is a fire in your house make sure you save all the cabbages before you even think about finding your children

A cabbage does not wear a watch but he always have time for you

Instead of drinking coffee in the morning try laying down with a cabbage on your stomach and you will be wide awake trust me

If you push a cabbage under water he will alway float right back up to the top because he miss you so much

A cabbage does not have ears but that does not mean that he is immune to your lies

Some time you think about a cabbage and you get so excited that forget to go to sleep again for five days

Sometimes you hate your life and dont want to be alive anymore but then you think about cabbage and know that everything will be ok

You can paint a cabbage green but that is a waste of paint because he is already green you idiot

If you run out of pillows maybe try using a cabbage

You can tell a cabbage has gone bad if he is wearing a leather jacket

if you are sad put a cabbage in your back pack and carry him every where so it feel like you have a friend that want to spend time with you

A cabbage is so pretty but you are real ugly

You can ask a cabbage for financial advice but he will not say any thing because he is a cabbage

You can put a cabbage on the hood of your car. People will not under stand what you are doing but at least you are doing some thing

If you put plastic eyeballs on a cabbage and take him to the movies it might feel like you have a friend I hate my life

Dr. Suess did not ever make a poem about cababge And now he is dead

A cabbage can not get pregnant believe me I tried

You can put a cabbage in a baby carriage amd take him for a walk and people will say "who this" and you can say "he is my cabbaby"

If you want to trick your parents put a cabbage on your pillow at night and they will think you are sleeping but you are actually crying
ai ya GonxKillua the asian community would never approve. but if you like me you and Hector Hard Mode can all come and watch anime and drink 珍珠奶茶 together


Thoughts on Xenoblade Chronicles and/or Xenoblade Chronicles X?
Never played either of the games, sorry! I might see if I can buy X sometime, although I'm hoping to get SSB4 or Sun / Moon first. My experience is basically limited to watching Shulk not be very good in SSB4


mega big chill?


Abomasnow @ Abomasite
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 8 HP / 200 Atk / 252 SpA / 48 Spe
Mild Nature
- Blizzard
- Seed Flare
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

the king.

Joshz I don't know what to say
What is the secret of your talent in OMs?
How are you so good a player at 14, when I'm so dumb a player at 16?
Do you sometimes feel alone?
Are you addicted to anything?(Showdown?)
What would be your reaction if you were appointed Room Owner of the OM room?
Do you like bacon?
Am I being a jerk?
Are these questions annoying?
Has anybody ever betrayed you?
Why did Katappa kill Bahubali xD
1. Would you prefer to be smart or happy, and why?
2. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
3. What is your biggest regret in life so far?
4. If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?
5. If money and career were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?
6. What’s the last book you read that you simply could not put down until you finished?
7. What television show do you plan your day around in order to see it live?
8. What extracurricular activities or sports did you participate in when you were in high school?
9. Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?
10. Is it better to beg forgiveness or ask permission?
11. If you inherited or won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
13. Which fictional character do you believe is the most like yourself?
14. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you most superstitious about?
15. Do you believe it is vital to everyday life to know what is happening in the world around you?
16. What is the nicest thing anybody has said, or you believe they would say, about you?
17. What are your life and career goals in 5, 10 and 15 years?
18. Would you rather live in a large house in the suburbs, or a tiny apartment in the city with an excellent view?
19. What are you three weaknesses?
20. How would you describe yourself in three words?
21. Which is more logical to follow—your heart or your head?
22. Are you spiritual or religious in any way? If so, how?
23. If you could have any career possible, what would it be?
24. Have you ever been arrested or contracted any diseases?
25. Which is better—a novel or a movie?
26. If your life was a movie, which actor would play you?
27. Would you spit in a customer’s food if you were the waiter and they had been rude to you?
28. How do you handle people you don’t like?
29. Is it possible for us to have met previously, in another life?
30. Where would you prefer to live: beach, city or country?
31. If you had met me before, how would you describe me?
32. Do you think of yourself as being naughty or nice?
33. Who is or was your celebrity crush?
34. With whom did you have your first kiss?
35. What is your favorite type of food?
36. What is your favorite genre of music?
37. What is your all-time favorite movie?
38. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
39. What is the funniest thing you have ever done or said?
40. Have you ever been caught naked by someone?
41. What is your funniest childhood memory?
42. Are you more of a night owl or a morning person?
43. What is your greatest fear?
44.What do you believe I am thinking right now?
45. What nickname would you give me based off my personality or a body part?
46. Which famous celebrity would you like to date, and why?
47. While in school, did you ever cheat on a test?
48. If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?
49. If you were told you only had one week left to live, what would you do?
50. Which animal do you consider to be the sexiest?

