CAP Viability Ranking Thread (B Rank Filtering)

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art from Sunfished


The purpose of this thread is to give an educated community opinion as to how well specific Pokemon perform individually in the CAP Metagame. All ranks are subject to change unless specifically denoted.

Hello, and welcome to the CAP Metagame. It is in this place that we take the shining examples of the Smogon community's teamwork and put them to the best use possible. This thread is meant to give a basic knowledge on the sheer power, bulk, or lack thereof of every common Pokemon in the CAP tier. At the point that this thread is made, we will start off with preliminary rankings, and as the discussion and the metagame as a whole progresses, the agreed viability of certain Pokemon will change.

Now, at this point, some of you may have a few questions. We'll do our best to answer any and all questions you have in the thread. If not, you can refer to our Simple Question Simple Answer thread.

To start off, we're going to define each of the existing ranks used for gauging the viability of a Pokemon within a single tier. These tend to hold true throughout every tier, with slight wording changes. Ranks go in this order from highest to lowest: S, A, B, C, D, E.

Below are the definitions of each rank, and they should be read be anyone that wants to participate in the discussion of Pokemon's ranks in CAP. DO NOT USE THE DEFINITION OF THESE RANKS AS REASONING BEHIND BUMPS OR DROPS OF RANKING.

S Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are amazing in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon are usually able to perform a variety of roles effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.

A Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are fantastic in the CAP metagame, and can sweep, support, or wall significant portions of the metagame. These Pokemon require less support than most others to be used effectively and have few flaws that can easily be overlooked when compared to their positive traits.

B Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are great in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon have more notable flaws than those above them that affect how they function in the tier. Their positive traits still outshine their negatives, but they require a bit more team support to bring out their full potential.

C Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that have notable niches in the CAP metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Pokemon in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Pokemon from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Pokemon.

D Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are mediocre in the CAP metagame, but are viable enough to justify their use on select teams. These Pokemon are either usable but have no real niche, or are only capable of doing their specific task and fail at doing anything more than that. Pokemon from this rank have multiple crippling flaws that prevent them from being successful a majority of the time, and are often severely outclassed because of it.

E Rank: Reserved for everything else in the CAP metagame that was either too unusual to be thought of in discussion, or just absolutely terrible.

ORAS CAP Viability Rankings
S Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are amazing in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon are usually able to perform a variety of roles effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.

S Rank

Altaria (Mega)

S- Rank

Gardevoir (Mega)
Metagross (Mega)

A Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are fantastic in the CAP metagame, and can sweep, support, or wall significant portions of the metagame. These Pokemon require less support than most others to be used effectively and have few flaws that can easily be overlooked when compared to their positive traits.

A+ Rank

Diancie (Mega)
Slowbro (Mega)
A Rank

Charizard (Mega-X)
Gallade (Mega)
Scizor (Mega)
A- Rank

Charizard (Mega-Y)
Gyarados (Mega)
Latias (Mega)
Lopunny (Mega)
Manectric (Mega)
Medicham (Mega)
Pinsir (Mega)
Sableye (Mega)

Venusaur (Mega)

B Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are great in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon have more notable flaws than those above them that affect how they function in the tier. Their positive traits still outshine their negatives, but they require a bit more team support to bring out their full potential.

B+ Rank

Beedrill (Mega)
Heracross (Mega)

B Rank


Sharpedo (Mega)

B- Rank

Latios (Mega)
Swampert (Mega)

C Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that have notable niches in the CAP metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Pokemon in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Pokemon from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Pokemon.

C+ Rank

Sceptile (Mega)
Tyranitar (Mega)

C Rank

Camerupt (Mega)
Glalie (Mega)
Houndoom (Mega)
Pidgeot (Mega)

C- Rank


D Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are mediocre in the CAP metagame, but are viable enough to justify their use on select teams. These Pokemon are either usable but have no real niche, or are only capable of doing their specific task and fail at doing anything more than that. Pokemon from this rank have multiple crippling flaws that prevent them from being successful a majority of the time, and are often severely outclassed because of it.

