GP: The Dutch Plumberjack / Rare Poison
Rotom-W is the premier option for a physical wall on Electric-type teams. Its Electric / Water typing is great defensively and, when combined with access to a strong STAB move in Hydro Pump and an excellent ability in Levitate, makes Rotom-W one of the best Ground-type checks on Electric-type teams. Rotom-W also has access to Volt Switch, allowing it to be a great pivot and scout opposing threats. Rotom-W's great physical bulk paired with Will-O-Wisp allows it to switch into and cripple a large number of physical attackers such as Excadrill, Landorus-T, Mamoswine, Azumarill, and Mega Swampert. However, its rather low HP stat and lack of reliable recovery prevent it from lasting long on the field. Rotom-W's typing makes it almost useless in the Grass matchup, being beaten by several threats to Electric-types such as Mega Venusaur, Breloom, and Serperior. Its Speed is also mediocre, and therefore it has to rely on Choice Scarf to outspeed faster threats.
name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Will-O-Wisp
move 4: Pain Split
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Volt Switch allows Rotom-W to slowly pivot into a wallbreaker, such as Magnezone or Luxray, while also hitting threats like Belly Drum Azumarill and Crawdaunt hard. Hydro Pump is Rotom-W's strongest Water-type STAB move and allows it to hit most Ground-type Pokemon that it checks, such as Landorus-T, Mamoswine, Mega Camerupt, and Hippowdon. Will-O-Wisp lets it cripple physical attackers such as Dragonite, Bisharp, Landorus-T, and Choice Scarf Hoopa-U, all of which are threats to Electric-type teams. Pain Split is Rotom-W's most reliable way to recover HP, but it is very inconsistent. Rest can be used with a Chesto Berry to heal HP back completely and get rid of status conditions; however, it can only be used once, whereas Pain Split can be used multiple times.
Set Details
Maximum EVs in Defense with a Bold nature allow Rotom-W to switch into physical attackers such as Victini, Mega Swampert, Landorus-T, and Excadrill much more easily. 248 EVs in HP maximize Rotom-W's bulk and also allow it to take less damage from Stealth Rock. 8 EVs in Speed allow it to outspeed Adamant Crawdaunt and standard Belly Drum Azumarill, both of which can be threats once they have set up. Leftovers gives Rotom-W passive recovery, as it is worn down rather easily by Stealth Rock damage and status ailments, reducing its effectiveness. Levitate gives Rotom-W an immunity to Ground-type attacks, which is very important in the Ground matchup. An alternative EV spread of 128 HP / 252 Def / 128 Spe can be used to Speed creep neutral base 70s such as Breloom and Bisharp, although it loses a significant amount of bulk.
Usage Tips
Rotom-W can be switched into most Pokemon it checks, such as Azumarill and most physical Ground-type Pokemon, but it should be wary of special attackers. While it does not have a terrible Special Defense stat, it takes more damage than it can afford to due to its lack of reliable recovery. Rotom-W should limit the damage it takes, as it needs to be at a decent amount of health to take neutral STAB moves from strong wallbreakers such as Dragonite and Hoopa-U. Rotom-W should be careful of Mold Breaker users such as Excadrill and Kyurem-B that can break through Levitate and hit it hard with powerful Ground-type moves. It should use Pain Split on walls that have a high HP stat, such as Chansey, to steal more health. It also should take advantage of Volt Switch to break potential Focus Sashes and Sturdy, as well as pivot into its teammates to check other threats that oppose Rotom-W. Rotom-W should not switch into Stealth Rock very often; because of its lack of reliable recovery, it loses a lot of health, which reduces its ability to switch into physical attacks. Rotom-W should also try to avoid status conditions, as they wear it down very quickly. Rotom-W should always use Will-O-Wisp on physical attackers to cripple them so its teammates have an easier time KOing them.
Team Options
Rotom-W fits well on every Electric build and is a huge part of its Volt Switch core. Wallbreakers such as Choice Specs Magnezone, Choice Specs Raikou, and Choice Band Luxray appreciate Rotom-W's slow Volt Switch, which allows them to come into threats without taking damage. Zapdos is a great defensive complement to Rotom-W, being able to take special hits and get rid of Stealth Rock with Defog. Zapdos can also whittle down walls that Rotom-W can't touch, like Gastrodon and Seismitoad, with Toxic. It appreciates having Rotom-W to switch into Ice- and most Rock-type attacks, too. Mega Ampharos also pairs well with Rotom-W; its defensive set complements it in alleviating the pressure of being the only physically defensive Pokemon, and it is a good switch-in to Grass-type moves. The RestTalk variant also acts as a great status absorber for Rotom-W.
Other Options
A Choice Specs or Choice Scarf set can be run with Trick, although it is outclassed by other Choice item users such as Raikou and Magnezone, as they have better coverage options and base Special Attack stat, and it wastes Rotom-W's defensive capabilities. Thunder Wave can be run over Pain Split or Will-O-Wisp; however, without Pain Split, it loses its most reliable way to recover health, and Will-O-Wisp is generally better, as it can catch threats that usually switch into it like Mega Venusaur. It can run dual screens with Light Clay, but without Leftovers and Pain Split, it reduces Rotom-W's longevity.
Checks and Counters
**Grass-types**: Grass-type Pokemon resist both of Rotom-W's STAB moves, and none of them are threatened by a Will-O-Wisp except Breloom.
**Wallbreakers**: Rotom-W cannot switch into and can barely survive a hit from wallbreakers such as Mega Medicham, Mega Gardevoir, Choice Specs Hoopa-U, Mega Charizard Y, and Life Orb or Choice Band Kyurem-B.
**Dragon-types**: Rotom-W doesn't do anything to most Dragon-type Pokemon, as they resist both of its STAB moves, although a few Pokemon such as Garchomp and Dragonite do need to be wary of Will-O-Wisp. Common special wallbreakers like Latios and Life Orb Kyurem-B can KO it, and setup sweepers such as Mega Latias can set up Calm Mind on it.
**Residual Damage**: Due to lack of reliable recovery, Rotom-W cannot switch into Stealth Rock often. It also gets worn down very quickly by status ailments such as burns and Toxic poison.
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