Other Looking Ahead to Gen VI Mark II (SEE POSTS #818 & #858)

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Gen VI Competitive Discussion
Approved by Pocket

Mega Evolution information

Okay so due to new developments in Gen VI news, I've decided to revive the old "Reflecting on BW and Looking Ahead to Gen VI" thread. I plan to update this as more news becomes available, and I would like to focus the discussion on a certain topic, (i.e. MegaPokemon) and then change it when something new is revealed.

For a thread with constantly updated Leaks go here

Pokemon MegaEvolve using a special MegaStone specific to each Mega Pokemon, even though only two of them have been revealed. They revert back to their normal forme after battle, meaning that you won’t be able to have a MegaLucario with Life Orb for example.


Type: Psychic
Ability: Insomnia
106 / 150 / 70 / 194 / 120 / 140

Type: Psychic/Fighting
Ability: Steadfast

Type: Fire/Fighting
Ability: Speed Boost
Needs Blazikenite to MegaEvolve
Confirmed to have a higher attack stat than Blaziken.

Type: Fighting/Steel
Ability: Adaptability
Needs to hold Lucarionite to MegaEvolve
Confirmed to have a higher attack stat than Lucario.

Type: Steel/Fairy
Ability: Huge Power

Type: Dark
Ability: Magic Bounce

Type: Electric/Dragon
Ability: Mold Breaker

Type: Unknown (I'm thinking Normal, but it's not revealed yet)
Ability: Parental Bond
Parental Bond is confirmed to allow Kangaskhan to attack twice.

Personally I think the most competitive discussion and speculation can be taken from MegaMawile based on what we have so far, because Fairy/Steel is almost a Dragon counter on its own, and with Huge Power. Mawile already has base 85 attack, and I would assume that Mega Mawile's attack stat would be higher, so this thing has serious potential. Of course, all of these MegaPokemon generate a lot of discussion. Then again, these things could just be insanely OP and go to Ubers. Anyways, what do you guys think?

Ok I got an alert on Facebook with the following picture:
While the pokemon on the top screen may look like Crobat, the Translation of "ミュウツー" is "Mewtwo", so don't get too excited for MegaCrobat.
How do you think a MegaEvolution Button swings this discussion, and how will affect the competitive game?

You can opt to Mega-Evolve when you choose a move. You can use the move you chose after you Mega Evolve too.
You opt to MegaEvolve when you choose an attack. The MegaEvolution happens before the attack.
serebii.net said:
To get your Pokémon to Mega Evolve, you can select a button when picking the move and then select a move. The Pokémon will both evolve and attack in that turn. You may only have one Mega Evolution in a battle.
Mega evolving happens at the start of the turn, not right before the pokemon attacks and regardless of the turn order.


Type: Grass/Poison
Ability: Thick Fat
Confirmed to have higher Def/SpDef stats

Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Drought
Confirmed to have higher SpAtk stat

Type: Water
Ability: Mega Launcher (new ability)
It is not known what Mega Launcher does just yet other than:
"With its new Mega Launcher Ability, pulse moves such as Water Pulse and Dark Pulse become even stronger"

Fairy Type:
Strengths: Fighting, Dark, Dragon
Weakness: Fire, Poison, Steel,
Resists: Fighting, Bug, Dark
Immunities: Dragon

Also, Steel no longer resists Ghost and Dark type attacks!

Ability: Furcoat = physical attacks do 0.5 damage to furfrou.

Mechanic Changes
Only really competitively relevant one was: "4. Ghost-type Pokemon can freely escape from battle without being influenced by Shadow Tag. (The official website mentioned trapping moves.)"


Type: Fire/Dragon
Ability: Tough Claws (boosts physical contact moves)


Type: Rock/Flying
Ability: Tough Claws
80 HP / 135 Atk / 85 Def / 70 SAtk / 95 SDef / 150 Speed

Type: Grass/ Ice
Ability: Snow Warning


Type: Dragon/Ground
Ability: Sand Force
108 HP / 170 Atk / 115 Def / 120 SpA / 95 SpD / 92 Spe

Type: Ghost/Poison
Ability: Shadow Tag
Weather ends after 5 turns. Yeah ikr?




Type: Steel
Ability: Filter- Damage by super-effective moves is reduced by 25%.

