This post is incredibly outdated. Please refer to post #145 to see available Pokemon. Currently not doing any rebreeds as currently doing projects for my guild. Dont forget to ask for your free Shelmet.
Will try to make this post look neater later. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Will update Kanto->Unova later as there are a few Hidden Powers and 5IVs that I need to include. For now only Kalos is fully updated.
Currently not taking orders, focus has shifted into breeding 6th gen Pokémon (650+ Pokedex Number) with Pokémon that are bred in a way they cant be better in terms of Pokeball/EMs. Keep in mind though I try to get some extras of whatever I breed to add to the shop. I breed a lot of uncommon things w/ 4EM+Matching Ball no matter how hard it is to get them so feel free to check every so often during weekends :]
Decided to make a trade thread due to me having and breeding many Pokémon people do not usually breed to perfection.
Everything I breed nowadays I breed with 4 egg moves and a matching Pokeball.It would have to be something very difficult for me not to do it Actually there is no excuse for me not to do it unless its a last gen tutor move but I always try to get trades done to get them. Everything listed below is a Pokémon I have available in stock that I'm willing to trade. Feel free to browse and request anything you are interested in :]
I do take requests off my personal collection and feel free to ask for more details but if you want to make a request:
Rules to consider before making a request on a Pokémon not on my list but a Pokémon I have in my collection:
-I can breed things I don't have depending on what they are, I like to breed new Pokémon more than rebreed old ones unless it gives me a opportunity to make the old ones better.
-I cannot breed shinies however on request I can keep things in their eggs but your the one who must get it hatched
-I can breed any Hidden Power on any non-genderless/non male only Pokémon
-I do not take on 12.5% female ratio requests, if you want one for breeding you must be willing to take any 4 IV spread 4IV not including the stat that shouldn't be 31
-I do not take 6IV requests, any 6IVs on the list were obtained by luck. I only do 6IV for my personal projects
-Must be confident you wont cancel your order but if you need to be sure to check with me first
-Must be willing to be patient. I can only breed and trade Thurs-Sun due to needing to focus in College.
-Due to time concerns and other projects I only take a limited amount of orders at a time
-I am willing to improve what I already have, feel free to give suggestions when making a request. If I don't have the HA however on what I put I most likely do not have access to it.
-For the males in my collection check with me if I have access to rebreed the Pokéballs as it may not always be the case.
-If you ask for a male you can ask for a free spitback of a female of the same Pokémon if you still want to pass the ball
-You are not allowed to clone any Pokémon I give you
-You are not allowed to redistribute any of my Pokémon without my permission
Current Requested Projects to finish: None
Status: Not currently taking requests
What I'm looking for:
5IV Kalos Bred Pokémon that are either not on my list or are on my list but are a vast improvement than of what I have in my possession. I do not accept any Pokémon (unless male only/genderless) that doesn't have either a matching Poke Ball or egg moves. Doesn't need to have all 4 egg moves so long as no important ones are missing and doesn't need a matching Poke Ball if I feel the egg moves are worth it. All Pokémon you offer must be nicknamable. It would have to be 4EM+Matching ball+Female for it not to be a nicknamed so I can rebreed it myself with little effort.
I trade multiples for Pokebank Legends and Kalos bred shinies with memories. Kalos shinies however must be either nicknamable or you know the person I can ask to get it nicknamed. Legends don't need to be NNable and I am willing to trade multiple Pokémon for these kind of Pokémon. I must be allowed to check if KB shinies have "memories" however.
I sometimes feel as if your offer can be improved and sometimes will ask for additional egg moves or a matching ball. Sometimes if its something I really want I offer free spitbacks you can use to get the Pokémon if your willing to put effort to get it. For example parents with EMs, pokeballed females from Safari/etc., no IVs but a different Poke Ball, or Hidden Power parents. Along with this if I ask for you to put some work in something for something I consider is worth less than the effort your putting in I can give you the opportunity to pick something else off my list if that other thing you want is reasonable.
