Gen V LC UU - UU in LC

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Introduction :

LC UU are the LC which haven't got enought use to be in LC OU, Pokemon that have less than 3.41% in LC are LC UU. In LC UU, some Pokemon that haven't got a lot of usage in LC OU could become top tier threats. With Pokemon from the poor Sunkern to the powerful Darumaka, we will find which Pokemon and strategies will dominate the tier.


Pokemon :

  • The Pokémon must be able to evolve.
  • The Pokémon must be the earliest evolution stage obtainable.
  • The Pokémon must be at Level 5.
  • The Pokémon must not be LC Uber or LC OU.
Little Cup Ubers: Carvanha, Meditite, Gligar, Scyther, Sneasel, Tangela, Vulpix, Yanma

LC OU: Abra, Aipom, Archen, Axew, Bronzor, Chinchou, Clamperl, Cottonee, Cranidos, Croagunk, Diglett, Drifloon, Drilbur, Dwebble, Ferroseed, Foongus, Frillish, Gastly, Hippopotas, Houndour, Koffing, Larvesta, Lileep, Machop, Magnemite, Mienfoo, Misdreavus, Munchlax, Murkrow, Pawniard, Ponyta, Porygon, Riolu, Sandshrew, Scraggy, Shellder, Shroomish, Slowpoke, Snover, Staryu, Tentacool, Timburr, Tirtouga

  • Species Clause
  • Sleep Clause
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • Self-KO Clause
  • Moody Clause
Item and Moves :Items : Berry Juice is banned.

  • Moves : Moves must be available at level 5. Sonic Boom and Dragon Rage are both banned.
Threat List :

Coming soon.
Yes, it seems to be a great sweeper in the metagame thanks to Quick Feet, its great attack and its good movepool but it seems to be easy to revenge kill. But, yes I think, he will be a great mon in the metagame.
I feel this idea will take off considerably once Gen 6 starts due to the increase of pokemon in LC. Even so, I really do want to see a LC UU tier.
Although there aren't that many people who play LC regularly, this still looks interesting and I would definitely like to try it when it is made :3

Too bad Shelmet is in the list; it's a great fighting type check + spiker which even gets recover...
I feel this idea will take off considerably once Gen 6 starts due to the increase of pokemon in LC. Even so, I do want to see a LC UU tier.

Thanks to support my idea, LC UU needs more love to be played.

Although there aren't that many people who play LC regularly, this still looks interesting and I would definitely like to try it when it is made :3

Too bad Shelmet is in the list; it's a great fighting type check + spiker which even gets recover...

You know I already maintain a LC UU banlist, which, like the other usage-based tiers, gets updated every three months. You might want to use that for consistency, since it's what PS uses.
I actually find this pretty interesting, weatherless (or at least without perma-weather) and with a very nice array of mons, stuff such as slowpoke is a lot better with so many of it's counters removed, I'll probably make a team revolving around him just because :D
Yes, it seems to be an interesting tier, most mons like Slowpoke seems to be great and the lack of perma-weather is great.

While most Pokemon doesn't seem broken, I think that Lickitung might be broken because of its bulk coupled with its movepool make it incredibly hars to kill especialy with Eviolite. About this item, it could be ban if it has a negative effect on the metagame. They may be suspect test in this thread if it would be an official tier on Smogon
Hello everyone,

After playing LC UU, I have found that Lickitung and Eviolite are suspect worthy so they are both suspected.

If you want to participate to the suspect test, send me replays or pastebin of your battles in LC UU on Showdown by PM.

You can also nominate a Pokemon to be suspected but you will have to argument.

I want to reiterate for everyone out there that there is no such thing as an official LC UU. You can choose to play by Zaon's arbitrary rules... or you can choose to play by whatever the hell rules you want. It's a free country, and no official Smogon server will ever have a "LC UU" ladder.
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