PU Arbok



Arbok is a rather uncommon Pokemon, but it has some niches that allow it to be viable, such as its versatility, which enables it to fit on balanced and defensively oriented teams that can support it as well as on bulky offensive teams for its ability to set up on Pokemon such as Roselia and Tangela. Its rare Poison typing allows it to remove Toxic Spikes from the field, therefore making it useful against entry hazard stacking. Another niche comes from one of its abilities, Intimidate, and access to Coil, which make up most of the time for its mediocre Defense on offensive sets, allowing it to be a decent setup sweeper late-game; Nevertheless it needs support to weaken its checks and counters. Its other ability, Shed Skin, allows it to run defensive sets, which are somewhat durable thanks to its access to Rest while still hitting almost everything in the tier thanks to Gunk Shot along with a coverage move.

Offensive Coil
name: Offensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Aqua Tail
ability: Intimidate
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, making it a viable setup sweeper by increasing its damage output and making it harder to bring down. Gunk Shot is Arbok's main STAB move and attacking tool, as it decimates everything that doesn't resist it or isn't a dedicated physical tank, which can still be crippled by poison. Sucker Punch is a priority move that makes Arbok difficult to revenge kill for Pokemon that outspeed it, such as Kadabra, Ninetales, and Mr. Mime. Earthquake gives Arbok greater coverage, letting it hit Steel- and Rock-types for high damage, as well as basically everything that tanks Gunk Shot. Aqua Tail instead is mainly used to hit Piloswine and be sort of a threat to Levitate users and Air Balloon Pokemon such as Haunter and Probopass.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with an Adamant nature provides the highest damage output possible and allows Arbok to outspeed common Pokemon such as Torterra, Pawniard, Flareon, and Golem. Intimidate gives to Arbok plenty of opportunities to set up on or drop the Attack of physical attackers, most of the time forcing their switch. Black Sludge is Arbok's only source of recovery.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a late-game sweeper, so bring it in on the field after foes, especially physical tanks, have been weakened, or it won't be as effective. Arbok can also be used early- and mid-game as a wallbreaker or to simply wear down the opposing team. Arbok is mainly used for its ability to set up on common Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, so don't hesitate to switch in or set up a Coil on them; however, Arbok should also be wary about moves such as Sleep Powder. Because of its lack of recovery, Arbok is easily worn down and shouldn't take unnecessary damage, so only bring it in if strictly necessary. Arbok should be careful about switching into Defiant users such as Pawniard, as Intimidate raises their Attack by two stages. Intimidate allows Arbok to set up on physical attackers, such as Jumpluff and Mightyena, more easily and makes it a decent revenge killer to them if brought in after a teammate is KOed. Thanks to Intimidate, Arbok can also switch in on physical attackers and minimize the damage taken, finding more chances to set up a Coil.

Team Options

Arbok appreciates entry hazard support to wear down the opposing team with residual damage every time a foe switches, therefore getting precious KOs on Pokemon such as Ninetales, which gets OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Toxic and Thunder Wave support from Pokemon such as Grumpig and Togetic is appreciated to cripple opposing Pokemon, especially physical walls such as Carracosta and fast threats such as Simipour, to clean up the opposing team with ease, or find more opportunities to set up a Coil. Slow VoltTurn cores are decent in tandem with Arbok to bring it in with safety and prevent it from taking unnecessary damage. Arbok also appreciates Sticky Web support to slow down the opposing team, becoming more difficult to revenge kill for fast Pokemon such as Simipour and Zebstrika. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon are good partners, as they can deal with bulky Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem. Arbok struggles against Ghost-types such as Haunter and Misdreavus, so Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard are valid on offensive teams. Rotom-F can be a good teammate thanks to Levitate and Volt Switch, which allow it to check Pokemon with Ground-type coverage bring in Arbok safely, respectively. Burn severely cripples Arbok, so clerics such as Grumpig are good partners.