Pokémon X
FC: 3265-5556-9644
IGN: Alex
Pokémon Y
FC: 3265-5556-9644
IGN: Marley
Current/Upcoming Projects
No scheduled date for any of these, I'll work at my own pace and maybe delay some for other projects. If I get a significant amount of leftovers my most recent one will be listed in the topic title. As of now due to shifting focus to getting all 6th gen Pokémon done will delay all of these for another day
Calm Volt Absorb Chinchou 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Agility, Mist, Soak, Whirlpool)
Hasty Overgrow Pansage 31/31/30/31/30/30 (+Bullet Seed, Leaf Storm, Low Kick, Role Play) Hidden Power Rock
Timid Blaze Pansear 31/x/30/31/30/30 (+Fire Spin, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, Role Play) Hidden Power Rock
Timid Torrent Panpour 31/x/31/30/31/31 (+Aqua Ring, Hydro Pump, Nasty Plot, Role Play) Hidden Power Grass
My Stockpile of Leftover Pokemon
All of these are currently in stock and ready for trade. You only need to wait for me to hop online.
There is no value system for any of these. A fair trade to me is simply a trade both of us can agree on. I'd gladly trade 6IVs and Hidden Powers for normal 5IVs if I don't have them yet. Odd gender ratios are a different story though.
Shiny Pokémon
Pokémon on this section are a result of when getting egg checks me breeding extra eggs to increase my odds of finding a match. If I find a match for more than the 1 I needed as I only really need 1 I post extras here. Like all my other Pokémon I go all the way in terms of ball/EMs for me to put effort into hatching means that what I put here usually cant be better. I will only trade Pokémon on here for other shinies that are nicknamable and have EMs and Matching Ball. You either have to get it NNd or have the person who can contact me so he/she can nickname it after I receive it. There is no exception to this rule. A link with the hatcher will be posted next to the Pokémon. If it has been bred by me it non redistributable under any circumstance. It must never be cloned as I want to keep every shiny I breed one of a kind regardless of whether it stays with me or not. I cannot clone these so I only have one of each so I expect serious offers only. What you give me can be cloned however must be nicknamable at its base evolution.
Calm Flower Veil Flabebe(F) 31/30/31/31/31/31 (+Camoflauge, Captivate, Copycat)
Hatcher: The_Art_of_Troll
Careful Harvest Trevenant(F) 31/31/31/x/31/31
This Trevenant was not bred by me and given to me as trade fodder from a friend who gave me permission to trade it as he knew I prefer breeding my own shinies. This one doesn't go under my non-redistribution rule as it isn't originally mine.
6IV Pokémon
Hasty Infiltrator Noibat(M) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (+Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind)
Jolly Blaze Charmander(F) 31/31/31/0/31/31 (+Crunch, Focus Punch, Dragon Dance, Outrage)
Modest Refrigirate Amaura(M) 31/0/31/30/31/30 (+Barrier, Discharge, Haze, Mirror Coat) Hidden Power Fire
*1 w/ 30 Att also available
Calm Sturdy Carbink(-) 31/30/31/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire
Calm Magnet Pull Nosepass(F) 31/0/31/30/31/31(+Double-Edge, Roll-Out, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard) Hidden Power Grass
Calm Sturdy Nosepass(F) 31/30/31/30/31/30(+Double-Edge, Roll-Out, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard) Hidden Power Fire
Naïve Iron Fist Chimchar(M) 31/30/30/31/31/31 (+Fake Out, Encore, Focus Punch, Thunderpunch) Hidden Power Ice
Jolly Infiltrator Hoppip(2M/1F*) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (+Aromatherapy, Encore, Double-Edge, Seed Bomb
*2 6IV Male Infiltrator, 1 6IV Female Infiltrator, some have Worry Seed over Aromatheraphy
Adamant Adaptability Basculin-B(2M) 31/31/31/31/31/31 (+Agility, Rage, Revenge, Whirlpool)
5IV Hidden Powers
Relaxed Aroma Veil Spritzee (3M) 31/x/31/30/30/1 (+Captivate, Disable, Refresh, Wish) Hidden Power Ground
Modest Refrigirate Amaura(Currently Breeding ?M/0F) 31/x/31/30/31/30 (+Barrier, Discharge, Haze, Mirror Coat) Hidden Power Fire
Quiet Solar Power Sunkern(3M) 31/x/31/30/31/0 (+Curse, Encore, Morning Sun, Sweet Scent) Hidden Power Fire
Calm Magnet Pull Nosepass(1F) 31/x/31/30/31/31(+Double-Edge, Roll-Out, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard) Hidden Power Grass
Timid Flash Fire Houndour (1M) 31/x/30/31/31/31 (+Counter, Destiny Bond, Pursuit, Sucker Punch) Hidden Power Ice
