Ubers Gothitelle


Banned deucer.


Gothitelle is one of the few Pokemon with access to Shadow Tag, enabling it to trap and remove certain targets for its teammates, providing exceptional support. With a wide movepool including utility options such as Charm, Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Taunt, and Rest, Gothitelle can be a nuisance to the majority of the walls the Ubers metagame such as Chansey, support Arceus formes, Lugia, Clefable, Skarmory, and Toxapex. Gothitelle also takes advantage of the rise of support Arceus formes in response to Marshadow's corresponding gain in offensive presence, which enables it to remove the aforementioned defensive threat and potentially proceed to sweep. Gothitelle also has acceptable 70 / 95 / 110 bulk, allowing it to avoid certain 2HKOs with some specific investment, further enhancing its trapping capabilities. However, this bulk is hindered by a bad defensive typing, leaving Gothitelle with few resistances and weaknesses to common offensive types such as Ghost and Dark. Gothitelle also poses no offensive presence before several Calm Mind boosts and is quite slow, leaving it reliant on trapping mainly defensive threats. It also is limited in terms of offensive moveslots, since in most cases Gothitelle can only afford to allot one slot to its STAB attack, meaning it can be forced out by Dark-type threats such as Yveltal and Mega Tyranitar.

name: Trapper
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Rest
move 4: Heal Bell / Charm / Trick Room
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


Calm Mind allows Gothitelle to break through opposing threats much more easily while also increasing its special bulk, enabling it to avoid the 2HKO from threats such as Mega Gengar and defensive Primal Kyogre after one boost. Psyshock is Gothitelle's main STAB attack and targets specially defensive walls such as Chansey and Ho-Oh for more damage than alternatives like Psychic. Psyshock also aids Gothitelle in Calm Mind wars against opposing Arceus, securing the ability to comfortably break through Arceus after a couple of boosts. Rest is Gothitelle's only form of reliable recovery, curing it of troubling status ailments such as poison and paralysis that can otherwise hinder its trapping capabilities and allowing it to safely break through threats such as Toxic Chansey and Arceus-Water. Rest also helps Gothitelle PP stall targets, as it does not deplete the PP of its own moves while it is asleep. Heal Bell acts as a great means of supporting Gothitelle's teammates, since it enables them to act more recklessly against teams that rely on status, potentially allowing Gothitelle more opportunities to come in safely when one of its offensive partners forces an opposing Pokemon out. It also gives Gothitelle a role in games where it is unable to trap any targets, which is especially the case against more offensive teams. Charm works great in tandem with Gothitelle's Calm Mind boosts, as it enables it to cripple physical attackers that would otherwise be able to threaten it such as Arceus-Ground, Ho-Oh, and Mega Mewtwo X. It also prevents physically attacking sweepers such as Mega Salamence and Rayquaza from breaking through Gothitelle once it has claimed Calm Mind boosts and most notably lets Gothitelle trap Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Celesteela, as their STAB attacks + Leech Seed HP draining is a likely 3HKO on Gothitelle after a Charm Attack drop. Trick Room can also work as an option on dedicated Trick Room teams, since Gothitelle can ensure its setup against the majority of defensive targets it's intended to trap, supporting its teammates greatly. Taunt can also be utilized over Charm with some Speed investment in order for Gothitelle to better trap certain phazers such as Lugia and Skarmory, preventing them from forcing Gothitelle out. It can also prevent Ferrothorn from using Gothitelle as entry hazard setup fodder as Gothitelle tries to stall it out.

Set Details

Shadow Tag is what makes Gothitelle viable, as the ability allows it to choose its matchups and eliminate troublesome checks to its teammates, hopefully opening up holes in the enemy team. EVs have been fully invested in HP and Special Defense with a Calm nature to allow Gothitelle to trap specially attacking threats such as support Arceus, Clefable, and defensive Primal Kyogre. Leftovers increases Gothitelle's longevity and can help Gothitelle avoid needing to use Rest as often versus support Arceus.

Usage Tips

Gothitelle is best utilized as a potent stallbreaker that can switch in versus the majority of defensive walls and proceed to either break through them after Calm Mind boost or PP stall with Rest. Due to Gothitelle's below average bulk, it should not try to switch in against offensive attackers such as Xerneas and Primal Groudon, since it can be worn down rather quickly and risks being revenge killed later on in the match. Gothitelle must be wary of Dark-types that can revenge kill it after it has taken down an opposing Pokemon, such as Tyranitar, which can threaten to Pursuit trap it. Therefore, it should try to use Charm against the aforementioned threats in order to avoid being potentially OHKOed.