What is the secret of your talent in OMs?
Uh I don't think I'm good at all, but the amount of battles I've watched helps as you learn a lot from others

How are you so good a player at 14, when I'm so dumb a player at 16?
I'm bad though

Aside from that I don't think age is correlated to skill at all tbh, but I reckon some older people keep a more level head and think better overall

Do you sometimes feel alone?
Not really, I think social media helps a lot in this regard as it's really easy to connect with friends when alone at home

Are you addicted to anything?(Showdown?)
I've actually cut down a lot on my Showdown time recently however that's because I've picked up (and will not put down) something else


send help

What would be your reaction if you were appointed Room Owner of the OM room?
I'd be pretty shocked as I'm definitely nowhere near deserving right now. It'd be a pretty great experience and I'd be pretty happy overall. I'd much rather someone else get it though

Do you like bacon?
Yes! One of my favourite foods. Very addictive and strong meaty flavour

Am I being a jerk?

Are these questions annoying?

Has anybody ever betrayed you?
Hmm I can think of some friendships that just sort of went off but no real betrayals tbh. I can only assume you asked this to lead up to the next questions sigh

Why did Katappa kill Bahubali xD
what even is bollywood hello


Believe me I tried very hard to order these but a lot of them are roughly as good as each other so I will post my favourites instead. To be more true to the spirit of the copypasta I will imitate the language used.

"Life is like a cabbage: Sometimes it is green and crunchy, sometimes dad stabs the cat with a knife because his foot ball team lose again"
This one speak out a lot to me because my dad is fan of foot ball. Also I like cats and stab cat with knife makes me sad :(

"Instead of drinking coffee in the morning try laying down with a cabbage on your stomach and you will be wide awake trust me"
I like this because caffeine can be very bad for you but cabbage is always healthy

"Some time you think about a cabbage and you get so excited that forget to go to sleep again for five days"
YES I like this because it happen to me often !

"You can paint a cabbage green but that is a waste of paint because he is already green you idiot"
The words "you idiot" really hit hard they make me feel like I am an idiot

"Dr. Suess did not ever make a poem about cababge And now he is dead"
See this make a lot of sense. Cabbage is ultimate healthy food so making words about cabbage will make life longer. This is why I am making words about cabbage now

"You can put a cabbage in a baby carriage amd take him for a walk and people will say "who this" and you can say "he is my cabbaby""
This is very realistic I see baby carriages on streets of Dunedin often and go up to parents and say "who this". I don't know about "he" I think cabbages are too special to have genders but other wise cabbaby is good idea.

megaqwer:D those are some really weird questions so I'd rather abstain from answering them
Believe me I tried very hard to order these but a lot of them are roughly as good as each other so I will post my favourites instead. To be more true to the spirit of the copypasta I will imitate the language used.

"Life is like a cabbage: Sometimes it is green and crunchy, sometimes dad stabs the cat with a knife because his foot ball team lose again"
This one speak out a lot to me because my dad is fan of foot ball. Also I like cats and stab cat with knife makes me sad :(

"Instead of drinking coffee in the morning try laying down with a cabbage on your stomach and you will be wide awake trust me"
I like this because caffeine can be very bad for you but cabbage is always healthy

"Some time you think about a cabbage and you get so excited that forget to go to sleep again for five days"
YES I like this because it happen to me often !

"You can paint a cabbage green but that is a waste of paint because he is already green you idiot"
The words "you idiot" really hit hard they make me feel like I am an idiot

"Dr. Suess did not ever make a poem about cababge And now he is dead"
See this make a lot of sense. Cabbage is ultimate healthy food so making words about cabbage will make life longer. This is why I am making words about cabbage now

"You can put a cabbage in a baby carriage amd take him for a walk and people will say "who this" and you can say "he is my cabbaby""
This is very realistic I see baby carriages on streets of Dunedin often and go up to parents and say "who this". I don't know about "he" I think cabbages are too special to have genders but other wise cabbaby is good idea.
mfw I am on top of this interview thing (won't last long tbh). Anyways, onto the next interview...