Type: Rock/Dark
Ability: Sand Stream

Type: Psychic
Ability: Trace

Type: Bug/Flying
Ability: Aerilate (changes all normal moves used by MegaPinsir to become Flying-type)

Ability: Skill Link

Type: Fighting/Psychic
Abilty: Pure Power

Type: Ghost
Ability: Prankster

Type: Dark/Fire
Ability: Solar Power

Type: Not confirmed (but i mean probably electric)
Ability: Intimidate

Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Technician


Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Pixilate - Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves.


Type: Water/Dark
Ability: Mold Breaker

  • Critical hits are nerfed to x1.5 damage from x2.0
  • There is a new Entry Hazard- Sticky Web, which lowers the opposing pokemon's speed stat when it siwtches in on top of it.
  • If a weather rock is held, the weather ablities last 8 turns instead of 5
  • The sleep counter does not reset on switch out.
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MegaMawile is going to be OP with Huge Power. Even if it base attack stays the same with Huge Power it reaches 590 which is really good. I think it would probably be in Ubers. Most of the mega pokemon are probably going to go to Ubers though maybe Mega Abosl, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Kangaskhan are going to be be between OU and UU probably. 1st post i think =)
The only problem with posting this thread now is that we don't entirely know how easy it will be to activate a Pokemon's mega Evolution in battle. By the sound of it, a couple of requirements might be needed to be met in order to activate the Mega Evolution during the battle, instead of it activating immediately upon sending it out. Who knows, if the requirements are a bit too hard for a few Pokemon to pull off, then some of these mega Evo's might not even be competitively viable in the fast paced OU metagame. Ampharos is already a shit Pokemon, so keeping it alive for however long it takes to activate the Evolution could be more more of a liability.

So I guess we can't really accurately discuss how good these forms will be in OU, because we still have no idea what these things are capable of doing or how hard/easy it is to activate their forms in battle. I guess for the time being we can discuss what we know so far and theorymon the rest, but until the official news is released on the entire mega forms concept, it will be very hard to accurately discuss this. It's just a bit too early.

I'd definitely be up to theorymoning a bit though. If Mawile finds it easy to mega Evolve, Mega Mawile will be a huge force to be reckoned with. Steel/Fairy would be an outstanding defensive typing, making it hard to wear down. It also has access to cool moves such as Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, and the elemental fangs. I can't even imagine Huge Power + SD. Marowak 2.0. I'll comment more on the other Evolutions later.
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MegaMawile is going to be OP with Huge Power. Even if it base attack stays the same with Huge Power it reaches 590 which is really good. I think it would probably be in Ubers. Most of the mega pokemon are probably going to go to Ubers though maybe Mega Abosl, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Kangaskhan are going to be be between OU and UU probably. 1st post i think =)

Its best option (bar something good faerie) is iron head

which even with that attack is still weaker than tons of things like CC from terrak.

And it's slow
The only problem with posting this thread now is that we don't entirely know how easy it will be to activate a Pokemon's mega Evolution in battle. By the sound of it, a couple of requirements might be needed to be met in order to activate the Mega Evolution during the battle, instead of it activating immediately upon sending it out. Who knows, if the requirements are a bit too hard for a few Pokemon to pull off, then some of these mega Evo's might not even be competitively viable in the fast paced OU metagame. Ampharos is already a shit Pokemon, so keeping it alive for however long it takes to activate the Evolution could be more more of a liability.

So I guess we can't really accurately discuss how good these forms will be in OU, because we still have no idea what these things are capable of doing or how hard/easy it is to activate their forms in battle. I guess for the time being we can discuss what we know so far and theorymon the rest, but until the official news is released on the entire mega forms concept, it will be very hard to accurately discuss this. It's just a bit too early.
I completely understand and agree with this, but I wanted to get a grip on the ideas you guys thought just seeing them... speculation if you will. Anyways this wasn't intended to be a only MegaPokemon thread; as new things are revealed this'll be updated and they will be discussed.
Its best option (bar something good faerie) is iron head

which even with that attack is still weaker than tons of things like CC from terrak.