Defensive Coil
name: Defensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gunk Shot
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Shed Skin
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 192 SpD / 64 Spe
nature: Careful


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, giving it a good mix of offensive and defensive stats. Rest gets Arbok to full health when it's in danger, making it more durable and harder to bring down in tandem with Coil. Gunk Shot is Arbok's most powerful STAB move and hits most of the tier hard thanks to its high 120 Base Power and a possible Coil boost; it also has good chance to poison the foe. Earthquake is used principally for coverage purposes, allowing Arbok to hit Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass, Pawniard, Golem, Carracosta, and Barbaracle.

Set Details

Maximum HP investment allows Arbok tank some more hits and set up Coil with more safety. 192 EVs in Special Defense with a Careful nature are used to mitigate damage from special attacks, allowing Arbok to find more times to set up and making it hard to bring down with Defense boosts. 64 EVs in Speed are useful to outspeed some common base 45 to base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Torterra and Regice. 84 EVs investment in Speed can also be used to outspeed base 58 Speed Pokemon such as Aurorus and Rampardos. Shed Skin gives Arbok a chance to recover from status, and it's one of the main reasons it is viable with Rest. Black Sludge provides passive recovery so Arbok doesn't have to rely on Rest too much.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a setup sweeper, so bring it in on Pokemon that don't threaten it much, such as Lickilicky and Togetic. Arbok tends to perform better mid- or late-game, as it needs the opposing team weakened before it can do something concrete because of its low Speed. Don't hesitate to set up a Coil against slow teams, because Arbok can tear them apart with Gunk Shot after a boost, or against Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, because Arbok can switch in and deal with them well without fearing Sleep Powder that much thanks to its ability. Shed Skin is unreliable, so Arbok should use Rest only when it is at low health and against Pokemon that can't threaten or at least can't 2HKO it, such as Tangela and Gourgeist. Be wary of strong special attackers such as Simipour, Life Orb Poliwrath, and Regice, because even with Special Defense investment, Arbok won't appreciate getting hit by moves such as a STAB Hydro Pump.

Team Options

This defensive set fits best on defensive and balanced teams, as it needs a lot of support in weakening and crippling opposing Pokemon to succeed. Its Poison typing makes Arbok a good choice in teams that are vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon are good options to pair up with Arbok, as they provide a reliable way to handle Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem. Because Arbok works well against slow teams, it also appreciates teammates that can slow down foes, such as Thunder Wave users; Grumpig and Stunfisk are good options. Arbok pairs well with special walls such as Lickilicky, as they can take on strong special attackers and Ghost-types and provide a lot of utility to Arbok, especially if they run Knock Off or Thunder Wave. Fighting-types such as Machoke can deal well with Steel-types, especially the ones that commonly carry Air Balloon, such as Probopass, as Arbok cannot touch them. Poliwrath is another great example of a Fighting-type that can work well along with Arbok, as it can also threaten Ground-types such as Hippopotas and Golem. If you want to have a more offensive alternative to remove Ghost-types, run Pawniard, as it can Pursuit trap or KO them directly with ease, though it has to be careful of Hidden Power Fighting.

Other Options

Arbok can run Seed Bomb over Earthquake or Aqua Tail to hit bulky Ground-types without risking a miss, in exchange for a lower Base Power. Substitute and Coil can both be used to make Arbok lethal if it manages to set both of them up, but this limits its coverage, making it easier to check. Running a Choice set and Switcheroo is feasible, as it allows Arbok to bait Piloswine and other physical walls such as Avalugg, or to hit even harder with Gunk Shot, in the case a Choice Band is chosen.

Checks & Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types such as Golem, Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Torterra can switch in safely on Arbok thanks to their alright bulk and resistance to Poison-type moves, forcing Arbok to switch out or directly KOing it with their STAB moves; However, they don't really appreciate being hit by an Aqua Tail, though most of them are still able to tank it at least one time.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus take little damage from Arbok, as they resist Poison and most of them have Levitate, rendering them unaffected by Earthquake, and can Taunt or directly threaten Arbok with their STAB moves. Haunter is another good example of a Ghost-type that can trouble Arbok, as thanks to its 4x resistance to Gunk Shot, immunity to Earthquake, and access to Trick, it can to cripple Arbok if carrying a Choice Scarf or KO Arbok if Arbok is not running Sucker Punch.