Team Options

Teammates that take advantage of Gothitelle's trapping capabilities are imperative to its overall success. Great examples include threats such as Marshadow, Primal Kyogre, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh that can severely dent the opposing team once checks such as Arceus-Fairy, Ferrothorn, Clefable, and Arceus-Water are trapped and taken out by Gothitelle. Entry hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Ferrothorn can also be useful in order to persuade the opponent to bring in trappable threats such as support Arceus to use Defog. Entry hazard damage gives Gothitelle an easier time switching in versus the aforementioned threats without risking any damage. Fast revenge killers, great examples of which are Choice Scarf Yveltal, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Mega Lucario, are also appreciated because Gothitelle is prone to being forced out by common offensive threats such as Mega Gengar, Marshadow, and Xerneas. Setup sweepers such as Arceus, Arceus-Ground, Mega Salamence, and Primal Groudon can also have an easier time sweeping once Gothitelle facilitates a win condition by trapping their appropriate checks. Entry hazard removal from partners such as support Arceus formes and Mega Salamence can also be utilized with Charm sets in order to sustain Gothitelle's longevity, letting it safely switch into the targets it's intended to trap and removing hazards set up by threats such as Ferrothorn that use Gothitelle as entry hazard setup bait.

Other Options

A PP stalling set consisting of Charm, Confide, Rest, and Taunt can be utilized to trap weak and passive threats such as Chansey, defensive Ho-Oh, and Calm Mind Arceus formes. Thunder Wave can be used over Heal Bell or Charm to allow Gothitelle to slow down faster threats such as support Arceus and Ho-Oh in an attempt to fare better against them and take advantage of paralysis chances. However, the option forfeits Gothitelle's capability to consistently counteract certain threats it is meant to trap.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Threats such as Yveltal, Mega Gyarados, Alolan Muk, and Tyranitar can completely stop Gothitelle from sweeping if its Psychic-type STAB move is its only attacking option, and these Dark-types can potentially KO it with their own STAB attacks. Alolan Muk and Tyranitar can be especially threatening, as they can threaten Gothitelle with Pursuit as it tries to switch out.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types like Mega Gengar, Marshadow, Mega Sableye, and Lunala are immune to Shadow Tag and can target Gothitelle with their Ghost-type attacks. However, Mega Gengar and Lunala can have a difficult time breaking through it if Gothitelle was able to accumulate several Calm Mind boosts.

**Shed Shell**: Threats that commonly carry Shed Shell such as Blissey and Toxapex are also pseudo-immune to the affects of Shadow Tag as long as their item is kept intact, preventing Gothitelle from threatening the aforementioned threats at all unless it carries Trick.

**Taunt Users**: Deoxys-S, Mega Gengar, and Smeargle can all shut down Gothitelle's attempt to set up with Taunt, forcing it to attack unboosted as they proceed to either setup up entry hazards against it or, in Mega Gengar's case, switch out.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Powerful physical wallbreakers such as Primal Groudon, Mega Lucario, and Choice Band Ho-Oh can all 2HKO Gothitelle even after it lowers their Attack stat with Charm.

**Pivots**: Defensive pivots like Magearna can pivot out against Gothitelle through the use of Volt Switch or U-turn, completely shutting down Gothitelle's attempt to trap and break through them.
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Heal Bell shouldn't be left in OO. It lets the wallbreakers Gothitelle is paired with act more reckless against teams that rely on status and can put enough pressure out for an opening for Gothitelle to come in. It also gives it something to do in situations where trapping isn't an option. Have it as second slash to Charm for now. Future QC checks may change this but I don't want to have this sitting around.

Speaking of Charm, note that it makes trapping Ferrothorn and Celesteela possible. STAB + Leech Seed is a likely 3HKO from either.

Trick Room can go to Other Options - bulky offense can get their Arceus trapped and then be unable to revenge kill it.

QC 1/3
There are several things I keep staring at in this analysis and it sometimes seems you have assumed things from other metagames (like ou, previous ubers) just work. First, Heal Bell is like... the best move for 4th slot. Charm allows you to maybe trap Ferro/Celes with some cost in the case of the former and plenty of crit chances in general for the latter. It can definitely be nice paired with something like SD Arceus/DD Mence or Primal Kyogre but as Nayrz said Heal Bell pretty much outweights the advantages of Charm especially considering the ubiquity of Shed Shell mons used on stall in the meta (think Blissey and Toxapex). This extends to Gothitelle being pretty limited to what it can trap vs stalls like these and it's where Heal Bell can provide further support to wallbreakers or hazard setters.

In general the way utility of Charm is written makes me question the writer's experience with the mon because Gothitelle is not nearly as threatening if it can't switch directly into things (in the case of all Charm targets you mention, this is impossible). Charms big advantage aside from mentioned steel trapping used to be that you could use it to escape Pursuit attempts much easier- this feels like a flimsy advantage in the current meta and further reinforced why I think Charm is pretty poor in general.

TR is great on dedicated TR teams: it pairs especially well with TR Dialga due to its ability to trap Arceus Ground.