And it's slow
This is true. I'm not positive MegaMawile will be Uber, but I think it does serve a huge niche with its amazing typing and high attack.
MegaMawile is going to be OP with Huge Power. Even if it base attack stays the same with Huge Power it reaches 590 which is really good. I think it would probably be in Ubers. Most of the mega pokemon are probably going to go to Ubers though maybe Mega Abosl, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Kangaskhan are going to be be between OU and UU probably. 1st post i think =)
Megamawile still has terrible speed and its only priority is sucker punch which is situational. We don't know what fairy STAB it's gonna get. Blaziken is the only Mega I can see going to ubers because of it's higher attack but it's possible that we get new defensive pokemon that completely wall it.
MegaLuc I find sorta in a mixed bag. I said it somewhere in another thread but I'll bring it up again for the sake of discussion in this one.

*We may not know the exact details, and this is just educated speculation. I'm assuming that MegaPokemon is essentially the Poke holding his evo item, and that no other conditions are required for the mega evolution.

MegaLuc might find some competition with its normal form, being that MegaLuc has Adaptability yet normal Luc can use Life Orb. LO pretty much gives the exact same benefits of Adaptability (30% ~ 33%), yet for the price of 10%HP/hit, you boost ALL of your moves rather than just your STABs.

Now we do know that MegaLuc has a higher ATK stat, which means his STABs will definitely hit harder than normal Luc. However, unless that ATK stat is incredibly high, normal Luc's ExSpeed and coverage moves (Ice Punch/Crunch) will still be stronger due to LO. A Special variant of Luc is also in a same boat. Because Fighting/Steel is sort of awkward coverage, you will have to rely on non-STAB moves as coverage.

MegaAbsol I find to be very interesting, being a very offensive oriented Poke with access to Magic Bounce. The ability itself means that MegaAbsol is immune to targeted status effects (Espeon and Xatu could care less about status that much anyway), which could make for some interesting thought processes considering team building. Absol will be able to not only be immune but also bounce back Will-o-Wisps, T-Waves, and Spore; these would critically hamper any physical hitter, yet Absol won't be crippled by them. It should be noted tho that Scald and Rachi's Body Slam are still a bitch to deal with. Of course, you can still bounce stuff like Hazards.

One of the more interesting things I found about MegaAbsol is that he has access to Snatch, something Espeon and Xatu don't have. Even though Snatch is naturally a underused move, it might be something that could work in Absol's favor as a hidden gem. Snatch along with Magic Bounce creates a pseudo Taunt that is very punishing in that it works completely against your opponent. It should also be noted that Absol has access to STAB Sucker Punch, making Snatch a bit more usable if your opponent thinks he can outsmart you by boosting. Not to mention the mind games with Snatch and Sucker Punch would make for some very interesting plays.

It was also noted somewhere that MegaAbsol gets increased ATK as well (it will probably hit Haxorus lvls since it has 130base right now). Add that with attacks that have incredibly high base values (Sucker Punch, Megahorn, Superpower) means that MegaAbsol is denting things.
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Megamawile still has terrible speed and its only priority is sucker punch which is situational. We don't know what fairy STAB it's gonna get. Blaziken is the only Mega I can see going to ubers because of it's higher attack but it's possible that we get new defensive pokemon that completely wall it.
I think Blaziken and Mewtwo (especially Mewtwo) are obviously Ubers, because they're are Ubers already, but yes, I agree with this. I think it's also important to note that MegaMawile won't necessarily have low speed, although I think this is a great example of a safe assumption; just a reminder that the only things that are confirmed are in the OP.
Also CC from MegaLucario will probably hurt :p
MegaMawile was confirmed to have higher defensive stats than Mawile.
Thanks, fixed.
MegaLuc I find sorta in a mixed bag. I said it somewhere in another thread but I'll bring it up again for the sake of discussion in this one.
MegaAbsol I find to be very interesting, being a very offensive oriented Poke with access to Magic Bounce.
Yeah when it was revealed I found it odd that an offensive Pokemon got Magic Bounce, but quite honestly I'm happy that another pokemon got the ability. I'm eager to see how it will be different than Espeon and Xatu. Firstly, it's a dark type, and also I feel that Espeon and Xatu are used on teams almost solely for their ability. Absol is okay as it is, but it's hard to tell how good it will be based on what we have now. All I know it that Magic Bounce is a very powerful ability, and Absol is obviously going up on the tiers.
Well the XY Mega Pokemon demo event is tomorrow so we should know exactly how Pokemon Mega Evolve so this all may be proven wrong in no time but there's three ways it makes sense activate:
- A Pokemon evolves on entry
- A Pokemon evolves on the trainer's command by pressing a button (Think the "Call" action from Colosseum/XD (may or may not eat a turn))
- A Pokemon evolves when it your last Pokemon standing
Personally, I think the second option is the most competitively interesting and I explain why here:
For a hypothetical situation, let's say that your Ampharos is stuck facing-down a Chlorophyll Venusaur or something on a rampage. Normally you'd be boned, but you call out to Ampharos to have it Mega Evovle before Venusaur attacks and now you resist all its attack. I feel like that's the kind of come-back situation they may be talking about. Of course Ampharos would be evolved for the rest of the battle and would block any other Pokemon on your team from Mega-Evolving even if they hold Mega Stones which would make a lot of sense with how they've explained the mechanics of Mega Evolution.

