The purpose of this thread is to give an educated community opinion as to how well specific Pokemon perform individually in the CAP Metagame. All ranks are subject to change unless specifically denoted.
Hello, and welcome to the CAP Metagame. It is in this place that we take the shining examples of the Smogon community's teamwork and put them to the best use possible. This thread is meant to give a basic knowledge on the sheer power, bulk, or lack thereof of every common Pokemon in the CAP tier. At the point that this thread is made, we will start off with preliminary rankings, and as the discussion and the metagame as a whole progresses, the agreed viability of certain Pokemon will change.The purpose of this thread is to give an educated community opinion as to how well specific Pokemon perform individually in the CAP Metagame. All ranks are subject to change unless specifically denoted.
Now, at this point, some of you may have a few questions. We'll do our best to answer any and all questions you have in the thread. If not, you can refer to our Simple Question Simple Answer thread.
To start off, we're going to define each of the existing ranks used for gauging the viability of a Pokemon within a single tier. These tend to hold true throughout every tier, with slight wording changes. Ranks go in this order from highest to lowest: S, A, B, C, D, E.
Below are the definitions of each rank, and they should be read be anyone that wants to participate in the discussion of Pokemon's ranks in CAP. DO NOT USE THE DEFINITION OF THESE RANKS AS REASONING BEHIND BUMPS OR DROPS OF RANKING.
S Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are amazing in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon are usually able to perform a variety of roles effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
A Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are fantastic in the CAP metagame, and can sweep, support, or wall significant portions of the metagame. These Pokemon require less support than most others to be used effectively and have few flaws that can easily be overlooked when compared to their positive traits.
B Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are great in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon have more notable flaws than those above them that affect how they function in the tier. Their positive traits still outshine their negatives, but they require a bit more team support to bring out their full potential.
C Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that have notable niches in the CAP metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Pokemon in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Pokemon from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Pokemon.
D Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are mediocre in the CAP metagame, but are viable enough to justify their use on select teams. These Pokemon are either usable but have no real niche, or are only capable of doing their specific task and fail at doing anything more than that. Pokemon from this rank have multiple crippling flaws that prevent them from being successful a majority of the time, and are often severely outclassed because of it.
E Rank: Reserved for everything else in the CAP metagame that was either too unusual to be thought of in discussion, or just absolutely terrible.
ORAS CAP Viability Rankings
S Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are amazing in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon are usually able to perform a variety of roles effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
S Rank

S- Rank

A Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are fantastic in the CAP metagame, and can sweep, support, or wall significant portions of the metagame. These Pokemon require less support than most others to be used effectively and have few flaws that can easily be overlooked when compared to their positive traits.
A+ Rank

A Rank

A- Rank

B Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are great in the CAP metagame. These Pokemon have more notable flaws than those above them that affect how they function in the tier. Their positive traits still outshine their negatives, but they require a bit more team support to bring out their full potential.
B+ Rank

B Rank

B- Rank

C Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that have notable niches in the CAP metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Pokemon in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Pokemon from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Pokemon.
C+ Rank

C Rank

C- Rank

D Rank: Reserved for Pokemon that are mediocre in the CAP metagame, but are viable enough to justify their use on select teams. These Pokemon are either usable but have no real niche, or are only capable of doing their specific task and fail at doing anything more than that. Pokemon from this rank have multiple crippling flaws that prevent them from being successful a majority of the time, and are often severely outclassed because of it.
D+ Rank

D Rank

D- Rank

Everything not discussed. These Pokemon aren't to be considered terrible, necessarily, just unusual.
- Post intelligently. Posts like "I think Pokemon X should be ranked here" will not be tolerated.
- No flaming.
- Usage statistics may be used to support an argument or a claim, but don't base your ENTIRE argument around them. For example, you can't just say "Pokemon X shouldn't be this tier because they aren't used that often!"
- There will be no discussion of bans singular to the CAP Metagame. We follow the OU banlist, and no CAP Pokemon will ever be banned under our current set of rules.
- Keep every post on topic; Don't use this thread to start individual conversations.
- Have fun.
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