How to Unleash a Beast (offensive)

How to Unleash a Beast

No fancy story to entertain you right now, but I might write one later. The goal is to volt-turn, mostly predictions based on risk vs. reward until the opposing walls are softened enough for an outright sweep by Mawile. This won't always go smoothly and often times, I find myself sacrificing Mawile to let others do the sweeping. The team is doing fine so far. So please take a look and feel free to steal, criticize, tweak, nitpick, or anything.​



Venom (Greninja) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- Scald
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

Thanks to SickSevenOne

Greninja is here to replace Sect. Two things they both achieve are surprise OHKOs, and momentum. Ice Beam to OHKO Flying Dragons/Ground. HP Fire for surprise OHKO to ferrothorn and friends. Scald is to help spread burns alongside Talon and Rotom. The one problem is the lack of steel moves for Fairies. For this spot on the team, U-turn users like Scizor offered Defog + BP whlie Celebi offered a FWG core. But due Greninja's offensive presence, he rightfully deserves the spot. Currently testing scarfed Thundurus-t w/ Flash Cannon


UncleBen (Terrakion) Leftovers
Ability: Justified
EVs: 184 HP / 116 Atk / 208 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

Thanks to alexwolf

As suggested by him, the added bulk proves to be better than Sash. Since he's not always at 1 HP, and due to the added bulk, he can now come in again mid-game to taunt stuff, or at least put rocks back up if it was cleared. My reason to choose Terrakion among other things is that he stops smeargles and the likes who think they get to setup freely. He has enough bulk to survive +1 Adamant Dragon Claw from Mega Char X and 2HKO back.

Carnage (Talonflame) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Will-O-Wisp Tailwind
- U-turn

Thanks to Memoric, m95408, ninjawhitetiger, and Blizzardhail

I was skeptical of it trying taking the role of Genesect, but it is doing just fine. Getting rid of Conkeldurr is much easier now. 208 Spd EVs are to outspeed max speed Mega Pinsir. My favorite part of this set is the surprise WoW. Opposing Tyranitars are left useless when I predict a switch. Tailwind with Special thanks to XenoBlade911. I completely overlooked a move that helps Mawile so much. This set is perfect :D


scRotom-Wash (Rotom-Wash) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd
IVs: 0 Atk
Bold Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Rest
- Will-O-Wisp

Thanks to Memoric and Ronnie the Bear

Rotom-w has amazing synergy with the whole team except Greninja. It fuctions as my physical tank and my best bet against Talonflame and Aegislash. The 44 Spd Evs are to outspeed Excadrill and Aegislash. Rotom is just a good cushion for the team to fall on and my go-to guy for damage control. I.e if they try things like DDance without a Lum, they're gonna have a bad time. The new ChestoRest set allows it to function as a status absorber and last longer.


Punisher (Lati@s) @ Life orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 24 Atk / 232 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- DM
- Defog
- Tailwind > Psyshock/ Thunderbolt/ Healing wish
- EQ

Thanks to both alexwolf , MCBarrett , and sidakarya

This was a very clever set suggest by them. It aims to lure and kill Heatran so my team has an easier time turning about. That unexpected OHKO EQ is very fun to deliver. All in all, this set has very specific purposes: Killing heatran, Defog, and Healing a win condition. Tailwind added here too at the expense of a move due to how effective it proved on Talonflame.


MaryJane (Mawile) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off

Thanks to alexwolf

All the hard work into burning, turning and switching is to find the window for her to come in and setup. One turn of SD is all it takes to power through the opposition. With the 252 Spd Evs, it can outspeed and dispose of Heatran and defensive Mega Venusaur with Knock off. Currently, there are 2 teammates who spread burns around the opposition, which help her immensely to setup on a physical attacker. With the addition of 2 Tailwinds on the team, she is definitely going to shine. I'm thinking of moving some speed EVs into Defense or HP, but I don't know the benchmarks for what I need.
And here's a quick calculation of how strong MawileMega is: With max atk investment = 339 atk. Huge power = x2 = 678 = permanent SD. Stacking a SD = x2 = 1356!


