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ORAS OU (No Mega) CM Clefable Team

No Mega better than regular OU

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Team Preview

This team is based largely off of my late XY Clefable team, which became obsolete once ORAS came out. Afterwards, I tried a lot of different teams like M-Altaria Balance, M-Mtagross SemiStall, and M-Slowbro Stall, but I didn't really enjoy the way they played. After trying out different tiers (CC1v1 and RU), I noticed that an OU No Mega ladder had been put up, and I was curious as to what a mega-less metagame would look like since I had only really started playing pokemon seriously at the start of XY. And I will not lie, the No Mega ladder has been the most enjoyable ladder thus far. This team has topped the No Mega ladder, and I'd appreciate feedback on how to make it better.

Proof of Ladder
ladder peak.gif

I still really hate the fuchsia(?) color of that last accounts name. However I did manage to get into the top 10 with all 3 accounts, before the reset.

Team Building Process
- Started out with Stored Power CM Clefable, it fun to use in late XY and I wanted to give it a second go.
- Chesnaught, Slowbro, and Heatran were added as a package deal. Chesnaught was brought along to deal with Bisharp, and along with Slowbro serve as physical defenses. Heatran synergized well with the other members (FWG and what would be DFS), and provided SR support.
- Garchomp was added as a fast SD sweeper to work alongside Clefable, and be able to make quick work of Heatran
- Mandibuzz was added at the end to deal with Gengar+Landorus, who I had failed to account for earlier in teambuilding. Large oversight on my part, but Mandibuzz fit the bill.
- Gliscor replaced Garchomp as the speedy-ish SD user, because it can actually switch in on Heatran and was overall more durable. Specially Defensive Zapdos replaced Mandibuzz because I needed a better way to deal with Ferrothorn/Scizor and also have better offensive presence.
(Stored Power)+
- I changed Stored Power to Flamethrower, Stall was mostly handled by Gliscor and Clefable being dead weight against steel types (Bishar) was irritating. Finding 3 pokemon with fire-type moves redundant, as well as having 2 solid birdspam answers (and Lando-I's Ban), I changed Zapdos to Skarmory because I had just been swept 3 times by SD Garchomp for a more reliable defogger and Dragon counter.

Team Analysis

Everything Breaks (Clefable) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248 HP | 160 Def | 96 SpD | 4 Spe
Moves: Moonblast | Flamethrower* | Soft-Boiled | Calm Mind

Clefable is the most important member of the team, and is my primary win condition. Moonblast and Flamethrower lets me hit most things not named Heatran neutrally, and pretty hard after one or two CMs. Soft-Boiled lets Clefable stay healthy, and Calm Mind is for setup. I have Flamethrower starred because I've been switching that slot between several moves (Stored Power, Thunderbolt, Psyshock), but Flamethrower has been the most consistent option. I use Magic Guard to get burned by weaker Scalds early on to prevent paralysis, and I'll usually go for Flamethrower a lot early game if my opponent's best fairy check is Bisharp, Ferrothorn, or Scizor.


Shell-Don (Chesnaught) @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
Nature: Impish
EVs: 244 HP | 120 Def | 148 Spe
Moves: Drain Punch | Wood Hammer | Leech Seed | Spiky Shield

Chesnaught is here to destroy BD Azumarill and Bisharp, as well as hassle Landorus-T. The speed EVs let Chesnaught hit 200 speed which allows it to outspeed Adamant Azumarill as well as Heatran (who you 2HKO after SR and a bi of damage). The Defense EVs get an extra point, maximizing physical bulk. Drain Punch lets Chesnaught recover health and beat non-Toxic Ferrothorn 1v1 (also Bisharp). Wood Hammer is mostly here for Azumarill, who is KO-ed most of the time after a round of Stealth Rock (or Spiky Shield). It can help with Suicune, but Scald's 90% 30% burn chance makes it somewhat unreliable. Leech Seed lets me recover even more health, and helps force switches compounding residual damage. Spiky Shield and Leech Seed combine for a very good way to take advantage of choice locked volt-turn users, since once their move is revealed I can Leech Seed the switch-in.