How did you come up with your username?
scpinion is just my generic username for all the Internet "stuff" you have to create random accounts for, so when I joined PS! that is what I went with. It is an amalgamation of my uni, initials and name.

What was your first ever Pokemon experience?
I played R/B on my gameboy when I was in 3rd (?) grade. Loved those and sunk a ton of time into it. I had the prestigious honor of being the first in my group of friends to learn the Cinnabar Island trick, so I destroyed my friends in link cable battles for a couple weeks which was my first "competitive" experience.

How did you get into competitive Pokemon and more specifically Monotype?
PS/Smogon wise, I found the site(s) through TPP at the beginning of XY and just played Random Battles like it was my job for a while. I hadn't played Pokemon since RSE (I played halfway through Ruby), so it was a blast to see all the "new" 'mons.

When I finally decided to join a chat room, I saw the Monotype room and thought it would be cool to pretend I was a gym leader. I actually lurked/asked questions on an alt for about a month before gathering the courage to actually talk/contribute in the room on my main account (that is good advice for someone new! Just lurk for ~1 week so you don't say something that makes you look silly). In those early days I decided to make Monotype my PS! home because of how friendly the entire room was.

Literally, my first time asking something in the chat I was welcomed by one of the staff members, MattLikesPie, and my question was politely answered despite being a complete noob question. There were probably 60 people in the room on average at that time, so it was really cool to join a smaller community of ppl where we all knew each other.

Now, as one of the room owners, I try to promote/maintain the welcoming atmosphere that Matt introduced me to. Unfortunately, that has become exceedingly difficult to do with how big the room has become (we get more ppl that think it is cute to be an idiot on the internet). However, I work really hard at many of the room events, competitions, and tours because I think those make the general PS! user feel welcome, and important, in the Monotype room even if the chat can be hard to get into as a new user.

How does it feel to have the Monotype "OM" itself branch off to be such a success all on its own as well as being the head of such an amazing metagame?
I was really happy TI/TEG let us branch off into a subforum. We were in a mega-thread and it just became way too cluttered to function properly and facilitate discussion and contributions. Also, I totally didn't bug them about it for months in private convo's.

As for the success of the room/metagame recently, I think I get too much credit for that. In both cases, it has been a team effort and I just happen to be one of the more visible people.

The room staff have done an amazing job embracing and facilitating our push to expand Monotype beyond a single metagame. We've worked to make the room focus around the "theme" of Monotype by facilitating Monotype versions of many metagames and creating our own sub-tiers (both Mono UU and Lower Tier Mono), while still being the place to discuss and play the main metagame.

As for the main metagame itself, the Monotype Council have done a good job creating a tiering philosophy that is well-suited to our metagame, then applying it to make a balanced metagame. The OM leaders deserve some credit here too b/c they've helped us along the way. Monotype is incredibly balanced at the moment, almost to a fault. For long-time players, the meta can be a bit stale, which is why you're seeing some of the long-time mono people branching out into other tiers/metas before SUMO is released.

What is your most favorite type and why? What is your least favorite type and why?
Water. I've always loved water themed things in most of the games I've played. It helps that Squirtle and Totodile were my starters from the original games and I think Slowbro and Vaporeon are some of the coolest 'mons. Competitively, I enjoy how versatile the type is. I can utilize any playstyle with the Pokemon that I think are cool!

Ice is my least favorite type. It has 0 defensive utility and a generally poor matchup in the overall meta.