So I'd say... Heal Bell / Charm / TR for last slot

Other things:
-MSab and Muk are forgotten in CC.
-Remove scarf trick from OO I mean you lose all Arceus trapping value.
-Lefties is not the item you use because of whatever reasons you outlined. It simply is used because you don't have to rest as often vs Arceus traps.
-I don't get the spread? Go 252 sdef
-Defog is good to pair with Charm Goth so you don't have to pay the big price of letting Ferro get 3 layers once you trap it. But Giratina-O is not exactly the partner I would recommend due to type disadvantage.
-Some notable partners you forgot are: Mence (charm to trap Celesteela, hopefully+Defog), Primal Kyogre (charm to trap Ferro, trap Arceus-Water), SD Arceus (Ground and Normal)

qc 2/3 otherwise
I really think Charm is better than you guys make it out to be. I'll preface this by saying that no, Goth cannot reliably trap Celesteela with it as a crit while asleep can easily result in it getting koed with subsequent heavy slams, but the Ferrothorn spiking is a non-issue if you have a defogger with around 30% (or even less if the defogger isn't grounded) as Gothitelle can easily PP stall it and then you can go into the defogger as Ferrothorn struggles. More importantly however, it allows Gothitelle to reliably pp stall Zygarde that lack Dragon Tail which is standard, by simply not attacking it which is huge aid to breaking many balances and stalls.
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Mention that Taunt is also useful to keep things like Ferrothorn from Spiking on you as you're setting up (Charm is more effective at actually trapping it though).

QC 3/3
Final check implemented and ready for GP, however just wanted to ask if I should maybe add the Dice PP stall set in OO? (Ie: Charm / Confide / Rest / Taunt). Been seeing usage in Snake and can let Goth actually trap more threats for its team compared to others.
That set is superior (in practice) to the one in the analysis currently, but we (the QC team) didn't feel comfortable suggesting a set that only PP stalls as the only Gothitelle set, especially to the targets of these analyses (newcomers to the tier), hence why this set is the default for now. As for putting it in OO, I don't have any complaints about that.
amcheck, feel free to implement what you agree with, but this is not an official GP check.

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Gothitelle is one of the few Pokemon with access to Shadow Tag, enabling it to trap and remove certain targets for its teammates, providing exceptional support for the team. With a dense movepool consisting of utility options such as Charm, Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Taunt, (AC) and Rest, Gothitelle can cause be a nuisance to the majority of defensive walls within the Ubers metagame such as Chansey, support Arceus formes, Lugia, Clefable, Skarmory, (AC) and Toxapex. Gothitelle also takes advantage of the rise of support Arceus formes thanks to Marshadow's offensive presence in the tier release, (this will get outdated very quickly) enabling it to remove the aforementioned threat and potentially proceed to sweep meaning that it can remove aforemented formes to support the team more consistently. This allows the rest of the team to potentially sweep. (not really clear here what you're referencing here, so I may have misinterpreted this. It could be interpreted that you're saying that Gothitelle could remove Marshadow and then proceed to sweep.) Gothitelle also pertains acceptable 70 / 95 / 110 (this is found on the dex right above this) bulk, allowing it to avoid certain 2HKO's (remove apostrophe) with some specific investment, further enhancing its trapping capabilities. However, this bulk is hindered by a bad defensive typing, leaving Gothitelle with few resistances and a weakness to common offensive types such as Ghost and Dark. Gothitelle also poses no offensive presence before several setup Calm Mind boosts and is quite slow, leaving it reliant on trapping mainly defensive threats. It also is limited in terms of offensive move(remove space)slots, since, (AC) in most cases, (AC) Gothitelle can only afford to allot one slot for its STAB attack, meaning it can be countered and forced out by Dark-type threats such as Yveltal and Mega Tyranitar.

name: Trapper
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Rest
move 4: Heal Bell / Charm / Trick Room
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


Calm Mind allows Gothitelle to break through opposing threats much more easily, (RC) while also increasing its Special Defense bulk, enabling it to avoid the 2HKO from threats such as Mega Gengar and defensive Primal Kyogre after one boost. Psyshock is Gothitelle's main STAB attack, (AC) which targets specially defensive walls such as Chansey and Ho-Oh for more damage. It also aids Gothitelle in Calm Mind wars against opposing Arceus that have set up Calm Mind, securing Gothitelle it the ability to comfortably break through it after a couple of boosts. Rest is Gothitelle's only form of reliable recovery, which cures it of troubling status ailments such as poison and paralysis which that can otherwise hinder its trapping capabilities and allows it to safety safely break through threats such as Toxic Chansey and Arceus-Water. It also helps Gothitelle PP stall targets, as it does not deplete the PP of its own moves while it is asleep. Heal Bell acts as a great means in supporting Gothitelle's teammates, since it can enables them to act more recklessly against teams that rely on status, potentially allowing Gothitelle more opportunities to come in safely as the opponent foe is forced out by one of its offensive partners. It also gives Gothitelle a role in games where it is unable to trap any targets, which is especially the case against more offensive teams. Charm works great in tandem with Gothitelle's Calm Mind boosts, as it enables it to cripples physical attackers that would otherwise be able to threaten it such as Arceus-Ground, Ho-Oh, and Mega Mewtwo-(RH) X. It also prevents physically attacking sweepers such as Mega Salamence and Rayquaza from breaking through Gothitelle once it has claimed Calm Mind boosts. (period) and Most notably, (AC) it traps Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Celesteela, as their STAB attacks + Leech Seed HP draining is a likely 3HKO on Gothitelle after a Charm Attack drop. Trick Room can also work as an option on dedicated Trick Room teams, since Gothitelle can ensure to set (space) up the battlefield condition against the majority of defensive targets it's (apostrophe) intended to trap, supporting its teammates that can abuse take advantage of it greatly. Taunt can also be utilized over Charm with some Speed investment in order for Gothitelle to better trap certain phazers such as Lugia and Skarmory, preventing them from "escaping" (remove qoutation marks). It can also disable stop Ferrothorn from abusing Gothitelle as entry hazard setup fodder as it Ferrothorn tries to stall it out.