So that's my RMT on a few ways to unleash the beast. This was my first RMT after lurking for a very long time and many changes were made thanks to the help of the raters here. I don't think there is much to change here, but I'm always open to suggestions. Time to ladder now. Thank you for reading! : Mawile saves the day against toxic stall (19 Turns) : When things go as planned (22) : Reason why I was afraid of defensive CM suicune. (23) : Boosting fairy is a problem due to lack of steel move (32)
Rotom + Lando + Conkeldurr combo
Defensive CM Suicune: It is rarely seen, so I don't worry. See replay 3
Fairies Since I lack a steel move now, I have to resort to using Mawile to either bluff, or power through them
Heatran Now taken care of by EQ Latias
Venom (Greninja) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- Scald
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

UncleBen (Terrakion) @ Leftovers
Ability: Justified
EVs: 184 HP / 116 Atk / 208 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

Carnage (Talonflame) (F) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Tailwind

MaryJane (Mawile) (F) @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off

scRotom-Wash (Rotom-Wash) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Rest
- Will-O-Wisp

Punisher (Latios) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 24 Atk / 232 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Earthquake
- Defog
- Draco Meteor
- Tailwind
If you intend to steal the team, please come back and tell me how you improved it

I would appreciate any advice you can offer. I am very excite!

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First of all, AV Conkeldurr is not a problem because you have Mawile, which can switch into it pretty easily.

Here are some quick fixes which can improve your team:

Use this set on Mega Mawile instead the one you have:

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off

Your team lacks the firepower to get past defensive teams, so Mega Mawile aims to fix this problem. You have enough Speed to outrun defensive Mega Venusaur and Heatran, so you are able to OHKO Heatran at +2 with Knock Off, and 2HKO Mega Venusaur with Play Rough or Sucker Punch.

On Terrakion, use Leftovers and 184 HP / 116 Atk / 208 Spe Jolly. With Defog everywhere, you shouldn't sacrifice Terrakion in the early-game, especially when it's so useful to check dangerous threats such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Genesect, Kyurem-B, and Bisharp. This spread allows Terrakion to survive even a +1 Adamant Dragon Claw from Mega Char X and OHKO back with Stone Edge 43% of the time, or always after Stealth Rock, which is important as Mega Char X is a big threat to your team.

On Tornadus-T, use an offensive set with Life Orb, max SpA and Speed, and Air Slash, Superpower, Knock Off, and U-turn. It fits better on your team's offensive nature, as it gives you some much needed offensive presence, which is necessary to revenge kill the Pokemon you outspeed and be difficult to wall.

Finally, use Defog + Life Orb over Trick + Choice Specs on Latios, as your Volt-turn core can be worn down pretty easily with SR on your side of the field, not to mention that you have a SR weak Pokemon, so you need Defog.

Good luck, hope i helped!
ok i got the request so here i am, first off on your genesect you could posibly run blaze kick over flamethrower just so that you get full usage out of your band, if you do so just move those 4 ev's from spatk to hp, it wont make a huge difference but it shouldn't hurt, flamethrower does have some advantages just incase scumbag download boosts spatk but in general i think on banded sets blaze kick is better.
as for your mawile set, It appears you are aiming to use mawile as a sweeper am i right? If so i think that swords dance will definitely be more usefull than pain split, after a swords dance sucker punch does mad damage
+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Rotom-W: 249-293 (81.9 - 96.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
One thing about your team as a whole is that scarfed mold breaker excadrill can do serious damage to your team
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Rotom-W: 278-330 (94.5 - 112.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 404-476 (125 - 147.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Latios: 222-262 (73.5 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

now i'm not saying that excadril is that commonly found with a scarf, but it is a thing, something i might suggest to you would be to switch your tornadus therian for a talonflame, It still has access to U-turn, it has priority brave bird which will really help you with oposing mega venasuars which wall your team outside of latios, Talonflame also brings to the table much needed fire type stab, which is really important in the current meta with things like scizor, genesect, and ferrothorn so common,

also i would agree with the changes alexwolf has made to your latios set, and in that case i might even consider using latias beings that it has a little more bulk, and can defog more times in a game, but that is completely up to you as latios can get the job done comparatively well

well that's all i have for ya mate i hope i helped

set for talonflame
adament nature
Sharp beak/ life orb
80 hp 252 atk 176 speed

-brave bird
-flare blitz
Hey, got your request.