Timid Chlorophyll Cherubi(2M) 31/x/30/31/31/31 (+Aromatheraphy, Flower Shield, Heal Pulse, Weather Ball) Hidden Power Ice
Modest Levitate Tynamo(3M) 31/x/30/31/31/31 Hidden Power Ice
Hasty Protean Froakie(1M) 31/20/31/30/31/30 (+Mind Reader, Mud Sport, Toxic Spikes, Water Sport) Hidden Power Fire
Modest Speed Boost Yanma (3M/1F) 31/x/31/30/30/31 (+Double-Edge, Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Whirlwind) Hidden Power Ground
*2 male has Compound Eyes(1 w/ Levels), the female has levels on it.
Modest Shield Dust Wurmple (1M Silcoon/0F Silcoon/3M Cascoon/1F Cascoon) 31/even/30/31/30/30 (No Egg Moves) HP Rock
Naïve Chlorophyll Seedot (1M/1F*) x/30/30/31/31/31 (+Bullet Seed, Defog, Leech Seed, Quick Attack) HP Ice
*Male has a 20/21HP IV, Female has 28/29 HP IV
Modest Cloud Nine Psyduck(8M/1F) 31/x/31/30/31/31 (+Clear Smog, Encore, Hypnosis, Mud Bomb) HP Electric or HP Grass
*3 HP Grass Cloud Nine, 5HP Electric Cloud Nine, 1 HP Grass Damp Female
Naïve Blaze/Iron Fist Chimchar(8M/1F) 31/*/30/31/31/31(+Fake Out, Encore, Focus Punch, Thunder Punch) HP Ice
*The attacks for the Chimchars can be chosen, available attacks are 0, 28, and 31, with the Even ones being Hidden Power Ice. Females are worth more as males as expected. Blaze Female has a spread of 31/30/28/31/31/31 instead.
5IV Pokémon
Jolly Flash Fire Ponyta (1M) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Double-Edge, Hypnosis, Low Kick, Morning Sun)
Timid Tangled Feet Chatot (1M) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Boomburst, Defog, Encore, Nasty Plot)
Jolly Iron Fist(1M/1F)Mold Breaker(1F) Pancham31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Foul Play, Me First, Quick Guard, Storm Throw)
Modest Levitate Tynamo(5M) 31/x/31/31/31/31
Jolly Prankster Riolu(2M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Agility, Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch)
Sassy Sturdy Shieldon(2M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Counter, Curse, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard)
Jolly Tangled Feet Pidgey (1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Brave Bird, Defog, Pursuit, Uproar)
Impish Intimidate Mawile (2M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Fire Fang, Metal Burst, Misty Terrain, Seismic Toss)
Impish Bulletproof Chespin (2M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Curse, Spikes, Synthesis, Quick Guard)
Timid Magician Fennekin (5M) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Heat Wave, Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish)
*1 has 0 Att making it a 6IV.
Jolly Water Absorb Cacnea (3M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Disable(1M), Low Kick, Nasty Plot(2M), Seed Bomb, Switcheroo)
Jolly Flame Body Larvesta (1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31(+Endure, Magnet Rise, Morning Sun, Zen Headbutt)
Impish Own Tempo Spinda (3M/1F*) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Baton Pass, Encore, Rapid Spin, Wish)
*2M Own Tempo, 1F Tangled Feet, 1M are Tangled Feet
Bold Shield Dust Wurmple (3M/1F - Evolves to Silcoon)31/x/31/31/31/31 (No Egg Moves)
Modest Scrappy Whismur (1F) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Fake Tears)
Jolly Run Away Kricketot (1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Gets no Egg Moves)
Adamant/Modest Shell Armor/Rattled Clamperl (4M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Brine, Confuse Ray, Endure, Refresh)
*1 6IV Modest Shell Armor, 2 5IV Adamant Shell Armor, 1 5IV Adamant Rattled
Jolly Hustle Delibird (3M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Destiny Bond, Spikes)
Jolly Big Pecks Pidove (1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Hypnosis, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Wish)
Adamant Adaptability Basculin-B(2M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Agility, Rage, Revenge, Whirlpool)
Jolly Rock Head Relicanth(2M/1F) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Amnesia, Aqua Tail, Skull Bash, Zen Headbutt)
*1 Male with Swift Swim Also available
Bold Swift Swim Feebas(1F) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse, Hypnosis, Confuse Ray)
Adamant Clear Body Beldum (2-) 31/31/31/x/31/31
Timid Flash Fire Houndour (1M) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Counter, Destiny Bond, Pursuit, Sucker Punch)
Timid Levitate Rotom (1-) 31/x/31/31/31/31
Calm Natural Cure Chansey (1F) 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Seismic Toss)
Jolly Strong Jaw Tyrunt(1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Dragon Dance, Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang)
