Project Monotype Teambuilding Competition V3.1 Closed

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Cloyster HO
Weavile + Ninetales-A were obviously there, and the sets aren't that obscure. Fake Out Weavile gives the teams some priority and is great for confirming kills against bulkier opponents. Ninetales-A has Freeze-Dry to better handle the Water match-up. Shell Smash Cloyster is an amazing wincon for Ice and it was next added because my team need a wincon that could win vs Fire and Cloyster was a great pick; it also synergizes very well with Aurora Veil. Kyurem-B is another way to deal with Fire + Water matchups and is great for Ice teams in general. Groundium Z Earth Power is a nice lure for Steel- and Fire-types, and the spread (128 SpA) is actually needed to OHKO M-Metagross with one Tectonic Rage (assuming it switches in or has just used Hammer Arm).

128 SpA Teravolt Kyurem-Black Tectonic Rage (175 Base Power) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Metagross-Mega: 302-356 (100.3 - 118.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

You could also try investing the other 128 into Defense so that Meteor Mash doesn't guarantee an OHKO. Cryogonal was the next mon, as I needed a spinner and Cryogonal was less of a momentum suck than Avalugg, as well as being a great special switch-in. Beartic is the final mon, as I wanted another Steel lure and Beartic has great synergy with Ninetales. Beatic can also serve as a secondary wincon if Cloyster can't clean up for whatever reason. Overall, this has been a pretty succesful team for me and I hope you like it.

Ninetales-Alola @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aurora Veil
- Moonblast
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry

Weavile @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Icicle Crash
- Fake Out
- Low Kick

Cloyster @ White Herb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Razor Shell

Kyurem-Black @ Groundium Z
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 128 Atk / 128 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power

Cryogonal @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Freeze-Dry
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin
- Recover

Beartic @ Life Orb
Ability: Slush Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Superpower
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance
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The Teambuilding portion of Cycle 4 of the Monotype Teambuilding Competition has now come to a close! Congratulations to all who participated!

As an aside, something new I'm going to do from here on out is include team names on the ballot and in the HoF! I've been noticing some people naming their teams recently, so, if you wish to have your team named, please be sure to include it in your future posts!

The Excadrill's Team
Dece1t's 1st Team
stat1c's Team: "Defying Generic : A glass of Iced Tea"
Alpha-Harpreet's Team
Breeze Sea's Team
Ticktick's Team: "Pre Ice-Age meets Modern Marvels and Inhabitants"
KittenGaming's Team: "Cloyster HO"

Remember that you can only vote for a maximum of two teams, and not your own! The voting phase will end Tuesday, 1/10/2017!
As for Cycle 5's type, you can vote for the type you wish to see used next week here.
The 4th Cycle of the Monotype Teambuilding Competition has now completed!

We actually have a tie this week- a first since I've picked up this project- between stat1c and Ticktick's teams! Congratulations to both of them! Both teams will be featured in the Hall of Fame.

As for cycle 5, this week's type will be Fairy, and the Pokemon will be...


Tapu Fini, and...


Best of luck, teambuilders! The deadline for submissions for cycle 5 will be next Tuesday, 1/17/2017!
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This was actually really hard because Ribombee actually has 0 coverage and gets walled by literally every Pokemon in the game. It was actually pretty fun until I had 6 Pokemon and no Stealth Rock user. Then I was really sad lol.

I am not liable for any losses incurred due to usage of this team

Guess I'm starting with the core. Ribombee's set is literally the worst best thing I've ever made. At +1 Speed, Ribombee actually outspeeds Excadrill in the sand. Now normally you can't do anything with that because Ribombee has literally 0 Special Attack and no coverage. That's where Bloom Doom comes in.

+1 252 SpA Ribombee Solar Beam (Bloom Doom) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Excadrill: 352-415 (97.5 - 114.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Strats. Yeah actually this is really ugly but it also OHKOes Lanturn and most Water-types. If you can somehow hit +2, it does 80% to physically defensive Toxapex lol. Also if someone's scared of the potential Bug Buzz 2HKO on Mega Venusaur, they might leave Nidoking in and let you OHKO it! The potential will amaze you! Whether it's amazingly good or bad, I'll let you decide.