The first thing that stands out with this team is that Heatran is going to be a major pain in the ass. In order to help fix this I'm going to recommend you change your Latios set. Using a mixed Life Orb Lure with Earthquake to take out opposing Heatran would be a huge help to this team. You can also deal some nice damage on predicted Aegislash switch-ins which is never a bad thing.
Here's the set:
Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Earthquake
- Defog

Next, since you have a defogger, and since your team doesn't have the offense presence it needs to warrant a suicide lead imo, I'd suggest changing your Lead Terrakion to a mixed Hippowdon. Hippowdon fits pretty well on your team, providing a much needed Aegislash switch-in and still gives you the support you need through Stealth Rocks and Whirlwind to get rid of setup sweepers
Here's the set:
Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 196 SDef
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind

I agree with Alexwolf that you need to fix up your Mawile set. The spread I use only runs 140 Speed Ev's so you get a little more bulk, and since Heatran and Venusaur aren't as big of threats if you use EQ Lure Latias you might not need to max out your speed. However, I'd still test both spreads out and see which you prefer.

Lastly, I really don't see what Tornadus-T is doing for your team. It kind of just sits there and spams U-Turn / Knock Off, which isn't bad but it doesn't really help too much either. I would use Thundurus in that slot instead to help you revenge kill some threats such as Mega Lucario and Mega Tyranitar that you would not be able to revenge with Genesect's Espeed alone. This also gives you the option to abuse T Wave a bit so Mega Mawile can do some serious damage to faster threats.
Here's the set:
Thundurus (M) @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Hope I helped and good luck with the team :]
You could maybe use a Talonflame, it has very limited roles on a team, but is very good at what it does. Maybe you could replace the Genesect with a choice banded Talonflame, which is a very good wallbreaker. As mentioned above, this team has a weakness to more defensively inclined teams, so i think Talonflame will cover it nicely.

As far as suicide leads go, I dont like them, but Terrakion seems like a very viable option for this role if you so choose to have a suicide lead.
Maybe Rock Slide as an option, but if you prefer EQ it doesn't really make a large difference.

The Volt-Turning core is good, but can provide to be a liability that is worn down heavily with entry hazards. Not having anything with Defog or Rapid Spin will most likely be a major impediment to the success of this team. If this problem is fixed, then I believe that this would be a team that would fit in swimmingly with this meta.
Try talonflame which can take care if all your counters. Not sure who to replace though
ok i got the request so here i am, first off on your genesect you could posibly run blaze kick over flamethrower just so that you get full usage out of your band, if you do so just move those 4 ev's from spatk to hp, it wont make a huge difference but it shouldn't hurt, flamethrower does have some advantages just incase scumbag download boosts spatk but in general i think on banded sets blaze kick is better.
as for your mawile set, It appears you are aiming to use mawile as a sweeper am i right? If so i think that swords dance will definitely be more usefull than pain split, after a swords dance sucker punch does mad damage
+2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Rotom-W: 249-293 (81.9 - 96.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
One thing about your team as a whole is that scarfed mold breaker excadrill can do serious damage to your team
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 212 HP / 252 Def Rotom-W: 278-330 (94.5 - 112.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 404-476 (125 - 147.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Latios: 222-262 (73.5 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

now i'm not saying that excadril is that commonly found with a scarf, but it is a thing, something i might suggest to you would be to switch your tornadus therian for a talonflame, It still has access to U-turn, it has priority brave bird which will really help you with oposing mega venasuars which wall your team outside of latios, Talonflame also brings to the table much needed fire type stab, which is really important in the current meta with things like scizor, genesect, and ferrothorn so common,

also i would agree with the changes alexwolf has made to your latios set, and in that case i might even consider using latias beings that it has a little more bulk, and can defog more times in a game, but that is completely up to you as latios can get the job done comparatively well

well that's all i have for ya mate i hope i helped

set for talonflame
adament nature
Sharp beak/ life orb
80 hp 252 atk 176 speed

-brave bird
-flare blitz
Talonflame didn't make a huge impact so it's on the bench for now as Thunderus is doing a decent job. Focus Blast takes care of Excadrill unless they predict me and use Rock Slide. Also, I'm using flamethrower because of Iron Barbs, Rocky Helmet and King's Shield.

First of all, AV Conkeldurr is not a problem because you have Mawile, which can switch into it pretty easily.