D+ Rank

Aggron (Mega)
Steelix (Mega)

D Rank

Abomasnow (Mega)
Banette (Mega)

D- Rank


Boober Rank
: Reserved for everything else in the CAP metagame that was either too unusual to be thought of in discussion, or just absolutely terrible. Don't actually attempt to use these competitively.

Audino (Mega)
Everything not discussed. These Pokemon aren't to be considered terrible, necessarily, just unusual.

  • Post intelligently. Posts like "I think Pokemon X should be ranked here" will not be tolerated.
  • No flaming.
  • Usage statistics may be used to support an argument or a claim, but don't base your ENTIRE argument around them. For example, you can't just say "Pokemon X shouldn't be this tier because they aren't used that often!"
  • There will be no discussion of bans singular to the CAP Metagame. We follow the OU banlist, and no CAP Pokemon will ever be banned under our current set of rules.
  • Keep every post on topic; Don't use this thread to start individual conversations.
  • Have fun.
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Nominating Mega Mawile for B+ Rank. Mega Mawile shines as a late-game cleaner once all of its checks are removed. Very few Pokemon are able to reliably switch into Play Rough or Knock Off, while it can take physical hits due to Intimidate. Iron Head and SubPunch are options as well to increase its unpredictability and for the surprise value. It also has Sucker Punch to force mindgames on faster attackers. It forces players to preserve their Fire-types, Ground-types, physical walls, Substitute users, and Will-O-Wisp/Scald users, and most of those get wrecked by Landorus or Kyurem-B which are great partners to it.
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Nominating Mega Mawile for B+ Rank. Mega Mawile shines as a late-game cleaner once all of its checks are removed. Very few Pokemon are able to reliably switch into Play Rough or Knock Off, while it can take physical hits due to Intimidate. Iron Head and SubPunch are options as well to increase its unpredictability and for the surprise value. It also has Sucker Punch to force mindgames on faster attackers. It forces players to preserve their Fire-types, Ground-types, physical walls, Substitute users, and Will-O-Wisp/Scald users, and most of those get wrecked by Landorus or Kyurem-B which are great partners to it.

Thanks for the input. We were debating putting it at either B+ or A-, couldn't decide, then I must've forgotten to put it in at all. Good catch.
Tada, for a preliminary list, it looks very solid and up to date with the current meta. I'll check for any little changes and post them later.

Ok, I would bump cresselia to at least B-. It is one of lando's only checks and can toxic stall. It's not as good as chansey but is still very good on a stall team and helps stall not lose to just landorus.
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At a glance?

Togekiss: B -> A-
Thundurus: A -> B+/B

I'll edit with explanations later, but I'd say it looks pretty good other than that.

EDIT: As promised, explanations.

Togekiss: Togekiss is one of those mons that gets a BIG boost in the CAP tier, mostly by the fact that its typing goes from 'pretty good' to 'near godly'. Fairies in general do well in CAP, but Togekiss takes it to another level. It's an impressive list: x4 resistance to Fighting, resistance to Dark, and immunities to both Ground and Dragon. Togekiss absolutely torches both Tomohawk and Colossoil, arguably the two best CAP-mons around, and near-omnipresent forces in the metagame. It's also got incredible bulk - able to tank a lot of heavy hitters, and hit back with significant force. Togekiss gets damn good coverage options too - Aura Sphere and Flamethrower, both very handy for picking off Steels looking to ruin your fun. And it's got support moves to spare - Roost, T-Wave, and Nasty Plot are all EXTREMELY viable options.

