Imperishable Intro:
Sup, I'm Pikachuun and I'm here with a Balanced Hackmons RMT, and my 1k post. Everyone does an RMT for the more popular and traditional tiers, so I decided to do BH because why not. This team has had some excellent success, including PP stalling out MJB and his Hyper-Offense team (176 turns.) Without further ado, let's get kraken and stock up on some smore-flavored spider smoke alarms at the local superstoreket!The Team:
Majestic Deer [Xerneas] holding a Rocky Helmet with Prankster as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with a Bold Nature.
Parting Shot | Heal Order | Taunt | Destiny Bond
This is your standard Prankster lead. I used to run Mega-Venusaur in this slot until I realized that Xerneas is faster, which is quite useful versus other Pranksters. Parting Shot is the switching move of choice, lowering the Attack and Special Attack of the opponent in addition to phasing out Magic Bouncers. Heal Order is a recovery move. I could've run any other one, but I chose this one because this Pokemon is majestic as all heck. Taunt + Pranktser = Match made in heaven, as I'm sure everyone is already aware of. The real kicker of this set is Destiny Bond, which stops any sweeps that the opponent could pull [except other priority-related ones]. Destiny Bond + Taunt + Prankster is even better than just Taunt + Prankster and Destiny Bond + Prankster on their own.
Bacon Bird [Shiny Yveltal] holding a Toxic Orb with Poison Heal as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed with a Jolly nature
Knock Off | Circle Throw | Roost | Sucker Punch
Have you ever had Bacon? Bacon is delicious. Well don't try to eat Bacon Bird, because it will eat you instead. This is my first Poison Heal abuser out of 2, because Poison Heal is an amazing ability in Balanced Hackmons. Knock Off is for knocking off anything besides Mega-Stones, because those don't get knocked off in most scenarios that you'll find them in. Getting rid of valuable Leftovers recovery or Rocky Helmet recoil is very nice, and this even gets rid of Toxic Orb abusers if they switch in on this. Circle Throw is an alright phazing move with no immunities besides ghost, which gets ko'd by every other one of this Pokemon's moves besides Roost. Roost is recovery, and it also gets rid of its rock/ice/electric weak for a turn, which is nice. Sucker Punch is the filler move of the set, designed to stop Gengars with Moonblast. I probably forgot to mention that this thing is THE way to deal with Gengar besides Spooky Plate Imposter.
This Thing [Darmanitan-Zen] holding Leftovers with Fur Coat as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with a Calm Nature
Nuzzle | Recover | Volt Switch | Stealth Rock
DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE FACE OF MERCY: °W°. According to MJB aka the person that this thing PP stalled it does, so whatever. This thing is THE way to deal with Refridgerate/Pixillate abusers. Nuzzle is an excellent move in Balanced Hackmons, and is essentially untauntable free paralysis, which is incredibly useful for slowing down the above abusers. Recover is the recovery move that I chose for this set, as once Leftovers is knocked off, it has no passive healing. Volt Switch is for switching out. I would use U-Turn, but this thing has pitiful Attack and I want to be doing a bit of damage while I switch out on this set. Stealth Rock is the only entry hazard. All others are terrible in balanced hackmons and/or don't exist. Wait, there are 2 other ones that aren't terrible and do exist? DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE FACE OF MERCY: °W°. Wait it does nvm
Something Else [Giratina] holding Leftovers with Magic Bounce as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with a Calm Nature
Whirlwind | Baton Pass | Milk Drink | Defog
Speaking of terrible and/or nonexistent entry hazards, make way for the thing that bounces them back! Send this in on something with Spore without Safety Goggles or Dark Void and they get put to sleep by their own move. It's pretty great. Anyways, this Pokemon also has exceptional 150/120/120 Bulk. That's a lot of bulk. Whirlwind is for phazing things that don't have Magic Bounce, which I can phaze anyway with Xerneas. Baton Pass is the switching move of choice for Magic Bouncers, as it has a lot of PP [64]. Milk Drink is the recovery move I chose for this set for whatever reason. Blame Adrian Marin for that one. Defog is for getting rid of any annoying hazards on my side of the field. Rapid Spin is blocked by ghosts, while Defog is blocked by Taunt, which isn't that much of a problem with Magic Bounce.
Free Willy [Kyogre] holding Toxic Orb with Poison Heal as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with either a Bold or Modest Nature
Quiver Dance | Spore | Water Spout | Moonblast
The second Poison Healer of the team, and arguably my most offensive Pokemon on the team. You can sweep unprepared teams with this Pokemon, like I did to Chesnaught that one time. Bold nature is for taking more of Kyub's hits [except if it has Bolt Strike, but why would you stay in on that anyway if it has it], while Modest nature is for more PWR. I prefer Bold, but it's your choice. Quiver Dance is basically the best boosting move for bulky special sweepers in the game, boosting this thing's high special attack and special defense to astronomical levels. It also boosts Speed, which is nice for sweeping purposes. Spore is your anti-imposter move. Do they have Toxic Orb? If no, they go to sleep. If yes, run away as fast as possible. Why Water Spout over Steam Eruption? 12.5% passive recovery is a very nice thing, allowing Water Spout to be more powerful more often. Moonblast is your coverage move, dealing with stuff that would otherwise wall you [besides Mega-Venusaur].
You from the Future [Chansey] holding Eviolite with Imposter as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed with an Impish or Jolly Nature
Fake Out | Final Gambit or Soft-Boiled | Parting Shot | Skill Swap
God. If RMTs didn't have a restriction on how much you have to put into your Pokemon, that would be the one word that describes this. This can be a scout [what I use it for], it can stop sweeps and use them against the opponent, and many other things. A lot of teams often prepare for this for that sole reason. Impish is used for Defense, while Jolly is used for speed. I am curretnly testing out Jolly to see if I like it better. Fake Out is for the Flinch and chip damage if you cannot Imposter the opponent for some reason [LIKE ILLUSION]. Final Gambit is only used as an emergency nuking device, and pretty much is a guaranteed kill on any non-ghost type that isn't behind a sub. Soft-Boiled is Chansey's recovery move that it typically uses, so I chose that one as an alternate option to Final Gambit. Parting Shot is the switching move that I picked for this Pokemon, and for good reason; lowering the offensive stats of the opponent is always a nice thing, after all. Skill Swap is a staple move on Imposters in Balanced Hackmons. If the opponent thinks they can use Baton Pass and they're behind a substitute, they'll pay the price of losing ALL of their boosts. This is especially deadly when combined with Ingrain, the Baton Pass move of choice for anti-phase.