Here are some quick fixes which can improve your team:

Use this set on Mega Mawile instead the one you have:

Mawile @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off

Your team lacks the firepower to get past defensive teams, so Mega Mawile aims to fix this problem. You have enough Speed to outrun defensive Mega Venusaur and Heatran, so you are able to OHKO Heatran at +2 with Knock Off, and 2HKO Mega Venusaur with Play Rough or Sucker Punch.

On Terrakion, use Leftovers and 184 HP / 116 Atk / 208 Spe Jolly. With Defog everywhere, you shouldn't sacrifice Terrakion in the early-game, especially when it's so useful to check dangerous threats such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Genesect, Kyurem-B, and Bisharp. This spread allows Terrakion to survive even a +1 Adamant Dragon Claw from Mega Char X and OHKO back with Stone Edge 43% of the time, or always after Stealth Rock, which is important as Mega Char X is a big threat to your team.

On Tornadus-T, use an offensive set with Life Orb, max SpA and Speed, and Air Slash, Superpower, Knock Off, and U-turn. It fits better on your team's offensive nature, as it gives you some much needed offensive presence, which is necessary to revenge kill the Pokemon you outspeed and be difficult to wall.

Finally, use Defog + Life Orb over Trick + Choice Specs on Latios, as your Volt-turn core can be worn down pretty easily with SR on your side of the field, not to mention that you have a SR weak Pokemon, so you need Defog.

Good luck, hope i helped!
This was a HUGE improvement. The bulk on terrakion, and defog latios + EQ, and the SD Mawile. So good. I have 2 questions though. How do you distribute speed Evs? And what is the significance of the Speed Evs on Mawile and Jolly Terrakion?
Hey, got your request.

The first thing that stands out with this team is that Heatran is going to be a major pain in the ass. In order to help fix this I'm going to recommend you change your Latios set. Using a mixed Life Orb Lure with Earthquake to take out opposing Heatran would be a huge help to this team. You can also deal some nice damage on predicted Aegislash switch-ins which is never a bad thing.
Here's the set:
Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Earthquake
- Defog

Next, since you have a defogger, and since your team doesn't have the offense presence it needs to warrant a suicide lead imo, I'd suggest changing your Lead Terrakion to a mixed Hippowdon. Hippowdon fits pretty well on your team, providing a much needed Aegislash switch-in and still gives you the support you need through Stealth Rocks and Whirlwind to get rid of setup sweepers
Here's the set:
Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 196 SDef
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Whirlwind

I agree with Alexwolf that you need to fix up your Mawile set. The spread I use only runs 140 Speed Ev's so you get a little more bulk, and since Heatran and Venusaur aren't as big of threats if you use EQ Lure Latias you might not need to max out your speed. However, I'd still test both spreads out and see which you prefer.

Lastly, I really don't see what Tornadus-T is doing for your team. It kind of just sits there and spams U-Turn / Knock Off, which isn't bad but it doesn't really help too much either. I would use Thundurus in that slot instead to help you revenge kill some threats such as Mega Lucario and Mega Tyranitar that you would not be able to revenge with Genesect's Espeed alone. This also gives you the option to abuse T Wave a bit so Mega Mawile can do some serious damage to faster threats.
Here's the set:
Thundurus (M) @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Hope I helped and good luck with the team :]
Your Latios set is my favorite part of the team. No one expects it and its even more fun when its a OHKO on things like Chandelure. I'm trying the Thunderous right now, but am torn between Twave and Grass Knot. I'm kinda walled by Gastrodon and the likes. I'm not sure about Hippo, but I'll give it a try. Thanks!
You could maybe use a Talonflame, it has very limited roles on a team, but is very good at what it does. Maybe you could replace the Genesect with a choice banded Talonflame, which is a very good wallbreaker. As mentioned above, this team has a weakness to more defensively inclined teams, so i think Talonflame will cover it nicely.

As far as suicide leads go, I dont like them, but Terrakion seems like a very viable option for this role if you so choose to have a suicide lead.
Maybe Rock Slide as an option, but if you prefer EQ it doesn't really make a large difference.

The Volt-Turning core is good, but can provide to be a liability that is worn down heavily with entry hazards. Not having anything with Defog or Rapid Spin will most likely be a major impediment to the success of this team. If this problem is fixed, then I believe that this would be a team that would fit in swimmingly with this meta.
Talonflame couldn't replace Tornadus-t, but maybe it could replace Genesect. I'll try that out. And you are right, adding the defog support is a huge boost to the team.