0 Atk Chesnaught Drain Punch vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 164-194 (42.5 - 50.3%) -- 39.5% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
0 Atk Chesnaught Wood Hammer vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 330-390 (82.2 - 97.2%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock


Magic Conch (Slowbro) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Bold
EVs: 248 HP | 236 Def | 24 SpD
Moves: Scald | Psyshock | Slack Off | Ice Beam or Thunder Wave

Slowbro is a blessing to me, and helps deal with Talonflame and Keldeo. The EVs make Keldeo's Specs Hydro Pump a 3HKO after Stealth Rocks. Scald is STAB with a 90% nice chance to burn, and Psyshock lets me beat sub-cm keldeo, as well as Tentacruel or Conkeldurr looking to take Scald. Slack Off keeps Slowbro alive, especially useful against non-choice locked Keldeo. Ice Beam allows Slowbro to beat Garchomp and Dragonite more reliably, not having to rely on Scald burns, whereas Thunder Wave lets me cripple faster pokemon like Heatran, Latios, and Kyurem-B, making them easier to deal with later on. Slowbro has made itself unbelievably useful in a lot of battles, pivoting in and out thanks to regenerator, and occasionally walls teams to hell and back.


Cool Nickname (Heatran) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248 HP | 72 Def | 184 SpD
Moves: Lava Plume | Toxic | Protect | Stealth Rock

I swear I had thought up the most clever nickname, but then my teams got cleared and I forgot what I had called Heatran. Heatran is a pokemon I initially hated but grew to love over time. The Defense EVs allow Heatran to survive a Low Kick from LO Weavile after Stealth Rocks damage. Lava Plume is another move I use solely for burn Hax, and Toxic complements that nicely by wearing down bulky waters like Rotom-W and Slowking who take pitiable damage from Lava Plume. Protect lets me get a free turn of leftovers/damage/scouting, and overall is a very handy move. Stealth Rock is mandatory hazards. The thought that something may be running Earthquake is enough to get me to use Protect, but then I noticed something about a lot of EQ Latios. They don't just not go for EQ on the first turn, they almost always go for Psyshock first, to avoid the -2 Sp Attack drop, and then go for EQ on the second move. That isn't to say its the only way of going about dealing with Heatran, but unless they do something outlandish (Screens+Memento) I'd advise Protect then immediately switching out to Skarmory or Clefable.​


CAW CAW (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248 HP | 124 Def | 136 SpD
Moves: Spikes or Iron Head | Whirlwind | Roost | Defog

Skarmory is my mandatory bird. I opted for a specially defensive spread because I figured I had enough natural physical defenses and could discourage physical attackers with Rocky Helmet, and still needed a good answer to EQ Latios. The Special Defense EVs allow me to take maximum 75% from two consecutive LO Draco Meteors, giving time to roost off after switching in, and dumping the rest in defenses. Spikes is more consistent option seeing as Iron Head is relatively weak and lacks much use outside of beating Weavile and Haxing Fairys (however it demolishes Weavile). Roost is to keep Skarmory alive, and defog gets rid of hazards. It may seem counterproductive to have Defog and Spikestacking, but both Gliscor and Skarmory are resistant to SR, Clefable doesn't take hazard damage, and Slowbro has regenerator which means I'm not really reliant on Defog unless I'm up against full hazard offensive teams. Skarmory is fairly resilient and isn't weak to SR, so spamming Roost isn't really necessary unless you're fishing for Rocky Helmet damage. Whirlwind lets me consistently deal with setup sweepers like DD Dragonite, SD Garchomp, all of whom gave me a lot of trouble with Zapdos. It is also a good way to rack up extra burn/toxic/hazard damage.

+1 252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 136+ SpD Skarmory: 211-250 (63.3 - 75%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Batman (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Careful
EVs: 244 HP | 8 Def | 200 SpD | 56 Spe
Moves: Earthquake | Knock Off | Roost | Swords Dance

Gliscor is meant to set up on everything Clefable cannot (Chansey and Heatran) and appreciates Clefable's ability to take on what it struggles against (Skarmory and Mandibuzz). Earthquake is STAB, and Knock Off lets me get rid of items on opposing teams. Roost is useful both in that it heals Gliscor, and also lets me bait slower pokemon like Slowbro into revealing if they run Ice Beam over Psyshock (ie: can I set up on them or not because Scald is a 3HKO). Which leads to Swords Dance; while Gliscor may not be able to threaten as much as Clefable, it becomes an immediate threat against slower teams after one turn of setup, and can outright sweep a lot of different balanced/stall builds. Gliscor has been an excellent replacement for Garchomp (who was absolute trash), and has probably won me as many games as Clefable has.