Set Details

Shadow Tag is what makes Gothitelle viable in the current metagame, as the ability allows it to choose its matchups and eliminate troublesome checks to its teammates, hopefully opening up holes in the enemy team. Its EVs have been fully invested in HP and Special Defense with a Calm nature to allow Gothitelle to trap specially oriented attacking threats such as support Arceus, Clefable, and defensive Primal Kyogre. Leftovers increases Gothitelle's longevity and can help Gothitelle avoid needing to use using Rest as often versus support Arceus.

Usage Tips

Gothitelle is best utilized as a potent stallbreaker that can switch in versus the majority of defensive walls and proceed to either break through them after a certain amount of Calm Mind boosts, (RC) or PP stall with the use of Rest. Due to Gothitelle's below average bulk, it should not try to switch in against offensive attackers such as Xerneas and Primal Groudon, since it can be worn down rather quickly and risk being revenge killed later on in the match. Gothitelle must be wary of Dark-types such as Tyranitar that can revenge kill it such as Tyranitar after it has taken down an opposing Pokemon, (AC) since it can threaten to Pursuit trap it Gothitelle as it tries to switch out. Therefore, it should try to use Charm against the aforementioned threat in order to avoid being potentially OHKOed.

Team Options

Teammates that take advantage of Gothitelle's trapping capabilities is are imperative to its overall success. Great (fluff) Examples include threats such as Marshadow, Primal Kyogre, Xerneas, (AC) and Ho-Oh who that both (there are four examples) can severely dent the opposing team once checks such as Arceus-Fairy, Ferrothorn, Clefable, (AC) and Arceus-Water are trapped and taken out respectably by Gothitelle. Entry hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Ferrothorn can also be useful in order to persuade the opponent to bring in threats Pokemon (it's a support Pokemon so it doesn't really threaten much) such as support Arceus to use Defog. This enables Enabling Gothitelle to have an easier time switching in versus the aforementioned threats without risking to take any damage. Fast revenge killers are also appreciated, (AC) due to as Gothitelle is being prone to being forced out by common offensive threats such as Mega Gengar, Marshadow, and Xerneas. Great examples include Choice Scarf Yveltal, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Mega Lucario. Setup sweepers such as Arceus, Arceus-Ground, Mega Salamence, and Primal Groudon can also have an easier time sweeping once Gothitelle facilitates a win condition, (AC) as it traps their appropriate checks. Entry hazard removal from partners such as support Arceus formes and Mega Salamence can also be utilized with sets using Charm in order to sustain Gothitelle's longetivity as it tries to safety safely switch in versus the targets it's (apostrophe) intended to trap and also prevent hazards from staying on the field versus threats Pokemon such as Ferrothorn that intend to use Gothitelle as entry hazard setup bait.

Other Options

Thunder Wave can be used over Heal Bell or Charm, (AC) as it allows Gothitelle it to slow down faster threats such as support Arceus and Ho-Oh in an attempt to better fair fare against them, (AC) as it takes advantage of paralysis chances. However, the option forfeits Gothitelle's capability to consistently counteract certain threats it is meant to trap.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Threats such as Yveltal, Mega Gyrarados, and Alolan-(RH) Muk, and Tyranitar can completely stop Gothitelle from sweeping if it chooses to carry its a Psychic-type STAB attack as its only attacking option and potentially KO it with their own STAB attacks. The ladder latter can be especially threatening, (AC) as Pursuit it can threaten KO (repetition of threaten, and if it doesn't actually KO, another alternative could be used) Gothitelle as it tries to switch out with Pursuit.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types like Mega Gengar, Marshadow, Mega Sableye and Lunala (putting it here implies that these are the only ones immune) are completely immune to the affects effects of Shadow Tag and threats such as Mega Gengar, Marshadow, Mega Sableye, and Lunala can target Gothitelle with their Ghost-type attacks. However, Mega Gengar and Lunala can have a difficult time breaking through it if Gothitelle was able to accumulate several Calm Mind boosts.