Togekiss' biggest problem is that it has BAD 4mss. Whatever configuration of coverage moves you go with, something's going to wall you - Heatran is a big problem for those that opt for Flamethrower, but Mawhile and, to a lesser degree, Cawmodore, can be problematic for those that opt out on that. Aura Sphere is a good neutral option, but hits nothing hard. Both STABS are incredibly useful in CAP, but using them both in conjunction with coverage leaves you only a single support move, severely limiting some of Kiss' options - no boosts, or no recovery, or no flinchax. It's still a damn good 'mon just because of how completely it beats the tier's two heavy hitters, but these flaws keep Togekiss from being the pure 'A' rank monster it could be.

Thundurus: While Thundurus certainly brings powerful attack moves to the table, the fact of the matter is it's just not that great. Its coverage is absolute shit, as it relies on the severely-weakened Hidden Power and the always-unreliable Focus Blast, and while it can put Prankster to decent use with priority Taunts and Thunder Waves, the face is Tomo just flat out does it better (Yes, I know Tomo can't paralyze. It doesn't need to.) On top of that, Thundurus' survivability is HORRIBLE. It really does need LO to do any kind of serious damage, and that, when combined with a Stealth Rock weakness, means the thing hemorrhages health.

Thundy's got one true trick up its sleeve: Nasty Plot. That, when coupled with the ability to hit CAP's two all-purpose setup checks (Tomo and Argh) Super-Effective certainly gives it a niche. But in my experience the thing has a hard time even getting one turn to boost in, given its paper-thin defenses. A lot of my negativity towards Thundurus can probably be traced back to the fact that AV Colo is pretty much all over the place right now, and it beats him hard, but in my experience using the Lighting Genie, he was absolute dead weight 9 times out of 10.
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I nominate Reuniclus to E Rank

This is because there are a bunch of Ghost, Bug, and Dark Pokemon in this Tier.

+3 252+ SpA Life Orb Syclant Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Reuniclus: 837-990 (197.4 - 233.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+3 252+ SpA Life Orb Syclant Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Reuniclus: 512-604 (120.7 - 142.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Syclant is able to OHKO this Pokemon with +3 Now lets look at the other side.

252 SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Syclant : 211-250 (54.9 - 65.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Syclant : 211-250 (54.9 - 65.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It fails to OHKO it which gives Syclant a chance to boost up with Tail Glow.

And this is just one Pokemon. In a tier filled with Knock Off Malaconda, Quiver Dance/ Dragon Dance Aurumoth, Knock Off Colossoil, and Necturna. It is D Rank in OU Viability Ranks so I don't see this any higher than its OU Ranking.
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I think Galvantula deserves a mention in C-. It's a fast setter of Sticky Web and it can deal decent damage to several Pokemon. It can OHKO Skarmory, Tomohawk, Keldeo and Mega Charizard Y while also getting several Pokemon in range to be revenged. Colossoil, Landorus-I and Garchomp are all outsped and brought down to 30% at the most (assuming HP Ice). Galvantula is by no means a great Pokemon, but it is second only to Necturna as an offensive Sticky Web setter.
I think Galvantula deserves a mention in C-. It's a fast setter of Sticky Web and it can deal decent damage to several Pokemon. It can OHKO Skarmory, Tomohawk, Keldeo and Mega Charizard Y while also getting several Pokemon in range to be revenged. Colossoil, Landorus-I and Garchomp are all outsped and brought down to 30% at the most (assuming HP Ice). Galvantula is by no means a great Pokemon, but it is second only to Necturna as an offensive Sticky Web setter.

Galvantula is completely outclassed by Smeargle and Necturna in CAP. Any mention of it would be in D.
okay there's a lot I disagree with about this list but since I'm not running this thread I guess I'll start from the top

first of all Landorus is nowhere near as threatening and useful as Tomohawk is. Landorus basically runs one offensive set that has a hard time switching in and is easily outsped and forced out repeatedly by a lot of more aggressive teams. If it's LUCKY it will get one KO against a competent player, but will rarely accomplish anything else in a match. What its good at doing is blowing up stally/balanced cores, but Kyurem-B is just as good in that role. Whereas Tomohawk is great on quite literally every single team (whether as a physical wall, hazard supporter, BP abuser, offensive pivot, etc) and has healing and utility moves galore, Landorus is pretty much a one trick pony and on many teams offers little team synergy. I'd give it a A+ rank unless someone can conclusively show that it's actually that dominating in the tier right now (it's not).