Also other fun stuff:
+1 252 SpA Ribombee Hidden Power Ground vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Heatran: 300-356 (92.8 - 110.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Because Skarmory and Celesteela wouldn't be their switch-in. idk lol. Maybe?

To assist Ribombee, I use Taunt + Defog Tapu Fini with Nature's Madness. This messes up pretty much almost every wall out there and keeps rocks off the field. The Speed also beats max Speed Heatran and Scald 2HKOes. Pretty fun set to be honest.

The rest of the team is sort of expected. Klefki sets up screens to keep the team safe (and to make it easier for Ribombee to sweep hue). Choice Specs Tapu Koko is a ridiculous wallbreaker and forms a Volt Switch core with Assault Vest Magearna. 100% HP Assault Vest Magearna actually takes an Earth Power from Landorus and OHKOes back with Fleur Cannon after Stealth Rock (Good luck with that). Clefable is for mandatory Stealth Rock. Sigh. Wish I still had my Tapu Bulu.
Klefki @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Thunder Wave
- Foul Play

Tapu Koko @ Choice Specs
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Magearna @ Assault Vest
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fleur Cannon
- Flash Cannon
- Aura Sphere
- Volt Switch

Ribombee @ Grassium Z
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Moonblast
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Solar Beam

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 16 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Nature's Madness
- Taunt
- Defog

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Fire Blast
Down with the Fairy Mega Evolutions!
Thoughts when building the team:
1. Tapu Fini and Ribombee slightly help where the other is weak such as Tapu Fini's defensive presence and Ribombee's offensive presence. Icium Z, for Z-Haze, was added to Tapu Fini in order to have some type of reliable recovery. During testing, I also found this helped make sure Agility Mega Metagross did not sweep the team with ease. Knowing that Ribombee would then not get a Z crystal, I ultimately gave it a Choice Specs to combat pesky Psychic-types such as Cresselia and Mew with Bug Buzz, HP Ground solely for Magnezone and Heatran, Energy Ball for Grass-Type coverage, and Moonblast as a filler STAB move.

2. As with all types, some standard Pokemon are always a must and Fairy is no different. Tapu Koko and Magearna are basically on every Fairy team for good reason although their sets may vary from team to team. At first when I tested the team I made Tapu Koko hold a Zap Plate which felt more underwhelming than using a Life Orb to power up the other two attacks. Those two items and an Expert Belt are all interchangeable depending on how the team fits your personal preference. Magearna also tends to use three different items from my personal experience watching battles: Air Balloon, Assualt Vest, and Leftovers. Although Air Balloon fits the team nicely, I went with Assualt Vest mainly to help against strong special attackers such as Xurkitree or Greninja. Tapu Kolo's set is a Ground killer as long as Excadrill is not too prominent throughout the match. Magearna, on the other hand, is more support with its HP Fire for Ferrothorn and Scizor/Mega Scizor and Volt Switch for initiative although you could easily switch Volt switch off for Aura Sphere.

3. Finally, we get to the nails and the glue. Without any Pokemon boosting their stats or a Choice banded Tapu Bulu, Normal Monotype teams will be a pain to go against because of Porygon2 and Chansey. One of the most common Choice-Trick users in Fairy is Gradevoir herself now that her Mega Evolution is unreleased. Typically Choice Scarf Gardevoir runs Trick + Healing Wish + 2 attacks helping heal an ally with less than desirable healing methods like Magearna. Normal Monotype teams are still a pain and a half to battle against but Gardevoir makes the matchup more bearable. What is a team without Stealth Rocks anymore? The last spot was between Clefable and Diancie ONLY because Stealth Rock is needed on pretty much any team. Diancie was the chosen one because it has access to Stealth Rock, Heal Bell, plenty of SpDef, and a solid check to Fire. Having Heal Bell on Diancie allows for morereckless playstyles against bulkier builds.
Thoughts when building the team:
slightly help where the other is weak such as
's defensive presence and
's offensive presence. Icium Z, for Z-Haze, was added to
in order to have some type of reliable recovery. During testing, I also found this helped make sure Agility
did not sweep the team with ease. Knowing that
would then not get a Z crystal, I ultimately gave it a Choice Specs to combat pesky Psychic-types such as
with Bug Buzz, HP Ground solely for
, Energy Ball for Grass-

