Hello all! Issue 1 of The Player is now out! This is our first issue, hopefully of many. It includes 10 articles and makes a fine read! Above you will find the poll to vote for the next staff interview which will be featured in issue 2. Be sure to comment in this thread with your favourite article and any other thoughts you have on the issue. We'd also like to thank all of this issue's contributors as they did a fantastic job with preparing the content, whether it was through writing, checking, drawing, or HTMLing.
We hope you enjoy it!
~ Scene and Vacate
We hope you enjoy it!
~ Scene and Vacate
Editors' Notes said:Welcome to the very first issue of The Player! In the past few months, we've come a long way from the webzine's inception to now. This issue features 10 articles (including this piece) as well as some fantastic cover art by Blue Frog, who also created the webzine's logo. This issue's design is all in blue—the primary color of PS too. Quarkz and Quinella assisted with creating the issue layout (they added the sliding effect) and we'll be looking to improve on that in the coming issues.
This particular issue includes MattL's first volume of The Gossiper, a satirical take on events on PS, Electrolyte's analysis on the weird and wonderful usernames on PS, and an interview with Leader and an editor of this publication, Scene, as voted by the public poll. Issue 1 also contains various guides as well as a look at all the news and promotions within the last month on the sim.
We hope you enjoy this issue and we look forward to the feedback!