0 SpA Slowbro Scald vs. 244 HP / 200+ SpD Gliscor: 158-188 (44.8 - 53.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Poison Heal

I figure I could write up little tidbits on how I use the pokemon, and but watching the replays saves me a lot of writing and this has already gotten pretty long to begin with so here are selected replays of the team in different matchups with brief commentary.
Chesnaught+Heatran in early stages of the team
VS M-Lop HO (Loss to Ice Punch freeze)
Gliscor makes a Comeback
VS Balance
Hazards win the Game
VS Gothitelle Stall
VS Balance #2
VS Gothitelle Offense
VS Stall
VS M-Metagross Offense
Chesnaught+Heatran: This battle showcases two things: My early frustrations with Garchomp, since most battles ended up with it just dying off, as well as how irritating Leech Seed spam could potentially be. My opponent should have gone for Knock Off on Heatran earlier, it probably would've won him/her the game.
VS M-Lop HO: I accidentally went for a battle in regular OU. The most terrifying part of this game was trying to identify Landorus's set (and incorrectly at that). I did not anticipate it being Rock Polish, which led me to sack Slowbro early on. With regards to Chesnaught freezing, I shouldn't have let it stay in on Gyarados's Bounce, but it was pretty early in the morning and if Gyarados had gotten to +3 or +4, Chesnaught wouldn't have been able to stomach the waterfalls anyways.
Gliscor makes a Comeback: I had played his team once the day before, so I had the advantage of knowing every set he ran, except for HP Grass on Keldeo (later found it he also ran Focus Blast on Keldeo). This one came down to me knowing his Mew couldn't touch Gliscor which allowed me to set up and (through some nice damage rolls) finish off his team. Conkeldurr poisoning Clefable also came in handy to prevent me from being frozen by Jirachi.
VS HO: This was my last battle with Iron Head Skarmory, and didn't really have much of a 'game plan' other than "Don't lose". My opponent did mess up letting me get rid of hazards within a few turns, and the battle was a bit hax-y, but nonetheless it is a good representation of how this team can take advantage of choice-locked offensive pokemon, as well as soak up hits. Was bummed out Flexxen called me a noob, but then I watched some replays and not going to lie he seems like a bad sport.
VS Balance: Bisharp getting burned did deliver the finishing blow, but at that point he had little to no chance of winning (SubSD Garchomp would have struggled against Skarmory, Keldeo couldn't break Slowbro even with burns thanks to losing its item, nothing else he could take on Gliscor). My goal at the beginning was to kill Rotom-W as quickly as possible so Gliscor could have a field day with his team.
Hazards win the Game: This was not a battle I foresaw winning, since I didn't realize that Chesnaught outsped his Heatran until that last turn (I didn't think he was going to protect, I was going for a sac). However, once hazards were laid down, he couldn't switch around which played a huge role in beating Serperior and Dragonite since my opponent couldn't switch them out or else he would have been left with death fodder, and incur even more hazard damage.
VS Gothitelle Stall: I had played this team 3 times the day before this battle (I've been playing the same 5 guys for the past few weeks now), so my plan for a Gliscor sweep was: (1) Skarmory dead and (2) Rotom-W being out of pp for Hydro Pump. In a similar way, I needed (1) Gothitelle dead and (2) Heatran's leftovers removed if I were to sweep with Clefable. So, for roughly an hour and a half(not to mention at 1am) I sat there and played as aggressively as I could in order to wear Skarmory down to the point where I could kill it (turn 50), along with his Cleric and Gothitelle. After that, the battle became much more one-sided and more or less was won at turn 70 when Heatran lost its leftovers (although continued on for another 70 turns when Heatran died).
VS Balance 2: He and I had just battled maybe 10 minutes prior to this one (seriously I've played the same people a lot), and so we each knew the others' set. My goal in this one was to SR and Spikes on the field asap in order wear down Kyurem-B, which worked out in the end since he lacked hazard control. Ice Beam got more freezes than Scald did burns, which was kind of disappointing but made this game more "pure" in that respect (none of the freezes ended up being "that" game changing).
VS Gothitelle 2: Before I start this commentary, let me just say I'm 110% in favor of a Shadow Tag/Trapping Ability ban (moreso Shadow Tag because I actively avoid choosing pokemon who Magnezone can trap, so I don't feel its effects as much). I ended up winning this battle because he had no good switchins to Chesnaught other than Gothitelle, who was asleep and in Wood Hammer KO range. This is probably one of the few times I have won with one of my walls "offensive capabilities", and wasn't a battle I anticipated winning once Gothitelle got to +6.
VS Stall: Worst first turn ever. My opponent at the time was #2 on the ladder, and his lack of hazard control/status removal is what lost him the game. There was some hax (his Skarmory getting burned and my skarmory getting paralyzed) but otherwise a pretty clean and stressful game. I would rely a lot on forcing switches this game, as well as forcing my opponent to lose PP with Calm Mind/Slack Off/switch stalling. If he had had Defog, this game would've been lost.
VS M-Metagross Offense: Sometimes I accidentally go for a battle in regular OU. And sometimes I play for crap in the beginning. These all happened early on in this game. I couldn't even get SR up for pete's sake. I ended up winning because he had little to nothing for Chesnaught except for LO Serperior and it died.
Threat List
- NP Thundurus can set up on Clefable and sweep me from there, although Heatran and Clefable can usually handle non-NP sets.
- TG Manaphy is the hardest thing to go up against, because one free turn and it can absolutely floor the team.
- Weavile is somewhat mitigated by Skarmory, but all it needs is a bit of damage for the 2HKO (while Skarmory just phazes it out).
- Going against Suicune comes down to who gets a crit off faster (or hoping Chesnaught doesn't get burned).
- Gothitelle is Satan. That is all.
- I can normally handle boosting threats, except for when its Espeon. I don't have the firepower to dent +2/+3 Defenses or the defenses take repeated 200+ BP Stored Powers. Passing speed+other stuff is banned, woop woop.