Thanks guys! I really appreciate you help :)
Nice team you got here :D

I don't have much to say really, since Volt-Turn isn't really my best. However, AV Conkeldurr can pretty much handle 2/3 of the team. The ones it can't handle, Latios and Mawile also have some iffy circumstances to deal with; Latios can't switch in because of Knock Off (and losing your Defogger sucks), while Mawile wouldn't like 47% from Drain Punch, not having any form of recovery and all. You can't status it 'cause Guts. So yeah, you need a reliable answer to this thing. With this, I suggest CB Talonflame over Genesect. With this, you are now safe from Conkeldurr while at the same time you get a monster of a cleaner/revenger. The two mostly maintain the same coverage; the only (big) difference is Brave Bird. Choice Band-Brave Bird just kills a lot of things, and it has priority too. So yeah, that's my two cents.

On a smaller note, you can try ChestoRest as your main form of recovery on Rotom-W. Pain Split can be a bit iffy and is easily played around on. ChestoRest can prove to be more reliable when the need arises. Also, definitely Thunder Wave on Thundurus-T since your main targets (Gastrodon and friends don't exist anymore, Rotom-W just lols) won't show up anytime soon.

Also you have two scRotom-Washes on your importable >.>

Talonflame @ Choice Band
Adamant | 48 HP/ 252 Atk / 208 Spd - Speed for M-Pinsir
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Steel Wing / Roost
This was a HUGE improvement. The bulk on terrakion, and defog latios + EQ, and the SD Mawile. So good. I have 2 questions though. How do you distribute speed Evs? And what is the significance of the Speed Evs on Mawile and Jolly Terrakion?
You just seek for good benchmarks. For example, on Terrakion, i gave it enough bulk to take +1 Adamant Dragon Claw from Mega Char X, enough Speed to outrun Garchomp (i don't like Speed ties with opposing Terrakion and Keldeo, which is why i didn't go with max Speed), and the rest went to Attack. As i said again, Mega Mawile has enough Speed to outrun defensive Mega Venusaur, in order to 2HKO it with Play Rough at +2, and specially defensive Heatran, in order to OHKO it with Knock Off at +2, which does:

- +2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 379-447 (98.1 - 115.8%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

Oh, and change Latios's nature to Hasty, to have a stronger EQ.
Nice team you got here :D

I don't have much to say really, since Volt-Turn isn't really my best. However, AV Conkeldurr can pretty much handle 2/3 of the team. The ones it can't handle, Latios and Mawile also have some iffy circumstances to deal with; Latios can't switch in because of Knock Off (and losing your Defogger sucks), while Mawile wouldn't like 47% from Drain Punch, not having any form of recovery and all. You can't status it 'cause Guts. So yeah, you need a reliable answer to this thing. With this, I suggest CB Talonflame over Genesect. With this, you are now safe from Conkeldurr while at the same time you get a monster of a cleaner/revenger. The two mostly maintain the same coverage; the only (big) difference is Brave Bird. Choice Band-Brave Bird just kills a lot of things, and it has priority too. So yeah, that's my two cents.

On a smaller note, you can try ChestoRest as your main form of recovery on Rotom-W. Pain Split can be a bit iffy and is easily played around on. ChestoRest can prove to be more reliable when the need arises. Also, definitely Thunder Wave on Thundurus-T since your main targets (Gastrodon and friends don't exist anymore, Rotom-W just lols) won't show up anytime soon.

Also you have two scRotom-Washes on your importable >.>

Talonflame @ Choice Band
Adamant | 48 HP/ 252 Atk / 208 Spd - Speed for M-Pinsir
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Steel Wing / Roost

Talonflame definitely proved to be better, but I'm gonna go with Sharp Beak, because I think it loses its potential when locked. And i have made the changes to rotom as well. Thanks!