Adamant Rock Head Bagon (1F) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush)
Adamant Intimidate Mawile(1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Thunder/Ice/Fire Fang)
Impish Sturdy Skarmory (1M) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (+Brave Bird, Whirlwind)
*Lv 32 fully EV Trained
Timid Trace Ralts 31/x/31/31/31/31 (+Shadow Sneak, Encore, Disable, Confuse Ray) 1M
, 1F
, 1F
Will try to make this post look neater later. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Will update Kanto->Unova later as there are a few Hidden Powers and 5IVs that I need to include. For now only Kalos is fully updated.
Currently not taking orders, focus has shifted into breeding 6th gen Pokémon (650+ Pokedex Number) with Pokémon that are bred in a way they cant be better in terms of Pokeball/EMs. Keep in mind though I try to get some extras of whatever I breed to add to the shop. I breed a lot of uncommon things w/ 4EM+Matching Ball no matter how hard it is to get them so feel free to check every so often during weekends :]
Decided to make a trade thread due to me having and breeding many Pokémon people do not usually breed to perfection.
Everything I breed nowadays I breed with 4 egg moves and a matching Pokeball.
I do take requests off my personal collection and feel free to ask for more details but if you want to make a request:
Rules to consider before making a request on a Pokémon not on my list but a Pokémon I have in my collection:
-I can breed things I don't have depending on what they are, I like to breed new Pokémon more than rebreed old ones unless it gives me a opportunity to make the old ones better.
-I cannot breed shinies however on request I can keep things in their eggs but your the one who must get it hatched
-I can breed any Hidden Power on any non-genderless/non male only Pokémon
-I do not take on 12.5% female ratio requests, if you want one for breeding you must be willing to take any 4 IV spread 4IV not including the stat that shouldn't be 31
-I do not take 6IV requests, any 6IVs on the list were obtained by luck. I only do 6IV for my personal projects
-Must be confident you wont cancel your order but if you need to be sure to check with me first
-Must be willing to be patient. I can only breed and trade Thurs-Sun due to needing to focus in College.
-Due to time concerns and other projects I only take a limited amount of orders at a time
-I am willing to improve what I already have, feel free to give suggestions when making a request. If I don't have the HA however on what I put I most likely do not have access to it.
-For the males in my collection check with me if I have access to rebreed the Pokéballs as it may not always be the case.
-If you ask for a male you can ask for a free spitback of a female of the same Pokémon if you still want to pass the ball
-You are not allowed to clone any Pokémon I give you
-You are not allowed to redistribute any of my Pokémon without my permission
Current Requested Projects to finish: None
Status: Not currently taking requests
What I'm looking for:
5IV Kalos Bred Pokémon that are either not on my list or are on my list but are a vast improvement than of what I have in my possession. I do not accept any Pokémon (unless male only/genderless) that doesn't have either a matching Poke Ball or egg moves. Doesn't need to have all 4 egg moves so long as no important ones are missing and doesn't need a matching Poke Ball if I feel the egg moves are worth it. All Pokémon you offer must be nicknamable. It would have to be 4EM+Matching ball+Female for it not to be a nicknamed so I can rebreed it myself with little effort.
I trade multiples for Pokebank Legends and Kalos bred shinies with memories. Kalos shinies however must be either nicknamable or you know the person I can ask to get it nicknamed. Legends don't need to be NNable and I am willing to trade multiple Pokémon for these kind of Pokémon. I must be allowed to check if KB shinies have "memories" however.
I sometimes feel as if your offer can be improved and sometimes will ask for additional egg moves or a matching ball. Sometimes if its something I really want I offer free spitbacks you can use to get the Pokémon if your willing to put effort to get it. For example parents with EMs, pokeballed females from Safari/etc., no IVs but a different Poke Ball, or Hidden Power parents. Along with this if I ask for you to put some work in something for something I consider is worth less than the effort your putting in I can give you the opportunity to pick something else off my list if that other thing you want is reasonable.
Pokémon X

