- Access to Head Smash and Rock Head, which prevent recoil.
- Hard body babe.
- Decent typing that allows it to take on Normal-, Flying-, Psychic-types, and more.
- Weakness to the common Fighting-, Ground-, and Water-types and lack of recovery gives an hard time for Lairon to survive for long.
- Lacks the special bulk to survive two Fire Blast from Charizard.
- Face competition with Probopass, which takes special hits better than Lairon, but the later has more offensive presence.
name: Tank
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Head Smash
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roar / Toxic
item: Eviolite
ability: Rock Head
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
- Stealth Rock to support its teammates.
- Head Smash is Lairon's strongest STAB, and will hit everything hard.
- Earthquake for coverage (EdgeQuake) and lets Lairon hit opponent's Steel-type hard.
- Roar allows Lairon to phaze an opponent's Pokemon trying to set up on it, such as Musharna, Braviary, etc.
- Toxic to cripple walls that can take more than two hits, such as Alomomola and Tangela.
- Iron Head.
- Musharna resists Fighting-type attacks for Lairon and can also take some Ground-type moves thanks to its bulk.
- Misdreavus is immune to Fighting- and Ground-type moves, spinblock and offer great utility.
- Grass-types such as Tangela and Roselia pairs well with Lairon. The former resists Ground-types attack and is bulky enough to take any Fighting-type attacks, while the latter can easily take Water-type attacks (hell, any special attack) that will force Lairon out.
- Eelektross.
- ?????
[Other Options]
- Curse, Autotomize, Hone Claws.
- Sturdy, Custap + Endeavor, Metal Burst.
- Choice Band.
- Magnet Rise
- Protect for scouting.
- Superpower.
[Checks and Counters]
- Golurk, Golem, Marowak.
- Water-types such as Seismitoad, Samurott, Simipour.
- Sawk, Primeape, Gurdurr.
- Spikes.
- ???
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