Type coverage, and Moonblast as a filler STAB move.

2. As with all types, some standard Pokemon are always a must and Fairy is no different.
are basically on every Fairy team for good reason although their sets may vary from team to team. At first when I tested the team I made
hold a Zap Plate which felt more underwhelming than using a Life Orb to power up the other two attacks. Those two items and an Expert Belt are all interchangeable depending on how the team fits your personal preference.
also tends to use three different items from

my personal experience watching battles: Air Balloon, Assualt Vest, and Leftovers. Although Air Balloon fits the team nicely, I went with Assualt Vest mainly to help against strong special attackers such as
's set is a Ground killer as long as
is not too prominent throughout the match.
, on the other hand, is more support with its HP Fire for
and Volt Switch for initiative although you could easily switch Volt switch off for Aura Sphere.

3. Finally, we get to the nails and the glue. Without any Pokemon boosting their stats or a Choice banded
, Normal Monotype teams will be a pain to go against because of
. One of the most common Choice-Trick users in Fairy is
herself now that her Mega Evolution is unreleased. Typically Choice Scarf
runs Trick + Healing Wish + 2 attacks helping heal an ally with less than desirable healing methods like
. Normal Monotype teams are still a pain and a half to battle against but
makes the matchup more bearable. What is a team without Stealth Rocks anymore? The last spot was between
ONLY because Stealth Rock is needed on pretty much any team.
was the chosen one because it has access to Stealth Rock, Heal Bell, plenty of SpDef, and a solid check to Fire. Having Heal Bell on
allows for more

reckless playstyles against bulkier builds.

- Tapu Fini
- Ribombee
- Mega Metagross
- Cresselia
- Mew
- Magnezone
- Heatran

- Tapu Koko
- Magearna
- Xurkitree
- Greninja
- Excadrill
- Ferrothorn
- Scizor
- Mega Scizor

- Tapu Bulu
- Porygon2
- Chansey
- Gardevoir
- Clefable
- Diancie
Dolfini (Tapu Fini) @ Icium Z
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 224 Def / 36 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Haze
- Scald
- Moonblast

Butterbee (Ribombee) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Sweet Veil
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Moonblast
- Hidden Power [Ground]

Voltage (Tapu Koko) @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Mechanism (Magearna) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fleur Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch

Madam (Gardevoir) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Trick
- Thunderbolt
- Healing Wish

April (Diancie) @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Diamond Storm
- Moonblast
- Heal Bell
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Pixie Dust
This team is an attempt to make a decent fairy team without Koko. Ribombee + Fini is the core the team started with, and while Fini is pretty good Ribombee is not. QD + Roost Ribombee allows you to potentially set-up on something weak and sweep, although it doesn't happen very often. It also helps in the Grass and Psychic match-ups. Tapu Fini is Nature's Madness because that move is surprisingly good and can help weaken teams for Azu or Ribombee to sweep, and Fini can also remove hazards for the team. The spread means Mega-Metagross Meteor Mash 3HKOes. The next mon I added was AV Magearna because my team needed a check to Poison-types, Electric-types, and special attackers in general. Shadow Ball is because, you know, Mega-Metagross exists (it also helps against other Psychic-types too). It does around 60% unboosted and at +1 it has a good chance to OHKO after Rocks. Gardevoir was next because the team needed a revenge killer and something that could offensively handle Poisons, specifically Salazzle which was surprisingly threatening. Trick can potentially cripple defensive mons for a free Azumarill switch in. Clefable acts as the team's rocker, which is extremely important, and is also a great Steel lure. This spread 2HKOes M-Metagross with Fire Blast which can work in specific situations such as after Fini has used Nature's Madness or after Magearna has used Shadow Ball. The final Pokemon I decided to add was Azumarill because, although I already had a Water / Fairy type, Azumarill gave me a sweeper, secondary Fire and Steel check, and a physical attacker. Z-Belly Drum is a pretty cool concept that can surprise unsuspecting opponents who think that if you're at 40% you can't set up. And because of how high Belly Drum raises your Attack, you can easily clean up with Aqua Jet or STAB. Overall, I have enjoyed using this team and thanks for reading!