blissey is completely outclassed by chansey due to its inferior bulk. this has already been discussed in the OU tiering thread and the same principles apply here. it deserves B+ rank IMO

Aegislash and Mollux both deserve A+ ranks right now because they both have tons of utility, are the two most reliable fairy counters in the meta, and have fantastic defensive typing that can serve as defensive bulwarks against an enormous amount of threats. Aegislash in particular is a great stallbreaker and can deal with the likes of Tomohawk and Cawmodore effectively, as well as taking down Mega Gardevoir and Clefable, while Mollux is the best counter in the game to Aegislash, Azumarill, Keldeo, Mega Mawile, and many others. Also rocks/rapid spin/recover is a fantastic combo.

Cawmodore deserves at least an A rank because while few players are willing to use it competently it really is that good. There is quite literally nothing else in the meta- not Mega Charizard, not Mega Pinsir, not even Kyurem-B- that is remotely as effective at getting early game sweeps. The fact that teams are basically forced to run Cyclohm, Skarm or some sort of custom tailored counter like Haze Tomohawk shows how ridiculously impactful this thing is on the meta. Its typing is also fantastic (basically Skarm with only a Fire weakness), it has perfect coverage, and its speed is incredible. The only reason I don't feel like this should be A+ is because teams are overprepared to deal with it.

Mega Gardevoir should be an A- rank at most. It's flimsy, easily revenge killed, lacks reliable healing, and in most cases is easily replaced by Sylveon or Clefable. lots of teams are running steel types these days and have little trouble switching into it- Aegislash and Scizor in particular can easily tank a hit and threaten to OHKO it with Shadow Sneak or Bullet Punch. the biggest damning piece of evidence against it is that the other megas are simply more dangerous and useful offensive threats. Mega Charizard and Mega Pinsir in particular come to mind.