Mega Evolution really could add a new layer of depth if it works like I think it might.

For example: another situation would be Absol against a Deoxys-S. Deoxys could just smash Absol with a Superpower, expecting the Mega Transformation to give Absol Magic Bounce, but Absol could just as easily Sucker Punch and take it down instead. (I know they carry Focus Sash, it's hypothetical, cut me some slack.) The base Pokemon can do just as much work as its Mega Evolution can and it might even be best to save Mega Evolution for when you need it.

One last example would be Mawile: Mawile switches in on, let's say a Gyarados. Mawile Intimidates it on the switch-in, then as Gyarados Dragon Dances to get back to +1 Attack or whatever, Mawile Mega Evolves with increased Defenses and Huge Power to now take charge with Draining Kiss and Sucker Punch coming from 590 total Attack.

The whole thing could be really deep in terms of strategy and honestly reminds me of the Pokemon anime. Ash's Pokemon has been doing work all battle but just when things get dire, the Pokemon evolves and comes out on top of a bad situation. The more that I think of the possibilities, the more excited I get for Mega Evolution as a whole.

This actually raises a question against our current philosophy. Speed Boost Blaziken proper may be broken, and let's assume it is in Gen 6 for the moment just for the sake of this point; if it takes a turn to Mega Evolve, it takes another turn for Speed Boost to get going, and Mega Blaziken's boost to Attack is only as good as a Life Orb boost (or likely worse than since Life Orb's boost is larger than any reasonable Base Power boosts) should we be banning Blaze Blaziken now that, in a way, 3 Pokemon that play as completely differently as Emboar and Infernape would fall under a blanket Blaziken ban in our archaic species-based banning system?
Definitely not something we can determine now but Mega Pokemon may be what inspires a change in the future.

Shifting gears, Mega Mawile is scary in that it will be a force regardless of if Pokemon Mega Evolve on command or entry. 590 Attack is insane power and with increased defenses, what wants to deal with this thing? Mawile is also a Fairy now which may mean it gets access to moves like Draining Kiss that will keep it alive.

(Assuming the the rumor is true) Fairy/Dark coverage is currently only resisted by one Pokemon: Heatran. All combinations of Psychic-typing are hit at least neutrally by Dark. Fairy hits Dark & Fighting Super Effectively leaving only Steel as a possible combination with Fire to resist Fairy/Dark.

A set of Substitute, Swords Dance, Draining Kiss, and Sucker Punch gives Mawile a chance to Swords Dance or Mega Evolve for free by setting up a Sub against something like Ferrothorn and then Mega Mawile could easily get to +2 on top of Huge Power with essentially perfect coverage in two moves.

I touched on this a bit with Blaziken but, if Mega Evolution eats a turn in battle, Mega Lucario is probably the worst of the 7 announced. Life Orb is such a huge factor against Mega Evolution. Life Orb Lucario has an attack stat of 525 max, so Mega Lucario would have to have an Attack stat of around Base 160 to be worth losing Life Orb; 50 Base Points higher than Lucario's base 110 Attack. And I know it has Adaptability, but Mega Lucario's coverage moves are weak because of it. ExtremeSpeed isn't breaking anything but it needs ExtremeSpeed because, otherwise, every faster Fire-type and Water-type will rock it, not minding a +2 Adaptability Bullet Punch. And with the inclusion of Honedge, we have a Pokemon that just doesn't care about Lucario period.