Majestic Deer [Xerneas] holding a Rocky Helmet with Prankster as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with a Bold Nature.
Parting Shot | Heal Order | Taunt | Destiny Bond
This is your standard Prankster lead. I used to run Mega-Venusaur in this slot until I realized that Xerneas is faster, which is quite useful versus other Pranksters. Parting Shot is the switching move of choice, lowering the Attack and Special Attack of the opponent in addition to phasing out Magic Bouncers. Heal Order is a recovery move. I could've run any other one, but I chose this one because this Pokemon is majestic as all heck. Taunt + Pranktser = Match made in heaven, as I'm sure everyone is already aware of. The real kicker of this set is Destiny Bond, which stops any sweeps that the opponent could pull [except other priority-related ones]. Destiny Bond + Taunt + Prankster is even better than just Taunt + Prankster and Destiny Bond + Prankster on their own.

Bacon Bird [Shiny Yveltal] holding a Toxic Orb with Poison Heal as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed with a Jolly nature
Knock Off | Circle Throw | Roost | Sucker Punch
Have you ever had Bacon? Bacon is delicious. Well don't try to eat Bacon Bird, because it will eat you instead. This is my first Poison Heal abuser out of 2, because Poison Heal is an amazing ability in Balanced Hackmons. Knock Off is for knocking off anything besides Mega-Stones, because those don't get knocked off in most scenarios that you'll find them in. Getting rid of valuable Leftovers recovery or Rocky Helmet recoil is very nice, and this even gets rid of Toxic Orb abusers if they switch in on this. Circle Throw is an alright phazing move with no immunities besides ghost, which gets ko'd by every other one of this Pokemon's moves besides Roost. Roost is recovery, and it also gets rid of its rock/ice/electric weak for a turn, which is nice. Sucker Punch is the filler move of the set, designed to stop Gengars with Moonblast. I probably forgot to mention that this thing is THE way to deal with Gengar besides Spooky Plate Imposter.

This Thing [Darmanitan-Zen] holding Leftovers with Fur Coat as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with a Calm Nature
Nuzzle | Recover | Volt Switch | Stealth Rock
DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE FACE OF MERCY: °W°. According to MJB aka the person that this thing PP stalled it does, so whatever. This thing is THE way to deal with Refridgerate/Pixillate abusers. Nuzzle is an excellent move in Balanced Hackmons, and is essentially untauntable free paralysis, which is incredibly useful for slowing down the above abusers. Recover is the recovery move that I chose for this set, as once Leftovers is knocked off, it has no passive healing. Volt Switch is for switching out. I would use U-Turn, but this thing has pitiful Attack and I want to be doing a bit of damage while I switch out on this set. Stealth Rock is the only entry hazard. All others are terrible in balanced hackmons and/or don't exist. Wait, there are 2 other ones that aren't terrible and do exist? DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE FACE OF MERCY: °W°. Wait it does nvm

Something Else [Giratina] holding Leftovers with Magic Bounce as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with a Calm Nature
Whirlwind | Baton Pass | Milk Drink | Defog
Speaking of terrible and/or nonexistent entry hazards, make way for the thing that bounces them back! Send this in on something with Spore without Safety Goggles or Dark Void and they get put to sleep by their own move. It's pretty great. Anyways, this Pokemon also has exceptional 150/120/120 Bulk. That's a lot of bulk. Whirlwind is for phazing things that don't have Magic Bounce, which I can phaze anyway with Xerneas. Baton Pass is the switching move of choice for Magic Bouncers, as it has a lot of PP [64]. Milk Drink is the recovery move I chose for this set for whatever reason. Blame Adrian Marin for that one. Defog is for getting rid of any annoying hazards on my side of the field. Rapid Spin is blocked by ghosts, while Defog is blocked by Taunt, which isn't that much of a problem with Magic Bounce.

