Pokémon teams rely on offensive and defensive synergy to function. Cores of Pokémon are units within teams that are built specifically to take advantage of these synergies between Pokémon. Many teams are built around such cores. The premise of this thread is to analyze cores by discussing threats to them and then potential partners. Hopefully this exercise helps you with your teambuilding process.
Although a few may be used, the cores posted here won't necessarily be taken from the Good Cores thread. However, looking through the Good Cores thread is recommended if you are looking for a core to build around.
Two Pokemon Cores
Although a few may be used, the cores posted here won't necessarily be taken from the Good Cores thread. However, looking through the Good Cores thread is recommended if you are looking for a core to build around.
Two Pokemon Cores
- For 4-5 days after that post, posters will have the chance to post threats and/or partners to the core. For example, Talonflame is a threat to the core of Hoopa-Unbound + Mega Lopunny, and Rotom-W is a good partner with the core to help deal with this threat and other issues.
- When the week is up, I will choose the top 3 partners to the core and put them in the OP. This is a subjective procedure. As such, other players will be consulted for opinions, unless they made nominations in the thread themselves. Please don’t be insulted if your nomination doesn’t make the OP. There will be many other opportunities, and a hall of fame will be created to reward users who consistently contribute good nominations.
- For half the week, posters will have a chance to post threats to the given core.
- After the time period is up, I will choose the top threats to the core and add them to the OP. We won't discuss partners for cores with 3 Pokémon.
- Please follow up your reservations in a timely fashion, ideally within 24 hours. If you don't finish your reservation in a timely manner, I will allow someone else to take the Pokémon you reserved. Please do not make a habit out of not following up on your reservations.
- Please post only Pokémon that are viable in OU. This means they should be listed on the viability rankings thread. NOTE: With rules like this one, I prefer exercising leniency rather than enforcing it strictly. I don't want to discourage contributions, so if someone would like to mention a Pokemon that's threatening to the core and unlisted in the Viability Rankings, that's fine as long as they provide a genuine explanation behind their choice. Of course, the majority of threats and partners posted here should still be ones viable in OU and listed on the Viability Rankings. However, there's no harm in having some unranked Pokemon posted every now and then to shake things up a little.
- Each poster may only nominate one partner to a core. I would prefer you only post one threat as well but if many threats have been posted since your first post I may allow you to mention a second threat. If you see activity is down and you have more threats and/or partners in mind, feel free to mention them.
- When posting, please mention whether the Pokémon you are mentioning is a threat or partner. This helps a lot with keeping the thread organized.
- When posting either a threat or a partner, explain yourself. Calculations aren't necessary, but please list more reasons than something simple like type synergy. Be descriptive so other posters and I can fully understand the reasoning behind your nomination. Furthermore, please list a full set of the Pokémon including its item, full moveset, EV spread, and nature.
- When nominating partners, please post one moveset and EV spread. I'd prefer you didn't use slashes much just because this should be treated as a teambuilding exercise. This can't be avoided every time, so I will exercise some leniency with this rule!
- Please be respectful to others!
- A threat to the core must check or counter at least one member and cannot be countered by the other. A threat does not necessarily need to be able to switch into both members of the core, but it should be difficult/annoying to switch into for the members of the core. Of course, the biggest threats counter both members.
- When nominating partners, you are allowed to make suggested changes to the current sets of the members of the core.
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