**Shed Shell**: Threats that commonly carry Shed Shell such as Blissey and Toxapex are also pseudo-immune to the affects effects of Shadow Tag as long as their item is kept intact, preventing Gothitelle from threatening the aforementioned threats Pokemon (or another altervative, threatening threats sounds repetitve) at all unless it carries Trick.

**Taunt Users**: Deoxys-S, Mega Gengar, and Smeargle can all shut down Gothitelle's attempt to set (space) up with the use of Taunt, forcing it to attack unboosted as they proceed to either setup up entry hazards against it or, (AC) in Mega Gengar's case, (AC) switch out. (Deoxys-S and Smeargle can't switch because of Shadow Tag.)

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Powerful physical wallbreakers such as Primal Groudon, Mega Lucacrio Lucario, and Choice Band Ho-Oh can all 2HKO Gothitelle even after it tries to lowers their Attack stat with Charm.

**Pivots**: Defensive pivots like Magearna can pivot out against Gothitelle through the use of Volt Switch, completely shutting down its attempt to trap and break through it.
1/2 :)

add/fix remove (comments)

(be careful about the comma before the last item in a list of three or more)


Gothitelle is one of the few Pokemon with access to Shadow Tag, enabling it to trap and remove certain targets for its teammates, providing exceptional support. With a dense movepool consisting of including ("movepool consisting of" implies that the following list contains the entire movepool) utility options such as Charm, Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Taunt, (serial comma) and Rest, Gothitelle can cause be a nuisance to the majority of the defensive walls within the Ubers metagame such as Chansey, support Arceus formes, Lugia, Clefable, Skarmory, (comma) and Toxapex. Gothitelle also takes advantage of the rise of support Arceus formes thanks to Marshadow's corresponding gain in offensive presence, release, (or something similar that's true. Marshadow was released a while ago so "release" will become outdated) enabling (consider changing this to "which enables" if Marshadow enables Gothitelle to do things, or to "as support Arceus formes enable" if support Arceus formes is the subject) it to remove the aforementioned threat (this is a little confusing, does this phrase mean Marshadow or support Arceus formes?) and potentially proceed to sweep. Gothitelle also pertains has (pertains doesn't mean possesses) acceptable 70 / 95 / 110 bulk, allowing it to avoid certain 2HKOs with some specific investment, further enhancing its trapping capabilities. However, this bulk is hindered by a bad defensive typing, leaving Gothitelle with few resistances and a weaknesses to common offensive types such as Ghost and Dark. Gothitelle also poses no offensive presence before several setup Calm Mind boosts and is quite slow, leaving it reliant on trapping mainly defensive threats. It also is limited in terms of offensive moveslots, since in most cases Gothitelle can only afford to allot one slot for to its STAB attack, meaning it can be countered and forced out by Dark-type threats such as Yveltal and Mega Tyranitar.

name: Trapper
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Rest
move 4: Heal Bell / Charm / Trick Room
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


(this is a quite long paragraph, consider splitting it up)

Calm Mind allows Gothitelle to break through opposing threats much more easily, (remove comma) while also increasing its special bulk, enabling it to avoid the 2HKO from threats such as Mega Gengar and defensive Primal Kyogre after one boost. Psyshock is Gothitelle's main STAB attack which and targets specially defensive walls such as Chansey and Ho-Oh for more damage than alternatives like Psychic. (or something like that to clarify what "more" is referring to) It Psyshock also aids Gothitelle in Calm Mind wars against opposing Arceus, securing it Gothitelle the ability to comfortably break through it Arceus after a couple of boosts. Rest is Gothitelle's only form of reliable recovery, which cures curing (for clarity later in the sentence) it of troubling status ailments such as poison and paralysis which that can otherwise hinder its trapping capabilities and allows allowing it to safety safely break through threats such as Toxic Chansey and Arceus-Water. It Rest also helps Gothitelle PP stall targets, as it does not deplete the PP of its own moves while it is asleep. Heal Bell acts as a great means in of supporting Gothitelle's teammates, since it can enables them to act more recklessly against teams that rely on status, potentially allowing Gothitelle more opportunities to come in safely as the opponent is forced when one of its offensive partners forces an opposing Pokemon (only use opponent for the human player) out by one of its offensive partners. It also gives Gothitelle a role in games where it is unable to trap any targets, which is especially the case against more offensive teams. Charm works great in tandem with Gothitelle's Calm Mind boosts, as it enables it to cripple physical attackers that would otherwise be able to threaten it such as Arceus-Ground, Ho-Oh, and Mega Mewtwo X. (no hyphen) It also prevents physically attacking sweepers such as Mega Salamence and Rayquaza from breaking through Gothitelle once it has claimed Calm Mind boosts and most notably traps lets Gothitelle trap Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Celesteela, as their STAB attacks + Leech Seed HP draining is a likely 3HKO on Gothitelle after a Charm Attack drop. Trick Room can also work as an option on dedicated Trick Room teams, since Gothitelle can ensure its setup to setup the battlefield condition against the majority of defensive targets it's intended to trap, supporting its teammates that can abuse it greatly. (you already mention it's for dedicated trick room teams) Taunt can also be utilized over Charm with some Speed investment in order for Gothitelle to better trap certain phazers such as Lugia and Skarmory, preventing them from forcing Gothitelle out. "escaping". (to be clear) It can also disable prevent Ferrothorn from abusing Gothitelle as entry hazard setup fodder as it tries to stall it out. (be more clear here: as Gothitelle tries to stall Ferrothorn or as Ferrothorn tries to stall Gothitelle?)