Volkraken honestly deserves to be moved to B rank because right now its pathetically easy to counter. it was not that good in the playtest and is not that good now. Landorus outspeeds it and blows it up, Colossoil speed ties, and Mollux/Cyclohm can outright wall everything it does. Not to mention Chansey which renders its attacks utterly useless. I like this thing as a revenge killer but for the most part I feel like Keldeo does a better job, it has a high natural speed and doesn't take a ton of damage to stealth rocks every time it comes in.
Aegislash to A+
Gardevoir to A-
Mawile to B+
Togekiss to B+
Blissey to B
Volkraken to B
Alomomola added to C
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Nominating Landorus-T from B- -> B Rank. Landorus-T is slowly gaining use and for good reason. It makes wonderful use of the ability Intimidate, and can be a pain in the opponent's side with Stealth Rocks, U-Turn, and Knock Off. It definitely has cons keeping it from the higher ranks. The most glaring flaw of Landorus-T in my opinion is that it has no viable recovery, making it prone to being worn down over the match (This is remedied with Wish Support from Blissey, Chansey, Clefable, and others). It can also run Swords Dance, Assault Vest, Scarf, and Band sets rather well. It has good sets and with wish support, it is a near unbreakable intimidate pivot with good offensive pressure. However, it is broken through by Physical Ice and Water Types such as Mixed Syclant, Weavile, Gyarados, Azumarill, and others.
Can I ask why Alomomola is in the C tier? And also I believe that Cawmodore should be moved to the A tier. This is because it just being a Pokemon makes people have to run a counter on their team, if your team doesnt have a solid Caw counter then you pretty much lose immediately. And if your counter is weakened, eg your Cyclohm is below 60% then u lose as well. Teams can use pokemon like Gothitelle to trap some of Cawmodores counters and that can lead to an instant sweep. Landorus also pairs amazingly well with Caw taking out some of its counter like Aegislash and Cyclohm. On the topic of Lando I dont think is should be in S. It simply isnt nearly as good as Tomohawk. Sure its great and thats why it deserves a place in A+ but i really dont think it has as much impact as Tomohawk does. Other Pokemon like Kyurem-B and Talonflame are arguably as dominant each having a few hard counters just like Landorus does. If it had 130 speed or something ridiculous like that then it should b e in S but at 101 it simply isnt fast enough to beat a lot of Pokemon.
One thing I mentioned the yesterday, I think in an IRC conversation, was that I believe a lot of stall Pokemon are overrated here, while a lot of offensive Pokemon are underrated. To me the most obvious case of this is Cyclohm, who I believe should be A-, rather than A. Cyclohm is a wall, and it can wall pretty well, but the things that it walls are pretty much a singular group, and it fails to be a highly effective wall outside this group. Basically, Cyclohm exists to counter flyspam, but isn't the greatest thing otherwise. Sure, it is a hard counter to Talonflame, but other things, such as Heatran and Tyranitar do that also, while packing much more general purpose utility. Cyclohm also needs all its health in tact if it wants hope of countering Cawmodore and Pinsir, both of which can do massive damage to it after a boost. For stopping things like this, it pales in comparison to Skarmory. In addition, it does not really pack as much team support as other walls. It can use Heal Bell, which can be nice, but it does not possess Wish, and really can't afford to run any other team support moves, even if it did possess them, as the lack of a STAB makes its offenses pathetic, while the lack of Fire Blast means it fails to do its number one job of stopping Cawmodore. Now, independently, it is still a great Pokemon that can function well both on defensive and balanced teams, which is why I'd say to keep it in the A range. However, a weakness to some of the best physical attackers in the metagame, and a lack of real utility outside walling the things it walls puts it at the very bottom of that range, at best.

Another Pokemon I think is overrated is Skarmory, who I would put at A- as well. I think a good way to look at this one is to see what it actually does differently than in OU, and try to value why it would be better or worse here. Functionally, it is pretty much the same Pokemon. It sets hazards or can defog them away, phazes and walls. But look at how the threats it has to face differ here. Look at all the top Pokemon on the list above. Only like two of the S or A rank offensive Pokemon are actually hard countered by Skarm. In general, the CAP metagame has a lot more common and scary special threats that it simply can't prepare for. Still, it is the best at what it does, and I will not debate that. I just don't see how it could possibly be seen as better here than in OU, when in my opinion, could only be worse, if anything.

Finally, the last thing in this specific post, I would move Mollux down to B+. Looking at the definition of the A ranks, Mollux simply does not fit in at all. While it does a wonderful job stopping many fairies, its horrid ground weakness makes boosting sets hard to make worthwhile, while purely defensive ones are mostly inferior to Heatran, who, despite Mollux's possession of Recover, fares better against a much wider variety of opponents. Weakness to Stealth Rock only makes things harder on it. Mollux is bulky, but not bulky enough to manage on its own, and it is powerful, but lacks the speed or coverage to sweep. Its ability allows it to fill a great niche that is very useful in this metagame, but it simply cannot "sweep, support, or wall significant portions of the metagame" as is expected of an A rank Pokemon. Its benefits are great, and definitely outweigh its flaws, but it needs a good amount of team support to deal with all those flaws in order to work, which is precisely the definition of a B rank Pokemon.
I agree with what jas said about cyclohm and mollux because they both need some support. Skarmory is the exact same, so having these two drops would be good. I also think thundurus is not good enough in this meta to be A, and feel it would be better at B or B+. It does not get any recovery and though it can taunt, tomohawk does it's job better and gets roost.

Cyclohm to A-
Skarmory to A-
Mollux to B+
Thundurus to B+
Cresselia to B
Landorus-T to B
Galvantula added to C-
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So umm.... I've heard random mentions of this thing in the PS room, and um..... what?
Like what?
Even Magmortar would be hard to understand. This is just..... what?