How the team handles unfavorable matchups:
Poison: Magearna should be your primary switch in versus most of Poison's threats, such as Gengar and Nihilego. Gardevoir should try to revenge kill as much as possible, as it can deal with numerous Poison-types that the team otherwise struggles against, such as Salazzle, Toxapex, and Mega Venusaur. Clefable can be used to set-up Rocks or can just be fodder otherwise so that Gardevoir can get a free switch-in. You best wincons are Azumarill or a Magearna Soul-Heart sweep.
Fire: Rocks are obviously amazing in this match-up. Azumarill and Fini are your best friends. Fini can switch into most of Fire's threats except Charizard Y or random Bloom Doom lures. Azumarill can normally sweep and / or revenge kill with Aqua Jet. Gardevoir can be useful in revenge killing with Salazzle, Heatran, Infernape, and Talonflame, crippling Torkoal, and tracing Heatran's or Chandelure's Flash Fire. Ribombee and Magearna are mostly fodder.
Steel: Another matchup where Azumarill and Tapu Fini excel. Clefable and Magearna can lure and weaken Mega-Metagross, and since Tapu Fini is EV'd to live 2 Meteor Mashes, you can safely weaken it with Nature's Madness. Clefable can lure Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn as well. Gardevoir can revenge a weakened Heatran, Bisharp, Excadrill and Cobalion and can trick Celesteela. Azumarill can sweep most Steel teams at +6 because of Waterfall.

Ribombee @ Leftovers
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Roost
- Moonblast
- Bug Buzz

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nature's Madness
- Defog
- Scald
- Haze

Magearna @ Assault Vest
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 212 HP / 252 SpA / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flash Cannon
- Fleur Cannon
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Trick

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 176 SpA / 80 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled
- Fire Blast
- Moonblast

Azumarill @ Normalium Z
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Play Rough
- Waterfall vs Normal vs Water (Ribombee does something!)
Yeah these are pretty low ladder but they give you an idea on how the team functions in an actual match.

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Ribombee @ Choice Specs
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- U-turn
- Moonblast
- Bug Buzz
- Psychic

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Defog
- Nature's Madness
- Surf

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Magearna @ Fairium Z
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shift Gear
- Fleur Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Aura Sphere

Clefable @ Babiri Berry
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast

Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Return
- Knock Off
There are a few weird elements to this specific team that distinguish it from the other teams posted above such as the Azumarill set I'm running (which is designed to beat Mega Venusaur after a Belly Drum). On a more in-depth scale, the team itself is based around the core of Tapu Fini and Ribombee, obviously. I went with a Choice Specs Ribombee set alongside a standard defensive Tapu Fini set, utilizing its various utility moves, including Defog and Taunt, as this allowed Tapu Fini to beat Heatran after being pivoted into by Ribombee, as I'm running U-Turn on Ribombee. Maximum Speed and Special Attack on Ribombee is what I opted for to abuse its excellent Speed tier and decent Special Attack. Tapu Fini's set is designed to creep Heatran and maintain a tiny bit of physical bulk. This allows Tapu Fini to also act as a great stallbreaker with Taunt and Nature's Madness. Tapu Fini also clears Stealth Rock, which is a nightmare for teams with a pivoting core.