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Kadabra and Grumpig can't switch in on physical attacks such as Gunk Shot and Earthquake and have to be wary of Sucker Punch, but thanks to their high Special Attack and super effective STAB moves, they can revenge kill Arbok well.

**Offensive Pressure**: Arbok is frail, especially without Special Defense investment, and its typing isn't that great either, as it leaves Arbok with few resistances and susceptible to common types such as Water. Running a defensive set makes Arbok bulkier, but then it lacks a priority move and important coverage to be truly effective offensively. Therefore, it still can be easily worn down and struggles with many strong attackers such as Carracosta and Simipour.
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I know I'm not QC and this is a minor nitpick, but you mention 64 Def EVs for Arbok in the main set, then said 64 Speed EVs in Set Details Raiza..
For UT, Arbok can also be used mid/early game as a wallbreaker/wear the opposing team down. In TO mention more pokes to deal with checks, like grass/waters for piloswine an other ground types, also give sticky web a mention, darks or we for ghosts. I wouldnt put wish users in TO as they tend to fit into different playstyles.

I have been run 84 speed evs to beat base 58s (mainly auroras, also ramp), at least mention that in set details, also the current spread doesnt beat bulky missy as it runs timid (not like arbok touches it). Mention that black sludge provides passive recovery, meaning you dont have to rest as much. In UT, the first line doesnt really say about how to use it, instead give examples of what to set up on. For TO, i wouldnt use this set on webs as it is still pretty slow and it can lose momentum (defog fodder as they know they can RK with pokes like kadabra). Mention what playstyle this set fits into, ie defensive/balance, and like the other set, give more examples of pokes to beat checks

Remove offensive coil now it has a set. Mention subcoil

Ill finish the check later bc i dont have time later Raiza.
nvm found some time

You can expand on some of the points, like the first one 'one of the few viable poison-types', this doesnt say much to the reader, but you can then talk about it possibly being important due to toxic spikes being very relevant. I wouldnt say gunk shot hits a lot of the tier hard since it has many poison resists (missy/golem/etc), maybe say gunk + wide range of coverage hits most of the tier. I disagree with the last point, as +1 sucker deals a lot of damage to most pokes, and it isnt too hard to wear them down (although the defensive set has a worse matchup)

Ground types: mention aqua tail not seed bomb
I dont think Taunt should have its own section as missy is the only real taunt user that can take hits

qc 1/3
- Mention that is isn't really that fast, and that it has a hard time with the common Ground-type moves in the tier.

Offensive Coil

- For Aqua Tail, I would mention that it also hits Air Balloon Probopass. Put Sucker Punch earlier, to correspond with the set.

Usage Tips
- What I really want to see is what Arbok can set up up, especially with Intimidate. I would also mention that Arbok has to be careful switching in if your opponent has a Defiant (or Competitive, but not really) Pokemon on their team.

Team Options
- What KOs do hazards achieve?
- Status support from what Pokemon? What threats do the status help against?
- I wouldn't mention Healing Wish in particular, unless there is a reason that it helps Arbok more than most other Pokemon.

Defensive Coil

Set Details
- Don't mention bulky Misdreavus as a target for the Speed investment, since that is Speed Creep. What specific Speed tier does the Speed target?

Usage Tips
- What weak attackers are there that Arbok can set up on?
- Same point with Defiant.
- Note that Rest and Shed Skin are unreliable, so to try and use it only when Arbok is at low health but facing an opponent that can't 2HKO it, preferably physical attackers after a couple of Coils.

Team Options
- Fighting-types should be noted, they threaten Steel-types, especially Air Balloon variants, which are immune to Arbok's whole moveset. Poliwrath in particular also threatens opposing Ground-types as well.