There's plenty more to talk about with these new toys but it's lunch hour so I'll take a rain check on that for now. Might be back to rant more.
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^This is the kind of stuff I would love to see more of. Great post.
I will update this after the demo event wth nay new info.
Yeah I certainly think that Mega Pokemon should, and will be treated as different pokemon/formes, unless of course mega evolution ends up being something that only happens when a certain parameter is met (like pinch berries, Zen Mode, etc.). That would be a bit odd, but I suppose it's not out of the question.

Anyways, I won't be too active tomorrow, so the update to the OP based on possible new information may be a bit late. Feel free to post about it, but please make sure it's accurate before jumping to any conclusions. Thanks!
"You can opt to Mega-Evolve when you choose a move. You can use the move you chose after you Mega Evolve too."


If I'm reading this correctly, Mega Evolution is going to be an easy thing to pull off. Come in, use move, BAM mega Evolution. Once Lucario uses SD, it instantly becomes Mega Lucario. If a really shitty Pokemon gets a mega evolution, Protect would be a viable option to instantly give them a free turn to evolve. Kind of interesting. I'm glad that Mega Evolving will be competitively viable, and not some sort of gimmick. Unless of course, there's more to this process, and this is just one step.
"You can opt to Mega-Evolve when you choose a move. You can use the move you chose after you Mega Evolve too."


If I'm reading this correctly, Mega Evolution is going to be an easy thing to pull off. Come in, use move, BAM mega Evolution. Once Lucario uses SD, it instantly becomes Mega Lucario. If a really shitty Pokemon gets a mega evolution, Protect would be a viable option to instantly give them a free turn to evolve. Kind of interesting. I'm glad that Mega Evolving will be competitively viable, and not some sort of gimmick. Unless of course, there's more to this process, and this is just one step.

This said, it's worth noting that if you aren't Mega-Evolved on switch-in, you lose a lot of the defensive abilities. For example, mega Mawile becomes a lot less threatening as a dragon counter if it's forced to switch in as pure steel with the stats of normal mawile. Furthermore, that's pretty limiting if it needs to use Protect, because it won't be outspeeding too much.

Mega Absol as well gets a major nerf, Magic Bounce becoming infinitely less useful if it doesn't activate on switch-in. You can't really bounce back hazards or status nearly as effectively as before with this.
This said, it's worth noting that if you aren't Mega-Evolved on switch-in, you lose a lot of the defensive abilities. For example, mega Mawile becomes a lot less threatening as a dragon counter if it's forced to switch in as pure steel with the stats of normal mawile. Furthermore, that's pretty limiting if it needs to use Protect, because it won't be outspeeding too much.

Mawile is comfirmed to be Steel/Fairy, same for its Mega Evolution. I believe.
This said, it's worth noting that if you aren't Mega-Evolved on switch-in, you lose a lot of the defensive abilities. For example, mega Mawile becomes a lot less threatening as a dragon counter if it's forced to switch in as pure steel with the stats of normal mawile. Furthermore, that's pretty limiting if it needs to use Protect, because it won't be outspeeding too much.

Mega Absol as well gets a major nerf, Magic Bounce becoming infinitely less useful if it doesn't activate on switch-in. You can't really bounce back hazards or status nearly as effectively as before with this.

True, but I think that it was smart for GF to make Mega Evo's a bit nerfed. Honestly, shit like Mega Absol, Mega Mawile, and possibly Mega Lucario would be a bit too OP to tell you the truth. Still, only using ONE move in exchange for a boost in stats, a better ability, and possibly a new typing is a pretty good trade off if you ask me. Besides, Mega Absol is probably meant to use its ability as a way to protect it from status to make it easier to sweep, not a supporting approach like Espeon or Xatu.
Mawile is comfirmed to be Steel/Fairy, same for its Mega Evolution. I believe.

Good point, I forgot about that. (That said, Mawile is still not going to be able to take many non-dragon hits without being Mega'd, and furthermore, Steel-Fairy really isn't that much better of a counter to Dragons than normal Fairy defensively speaking, all it does is open you up to the fire/ground coverage that many of them carry)
This said, it's worth noting that if you aren't Mega-Evolved on switch-in, you lose a lot of the defensive abilities. For example, mega Mawile becomes a lot less threatening as a dragon counter if it's forced to switch in as pure steel with the stats of normal mawile. Furthermore, that's pretty limiting if it needs to use Protect, because it won't be outspeeding too much.