Next, I added Tapu Koko for a Volt-Turn pivoting core, as Tapu Koko carries Volt Switch. I went with a Life Orb set as I didn't want two Choice Specs users on the same team. The EVs are, once again, simple allowing Tapu Koko to hit as hard and as fast as possible. I then added Magearna because its a great pokemon in general and alongside Tapu Koko destroys Flying teams and also makes the matchup versus opposing Fairy teams much easier. I decided to run a Timid nature so I can outspeed a plethora of Choice Scarf users that a Modest nature cannot outspeed, such as Latios and Terrakion.

Clefable was added on the team next, with a standard defensive set with Stealth Rock, as Stealth Rock is a valuable move in general for any team, especially in a metagame where an opponents team can have up to 4 or 5 Stealth Rock weaknesses. Lastly, I noticed I was weak to Mega Venusaur and this was hard to rectify, as I really wanted to use Azumarill as a secondary sweeper. After some testing, I realised I almost never used Play Rough, so I may as well make it a Mega Venusaur lure. I gave it enough speed to creep 210 speed which is the maximum amount of Speed I've seen Mega Venusaur run, allowing me to outspeed and OHKO after a Belly Drum. (+6 252 Atk Huge Power Azumarill Return vs. 248 HP / 96+ Def Venusaur-Mega: 345-407 (95 - 112.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock)

I hope you like the team!
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Triple Tapu Madness

Ribombee @ Choice Specs
Ability: Sweet Veil
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Moonblast
- Psychic

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Scald
- Defog
- Nature's Madness

Tapu Koko @ Zap Plate
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam / Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [Fire]

Clefable @ Babiri Berry
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock
- Moonblast
- Moonlight

Tapu Bulu @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 156 HP / 252 Atk / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Horn Leech
- Superpower
- Substitute

Klefki @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 60 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave
- Spikes
- Foul Play

Ribombee and Tapu Fini were an interesting choice for the teambuilding comp. Since Ribombee isnt nearly bulky enough to be pulling off quiver dance correctly and its speed is already great I decided to use it as a specs user. Its moves in Moonblast and Bug Buzz are good stab options while Energy Ball and Psychic are good coverage for weaknesses and support for the team. Psychic Ribombee generally helps fairy in the matchup against Poison. Tapu Fini is commonly used as a defensove defogger which is exactly what I decided to use it as. With the ability to taunt and move before most common hazard leads aside from like Cobalion and Galvantula it can prevent hazards from even entering the field. Scald is generally a great move and while may not be able to burn in Terrain it certainly can stay in battle long enougg due to its bulk where spamming scald for burns is possible. Finally the last move i decided to use goes to Natures Madness as a great way to severly cut a threats health in half with each time its used.

Tapu Koko bluffs using Choice Specs as Zap plate allows Tapu Koko to output insane damage with Electric attacks on Fairy making your opponent think your choice locked. Volt Switch is a great move that allows you to pivot into another teammate. Thunderbolt is Tapu Koko's main stab and does insane damage in terrain. If you feel fairy stab on Tapu Koko is redundant you can use Grass knot which allows you to catch Water and Ground pokemon offguard and can help you beat stall water by havibg options to hit Azumarill and Lanturn. Finally the last 2 moves are different Hidden Powers, Ice allows Koko to hit switchins like Lando-t on Flying for a good chunk of damage while Fire allows you to catch steel types like Ferrothorn and Excadrill off guard.

Clefable is the teams hazard setter with Stealth Rocks. Unaware is used over Magic Guard as Clefable really is only here to set hazards since its not a Calm Mind sweeper one of the first pokemon you shoupd sack after hazards are set on the field. Fire Blast is to work side by side with Unaware to catch pokemon like Mega Scizor that has setup from sweeping your team or to just chunk Mega Metagross and other steel threats. Moonblast is just good stab on Clefable. Since Softboiled is incompatible with unaware Clefable is forced to run Moonlight to recover off damage.

