Mimikyu Discussion


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Abilities: Disguise / Disguise / Disguise
HP: 55
Atk: 90
Def: 80
SpAtk: 50
SpDef: 105
Spe: 96

Level Up

L1 - Wood Hammer
L1 - Splash
L1 - Scratch
L1 - Astonish
L1 - Copycat
L5 - Double Team
L10 - Baby-Doll Eyes
L14 - Shadow Sneak
L19 - Mimic
L23 - Feint Attack
L28 - Charm
L32 - Slash
L37 - Shadow Claw
L41 - Hone Claws
L46 - Play Rough
L50 - Pain Split


TM01 - Work Up
TM06 - Toxic
TM08 - Bulk Up
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM12 - Taunt
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM16 - Light Screen
TM17 - Protect
TM20 - Safeguard
TM21 - Frustration
TM24 - Thunderbolt
TM25 - Thunder
TM27 - Return
TM28 - Leech Life
TM29 - Psychic
TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM32 - Double Team
TM42 - Facade
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief
TM48 - Round
TM56 - Fling
TM57 - Charge Beam
TM61 - Will-O-Wisp
TM63 - Embargo
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM66 - Payback
TM73 - Thunder Wave
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM77 - Psych Up
TM81 - X-Scissor
TM83 - Infestation
TM85 - Dream Eater
TM87 - Swagger
TM88 - Sleep Talk
TM90 - Substitute
TM92 - Trick Room
TM97 - Dark Pulse
TM99 - Dazzling Gleam
TM100 - Confide

Egg moves

Egg - Grudge
Egg - Destiny Bond
Egg - Curse
Egg - Nightmare

New Ability

Disguise: Once per battle, the shroud that covers the Pokémon can protect it from an attack.
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Despite it's good ability, I don't think Mimikyu poses that much of a threat. Its stats are not that high, although that attack and speed stat could make some use. It outspeeds a lot pokemon and can use destiny bond well i think. Especially combined with taunt and its ability giving it pretty much a free focus sash.
Despite it's good ability, I don't think Mimikyu poses that much of a threat. Its stats are not that high, although that attack and speed stat could make some use. It outspeeds a lot pokemon and can use destiny bond well i think. Especially combined with taunt and its ability giving it pretty much a free focus sash.
Remember when non-Mega Sableye didn't pose a threat with worse stats?
Stats look way better than I expected them to be. Think it's unique typing and ability combined with SD and shadow Sneak will make it a decent sweeper in the lower tiers.
I could see this pokemon being a great stop to set up sweepers plus it has great defensive typing. Disguise really sets it a part and on its free turn can burn, paralyze or basically do whatever it wants. It has pretty decent attack and had priorty and 96 base speed. It can even use bulk up
I'm really glad it got the Spiritomb-like stats we were predicting, although it is a little sad I can't take advantage of all these electric moves with that special attack.

Still, Gamefreak was kind enough to give it Shadow Claw so it avoids the "no good physical Ghost moves" void so many other physical ghost types live in.

Wood-hammer is hilarious, as it means Mimikyu carries that stick to beat people with. Beyond that, it's got a surprisingly wide a varied movepool with lots of options (including weird ones like Z-move Splash). A+ mon Gamefreak!
This thing has some potential imo. The stats are better than expected, and are just about enough to do something with. It has the potential to literally crap all over defensive teams.

I guess first question that will need to be found out is how exactly Disguise works. Ie. does it protect you from status too.

But anyway something like:

Mimikyu @ Leftovers
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Atk / 128 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Will-o-Wisp
- Play Rough
- Pain Split

Has some potential imo. You'd like to fit Subsitute in there too, but I'm not sure what over. Obviously the EV's are very tentative as benchmarks are hard to know yet, but that is enough speed to outspeed positive based 80s. You can argue moving the other EV's into one of the defences too, but the Attack can be useful against Mega Sableye who will feature heavily on the types of teams Mimikyu could destroy.
Does the ability refresh after switching or a certain number of turns? Because if it's actual once per battle it seems really weak.
Rest / Bulk Up / Play Rough / Sleep Talk, max HP and Special Defense seems pretty viable too IMO. Ability gives it one free turn of setup plus Mimikyu has decent Special Defense and typing. With the ability only activating once, Mimikyu needs to make use of the free turn to set up and win every time. I think Swords Dance will be the most popular set.
Just focus on the whole idea of a free SD + Shadow Sneak. It's fast enough to take down many Pokemon after the boost and if it can't out speed he can always use shadow sneak.
Mimikyu is probably my favorite Gen 7 Pokemon so I'm glad it turned out to be better than a little gimmick. I'm pleasantly surprised at its stats and movepool. It doesn't really scream OU to me but who knows? Its unique typing and ability could make it work.

Swords Dance / Shadow Sneak / Play Rough / Filler is an obvious set that works really well with Disguise. A Bulk Up set could also work with Rest/Sleep Talk or Taunt and Will-o-Wisp.
If you give this thing a Focus Sash, it almost guarantees that it will be able to tank two attacks. It could have some use in Doubles as support, since it will almost always be able to use Taunt, Thunder Wave, Will-o-Wisp, Safeguard, Trick Room, or Light Screen, at least once.
Just focus on the whole idea of a free SD + Shadow Sneak. It's fast enough to take down many Pokemon after the boost and if it can't out speed he can always use shadow sneak.
add it to a BP team (even under the massive, complex current BP clause), and you won't even need the priority. SD/play rough/shadow claw/[coverage] would work really well with a bunch of speed boosts in tow
So I will be trading my starter for a Mimikyu egg. Early game Copycat and Mimic, early-game access to Z-Splash combined with weak early-game attacks, and the ability to use this Mimikyu competitively eventually thanks to bottlecaps make my choice pretty hype. Been wanting ghost fairy for soooo long. Going with a female and naming her after my new kitten Trixie. I think it's a fitting name =P

Still deciding on jolly or adamant though, my friend already has a Mimikyu and the Ditto. Really looking forward to this.


Also, I did some calcs and as far as Z-moves I've more or less concluded that Z-Splash is inferior to SD Life Orb, and if you want to use a Z move SD Z-Ghost is probably the best option because SD + Z-ghost hits the hardest, especially with Shadow Sneak.

Speaking of such options, I was running some calcs vs Excadrill and I am kinda bummed about the fact that Mold Breaker exists. SD Z-Shadow Sneak can OHKO some variants depending on your nature and hazards though, which is sweet.
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Free sub is godlike no matter how you slice it.

It's got solid 90/96 offenses, Swords Dance (free setup!!), Shadow Sneak, and decent coverage via Ghost / Fairy. I can could easily see this thing being a major (or at the very least, annoying) threat.
Ghost-Fairy stab hitting everything except Pyroar is a selling point all on its own, although it doesn't really have the most useful coverage moves.
Free sub is godlike no matter how you slice it.

It's got solid 90/96 offenses, Swords Dance (free setup!!), Shadow Sneak, and decent coverage via Ghost / Fairy. I can could easily see this thing being a major (or at the very least, annoying) threat.
is it confirmed to also resist status moves or only damaging moves? In the last case its more a free focus sash then a sub.