What is the most underrated Pokemon for each type, if possible, in your opinion?
Water: Starmie
Steel: Empoleon
Flying: Tornadus-Therian
Psychic: Deoxys-Defense
Dragon: Tyrantrum
Ground: Krookodile
Fighting: Lucario
Dark: Sharpedo(-Mega)
Normal: Porygon-Z
Grass: Rotom-Mow
Fire: Houndoom-Mega
Fairy: Whimsicott
Bug: Yanmega
Poison: Venomoth (?, I don't really have one here)
Rock: none
Electric: Raikou
Ice: Walrein
Ghost: Doublade

Do you have anything to tell players, new and old, about how to learn or get into Monotype?
I have nothing for the established players, most of them are better than me anyways. :P
For newer players, I suggest you use the sample teams on the Monotype Hub to get started. Those teams are proven to work in the general metagame. Once you have a bit of experience with playing the meta, branch out to a new type and build your own team.

What are you most known for (doesn't have to be Pokemon related but can be)?
I don't think I'm really "known" for much IRL. I'm getting a Ph.D in chemistry, so most people that don't really know me tend to try and talk with me about that? I have a brother that plays professional football. Lots of ppl ask me how he's doing and "know" me as his brother when I return to our hometown.

What players do you look up to or are really good friends with within the Monotype (or OM) community?
I don't have one person I really look up. I respect TI and TEG for how much they do for this community, as well as PS in general, but I don't envy their positions. I'm really happy with where I am.

I'm friends with a bunch of ppl in the mono community. I enjoy cutting up with the room staff in our skype chat pretty often. I also like hanging out with the "WoA" guys when they're not being idiots. :P

What are you looking forward to the most from Sun and Moon for Monotype?
Obviously, I'm most excited for new mons (like everyone else). I really hope we get a viable physical attacker with an electric typing. I think having electric among the top 9 types would really help diversify the meta. Contrary to popular belief, I want as many types as possible to be viable. I just don't think we should tier to make that happen b/c then we're just picking favorites.

I noticed that a lot has changed over the past year or so for Monotype. How has those changes affected the metagame and what does it mean for the meta itself going forward?
It has been quite a year! The metagame itself went from being unbalanced, having a host of complex bans, and lacking a general direction to having a clear tiering philosophy that has led to a balanced meta. The community has expanded too, both at the top end of competitive play and amongst the general PS! userbase.

Smogon-wise, I'm afraid Monotype doesn't really have anywhere else to go, to be honest. I'd love for us to become an "official" metagame, but I don't think Monotype would be welcomed into the official tournament community, which might prohibit that. The primary reasons I want to be official is for a Mono UU/Ubers ladder on PS, the opportunity to join C&C, and (most importantly) the ability to recognize users that have significantly contributed to the metagame/community with contribution-based badges*. I don't care about official tournament representation.

*This isn't a knock on the OM badge leaders. The contributors to Monotype, myself included, aren't doing the things that would be expected of a general OM community contributor. That said, there are ppl in the community that would have certainly earned badges had they chosen to contribute to a usage-based tier. It makes me happy that people want to contribute to monotype enough that they don't care about not being able to earn badges for it though!

On PS!, I have two goals for the community/room. The first is with our newly created Monotype Events room.
If there was anything you could change about Monotype, what would it be?
You mean I can't just mindlessly change policies to be whatever I want already? :P
Serious answer? I'd go back in time and I'd change how the community developed. More specifically, I'd change how the leagues (and all the competitions that come with them) were kept off the main server and out of the main room. Leagues used to facilitate the highest levels of Monotype competition (I think events like MPL are doing that now, but I'm biased :P).

More importantly, that split created a needless rift between the main room staff and the groups of players that really pushed/developed the metagame. Unfortunately, some of that remains today, but I think we've made progress on that front recently.

Moving forward, I'd really like to organize a system where the leagues are able to utilize the resources the main room and Smogon provide to facilitate and develop the competitions that are unique to them.
This room is meant to facilitate the various events that don't fit in the main room, such as League-related tours. It is still very new, but I think there is a great opportunity for some fun competitions between the top tier Monotype players there.

For the main room, I'd like to see us continue to grow. I'm loosely defining that because the growth could be attracting more users, or it could just be improving the events we host. I also have a personal moonshot goal of creating an active userbase that can compete with the OU room, but I don't see that happening.

