Now I can't say I don't utterly enjoy using Sceptile and I'd prefer it to stay for sentimental reasons, but let's be real here: Sceptile is just a massive
force of nature.
The most apparent issue people have right now is with Life Orb Sceptile, as it sits in an excellent Speed tier and, unlike most Pokemon sitting in its Speed bracket, possesses both immense neutral power and exceptional coverage. This sheer attacking capability gives Sceptile practically unrivaled offensive potential, allowing it to holepunch, wallbreak, and threaten to sweep lategame all at once. While Sceptile does not possess the raw effectiveness of most of the suspects' 4 move coverage, Sceptile's threat level stems from how viable its moves are:
Giga Drain: reliable STAB move, its healing effect offsetting LO recoil while being incredibly useful for an offensive Pokemon in general, synergizes incredibly well with Overgrow
Leaf Storm: nuking move, easily up there as one of the most powerful neutral attacks in the tier (Timid LO Leaf Storm barely outdamages
Modest Omastar's LO Hydro Pump)
Hidden Power Ice: generally the most useful Hidden Power for Sceptile, doing solid damage to most of the bulkier Grass- and Flying-types in the tier
Substitute: avoids status and Sucker Punch, can safely help inch Sceptile into Overgrow range for boosted Giga Drain
Earthquake: primarily targets Poison-types, while nailing Fire-types for great damage
Rock Slide: mainly takes down the 4x Rock-weak Flying-types in Scyther and Charizard, but still useful to do some damage to other Fire- and Flying-types
Focus Blast: Hits more miscellaneous foes such as Sap Sipper Pokemon and a couple of Steel-types, but still handy for taking out Normal-types
Before one cites this as '4MSS', keep in mind that Sceptile doesn't need all of these moves to function well. Quite the contrary,
Sceptile can handpick pretty much any combination of 4 of these moves and still do well due to how adaptable Sceptile is, which is just about as far away from 4MSS as you can get. Grass coverage isn't even that bad in NU, as the popularity of dual STAB Sceptile is a testament to this. This also makes Sceptile tricky to play around, as it can be difficult to discern Sceptile's coverage moves until it actually uses them.
The other aspect to Sceptile's dominance is that it boasts numerous advantages over other offensive Pokemon, even discounting its terrific power-to-speed ratio. Most of the premier offensive Pokemon in the tier suffer from an SR weakness and/or are prone to being worn down. Sceptile is none of those things; in fact Giga Drain allows it to circumvent the second problem almost entirely. You cannot discount even a 2% Sceptile if it can threaten to Overgrow Giga Drain something on your team for solid damage, allowing it to spring right back up and continue pummeling your team, and even try to manage its LO recoil correctly to fire off repeated boosted Giga Drains; this is especially scary coming from dual STAB Sceptile, as an Overgrow boosted Giga Drain followed by Leaf Storm (which may be Overgrow boosted as well) would not be something many Pokemon would enjoy taking at all.
This kind of longevity means that Sceptile players are rarely punished and are often even rewarded for letting their Sceptile take non-fatal damage. For a Pokemon with that caliber of offensive presence, this is an absolutely disgusting advantage to have.
An argument I've seen is that Sceptile doesn't have a particularly powerful attack that can be spammed repeatedly, such as Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Close Combat, and whatnot. However, Sceptile can come pretty close to replicating that with Substitute + Overgrow Giga Drain. Meanwhile, Sceptile's natural Speed and lack of a hazard weakness means that Sceptile hardly ever minds being forced to hit-and-run with Leaf Storm; this issue becomes even lessened if paired with Giga Drain, as it gives Sceptile longevity and an alternate reliable attacking move. Sceptile is barely hindered by its lack of a strong spammable attack, and Giga Drain is not far from fitting that bill as it is.
As for Sceptile counters, while they
do exist, a good majority of them (examples can include Vileplume, Weezing, Xatu, Rotom-S) just end up feeling too specialized to counter Sceptile, by which I mean they have to tweak their EV spreads to accommodate for Sceptile's power and versatility but end up notably weakening their matchup against other threats. Probably the more glaring issue is just how well Sceptile does against the rest of the tier that forces most teams to fall back on these counters every time. Another note is how these counters tend to overlap in terms of how they are dealt with;
the core I posted nearly a month back handily deals with nearly any Sceptile switch-in, and there are probably even more combinations of teammates out there. This isn't really too strong of a point against Sceptile, but it still bears some mentioning imo.
Meanwhile I feel the SD set is so far away from what I would consider Sceptile's most problematic attributes that I would barely even contribute it to Sceptile's brokenness (hell, it barely beats any of LO Sceptile's counters), but the LO set alone is just so amazingly effective at what it does that it is cause for concern.