Hey everybody, the OU tiering council has decided to test Pheromosa.
Pheromosa is one of the most unique Pokemon to ever exist in the history of the Overused tier. It is a very offensively inclined Pokemon, with an extremely polarized stat spread. It has the greatest base speed of any OU Pokemon, while also containing very high mixed attacking stats. On the contrary, it has relatively poor defenses compared to many of its OU counterparts. Another unique aspect of Pheromosa is its access to the Beast Boost ability, which enables a sort of snowball effect. Pheromosa's stats, ability, and other traits, when in tandem with one another, make it out to be one of the deadliest threats in the current metagame.
At the start of the generation, Pheromosa was immediately seen as an immense threat. It quickly became a highly debated Pokemon, with part of the community calling for its quickban from the OU tier. Things eventually cooled down and the metagame settled more, but nonetheless, Pheromosa has remained a very hot topic.
In addition to its aforementioned stats and ability, Pheromosa has many other offensive boons. Having access to powerful STAB moves such as High Jump Kick, Focus Blast, and Bug Buzz, alongside coverage such as Ice Beam and Poison Jab, as well as the ability to gain momentum with U-turn, Pheromosa is a devastating offensive force. To supplement this, Pheromosa also has a wide array of viable sets, which causes a certain degree of unpredictability. Pheromosa can run Choice Scarf (both physical and special), Choice Specs, and even Z-move sets such as Normalium Hyper Beam (Quiver Dance) and Fightinium Focus Blast (QD or Rapid Spin). Each of these sets utilize Pheromosa's innate offensive traits, such as its mixed attacking stats and Beast Boost ability, in a very powerful way. Due to this, Pheromosa is incredibly difficult to switch into, and also often difficult to revenge kill. All in all, it's not hard to see why Pheromosa is a premier threat in the OU metagame.
Despite its incredible offensive traits, Pheromosa has some notable defensive shortcomings. It sports 71/37/37 bulk which is far from ideal. And, despite its Beast Boost ability often granting it speed boosts to outpace opposing threats, Pheromosa still takes significant damage from priority moves. Only a couple of common priority moves outright OHKO Pheromosa, while the rest of them can potentially kill with some prior damage.
Due to the fact that Pheromosa has been a consistently controversial Pokemon since the dawn of the generation, and that there are legitimate claims to it being a broken force in the metagame, the OU tiering council has decided that it is time for a suspect test.
For this round we are going to have two alternative ways to qualify for voting:
- Laddering: you will need to achieve a COIL rating of 2700 (or more) in a /!\ game limit of 70 games /!\ on the OU Suspect Test Ladder (in which Pheromosa is banned), that will be implemented very soon.
- Suspect Tours: check McMeghan's thread.
Use this thread to discuss the suspect and your thoughts on the suspect metagame. If you have any questions, then feel free to contact ABR, bludz, blunder, bro fist, Finchinator, M Dragon, PDC, and/or TDK through a PM. These threads tend to get derailed so please make extra effort to stay on topic. Future suspects need not be discussed in this thread.
Keep in mind that, as usual, it's going to be up to the playerbase to decide the outcome of this test. Good luck and have fun laddering!
/!\Rules for posting in this thread/!\
- No one liners nor uninformed posts;
- No discussion on other potential suspects;
- No discussion on the suspect process;
- You are required to make respectful posts;
- You are required to read this thread before posting.
/!\ NOTICE /!\ OU will not be tolerating any form of voting manipulation. Any attempt to manipulate votes can result in an infraction, loss of eligibility to vote in the current test, and loss of the Tiering Contributor badge. While we won't necessarily enforce super strict punishment, this won't be tolerated and will be handled accordingly. Voting manipulation can simply be described as attempting to get people to vote a way on the test in inappropriate manners. Bribing with teams to vote a certain way, directly messaging people to vote a certain way, publicly announcing "vote this way" all fall under voting manipulation. If you have any further questions feel free to shoot TDK a PM.
Antar's edit: as with the previous OU tests, the B value for this test is 17.0. To figure out how many battles you will need to have in order to achieve reqs, first determine your GXE (shown on the ladder and when you type /rating) and plug that into the following formula:
(Google calculator is awesome for this kind of thing).
Here are some sample values:
100 30
90 41
85 52
80 70
75 112
70 324
Tagging The Immortal so that this can be implemented on PS - thank you!
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