Can you post a team within a type of your favorite playstyle with a brief explanation on how it works?
Here is a nice balanced psychic team that features some unexpected sets.
Latias-Mega @ Latiasite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Def / 176 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Dragon Pulse

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave
- Slack Off

Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 144 HP / 252 SpD / 112 Spe
Calm Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Defog
- Roost
- Stealth Rock

Victini @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blue Flare
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Will-O-Wisp

Hoopa-Unbound @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magician
EVs: 232 Atk / 96 SpA / 180 Spe
Mild Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Drain Punch

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Trick
- U-turn
- Healing Wish
The team was built around Sub-CM Latias because I wanted to try it out in the metagame. Given I didn't have Gardevoir or Gallade-Mega to check Dark teams/Bisharp I decided to run a Colbur Berry, specially oriented Victini, and a Hoopa-U set that breaks the standard dark core of Mandi, TTar, M-Sab. Scarf Jirachi helps with Fairies since Latias is just fodder there. Mew and Slowbro are the standard fare for a psychic monotype.

This isn't the type of team I'd bring for a serious tournament because it auto-loses to Volcarona and struggles to beat a well-played Fairy team. However, it does lend itself to my playstyle and is something I've had moderate success with on the ladder (mid-1600s) and in room tours.

I had fun reading this interview and I hope you guys do too! n_n
1. Would you prefer to be smart or happy, and why?
2. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
3. What is your biggest regret in life so far?
4. If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?
5. If money and career were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?
6. What’s the last book you read that you simply could not put down until you finished?
7. What television show do you plan your day around in order to see it live?
8. What extracurricular activities or sports did you participate in when you were in high school?
9. Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?
10. Is it better to beg forgiveness or ask permission?
11. If you inherited or won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
13. Which fictional character do you believe is the most like yourself?
14. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you most superstitious about?
15. Do you believe it is vital to everyday life to know what is happening in the world around you?
16. What is the nicest thing anybody has said, or you believe they would say, about you?
17. What are your life and career goals in 5, 10 and 15 years?
18. Would you rather live in a large house in the suburbs, or a tiny apartment in the city with an excellent view?
19. What are you three weaknesses?
20. How would you describe yourself in three words?
21. Which is more logical to follow—your heart or your head?
22. Are you spiritual or religious in any way? If so, how?
23. If you could have any career possible, what would it be?
24. Have you ever been arrested or contracted any diseases?
25. Which is better—a novel or a movie?
26. If your life was a movie, which actor would play you?
27. Would you spit in a customer’s food if you were the waiter and they had been rude to you?
28. How do you handle people you don’t like?
29. Is it possible for us to have met previously, in another life?
30. Where would you prefer to live: beach, city or country?
31. If you had met me before, how would you describe me?
32. Do you think of yourself as being naughty or nice?
33. Who is or was your celebrity crush?
34. With whom did you have your first kiss?
35. What is your favorite type of food?
36. What is your favorite genre of music?
37. What is your all-time favorite movie?
38. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
39. What is the funniest thing you have ever done or said?
40. Have you ever been caught naked by someone?
41. What is your funniest childhood memory?
42. Are you more of a night owl or a morning person?
43. What is your greatest fear?
44.What do you believe I am thinking right now?
45. What nickname would you give me based off my personality or a body part?
46. Which famous celebrity would you like to date, and why?
47. While in school, did you ever cheat on a test?
48. If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?
49. If you were told you only had one week left to live, what would you do?
50. Which animal do you consider to be the sexiest?