Set Details

Shadow Tag is what makes Gothitelle viable in the current metagame, as the ability allows it to choose its matchups and eliminate troublesome checks to its teammates, hopefully opening up holes in the enemy team. EVs have been fully invested in HP and Special Defense with a Calm nature to allow Gothitelle to trap specially attacking threats such as support Arceus, Clefable, and defensive Primal Kyogre. Leftovers increases Gothitelle's longevity and can help Gothitelle avoid needing to use Rest as often versus support Arceus.

Usage Tips

Gothitelle is best utilized as a potent stallbreaker that can switch in versus the majority of defensive walls and proceed to either break through them after a certain amount of (implied) Calm Mind boosts, (remove comma) or PP stall with the use of Rest. Due to Gothitelle's below average bulk, (you say its bulk is decent in the overview) it should not try to switch in against offensive attackers such as Xerneas and Primal Groudon, since it can be worn down rather quickly and risks being revenge killed later on in the match. Gothitelle must be wary of Dark-types that can revenge kill it after it has taken down an opposing Pokemon, such as Tyranitar, which after it has taken down an opposing Pokemon since it can threaten to Pursuit trap it as it tries to switch out. (I believe this part is implied by the mention of Pursuit) Therefore, it should try to use Charm against the aforementioned threats (referring to "Dark-types that can revenge kill it" here) in order to avoid being potentially OHKOed.

Team Options

Teammates that take advantage of Gothitelle's trapping capabilities is are imperative to its overall success. Great examples include threats such as Marshadow, Primal Kyogre, Xerneas, (comma) and Ho-Oh who both that can severely dent the opposing team once checks such as Arceus-Fairy, Ferrothorn, Clefable, (comma) and Arceus-Water are trapped and taken out respectably (did you mean respectively?) by Gothitelle. Entry hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Ferrothorn can also be useful in order to persuade the opponent to bring in trappable threats such as support Arceus to use Defog. Enabling Entry hazard damage gives Gothitelle to have an easier time switching in versus the aforementioned threats without risking to take any damage. (is this what you mean? original is not a complete sentence) Fast revenge killers, great examples of which are Choice Scarf Yveltal, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Mega Lucario, are also appreciated due to Gothitelle being prone because Gothitelle is prone (for repetition of "being") to being forced out by common offensive threats such as Mega Gengar, Marshadow, and Xerneas. Great examples include Choice Scarf Yveltal, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Mega Lucario. (integrated with the previous sentence since it is slightly unclear what you're referring to here) Setup sweepers such as Arceus, Arceus-Ground, Mega Salamence, and Primal Groudon can also have an easier time sweeping once Gothitelle facilitates a win condition as it traps by trapping their appropriate checks. Entry hazard removal from partners such as support Arceus formes and Mega Salamence can also be utilized with Charm sets using Charm in order to sustain Gothitelle's longevity, as it tries to safety letting it safely switch into versus the targets it's intended to trap and removing hazards set up by also prevent hazards from staying versus threats such as Ferrothorn that intend to use Gothitelle as entry hazard setup bait.

Other Options

Thunder Wave can be used over Heal Bell or Charm to allow Gothitelle as it allows it to slow down faster threats such as support Arceus and Ho-Oh in an attempt to fare better fair against them and take as it takes advantage of paralysis chances. However, the option forfeits Gothitelle's capability to consistently counteract certain threats it is meant to trap. (give examples of these threats maybe?)

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Threats such as Yveltal, Mega Gyrarados, and Alolan Muk, (no hyphen) and Tyranitar can completely stop Gothitelle from sweeping if it chooses to carry its Psychic-type STAB move is as its only attacking option, (comma) and these Dark-types can potentially KO it with their own STAB attacks. The ladder Alolan Muk and Tyranitar (or do you just mean Tyranitar?) can be especially threatening, (comma) as it they can threaten Gothitelle with Pursuit as it tries to switch out with Pursuit.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types like Mega Gengar, Marshadow, Mega Sableye, (comma) and Lunala are completely immune to the affects of Shadow Tag and can target Gothitelle with their Ghost-type attacks. However, Mega Gengar and Lunala can have a difficult time breaking through it if Gothitelle was able to accumulate several Calm Mind boosts.