Checks & Counters
- Note that most Ground-types are bulky enough to survive a single Aqua Tail; Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Toterra can even survive boosted hits.
- Offensive Pressure: Arbok is still frail, particularly on the special side without investment. The defensive set is bulkier, but it lacks priority and coverage, so it is still prone to be worn down and revenge killed by many of the strong attackers in the tier.

Tag me when you implement this and I'll stamp.
- Mention that is isn't really that fast, and that it has a hard time with the common Ground-type moves in the tier.

Offensive Coil

- For Aqua Tail, I would mention that it also hits Air Balloon Probopass. Put Sucker Punch earlier, to correspond with the set.

Usage Tips
- What I really want to see is what Arbok can set up up, especially with Intimidate. I would also mention that Arbok has to be careful switching in if your opponent has a Defiant (or Competitive, but not really) Pokemon on their team.

Team Options
- What KOs do hazards achieve?
- Status support from what Pokemon? What threats do the status help against?
- I wouldn't mention Healing Wish in particular, unless there is a reason that it helps Arbok more than most other Pokemon.

Defensive Coil

Set Details
- Don't mention bulky Misdreavus as a target for the Speed investment, since that is Speed Creep. What specific Speed tier does the Speed target?

Usage Tips
- What weak attackers are there that Arbok can set up on?
- Same point with Defiant.
- Note that Rest and Shed Skin are unreliable, so to try and use it only when Arbok is at low health but facing an opponent that can't 2HKO it, preferably physical attackers after a couple of Coils.

Team Options
- Fighting-types should be noted, they threaten Steel-types, especially Air Balloon variants, which are immune to Arbok's whole moveset. Poliwrath in particular also threatens opposing Ground-types as well.

Checks & Counters
- Note that most Ground-types are bulky enough to survive a single Aqua Tail; Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Toterra can even survive boosted hits.
- Offensive Pressure: Arbok is still frail, particularly on the special side without investment. The defensive set is bulkier, but it lacks priority and coverage, so it is still prone to be worn down and revenge killed by many of the strong attackers in the tier.

Tag me when you implement this and I'll stamp.
didn't implement the part about defiant users in the second set because it doesnt run Intimidate tho.
also in overview

I don't really think Aqua Tail should get a slash but w/e

Remove Hippopotas and put Golem in ground types

you should add more detail and examples in c&c

also in overview

I don't really think Aqua Tail should get a slash but w/e

Remove Hippopotas and put Golem in ground types

you should add more detail and examples in c&c


will send to gp
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Arbok is a rather uncommon Pokemon, but it has some niche niches that allow it to be viable, such as its versatility, which ables enables it to fit both on balanced or and defensively oriented teams that can support it (RC) and as well as on bulky offensive teams (RC) other than being able for its ability (not entirely sure if I properly understood what you were getting at, so make sure I didn't mess anything up in terms of content, but at least this seems to make sense to me e.e) to set up on Pokemon such as Roselia and Tangela. The Its rare Poison-type Poison typing makes it able allows it to remove Toxic Spikes from the field, therefore making it useful against entry hazard stacking. Another niche consists in of one of its abilities, Intimidate, and access to Coil, which make up most of the time for its mediocre Defense on offensive sets, allowing it to be a decent setup sweeper into in the late-game; (SC) as nevertheless, (AC) (this also didn't make 100% sense to me, so make sure I didn't butcher it) it needs support to weaken its checks and counters, then and succeed. Its other ability, Shed Skin, allows it to run defensive sets too, which are somewhat durable thanks to the its access to Rest, which even if it limits Arbok's moveslots, it is able to hit while still hitting almost everything in the tier thanks to Gunk Shot along with a coverage move. This variant doesn't perform well against offensive teams, because most of the time they can shut Arbok down before it even set ups, as it's slow and has an hard time with common types in the tier such as Ground.

