UU Fletchinder


Confused, truth is what I choose
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  • Is bird
  • Priority flying type moves
  • Frail
  • Only has acrobatics for solid STAB
  • 4x weak to rocks
  • Only good set has no item

Only Set
name: Only Set
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Will O Wisp
move 3: Swords Dance
move 4: Roost
ability: Gale Wings
item: None
evs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe
nature: Adamant

  • Acrobatics for priority flying STAB
  • Will O Wisp to wittle checks down throughout the match
  • SD to help it sweep late game
  • Roost to allow it to have some re-use
Set Details
  • Attack EVs and Adamant is for max Attack
  • The speed EVs let it outspeed things like Honchkrow to burn them
  • The HP is just so fletchinder can live a resisted hit and get a SD up
  • No item so acrobatics is 110BP
  • Gale Wings cuz bird
Usage Tips
Fletchinder isn't something that can sweep on its own. To use this mon effectively you should be eliminating its counters throughout the game and keeping it healthy for late game. Despite being frail it will usually have an opportunity to set up a swords dance which will allow it to put some work in. Outside of being a late game cleaner, fletchinder can be useful throughout a match by revenging/picking weakened speedy mons off with a priority acrobatics.

Team Options
  • Hydreigon
  • Cacturne
  • Electric types like Magneton, Manectric that take out bulky waters
  • Grass types like Shaymin, Virizion, Celebi that take out bulky waters
  • Hazard control mons like Forretress, Empoleon, Mew, Mega Blastoise
Other Options
  • Tailwind to help your team as a last ditch move before dying
  • U-turn to have some ability to keep momentum
  • Flame Charge if you really need to outspeed something and use a fire move
  • Running 248hp instead of all the speed is also an option but you lose out on being able to outspeed and burn some things like Honchkrow
  • Overheat to inflict better damage on MAggron and Forretress
Checks & Counters
  • Slowbro, Vaporeon, Empoleon, and pretty much any bulky water
  • Manectric, Raikou, and pretty much any electric type
  • Mega Aggron, Magneton, and pretty much every steel type if bird isn't running overheat
  • Mega Aerodactyl, Rhyperior, and pretty much every rock type

Fletchinder is pretty limited in what it can do, but what it can do is very useful for the UU tier. With priority Acrobatics and access to Swords Dance, Fletchinder makes for an excellent revenge killer and decent late-game cleaner. That being said, Fletchinder is extremely frail and 4x weak to Stealth Rock, which makes it a bit tricky to use.

name: Utility
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Will O Wisp
move 3: Swords Dance
move 4: Roost
ability: Gale Wings
item: None
evs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe
nature: Adamant

Fletchinder has a very shallow movepool and really has to rely on Acrobatics for damage. Thankfully, it has access to Swords Dance which helps to improve its damage output, as well as having support moves like Roost and Will-O-Wisp which allow Fletchinder to stay around longer despite its poor defenses and 4x weakness to Stealth Rock. Will-O-Wisp also helps in terms of getting chip damage on some of Fletchinder's checks.

Set Details
This is the most viable set for Fletchinder, and it needs all the attacking power it can get, so running 252 EVs in Attack and an Adamant nature is the best choice. With priority Flying-type moves due to Gale Wings, Fletchinder doesn't need to run too much Speed, but 152 Speed allows it to outspeed and burn opponents like Adamant Honchkrow. Whatever EVs are left over should go into HP just to give Fletchinder a bit of bulk. With its only solid STAB move being Acrobatics, Fletchinder is better off running no item so Acrobatics gets 110 Base Power.

Usage Tips
Fletchinder isn't something that can sweep on its own. To use this Pokemon effectively you should be eliminating its counters throughout the game and keeping it healthy for the late-game. Despite being frail, it will usually have an opportunity to set up a Swords Dance which will allow it to deal heavy damage to anything that isn't a check. Outside of being a late-game cleaner, Fletchinder can be useful throughout a match by revenge killing fast, weakened Pokemon with a priority Acrobatics.