Tapu Bulu is the teams setup sweeper. 100 speed investment allpws it to outpace most of the variants of Rotom Wash and those who try to outspeed it. This allows Tapu Bulu to setup Substitute on the Will-O-Wisp then continue to setup SD and start sweeping through the opposing team while recovering back health with Horn Leech. Superpower injunction woth SD and max attack allows Tapu Bulu to check pokemon such as Mandibuzz whom otherwise conpletely wall out Tapu Bulu. Other options are to hit more Flying types to run Stone Edge and Rocknium Z over Superpower and Fightinium Z.

Klefki's 60 speed investment allows Klefki to outpace Mega Scizor that try to creep Max Speed Belly Drum Azumarill and Azumarill. The reason I chose not to use Light Screen was because Reflect is really only here to help deal with threats such as Mega Metagross and Excadrill while light screen benefits the team less. Spikes with Clefable's SR allow for sweeping with Tapu Koko, Tapu Bulu and Ribombee to become easier. Thunder Wave is to cripple faster threats that the team can't easily handle. Twave is still extremely good even though it only cuts speed in half now. Finally Foul Play was put there to annoy setup physical setup sweepers that would use Klefki as bait to help them setup.
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The Teambuilding portion of Cycle 5 of the Monotype Teambuilding Competition has now come to a close! Congratulations to all who participated!

Eien's Team
Ticktick's Team, "Down With the Fairy Mega Evolutions!"
KittenGaming's Team, "Pixie Dust"
Aki Kino's Team
The Excadrill's Team, "Triple Tapu Madness"

Remember that you can only vote for a maximum of two teams, and not your own! The voting phase will end Friday, 1/20/2017!
As for Cycle 6's type, you can vote for the type you wish to see used next week
The 5th cycle of the Monotype Teambuilding Competition has now ended! The winner is Aki Kino! Congrats!

So, I'm sure you guys noticed, but I forgot to add a poll for this week's type in my last post! I was editing the post when I got distracted and never added it in. So for this week I just chose a random type! This won't be a regular thing, it was my mistake completely.

This week's core will be Ground, and the Pokemon will be...


Flygon, and...


Best of luck, teambuilders! The deadline for submissions this cycle will be Saturday, 1/28/17!
Dugtrio @ Focus Sash
Ability: Arena Trap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Reversal
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch
- Stone Edge

Hippowdon (F) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Whirlwind
- Earthquake
- Slack Off

Excadrill @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Rapid Spin

Gastrodon @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Recover
- Toxic

Flygon @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Landorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rock Polish
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
Hi, this is a team I made a few weeks ago because I really wanted to try out DD Flygon. I feel its not nearly as good as other options such as Double Dance Lando-T can be but its really fun to use, especially this set. Even with a Dragon Dance up Flygon is not very strong at all and Devastating Drake from an Outrage at +1 can fix that. Although its just a one time nuke, it generally just needs to use it once to break whatever physdef wall your opponent goes into and EQ / regular Outrage can deal with the rest. Lum Berry is also an option to prevent burns or to confusion through Outrage but I personally prefer the ability to fire off a nuke once a match. Dugtrio is pretty standard, traps and gets rid of threats to the team such as Mega Metagross.

The rest of the team isn't very innovative, its pretty much the standard line up for Ground teams, with physdef Hippo supporting CB Exca with Sand Stream and Gastro taking Water types moves. Lando-I is just a nice option for the last slot since i'm not running Lando-T. Gives me a strong special attacker which I lack and another set up sweeper to clean up.

The 5th cycle of the Monotype Teambuilding Competition has now ended! The winner is Aki Kino! Congrats!

So, I'm sure you guys noticed, but I forgot to add a poll for this week's type in my last post! I was editing the post when I got distracted and never added it in. So for this week I just chose a random type! This won't be a regular thing, it was my mistake completely.

This week's core will be Ground, and the Pokemon will be...


Flygon, and...


Best of luck, teambuilders! The deadline for submissions this cycle will be Saturday, 1/28/17!
Eien, the time has come.
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