**Shed Shell**: Threats that commonly carry Shed Shell such as Blissey and Toxapex are also pseudo-immune to the affects of Shadow Tag as long as their item is kept intact, preventing Gothitelle from threatening the aforementioned threats at all unless it carries Trick.

**Taunt Users**: Deoxys-S, Mega Gengar, and Smeargle can all shut down Gothitelle's attempt to set up with the use of Taunt, forcing it to attack unboosted as they proceed to either setup up entry hazards against it or, in Mega Gengar's case, switch out.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Powerful physical wallbreakers such as Primal Groudon, Mega Lucario, and Choice Band Ho-Oh can all 2HKO Gothitelle even after it tries to lower lowers their Attack stat with Charm.

**Pivots**: Defensive pivots like Magearna can pivot out against Gothitelle through the use of Volt Switch or U-turn, (unless Volt Switch users are the only relevant pivots) completely shutting down its Gothitelle's attempt to trap and break through them. it.

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GP 2/2

Gothitelle is one of the few Pokemon with access to Shadow Tag, enabling it to trap and remove certain targets for its teammates, providing exceptional support. With a dense wide movepool including utility options such as Charm, Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Taunt, and Rest, Gothitelle can be a nuisance to the majority of the walls the Ubers metagame such as Chansey, support Arceus formes, Lugia, Clefable, Skarmory, and Toxapex. Gothitelle also takes advantage of the rise of support Arceus formes thanks in response (reduce ambiguity) to Marshadow's corresponding gain in offensive presence, which enables it to remove the aforementioned defensive threat and potentially proceed to sweep. Gothitelle also has acceptable 70 / 95 / 110 bulk, allowing it to avoid certain 2HKOs with some specific investment, further enhancing its trapping capabilities. However, this bulk is hindered by a bad defensive typing, leaving Gothitelle with few resistances and weaknesses to common offensive types such as Ghost and Dark. Gothitelle also poses no offensive presence before several Calm Mind boosts and is quite slow, leaving it reliant on trapping mainly defensive threats. It also is limited in terms of offensive moveslots, since in most cases Gothitelle can only afford to allot one slot to its STAB attack, meaning it can be countered and (can't counter a Pokemon you can't switch in on, ik there's some buts there but I think forced out get your point across well enough?) forced out by Dark-type threats such as Yveltal and Mega Tyranitar.

name: Trapper
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Rest
move 4: Heal Bell / Charm / Trick Room
item: Leftovers
ability: Shadow Tag
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


Calm Mind allows Gothitelle to break through opposing threats much more easily while also increasing its special bulk, enabling it to avoid the 2HKO from threats such as Mega Gengar and defensive Primal Kyogre after one boost. Psyshock is Gothitelle's main STAB attack and targets specially defensive walls such as Chansey and Ho-Oh for more damage than alternatives like Psychic. Psyshock also aids Gothitelle in Calm Mind wars against opposing Arceus, securing Gothitelle the ability to comfortably break through Arceus after a couple of boosts. Rest is Gothitelle's only form of reliable recovery, curing it of troubling status ailments such as poison and paralysis that can otherwise hinder its trapping capabilities and allowing it to safely break through threats such as Toxic Chansey and Arceus-Water. Rest also helps Gothitelle PP stall targets, as it does not deplete the PP of its own moves while it is asleep. Heal Bell acts as a great means of supporting Gothitelle's teammates, since it enables them to act more recklessly against teams that rely on status, potentially allowing Gothitelle more opportunities to come in safely when one of its offensive partners forces an opposing Pokemon out. It also gives Gothitelle a role in games where it is unable to trap any targets, which is especially the case against more offensive teams. Charm works great in tandem with Gothitelle's Calm Mind boosts, as it enables it to cripple physical attackers that would otherwise be able to threaten it such as Arceus-Ground, Ho-Oh, and Mega Mewtwo X. It also prevents physically attacking sweepers such as Mega Salamence and Rayquaza from breaking through Gothitelle once it has claimed Calm Mind boosts and most notably lets Gothitelle trap Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Celesteela, as their STAB attacks + Leech Seed HP draining is a likely 3HKO on Gothitelle after a Charm Attack drop. Trick Room can also work as an option on dedicated Trick Room teams, since Gothitelle can ensure its setup against the majority of defensive targets it's intended to trap, supporting its teammates greatly. Taunt can also be utilized over Charm with some Speed investment in order for Gothitelle to better trap certain phazers such as Lugia and Skarmory, preventing them from forcing Gothitelle out. It can also prevent Ferrothorn from using Gothitelle as entry hazard setup fodder as Gothitelle tries to stall it out.