Team Options
Only having Will-O-Wisp and Acrobatics to inflict damage, Fletchinder needs quite a bit of help to sweep. Anything that can take out bulky Water-types is greatly appreciated. Such pokemon include Magneton, Virizion, Celebi, Shaymin, and Cacturne. With a 4x weakness to Stealth Rock, Fletchinder likes entry hazard control from Pokemon like Forretress, Empoleon, Mew, and Mega Blastoise. Any pokemon that benefits from having Fighting-types eliminated, such as Hydreigon and Scrafty, are great teammates for Fletchinder.

Other Options

The most effective moveset for Fletchinder will always be the one in the main set, but there are other options available if so desired. Fletchinder can run a Fire-type attack in either Overheat, to hit Mega Aggron and Forretress, or Flame Charge as a second physical attack. U-turn can also be used to keep some momentum from the switches Fletchinder will force against Fighting-types. As a last-ditch effort, Fletchinder can use Tailwind to ensure the rest of its team will have a Speed boost for a few turns. Finally, an EV spread tweak can be made to make Fletchinder take resisted hits better by giving it 248 HP EVs and dropping the Speed EVs.

Checks & Counters

**Bulky Water-types** Slowbro, Empoleon, and pretty much any bulky Water-type can take a boosted hit from Fletchinder and proceed to take Fletchinder out.

**Electric-types** Resisting Fletchinder's only move, viable electric types Electric-types, like Raikou and Jolteon, can easily take it out.

**Steel-types** Mega Aggron and Magneton can easily deal with Fletchinder if it isn't running Overheat.

**Rock-types** While they don't appreciate switching into a burn, Mega Aerodactyl and Rhyperior can easily take a hit and OHKO back, even while burned.
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Can you mention the bulky eviolite set at least in the other options? It's decently bulky enough with eviolite (as long as you keep it away from rocks), and it gets access to wow, taunt, and a recovery move (that has priority!) Fletchinder also comes with a priority flying move, or u-turn for momentum if needed as a support pokemon. In addition, this set can easily fool opponents that were expecting a purely offensive set.
Can you mention the bulky eviolite set at least in the other options? It's decently bulky enough with eviolite (as long as you keep it away from rocks), and it gets access to wow, taunt, and a recovery move (that has priority!) Fletchinder also comes with a priority flying move, or u-turn for momentum if needed as a support pokemon. In addition, this set can easily fool opponents that were expecting a purely offensive set.

I dunno, I mean 62/55/52 defensive stats seems fairly underwhelming to me even after the eviolite boost. I can see it certainly has potential but to me it just doesn't seem worth it, especially since it's most powerful flying move is aerial ace since it has to hold an item.
I've used Fletchinder extensively, and, if I'm completely honest, you're better off running Overheat rather than Flame Charge. It hits all the physically defensive Steel-types in the tier (i.e. most) harder than Flame Charge does, and they are the only real targets of the Fire-type move. Also it can't afford to be setting up SDs as it doesn't force many switches and it really isn't very bulky. Fletchinder's best set is this:

Standard (Physically-Based Mixed Attacker)
name: Standard
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Natural Gift / Return
move 4: U-turn
ability: Gale Wings
item: Liechi Berry / White Herb
evs: 252 Atk / 88 SpA / 168 Spe
nature: Naughty

With the given EVs, Fletchinder can guarantee a 2HKO on physically defensive Bronzong with Overheat if holding White Herb. Natural Gift + Liechi Berry gives you a 100bp Grass-type move which is useful for hitting Rock-types, such as Rhyperior, Omastar and Kabutops, harder than any of the rest of its movepool (although the former is still only 2HKO'd 2.3% of the time due to Solid Rock, meaning that it should only be used on a predicted switch against it and then U-turn out, but not much you can do about that. However, it does still OHKO the other two) and, post use, Acrobatics is boosted to 110 BP before STAB. Alternatively, you could run Return and White Herb in order to get a reusable move that is more powerful than an unboosted Acrobatics alongside White Herb to reset the stat drop from Overheat and get the 2HKO on BronzongIt means that there is no wasted item slot, and Acrobatics can still be boosted. U-turn is there for scouting, and it is the move that Fletchinder will be using the most due to its low damage output. Flame Charge and Return should be left for moves and/or OO, while SD and Roost shouldn't get a moves mention and instead go in OO. Aerial Ace can also go in moves and OO for the higher damage output before the use of Natural Gift.
I've used Fletchinder extensively, and, if I'm completely honest, you're better off running Overheat rather than Flame Charge. It hits all the physically defensive Steel-types in the tier (i.e. most) harder than Flame Charge does, and they are the only real targets of the Fire-type move. Also it can't afford to be setting up SDs as it doesn't force many switches and it really isn't very bulky. Fletchinder's best set is this:

Standard (Physically-Based Mixed Attacker)
name: Standard
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Overheat
move 3: Natural Gift / Return
move 4: U-turn
ability: Gale Wings
item: Liechi Berry / White Herb
evs: 252 Atk / 88 SpA / 168 Spe
nature: Naughty

With the given EVs, Fletchinder can guarantee a 2HKO on physically defensive Bronzong with Overheat if holding White Herb. Natural Gift + Liechi Berry gives you a 100bp Grass-type move which is useful for hitting Rock-types, such as Rhyperior, Omastar and Kabutops, harder than any of the rest of its movepool (although the former is still only 2HKO'd 2.3% of the time due to Solid Rock, meaning that it should only be used on a predicted switch against it and then U-turn out, but not much you can do about that. However, it does still OHKO the other two) and, post use, Acrobatics is boosted to 110 BP before STAB. Alternatively, you could run Return and White Herb in order to get a reusable move that is more powerful than an unboosted Acrobatics alongside White Herb to reset the stat drop from Overheat and get the 2HKO on BronzongIt means that there is no wasted item slot, and Acrobatics can still be boosted. U-turn is there for scouting, and it is the move that Fletchinder will be using the most due to its low damage output. Flame Charge and Return should be left for moves and/or OO, while SD and Roost shouldn't get a moves mention and instead go in OO. Aerial Ace can also go in moves and OO for the higher damage output before the use of Natural Gift.
The Swords Dance set ismore useful against Bronzong as Fletchinder with roost can go to +6 against it. Fletchinder should always switch out against rock types after having hit them on the switch with Will-o-Wisp
The Swords Dance set ismore useful against Bronzong as Fletchinder with roost can go to +6 against it. Fletchinder should always switch out against rock types after having hit them on the switch with Will-o-Wisp
Bronzong isn't the only Steel-type in the game (it was just the first one that came into my head when I made the set a few months back), and many of them do have coverage for Rotom-H anyway: any move that hits Rotom-H super effectively hits Fletchinder super effectively.

Royalty Whichever is better though, Fletch is still pretty much inviable (as I found in my use) as it is weak, frail and not particularly fast. Sure prioroty Flying-type moves are neat, but they aren't enough to turn this bird into anything worthwhile in UU. It isn't like Talonflame, who forces many switches, has access to Brave Bird and Flare Blitz, and is a worthwhile revenge killer with its usable attack stat and a blazing base 126 speed - making its coverage options worthwhile. At +1 Fletchinder makes it up to 400/401 speed (not sure which because it was 400.5), but what difference will it make with that underwhealming base 73 attack stat? Even when itemless, Acrobatics isn't exactly something anyone is going to tremble in their boots about. It lacks bulk, not taking resisted 2x hits very well unless they are uninvested. I mean, look at this: 252+ Atk Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Fletchinder: 154-182 (58.1 - 68.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. This means that it can't safely switch in to resisted hits, and will usually be KO'd on the next turn. You may say "but Darmanitan is like that", but, then again, Darmanitan can actually hit stuff hard. Overall, Fletchinder is ouclassed as a physical attacking Fire-type by Archanine and Darmanitan and as a Fire-/Flying-type by Moltres due to them all having a: better bulk,b: higher power and c: (in the case of the latter two) higher speed (for coverage moves, that is). Add in the fact that Fletchinder doesn't force switches and you have a bad offensive pokemon.
imo, Fletchinder definitely has a niche in the fact it is the only Flying type with really powerful priority. Yes it's frail, yes its movepool isn't desirable, but it honestly only needs Acrobatics to be a threat. One of the best revenge killers out there. Not to mention, it isn't weak. People often forget Fletchinder's 73 base Attack is only 8 off Talonflame's base 81, meaning that a +2 Acrobatics will definitely smash any non-resist. Not to mention not much out-prioritizes it in the tier barring Extremespeed from the likes of Arcanine. It requires support but to say it's unviable when it has the tools to succeed is a bit of a stretch.
imo, Fletchinder definitely has a niche in the fact it is the only Flying type with really powerful priority. Yes it's frail, yes its movepool isn't desirable, but it honestly only needs Acrobatics to be a threat. One of the best revenge killers out there. Not to mention, it isn't weak. People often forget Fletchinder's 73 base Attack is only 8 off Talonflame's base 81, meaning that a +2 Acrobatics will definitely smash any non-resist. Not to mention not much out-prioritizes it in the tier barring Extremespeed from the likes of Arcanine. It requires support but to say it's unviable when it has the tools to succeed is a bit of a stretch.
The key difference here is that Talonflame has access to Brave Bird and Flare Blitz and base 126 speed. It is also bulky enough to safely set up on neutral hits and it forces switches. Fletchinder is a usable revenge killer, but it is in no way good.
Priority flying stab which makes it a decent revenge killer in a tier with so many fighting types. +2 can also dent things that don't resist pretty decently.
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Ohh now I get it. Sorry for the trouble
Actually nvm. I get that it revenge kills Mienshao and Heracross, but look at this:

252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Machamp: 324-384 (84.3 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

It only has a 6.3% to OHKO Machamp. Oog.

I get that it revenge kills Fighting-types, but couldn't you just slap a Choice Scarf on Braviary and do the same thing while having more power and more coverage? Sorry, but I don't see Fletchling having much of a niche in UU.
Except scarf braviary is outsped by the scarf fighting types it needs to revenge. Machamp isn't exactly something fletchinder needs to come in and revenge from full, although it still has a very high ohko chance after rocks.
i've always used max hp on this thing so it can take stuff like heracross cc and florges moonblast better.

also the set in the op is the only viable one for fletchinder since it won't be sweeping any teams without a boost. i would deslash flame charge as you really need roost so you can keep switching into things such as florges and defensive mew.

also fletchinder is very viable in uu as it can set up on some of the most common tier in mew and florges. it was also very good at stopping venomoth but that's not here anymore. what differentiates it from scarfed birds is that it has a lot more survivability with roost and can outspeed mienshao as royalty mentioned. will-o-wisp is also really cool for it as you can burn the rock / steel / water types that commonly switch in on it.
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I wouldn't use max HP because you miss out on outspeeding Honch and stuff (OK just Honch I think, maybe there's another priority user you'd want to outspeed but they wouldn't be super common), so if you don't wanna go max Speed at least hit 242 imo (I think that's 136 Spe EVs). Having ways around Sucker is pointless when you're forced into an unnecessary 50/50.

And yea, the only set should be SD / Acrobat / Willo / Roost @ blank. Everything else in OO (Flame Charge can be mentioned I guess)

Edit CoolStoryBrobat : Yea fsr I thought it was base 86, not 84. You need 16 more EVs then.
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I wouldn't use max HP because you miss out on outspeeding Honch and stuff (OK just Honch I think, maybe there's another priority user you'd want to outspeed but they wouldn't be super common), so if you don't wanna go max Speed at least hit 242 imo (I think that's 136 Spe EVs). Having ways around Sucker is pointless when you're forced into an unnecessary 50/50.

And yea, the only set should be SD / Acrobat / Willo / Roost @ blank. Everything else in OO (Flame Charge can be mentioned I guess)

152, actually. :] 136 Speed hits like 148. So I guess in that case 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe Adamant is your ideal spread
Hate double posting, but I'm gonna bump this cause while using Fletchinder, I noticed that he not only dies to nearly everything, but how annoying it is for bulky waters to almost always OHKO it with Scald. So I thought about how viable a mention of Passho Berry would be? In most cases, Fletchinder comes in and sets up an SD as the opponent goes to their Slowbro/Swampert/Suicune/Jellicent/Bulky Water I Missed, while Fletch either stays in and dies while barely 2HKOing, or gets forced out. With Passho Berry you're able to safely setup to +4:

4 SpA Suicune Scald vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Passho Berry Fletchinder: 135-159 (46.3 - 54.6%) -- 56.3% chance to 2HKO
4 SpA Slowbro Scald vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Passho Berry Fletchinder: 145-172 (49.8 - 59.1%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Swampert Waterfall vs. 104 HP / 0 Def Passho Berry Fletchinder: 207-244 (71.1 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (For the bulky offensive ones)
0 SpA Swampert Scald vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Passho Berry Fletchinder: 127-150 (43.6 - 51.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO
4 SpA Jellicent Scald vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Passho Berry Fletchinder: 127-151 (43.6 - 51.8%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO

Once you're at +4 after losing your Passho Berry, with a bit of extra damage, you're able to break through every single one of these guys:

+4 252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Suicune: 264-312 (65.3 - 77.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (okay I'll admit you need A LOT of damage to finish this guy off)
+4 252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 273-322 (69.2 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+4 252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Swampert: 312-367 (77.2 - 90.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+4 252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Jellicent: 364-429 (90 - 106.1%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

Of course, it's kind of a niche idea because 1. You NEED to lose your berry before you can sweep (Hey, Natural Gift makes it an 80 BP physical Water Move. Ruin those Arcanines out there I guess? Can be used over Will-O-Wisp) 2. The bulky waters you set to +4 on, you better have at least 20% knocked off most of their HP before attempting to set up, otherwise you did a super next-level play for absolutely nothing. 3. You also need to keep SR off the field and for Fletchinder to be at full HP before setting this up, otherwise it's a total waste.

...OO Mention mayhaps?
Nothing looks good for Fletchinder. It's walled by common Water-types in the tier, which is bad enough as it is, but it's also incredibly frail with a x4 weakness to Stealth Rock. Also, it's only good when it doesn't have an item, making Choice Band sets impossible. Flying priority is really cool in a tier with little priority, but is that enough to make it viable? I personally don't think so. If Fletchinder got a set, I think Focus Sash would be the way to go with a lot of emphasis put on hazard control. That's my input on the matter, but I could be wrong.
Nothing looks good for Fletchinder. It's walled by common Water-types in the tier, which is bad enough as it is, but it's also incredibly frail with a x4 weakness to Stealth Rock. Also, it's only good when it doesn't have an item, making Choice Band sets impossible. Flying priority is really cool in a tier with little priority, but is that enough to make it viable? I personally don't think so. If Fletchinder got a set, I think Focus Sash would be the way to go with a lot of emphasis put on hazard control. That's my input on the matter, but I could be wrong.
You need to not theorymon and use felt hinder to see it's kickassness it is a revenge killer/cleaner so frailty doesn't matter I mean it doesn't stop dugtrio does it? I also second not only Pasho berry but also wanna and whatever the rock one is as fletchinder is so frail but if it gets of a boost or two can ohko a good amount of pokemon in the uu metagame.
You need to not theorymon and use felt hinder to see it's kickassness it is a revenge killer/cleaner so frailty doesn't matter I mean it doesn't stop dugtrio does it? I also second not only Pasho berry but also wanna and whatever the rock one is as fletchinder is so frail but if it gets of a boost or two can ohko a good amount of pokemon in the uu metagame.
A revenge killer that needs hazard support and can only pick off really weakened pokemon? I'm not using theories; I have actually tried using this thing with little success. I needed to base a lot of my team around it and even then it barely got anything done.
A revenge killer that needs hazard support and can only pick off really weakened pokemon? I'm not using theories; I have actually tried using this thing with little success. I needed to base a lot of my team around it and even then it barely got anything done.
Dugtrio makes dents in very few pokemon unless they are below 50% unless choice band and if you are sashed you want hazard support and control so that your sash is not broken.
Dugtrio makes dents in very few pokemon unless they are below 50% unless choice band and if you are sashed you want hazard support and control so that your sash is not broken.
Dugtrio resists Stealth Rock and can trap things, preventing them from switching to a bulkier Pokemon, which are excellent traits for a revenge killer.
like i explained before fletchinder actually gets a lot of set up opportunities on common walls and the large list of pokemon it forces out, so a focus sash set isnt neccesary. sure, water types stop it, but will o wisp puts a lot of pressure on them and its fairly easy to switch out fletchinder and set it up later. the stealth rock weakness isnt as big as some of you are making it out to be due to how easy it is to remove hazards in the current metagame. think of fletchinder as a late game sweeper similar to slurpuff, it should only be able to sweep when its counters are removed, but becomes nearly impossible to stop when they are. however, unlike slurpuff, it has a lot of early to mid game utility being able to check a lot of pokemon and spread around burns while keeping itself in usable condition with roost