Free Willy [Kyogre] holding Toxic Orb with Poison Heal as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed, except for the 0 EVs and IVs in Attack, with either a Bold or Modest Nature
Quiver Dance | Spore | Water Spout | Moonblast
The second Poison Healer of the team, and arguably my most offensive Pokemon on the team. You can sweep unprepared teams with this Pokemon, like I did to Chesnaught that one time. Bold nature is for taking more of Kyub's hits [except if it has Bolt Strike, but why would you stay in on that anyway if it has it], while Modest nature is for more PWR. I prefer Bold, but it's your choice. Quiver Dance is basically the best boosting move for bulky special sweepers in the game, boosting this thing's high special attack and special defense to astronomical levels. It also boosts Speed, which is nice for sweeping purposes. Spore is your anti-imposter move. Do they have Toxic Orb? If no, they go to sleep. If yes, run away as fast as possible. Why Water Spout over Steam Eruption? 12.5% passive recovery is a very nice thing, allowing Water Spout to be more powerful more often. Moonblast is your coverage move, dealing with stuff that would otherwise wall you [besides Mega-Venusaur].

You from the Future [Chansey] holding Eviolite with Imposter as the ability
All EVs and IVs maxed with an Impish or Jolly Nature
Fake Out | Final Gambit or Soft-Boiled | Parting Shot | Skill Swap
God. If RMTs didn't have a restriction on how much you have to put into your Pokemon, that would be the one word that describes this. This can be a scout [what I use it for], it can stop sweeps and use them against the opponent, and many other things. A lot of teams often prepare for this for that sole reason. Impish is used for Defense, while Jolly is used for speed. I am curretnly testing out Jolly to see if I like it better. Fake Out is for the Flinch and chip damage if you cannot Imposter the opponent for some reason [LIKE ILLUSION]. Final Gambit is only used as an emergency nuking device, and pretty much is a guaranteed kill on any non-ghost type that isn't behind a sub. Soft-Boiled is Chansey's recovery move that it typically uses, so I chose that one as an alternate option to Final Gambit. Parting Shot is the switching move that I picked for this Pokemon, and for good reason; lowering the offensive stats of the opponent is always a nice thing, after all. Skill Swap is a staple move on Imposters in Balanced Hackmons. If the opponent thinks they can use Baton Pass and they're behind a substitute, they'll pay the price of losing ALL of their boosts. This is especially deadly when combined with Ingrain, the Baton Pass move of choice for anti-phase.
Such Summary:
This is a very stally team for Balanced Hackmons. If you like 200+ turn games, this team is a perfect match for you. Use Chansey as a scout or a sweep-stopping machine, and remember to follow this team's "guidelines" liberally. Any deviation may break the team's mechanics. That being said, I'm open for suggestions on how to make the team better.Also, I'm going to be testing out a few sets on Adrian Marin's request.
Interesting Importable:
Majestic Deer (Xerneas) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Parting Shot
- Heal Order
- Taunt
- Destiny Bond
Bacon Bird (Yveltal) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Circle Throw
- Roost
- Sucker Punch
°W° (Darmanitan-Zen) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nuzzle
- Recover
- Volt Switch
- Stealth Rock
Free Willy (Kyogre) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Water Spout
- Spore
- Moonblast
A Thing (Giratina) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Whirlwind
- Baton Pass
- Milk Drink
- Defog
You from the Future (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 SDef / 252 Spd
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Final Gambit
- Parting Shot
- Skill Swap
Super Shoutouts:
Pikachuun: Being me from the future
Adrian Marin: If he didn't exist, this team wouldn't exist. That said that could probably be a good thing if you hate stall...
Laga: First friend ever made on Showdown
SmashBrosBrawl and The Immortal: lies
Don Honchkrorleone, Hulavuta: Friends of mine from the Smogon Creator's Organization. They're nice people
Arcticblast: Approving Metagamiate or at least considering it
AwesomeFennekin: Nice person
OiawesomeDG: He's Oiawesome
The Eevee General: Made STABmons, one of the first OMs I got into.
RotomPoison: Nominated me for best Pokemon Showdown
BandannaWaddleDoo: Fan of the Touhou Project
simsims2800: Cool guy
CoolStoryBrobat: Nvm this guy is what simsims2800's description is
Albacore, Asterat, Arhops, AWailOfATail, Whatwasthatnoise, TheBurgerKing99, perplexing pool, Keep it Playful, Ranger Mike, E4 Flint: Other Metagames people
Snaquaza: Your Weavile is still terrible
Goddess Briyella: Really nice person
Kavatika, Nozzle, Celever: I barely know you as much but you seem like cool people
MJB: 176 turns of PP Stall <3
Chesnaught: Knows the power of PH Kyogre
Everyone that I didn't mention by name that I know: For being existent
The people who drew the art: You know who you are
and you: I don't know you at all probably, but who cares
Well thanks for reading my 1k post and RMT and probably complaining about the images being too big for 15 eons, and have a nice day.
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