Everything Breaks (Clefable) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Soft-Boiled
- Calm Mind

Shell-Don (Chesnaught) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 240 HP / 120 Def / 148 Spe
Impish Nature
- Drain Punch
- Wood Hammer
- Leech Seed
- Spiky Shield

Magic Conch (Slowbro) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Slack Off
- Ice Beam

CAW CAW (Skarmory) (F) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 128 Def / 132 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spikes
- Roost
- Defog
- Whirlwind

Cool Nickname (Heatran) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 76 Def / 184 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Protect
- Stealth Rock

Batman (Gliscor) (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 8 Def / 200 SpD / 56 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance
- Roost


Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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Hi, you requested a rate a few days ago and here I am to follow up.

You have a ton of bases covered with solid pivots to most larger metagame threats (except Goth lol but there's not much you can do about that). As I mentioned in PM, Unaware Clefable over Magic Guard fixes you immediate issues with Manaphy and Thundurus, while at the same time still providing an effective win condition. You even have several Toxic immune pivots (Gliscor, Skarm, and Heatran) who can help mitigate the lack of Magic Guard on Clef. I would also definitely run Spikes on Skarm over an attack. The only attack I ever see as useful on Skarm these days is Iron Head and that mostly helps with Diancie and Gard, and those aren't threats in OU No Mega obviously. Where your team relies on pivoting, the extra hazard damage can help you wear down the opposing team even quicker than just SR alone. Wearing down the opposition through pivoting and hazard damage, and then finishing with CM Clef or SD Gliscor seems to be your best route of action.

Hope this all helped, good luck with laddering!
Thanks for the rate Celtic, I've been trying your suggestions out for the past few days, and have returned with the fruits of the feedback. The way I tested the suggestions was make another account and try to ladder with that one (one of them got me to #7 :D).

Unaware Clef did help in one of the battles VS manaphy, but in almost all other battles died pretty quickly from hazards+chip damage. My reservation about this change comes from the fact that Clefable is my only good answer to bulky water-types, as Chesnaught is neutered by Scald burns and Slowbro just kind of sits there spamming Scald back at them.

Adding spikes to the team (on skarm as you suggested as well as Chesnaught) has been both a nice change and a somewhat irritating one at times. I really like the addition of spikes to the team, it helps moreso vs Offense than bulky teams since the extra residual works wonders. When I used it on Skarmory, I found it to be really passive, among other things I had a bit more trouble against Weavile since I had no way to quickly dispatch of it. Also, Skarmory became somewhat overextended trying to phaze+defog+set hazards. I moved them over to Chesnaught, and while I'm missing Spiky Shield a bit, overall its probably a neutral change in terms of gains vs losses (low HP Outrages are harder to beat, but getting them to low HP is easier). Spiky Shield on Chesnaught is much better, Skarmory gets spikes.

On a a secondary note, I'm trying to work out a better spread for Skarmory. I'm leaning towards a spread of something like 248 HP/124 Def/136 Sp Def so at most from 2 Draco Meteors you take 75% (you can have 2 rounds of SR damage switching in), jamming the rest in physical defenses. There's probably a more efficient way to get that spread, but thats what I'm trying out for now.