Genesect is replaced by Talonflame

Thundurus is replaced by Greninja

Rotom set changed to ChestoRest
Got your request, but you've made a lot of changes to this team already that seem to have compensated a little bit for the original idea of volt-turning. I'd honestly reconsider going back to Genesect and using it over Greninja, as Genesect is a major component of almost all Volt-turn teams in OU due to its sheer coverage and power. Defensive Fairies like Sylveon and Clefable will pressure you into breaking up your volt-turn momentum and force you to bring out your top gun Mawile a little bit too fast. If you don't like using Choice Band Genesect then you should consider using Expert Belt Genesect, which is nice at faking Scarf / Band and gives you decent coverage. A perk to using Genesect on this team is having Iron Head, which is really nice for beating out the Fairies which I've mentioned earlier. Genesect / Rotom-W / Talonflame is a solid Volt-turn combination and gives you enough offensive pressure for you to finish with Mawile. I think one of the contributing hindrances in making edits to this team was sticking to a set framework of "x amount of this type of sweeper etc" as opposed to sticking with your basic strategy which is volt-turn.

Genesect@Expert Belt
Naive 252 atk / 252 spe / 4 hp
Flamethrower/Ice Beam/U-turn/Iron Head
Whassup Dragon_Poop!

One thing that stood out to me was the daunting fact that Latios can drop bombs on your team if your Mawile is checked, or worse...GONE. Here's a link to the damage calculations to show you what I mean and to demonstrate what your team can do to opposing threats =].

Dragon_Poop bRMT Statistics =]

Bear in mind some of the Pokemon listed are not up to date, but it gives you a bigger picture on what really needs tweaking.


I agree with McBarrett on utilizing the Hippowdon set he suggested because it offers more bulk to your team without punching a huge hole on what you had planned for your team.

For Greninja:

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Taunt

  • I've used this set when I imported your team, and it really works because not a lot of people expect it.
  • Taunt Helps negating entry hazards if your opponent doesn't know you carry it. I also shut down a lot of Bisharps with it.
  • Scald>Surf because of the 30% burn factor on any physical pokemon is a plus. I sacrificed power for shee luck lol.
Got your request, but you've made a lot of changes to this team already that seem to have compensated a little bit for the original idea of volt-turning. I'd honestly reconsider going back to Genesect and using it over Greninja, as Genesect is a major component of almost all Volt-turn teams in OU due to its sheer coverage and power. Defensive Fairies like Sylveon and Clefable will pressure you into breaking up your volt-turn momentum and force you to bring out your top gun Mawile a little bit too fast. If you don't like using Choice Band Genesect then you should consider using Expert Belt Genesect, which is nice at faking Scarf / Band and gives you decent coverage. A perk to using Genesect on this team is having Iron Head, which is really nice for beating out the Fairies which I've mentioned earlier. Genesect / Rotom-W / Talonflame is a solid Volt-turn combination and gives you enough offensive pressure for you to finish with Mawile. I think one of the contributing hindrances in making edits to this team was sticking to a set framework of "x amount of this type of sweeper etc" as opposed to sticking with your basic strategy which is volt-turn.

Genesect@Expert Belt
Naive 252 atk / 252 spe / 4 hp
Flamethrower/Ice Beam/U-turn/Iron Head
Whassup Dragon_Poop!

One thing that stood out to me was the daunting fact that Latios can drop bombs on your team if your Mawile is checked, or worse...GONE. Here's a link to the damage calculations to show you what I mean and to demonstrate what your team can do to opposing threats =].

Dragon_Poop bRMT Statistics =]

Bear in mind some of the Pokemon listed are not up to date, but it gives you a bigger picture on what really needs tweaking.


I agree with McBarrett on utilizing the Hippowdon set he suggested because it offers more bulk to your team without punching a huge hole on what you had planned for your team.

For Greninja:

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Taunt

  • I've used this set when I imported your team, and it really works because not a lot of people expect it.
  • Taunt Helps negating entry hazards if your opponent doesn't know you carry it. I also shut down a lot of Bisharps with it.
  • Scald>Surf because of the 30% burn factor on any physical pokemon is a plus. I sacrificed power for shee luck lol.
Hmmm both argruments about greninja have a valid point. But the need for Plus's Genesect is more important IMO mainly due to fairies and also U-Turn. Reason why I prefer Terra over Hippo is the access to taunt. I'll try the Greninja and Hippodown sets too and see how it fares. THANKS for the help!
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I like the Latios set just fine, but try a Latias set, as it takes advantage of the pivoting Defoggers do. Try a set like this:

Latias@Leftovers 252 Spe/252 HP/4 SpAtk
- Draco Meteor
- Defog
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power Fire
Heatran takes chip damage throughout the game, and eventually Mawile will take it down with a 75% Sucker Punch. This fulfills the pivoting that you are using Latios for right now, but you aren't using much bulk like a pivot should. Also, Shift Gear/RPSect could be good too. Have you tried it out?
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I like the Latios set just fine, but try a Latias set, as it takes advantage of the pivoting Defoggers do. Try a set like this:

Latias@Leftovers 252 Spe/252 HP/4 SpAtk
- Draco Meteor
- Defog
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power Fire
Heatran takes chip damage throughout the game, and eventually Mawile will take it down with a 75% Sucker Punch. This fulfills the pivoting that you are using Latios for right now, but you aren't using much bulk like a pivot should. Also, RPSect could be good too. Have you tried it out?
I was just replacing Latios :) I'll try HP fire > EQ, then replace RP> Flamethrower on Sect. I'll see how it works out. Thanks!
Hey, got your message.

There has been so much work done on this team, I'm not really sure where I could help. One thing I can say is that personally I would utilize U-Turn on Talonflame instead of Roost, if that is still up for debate. Between Terrakion's Taunt and Latias' Defog, you seem to have hazards fairly well under control, so he should be able to switch in and out comfortably despite the massive SR weakness. It also gives you another component to your Volt-Turn core, further enhancing team momentum. Lastly, it gives you a way to damage certain Pokes more effectively than your other moves. Going back to your example of a Tyranitar that switched into WoW, you completely destroy his offense, then (as a big middle finger) you smack him with some SE damage as you switch to a counter.

At any rate, I believe that there are more situations where you'll find U-Turn more useful than Roost.

Now for some minor nitpicks on EV spreads:

On Terrakion, move 4 EVs from Attack to Defense. This will prevent opposing Genesect from getting a Download Attack boost, thus reducing the damage from a likely Iron Head or U-Turn.

On Rotom-W, try a spread of 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd, Bold. You keep your speed, optimize your physical bulk (only ~1% difference, but still...), AND get a bit of extra HP to aid in taking special moves. It's a win-win-win.

Other than that, things look really good! After consulting the threat list, there isn't TOO much that seems a concern. SD Bisharp may pose a problem if you lose Terrakion, and the odd Whimsicott with Taunt + SubSeed is irritating, but overall, there's not much you can't handle. Nice team!
Hey, got your message.

There has been so much work done on this team, I'm not really sure where I could help. One thing I can say is that personally I would utilize U-Turn on Talonflame instead of Roost, if that is still up for debate. Between Terrakion's Taunt and Latias' Defog, you seem to have hazards fairly well under control, so he should be able to switch in and out comfortably despite the massive SR weakness. It also gives you another component to your Volt-Turn core, further enhancing team momentum. Lastly, it gives you a way to damage certain Pokes more effectively than your other moves. Going back to your example of a Tyranitar that switched into WoW, you completely destroy his offense, then (as a big middle finger) you smack him with some SE damage as you switch to a counter.

At any rate, I believe that there are more situations where you'll find U-Turn more useful than Roost.

Now for some minor nitpicks on EV spreads:

On Terrakion, move 4 EVs from Attack to Defense. This will prevent opposing Genesect from getting a Download Attack boost, thus reducing the damage from a likely Iron Head or U-Turn.

On Rotom-W, try a spread of 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd, Bold. You keep your speed, optimize your physical bulk (only ~1% difference, but still...), AND get a bit of extra HP to aid in taking special moves. It's a win-win-win.

Other than that, things look really good! After consulting the threat list, there isn't TOO much that seems a concern. SD Bisharp may pose a problem if you lose Terrakion, and the odd Whimsicott with Taunt + SubSeed is irritating, but overall, there's not much you can't handle. Nice team!
Thanks for helping out! I'm realizing that changing a set someone means that others have to adjust in some way, much like a puzzle piece so that everything else can fit well together.

Summary of changes:

Ice move transferred from Gensect to Latias.
Genesect: Espeed/Energy Ball replacing Icebeam
Latias: Healing Wish and HP Ice replacing Draco Meteor and Psyshock
Rotom-w: Ev spread tweaked.
Changes made following the ban of Genesect:
Added Greninja
Latios - Draco Meteor > Psyshock, EBall > Healing Wish
Threat list updated: Lack of steel moves and Aegislash
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Got your request so I'm to give you a little hand. I love Mawile first off, so props to you on that.