Baconbagon failed to answer these, but will you be the one answering them? ;o
1. Would you prefer to be smart or happy, and why? Smart. Ignorance isn't bliss.
2. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why? Teleportation, with the stipulation I can also teleport objects I'm physically able to move.
3. What is your biggest regret in life so far? Sand bagging on tests in high school b/c I thought wasn't "cool" to be smart
4. If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why? none, really.
5. If money and career were no object, where in the world would you choose to live? The beach
6. What’s the last book you read that you simply could not put down until you finished? I don't really read books... The last Harry Potter?
7. What television show do you plan your day around in order to see it live? None, I don't have cable.
8. What extracurricular activities or sports did you participate in when you were in high school? Soccer
9. Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest? I just tend to ignore people/things that annoy me.
10. Is it better to beg forgiveness or ask permission? Depends, generally ask permission though.
11. If you inherited or won a million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off my student loans, my place, then invest the rest. I have all the "things" I want in life right now.
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you? Trying to read outloud in classes in HS when my voice was changing
13. Which fictional character do you believe is the most like yourself? Leonard from The Big Bang Theory?
14. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you most superstitious about? I'm not superstitious
15. Do you believe it is vital to everyday life to know what is happening in the world around you? Yes
16. What is the nicest thing anybody has said, or you believe they would say, about you? I'm a pretty forgiving person
17. What are your life and career goals in 5, 10 and 15 years? There's no need for more than a 5 year plan imo. I want to have started moving up the chain at a semiconductor company in 5 years (I graduate w/ my Ph.D in 2017).
18. Would you rather live in a large house in the suburbs, or a tiny apartment in the city with an excellent view? Suburbs
19. What are you three weaknesses? Procrastination, Procrastination, Procrastination
20. How would you describe yourself in three words? I don't know
21. Which is more logical to follow—your heart or your head? head
22. Are you spiritual or religious in any way? If so, how? Not really
23. If you could have any career possible, what would it be? see Q17
24. Have you ever been arrested or contracted any diseases? No?...
25. Which is better—a novel or a movie? Movie
26. If your life was a movie, which actor would play you? Topher Grace seems pretty fitting
27. Would you spit in a customer’s food if you were the waiter and they had been rude to you? Nope, I just wouldn't bring the food.
28. How do you handle people you don’t like? I ignore them
29. Is it possible for us to have met previously, in another life? I wouldn't know
30. Where would you prefer to live: beach, city or country? beach
31. If you had met me before, how would you describe me? I'm confident I'd think you ask stupid questions. :)
32. Do you think of yourself as being naughty or nice? nice
33. Who is or was your celebrity crush? Mila Kunis
34. With whom did you have your first kiss? My first girl friend
35. What is your favorite type of food? I love mexican food—at least I like the bastardized versions we have in the US.
36. What is your favorite genre of music? classical
37. What is your all-time favorite movie? Harry Potter series
38. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? I love the burritos at a local mom and pop mexican joint.
39. What is the funniest thing you have ever done or said? No clue
40. Have you ever been caught naked by someone? I graduated from college and had roommates for 4 years, so yes.
41. What is your funniest childhood memory? My brother reared back and kicked my dad in nuts one day. That was pretty funny.
42. Are you more of a night owl or a morning person? Morning
43. What is your greatest fear? Failure
44.What do you believe I am thinking right now? That you're tired of reading my answers to these questions.
45. What nickname would you give me based off my personality or a body part? ?
46. Which famous celebrity would you like to date, and why? Mila Kunis
47. While in school, did you ever cheat on a test? Nope, I intentionally missed questions on a bunch of them though.
48. If you could read minds, whose would you want to read? No one.
49. If you were told you only had one week left to live, what would you do? Spend time with my loved ones
50. Which animal do you consider to be the sexiest? Beastiality is frowned upon
If Water is your favorite, what about second and third?
What's the most underrated type?
What's Water's best archetype? (Stall, offense, etc)
What's your strategy when you're up against an unfavorable matchup with Water?
If Water is your favorite, what about second and third?
What's the most underrated type?
What's Water's best archetype? (Stall, offense, etc)
What's your strategy when you're up against an unfavorable matchup with Water?
2nd is definitely Normal. It has a roughly even match-up with most of the meta, which means the games almost always come down to who played better.

I don't have one type I consider 3rd. I play flying, fighting, psychic, ground, bug, and dark reasonably regularly without preference for a particular one.

It isnt truly underrated among top players, but fairy doesn't have a usage stat commensurate with its viability.

What makes water great is all 3 archetypes are very good. Stall water is really consistent on the ladder because no one prepares for it. I prefer to play the balanced builds though.

I try to build my teams so that I always have a win condition against each type, even in a bad match-up. For instance, I really like sub, dd, bounce gyarados because it gives a great win condition against grass, bug, and fighting teams. Grass is an obvious disadvantage, but pokemon like galvantula and Mega-Pinisir are tough for water teams to deal with. On Fighting, Breloom is a major threat and will just 6-0 unprepared water teams, which makes the match-up a "disadvantage".

Sorry for any typos, on mobile.