OP is going to be update soon to reflect the changes.
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I could also see your team having a slight problem against Defiant Mixed Thundurus, only if they predict a Defog though.

Also for the Skarm spread, I got: 252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 244 HP / 136+ SpD Skarmory: 140-166 (42.1 - 50%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO
Just 4 EVs less than the spread you had. Though this one, at 50%, means that if they crit and had max damage both times it's guaranteed 2HKO. Very unlikely, but....

Anyways, onto the rest of the team.

For Clefable, I really have no other suggestions. I still don't know about Flamethrower vs Stored Power. Stored Power has helped me a lot in the past, but if you're finding much better matchups with Flamethrower, then you should go with that.

For Chesnaught I think you could consider Lum Berry. You seem pretty concerned about the 90% 30% Scald burns. Lum Berry could help you out a lot with Rotom-W, letting you secure the KO. You already have two forms of recovery in Leech Seed and Drain Punch.

For Slowbro, the only suggestion I could possibly think of is run Ice Beam > Thunderwave. From your Replays it doesn't seem Thunderwave played any HUGE role. So Ice Beam could help take care of those pesky 4x Ice Weaknesses before your Clef has time to Calm Mind up. Your team is bulky enough to not really need the Thunderwave support, and that just allows your opponent to get an extra mon they can switch into predicted Toxics.

Nice Heatran Nickname. Again, no suggestions for Heatran really. I'd change the EV spread to: 244 HP / 76 Def / 188 SpD with a Calm nature. It gets you a Leftovers number and the 76 Def EVs guarantees you'll survive Low Kick after SR from a Weavile.

For Skarmory, I'll just put the EV spread from earlier again: 244 HP / 128 Def / 136 SpD with a Careful nature. It'll get you 75% from the two Dracos.

Finally for Gliscor, I really, again (sorry), have no further suggestions.

This was a really hard team to rate, simply because so many things were already considered. Nonetheless, I gave it my best. Hope you take some of my suggestions into consideration.
Really well-built team.
WilliXL thank you for your set suggestions on Skarmory and Heatran. So far they are working well, thanks for calcing them (the weavile one especially, it saved me in 3 battles today).

With regards to the Slowbro change, I'll put Ice Beam in before Thunder Wave. Not having to rely on Scald burns to beat SD Chomp and dragons is a nice boon, although I do sometimes wish I could paralyze pokemon like Kyu-B to make them easier to beat.

I will say I'm not feeling too good about the Chesnaught change, the benefits of leftovers far outweighs the one-time use of a lum berry.

On Stored Power and Flamethrower, I love Stored Power but all of the things it beats (Chansey, Unaware users) are already taken care of by other parts of the team (Gliscor+Hazards beats Chansey and stall in general, while Unaware users take repeated hazard damage+leech seed+status). Stored Power Clefable is also a sieve for momentum against Bisharp, who I'd rather not give too many free switchins to as I don't have anything that really appreciates switching in repeatedly.

I'll update the OP with the changes either later tonight or tomorrow.

(also made it to team showcase woop woop)
WilliXL thank you for your set suggestions on Skarmory and Heatran. So far they are working well, thanks for calcing them (the weavile one especially, it saved me in 3 battles today).

With regards to the Slowbro change, I'll put Ice Beam in before Thunder Wave. Not having to rely on Scald burns to beat SD Chomp and dragons is a nice boon, although I do sometimes wish I could paralyze pokemon like Kyu-B to make them easier to beat.

I will say I'm not feeling too good about the Chesnaught change, the benefits of leftovers far outweighs the one-time use of a lum berry.

On Stored Power and Flamethrower, I love Stored Power but all of the things it beats (Chansey, Unaware users) are already taken care of by other parts of the team (Gliscor+Hazards beats Chansey and stall in general, while Unaware users take repeated hazard damage+leech seed+status). Stored Power Clefable is also a sieve for momentum against Bisharp, who I'd rather not give too many free switchins to as I don't have anything that really appreciates switching in repeatedly.

I'll update the OP with the changes either later tonight or tomorrow.

(also made it to team showcase woop woop)

No problems for the Calcs. I think they're the most EV efficient, but not 1000% certain. Glad they're working out for you though!

Yeah, about that Leftover vs Lum Berry. Seeing as Chesnaught isn't really meant to KO too many things, more of a counter to your counters, the Lum Berry suggestion wasn't the best idea.

And hooray! Grats on the Team Showcase! I really look forward to seeing what other RMTs you'll make in the future.