If you plan on using Latias for offensive purposes, you can just give it a Life Orb. I also would recommend you give Psyshock another shot over Energy Ball as Gastrodon isn't common at all, neither is Quagsire, so I really wouldn't worry too much about those two. Or you can just change Latias altogether and give Latios another shot.

You really don't need 252 Speed EV's on Mawile. Just run an EV Spread of 252 Atk / 220 Spe / 36 HP this spread still outspeeds specially Defensive Heatran and it can also outspeed Mega Scizor (if it's univested in speed) and it gives you a little bit of bulk which is not bad. You don't need to outspeed Mega Venusaur because you have Talonflame and Lati@s to deal with it. Don't swap PLay Rough with Iron Head, Iron Head is really redundant coverage.

On Latias try out 116 HP / 196 SAtk / 212 Spe Hasty so you have just enough speed to outspeed Jolly Pinsir (Mega) and kill it with the Draco, it makes you powarful, gives you a bit of bulk. Which is incredibly helpful. (If you plan on keeping Latias that is).

Will-O-Wisp is not necessary on Talonflame. I also recommend U-Turn on TFlame and I would also recommend you try out Tailwind which can support your Mawile quite nicely as it will double it's speed which is very good. Tailwind helps you after TFlame goes down make your team twice as fast which is very good, and can you give you some momentum.

So those are my suggestions, I hope they were helpful or at least thought-provoking.

Good luck with the team! :D
I actually would run 224 Spe or even 228, only because some Heatran are trying to speed-creep SD-Mawile and other Heatran.

If you decide to go back to running Latios with EQ, you can try the EVs 24 Atk / 232 SAtk / 252 Spe, the attack EVs guaranteeing a OHKO on max-HP Heatran after Stealth Rock.

Got your request so I'm to give you a little hand. I love Mawile first off, so props to you on that.

If you plan on using Latias for offensive purposes, you can just give it a Life Orb. I also would recommend you give Psyshock another shot over Energy Ball as Gastrodon isn't common at all, neither is Quagsire, so I really wouldn't worry too much about those two. Or you can just change Latias altogether and give Latios another shot.

You really don't need 252 Speed EV's on Mawile. Just run an EV Spread of 252 Atk / 220 Spe / 36 HP this spread still outspeeds specially Defensive Heatran and it can also outspeed Mega Scizor (if it's univested in speed) and it gives you a little bit of bulk which is not bad. You don't need to outspeed Mega Venusaur because you have Talonflame and Lati@s to deal with it. Don't swap PLay Rough with Iron Head, Iron Head is really redundant coverage.

On Latias try out 116 HP / 196 SAtk / 212 Spe Hasty so you have just enough speed to outspeed Jolly Pinsir (Mega) and kill it with the Draco, it makes you powarful, gives you a bit of bulk. Which is incredibly helpful. (If you plan on keeping Latias that is).

Will-O-Wisp is not necessary on Talonflame. I also recommend U-Turn on TFlame and I would also recommend you try out Tailwind which can support your Mawile quite nicely as it will double it's speed which is very good. Tailwind helps you after TFlame goes down make your team twice as fast which is very good, and can you give you some momentum.

So those are my suggestions, I hope they were helpful or at least thought-provoking.

Good luck with the team! :D
That tailwind on Talon seemed so useful that I gave one to Lati@s too. I totally overlooked it. I posted a replay showing how it flipped the tables for me. So good. I'll try Psyshock again as well. I have one question. When you say I only need 212 Spe for Lati@s, I understand it's enough to out-speed MegaPinsir, but is there a reason NOT to maximize speed? I mean there has to be other mons that it prefers to go before.

I actually would run 224 Spe or even 228, only because some Heatran are trying to speed-creep SD-Mawile and other Heatran.

If you decide to go back to running Latios with EQ, you can try the EVs 24 Atk / 232 SAtk / 252 Spe, the attack EVs guaranteeing a OHKO on max-HP Heatran after Stealth Rock.

Speed creeping heatran would be a problem. I'll try your speeds but can you explain what you aim to out-speed with those specific numbers? And Lati@s Evs are tweaked.

Thanks a lot guys! REALLY appreciate it.