Set Details

Shadow Tag is what makes Gothitelle viable, as the ability allows it to choose its matchups and eliminate troublesome checks to its teammates, hopefully opening up holes in the enemy team. EVs have been fully invested in HP and Special Defense with a Calm nature to allow Gothitelle to trap specially attacking threats such as support Arceus, Clefable, and defensive Primal Kyogre. Leftovers increases Gothitelle's longevity and can help Gothitelle avoid needing to use Rest as often versus support Arceus.

Usage Tips

Gothitelle is best utilized as a potent stallbreaker that can switch in versus the majority of defensive walls and proceed to either break through them after Calm Mind boost or PP stall with Rest. Due to Gothitelle's below average bulk, it should not try to switch in against offensive attackers such as Xerneas and Primal Groudon, since it can be worn down rather quickly and risks being revenge killed later on in the match. Gothitelle must be wary of Dark-types that can revenge kill it after it has taken down an opposing Pokemon, such as Tyranitar, which can threaten to Pursuit trap it. Therefore, it should try to use Charm against the aforementioned threats in order to avoid being potentially OHKOed.

Team Options

Teammates that take advantage of Gothitelle's trapping capabilities are imperative to its overall success. Great examples include threats such as Marshadow, Primal Kyogre, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh that can severely dent the opposing team once checks such as Arceus-Fairy, Ferrothorn, Clefable, and Arceus-Water are trapped and taken out respectively by Gothitelle. Entry hazard setters like Primal Groudon and Ferrothorn can also be useful in order to persuade the opponent to bring in trappable threats such as support Arceus to use Defog. Entry hazard damage gives Gothitelle an easier time switching in versus the aforementioned threats without risking any damage. Fast revenge killers, great examples of which are Choice Scarf Yveltal, Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, and Mega Lucario, are also appreciated because Gothitelle is prone to being forced out by common offensive threats such as Mega Gengar, Marshadow, and Xerneas. Setup sweepers such as Arceus, Arceus-Ground, Mega Salamence, and Primal Groudon can also have an easier time sweeping once Gothitelle facilitates a win condition by trapping their appropriate checks. Entry hazard removal from partners such as support Arceus formes and Mega Salamence can also be utilized with Charm sets in order to sustain Gothitelle's longevity, letting it safely switch into the targets it's intended to trap and removing hazards set up by threats such as Ferrothorn that use Gothitelle as entry hazard setup bait.

Other Options

A PP stalling set consisting of Charm, Confide, Rest, and Taunt can be utilized in order for Gothitelle to trap weak and passive threats such as Chansey, defensive Ho-Oh, and Calm Mind Arceus formes. Thunder Wave can be used over Heal Bell or Charm to allow Gothitelle to slow down faster threats such as support Arceus and Ho-Oh in an attempt to fare better against them and take advantage of paralysis chances. However, the option forfeits Gothitelle's capability to consistently counteract certain threats it is meant to trap.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Threats such as Yveltal, Mega Gyrarados Gyarados, Alolan Muk, and Tyranitar can completely stop Gothitelle from sweeping if its Psychic-type STAB move is as its only attacking option, and these Dark-types can potentially KO it with their own STAB attacks. Alolan Muk and Tyranitar can be especially threatening, as they can threaten Gothitelle with Pursuit as it tries to switch out.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types like Mega Gengar, Marshadow, Mega Sableye, and Lunala are immune to Shadow Tag and can target Gothitelle with their Ghost-type attacks. However, Mega Gengar and Lunala can have a difficult time breaking through it if Gothitelle was able to accumulate several Calm Mind boosts.

**Shed Shell**: Threats that commonly carry Shed Shell such as Blissey and Toxapex are also pseudo-immune to the affects of Shadow Tag as long as their item is kept intact, preventing Gothitelle from threatening the aforementioned threats at all unless it carries Trick.

**Taunt Users**: Deoxys-S, Mega Gengar, and Smeargle can all shut down Gothitelle's attempt to set up with Taunt, forcing it to attack unboosted as they proceed to either setup up entry hazards against it or, in Mega Gengar's case, switch out.

**Physical Wallbreakers**: Powerful physical wallbreakers such as Primal Groudon, Mega Lucario, and Choice Band Ho-Oh can all 2HKO Gothitelle even after it lowers their Attack stat with Charm.

**Pivots**: Defensive pivots like Magearna can pivot out against Gothitelle through the use of Volt Switch or U-turn, completely shutting down Gothitelle's attempt to trap and break through them.
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There have been a few concerns raised to me about "giving out a worse set" but the QC team stands by their decision to have this set as the main one as it is friendlier to newer players (the targets of the analysis). The set that is used by tournament players is still covered in OO. The overall purpose of Gothitelle in the metagame is still covered sufficiently by the content of the overview and such - what moves it uses isn't a big enough difference to warrant restarting the process of writing and QC/GP in order to fit it. This feedback will be kept in mind for this mon's USM analysis, however.