Mega Absol as well gets a major nerf, Magic Bounce becoming infinitely less useful if it doesn't activate on switch-in. You can't really bounce back hazards or status nearly as effectively as before with this.
While this is an excellent point, I think it is crucial to reiterate what Gary said in that Protect will be potentially useful on MegaPokemon. In my mind, it makes the most sense with MegaMawile, because Mawile is easily the most mediocre of the revealed pokemon with MegaEvolutions.
Mawile is comfirmed to be Steel/Fairy, same for its Mega Evolution. I believe.
This is correct, but if you take a look at Mawile's stats, it hardly matters; Mawile has horrible stats at 50 / 85 / 85 / 55 / 55 / 50

I'm loving that the discussion is picking up as the new info comes in, keep up the good posts!
True, but I think that it was smart for GF to make Mega Evo's a bit nerfed. Honestly, shit like Mega Absol, Mega Mawile, and possibly Mega Lucario would be a bit too OP to tell you the truth. Still, only using ONE move in exchange for a boost in stats and possibly a new typing is a pretty good trade off if you ask me. Besides, Mega Absol is probably meant to use its ability as a way to protect it from status to make it easier to sweep, not a supporting approach like Espeon or Xatu.

Mega Absol may fair better than some other in the fact that it doesn't necessarily need to run Protect, actually. If it runs Snatch and Sucker Punch as mentioned above, it could actually do some damage/steal some buffs while not in mega form. And, if Megalution (technical term now ;) ) happens before the hit happens, Sucker Punch would actually change it to Mega Absol with priority regardless of whether it hits. (Same for Snatch.)
In my opinion Mega Pokemon should be treated like Sky Battles -- its own way of fighting. Mega Evolutions should not be banned along with Absol (say MegaMawile is broken, but i'm p damn sure mawile won't) Mawile probably shouldn't get the short end of the stick and get banned along with it
It is particularly interesting to note that the button changes a lot. This could lead to a lot of mind games that Katakiri mentioned in his post, because you can do it from turn 1, and more importantly you have the option do MegaEvolve. Also, it is good to note that the mind-games will be higher with Ampharos, because it is the only Pokemon with a MegaEvolution that is confirmed to change type.
In my opinion Mega Pokemon should be treated like Sky Battles -- its own way of fighting. Mega Evolutions should not be banned along with Absol (say MegaMawile is broken, but i'm p damn sure mawile won't) Mawile probably shouldn't get the short end of the stick and get banned along with it
I don't agree that it should be it's own way of fighting. Presented with the information currently available, I think Pokemon holding their corresponding Evolutionary item should be treated as different formes of Pokemon, which by Smogon are treated as different Pokemon. I really think that is the way to go with these MegaPokemon as of now.
Even when holding the item, transforming is still optional. Its exactly the same thing with relic song meloetta. So no, it doesnt make sense to treat them as separate pokemon because the transformation is optional. Anyway in really underwhelmed by Mega Lucario, unless he has better speed or at least better bulk it really sounds useless. Mega Ampharos is definitely the most interesting of then due to the type change. Mega Mawile is going to be a really good tank. It doesnt need to invest much in attack and can simply maximize its defenses to handle the multiple dragons that will probably still be prevalent in the meta.
Youre not getting it. The adaptability boost is not important. At +2 close combat already destroys everything that doesnt resist it even with lucario normal atk. The real need of power is for extremespeed which is the only reason lucario can stil sweep in such a fast paced metagame. Unless mega lucario has a ridiculous insane atk that makes up for the lack of life orb then his
exspeed will be weaker which will ruin his sweeping ability.
Gary the problem with MegaLucario is its weaker Extremspeed. Power has almost never been Lucario's problem and we all know it (unless you are facing Hippowdon i guess). Coverage and faster threats have been, things that Adaptability and a slightly higher Attack stat can't fix. In order for MegaLucario to have an Extremspeed as powerful as LO Lucario has it will need to have base 157 Attack, which is almost surely not gonna happen. Of 'course MegaLucario could take the role of a wallbreaker with Adaptability Bullet Punch to revenge kill Terrakion and whatever, but the way things are looking now it is going to be an inferior SD sweeper.

EDIT: ninja'd
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