FC: 3265-5556-9644
IGN: Alex

Pokémon Y

FC: 3265-5556-9644
IGN: Marley

Current/Upcoming Projects
No scheduled date for any of these, I'll work at my own pace and maybe delay some for other projects. If I get a significant amount of leftovers my most recent one will be listed in the topic title. As of now due to shifting focus to getting all 6th gen Pokémon done will delay all of these for another day

My Stockpile of Leftover Pokemon
All of these are currently in stock and ready for trade. You only need to wait for me to hop online.
There is no value system for any of these. A fair trade to me is simply a trade both of us can agree on. I'd gladly trade 6IVs and Hidden Powers for normal 5IVs if I don't have them yet. Odd gender ratios are a different story though.
Shiny Pokémon
Pokémon on this section are a result of when getting egg checks me breeding extra eggs to increase my odds of finding a match. If I find a match for more than the 1 I needed as I only really need 1 I post extras here. Like all my other Pokémon I go all the way in terms of ball/EMs for me to put effort into hatching means that what I put here usually cant be better. I will only trade Pokémon on here for other shinies that are nicknamable and have EMs and Matching Ball. You either have to get it NNd or have the person who can contact me so he/she can nickname it after I receive it. There is no exception to this rule. A link with the hatcher will be posted next to the Pokémon. If it has been bred by me it non redistributable under any circumstance. It must never be cloned as I want to keep every shiny I breed one of a kind regardless of whether it stays with me or not. I cannot clone these so I only have one of each so I expect serious offers only. What you give me can be cloned however must be nicknamable at its base evolution.

Hatcher: The_Art_of_Troll

This Trevenant was not bred by me and given to me as trade fodder from a friend who gave me permission to trade it as he knew I prefer breeding my own shinies. This one doesn't go under my non-redistribution rule as it isn't originally mine.
6IV Pokémon

*1 w/ 30 Att also available

*2 6IV Male Infiltrator, 1 6IV Female Infiltrator, some have Worry Seed over Aromatheraphy

5IV Hidden Powers

*2 male has Compound Eyes(1 w/ Levels), the female has levels on it.

*Male has a 20/21HP IV, Female has 28/29 HP IV

*3 HP Grass Cloud Nine, 5HP Electric Cloud Nine, 1 HP Grass Damp Female

*The attacks for the Chimchars can be chosen, available attacks are 0, 28, and 31, with the Even ones being Hidden Power Ice. Females are worth more as males as expected. Blaze Female has a spread of 31/30/28/31/31/31 instead.
5IV Pokémon

*1 has 0 Att making it a 6IV.

*2M Own Tempo, 1F Tangled Feet, 1M are Tangled Feet

*1 6IV Modest Shell Armor, 2 5IV Adamant Shell Armor, 1 5IV Adamant Rattled

*1 Male with Swift Swim Also available

*Lv 32 fully EV Trained

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