Someone, please explain.

HeaL wanted it on. If you would like to nominate Magmortar for any rank, feel free.
Well, apparently, it all started with this:

HnD Point Battles Log said:
Thursday July 3, 2014
-DeaL match
Elite Lord Sigma versus Subject 001
Challenge: Magmar!
Elite Lord Sigma wins a DeaL Point!

At then end of it, Sigma and myself actually started using Magmar in CAP room tournaments, and I've used Magmar on a few alts when laddering (though my set is different than Sigmas and consists of barrier/lava plume/rest/sleep talk).

Advantages of Magmar over Magmortar is twofold; access to eviolite and speed. He's a surprisingly bulky fellow if he can either burn the opponent or set up a barrier or two...

That said, I in no way requested Magmar to have a viability ranking here. He is a weird gimmick.
I was having doubts for keldeo being A- frankly because I had never used it before seeing it on the thread. However, after I tested a couple battles, I began to really like the specs set. If you are confused and have never used keldeo, I would suggest trying it out. It can rip through chansey, blissey, and a lot of stall pokes except mega venusaur, and can still hurt the switch in. I think it should not be higher but that it keeps its A-.
Im nominating Wobbufet for B- Rank. Wobbufet with its HP and Counter Mirror Coat Destiny Bond, Wobbufet can clear many threats from teams. Mirror Coat Krillowatt's surf and KO it. It also gets charm to lower opponents attacks. So Charm a Revenankh trying to set up on you and he will end up with -1 Att instead of +1. Destiny Bond if you think you are about to get KO'd and KO the opponent too. In this way, Wobuffet can open up a ton of opportunity for its team. The only CAPmon that it cant counter well is Cawmodore, but if you switch into HazeHawk when he Belly Drums and you Haze. Immediately, that threat is also done. Hence, Im nominating Wobbufet for B- Rank
Im nominating Wobbufet for B- Rank.

After a bit of discussion in the PS CAP room, we've decided that Wobbuffet is staying where it is. Its role as a Counter / Mirror Coat user is next to useless in a metagame dominated by stall and balance. Its role as a Shadow Tag trapper is also completely outclassed by Gothitelle.
Ok, I'm fine with Wobbuffet in C Rank, but I noticed something else:

Necturna from A- --> B+

Necturna isn't that good in CAP to be A rank. It can be destroyed by Mollux, Colossoil or Offensive Tomohawk. It's 3 good uses are Shell Smash, Sacred Fire and Sticky Web, but it doesn't have the power to pull it off. I also mentioned this in the CAP room, and a few people agreed that it should.
The whole idea around necturna is that it can do anything. Personally, I like the max defense colbur berry set, because it can set up a web and then horn leech a colossoil. Pokemon that can do anything should be A rank...
Agreeing with Animus that Necturna absolutely deserves to stay A rank. The fact is, you have no idea what it is doing, and it has many things it can do well. The fact that it is an amazing Sticky Web setter alone practically pushes it into A territory, and coupled with the fact that it can do a ton of other things just solidifies it. I mean, CB sets are great, and it can pick a move to beat what it wants. It is an OK booster with Shell Smash, though nothing amazing. However, the unpredictability allows it to sweep easier than most Smashers. It can tank, it can support, it can lure, and it can sweep. Few Pokemon can say that.
I'm gonna submit three Pokemon to be discussed on which rankings they deserve. They are all initially at C.

Raikou - Has a choice between Specs and AV. V-Switch and Extrasensory make it a good check to Tomohawk
Sableye - Prankster Taunt, Will-o-Wisp, and Recover make this Pokemon and excellent check to Physical threats.
Umbreon - A cleric with decent defenses, this Pokemon is often outshone by its siblings.

Please discuss these as intelligently and intelligibly as possible.
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