Offensive Coil
name: Offensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Aqua Tail
ability: Intimitade Intimidate
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, making it a viable setup sweeper (RC) dealing increased by increasing its damage output and being making it harder to bring down. Gunk Shot is Arbok's main STAB move and attacking tool, as it decimates everything that doesn't resist it or isn't a dedicated physical tank, which can still be crippled by poison. Sucker Punch is a priority move that makes Arbok difficult to revenge (space) kill by for Pokemon that outspeed it, (AC) such as Kadabra, Ninetales, and Mr. Mime, which outspeed it. Earthquake gives Arbok greater coverage letting it hit Steels-, Steel- and Rock-types for high damage, and as well as basically everything that tanks Gunk Shot fairly well. Aqua Tail instead is mainly used to hit Piloswine and be sort of a threat to Levitating Levitate users and Air Baloon Balloon Pokemon such as Probopass and Haunter and Probopass.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with an Adamant nature provide provides ('investment provides') the highest damage output possible (RC) and allow allows Arbok to outspeed common Pokemon such as Torterra, Pawniard, Flareon, (AC) and Golem. Intimitade Intimidate gives to Arbok plenty of opportunities and Pokemon to set up on or drop the Attack of physical attackers, most of the times time forcing their switch. Black Sludge is Arbok's only source of recovery and deals damage to foes if they get it. (highly situational and therefore not considered worth mentioning, also see comment on Black Sludge in second set)

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a late-game sweeper, so bring it in on the field after foes, especially physical tanks, are have been weakened, or it won't be as effective. Arbok can also be used early- to mid-game as a wallbreaker or to simply wear down the enemy opposing team. Arbok is mainly used because for being able its ability to set up on common Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, so don't hesitate switching it to switch in or setting up a Coil on them; (SC) but however, Arbok should also be wary about moves such as Sleep Powder.Because of its lack of recovery, Arbok is easily worn down and shouldn't take unnecessary damage as it is easily worn down, so only bring it in if strictly necessary. Arbok should be careful about switching into Defiant users such as Pawniard, as Intimidate rises raises (raise=boost, rise=ascend) their Attack by two stages, therefore giving an a hard time to Arbok. Intimidate allows Arbok to set up on physical attackers, such as Jumpluff or and Mightyena, more easily and makes it a decent revenge killer of to them (RC) if brought in after a teammate's death. Thanks to Intimidate, Arbok can still also switch in on physical attackers, thanks to Intimidate, and minimize the damage taken, therefore find more chances to set up a Coil.

Team Options

Arbok appreciates entry hazard support to weaken wear (or plain 'weaken', but not 'weaken down') down the enemy opposing team with residual damage every time a foe switches, therefore getting precious KOs on Pokemon such as Ninetales, which gets OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Toxic and Thunder Wave support by from Pokemon such as Grumpig and Togetic is appreciated to cripple opposing Pokemon, especially physical walls such as Carracosta and fast threats such as Simipour, to clean up with ease the opposing team with ease or find more opportunities to set up a Coil. Slow VoltTurn cores are decent in tandem with Arbok (RC) to bring it in with safety, preventing and prevent it from taking unnecessary damage. Arbok also appreciates help from Sticky Web support to slow down the enemy opposing team, becoming more difficult to revenge (space) kill by for fast Pokemon such as Simipour or and Zebstrika. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon (RC) are good partners, (AC) as they can deal with bulky Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem, which check Arbok. Arbok struggles against Ghost-types such as Haunter and Misdreavus, so Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard are valid on offensive teams. Rotom-F can be a good teammate thanks to Levitate and Volt Switch, which makes it allow it to check Pokemon with Ground-type coverage and Volt Switch to bring in Arbok safely, respectively. Burn severely cripples Arbok, as it reduces its damage drastically, so clerics such as Grumpig are good partners thanks to Heal Bell.

Defensive Coil
name: Defensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gunk Shot
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Shed Skin
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 192 SpD / 64 Spe
nature: Careful


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, (AC) and accuracy, giving it a good mix of offensive and defensive stats to fit in a team. Rest gets Arbok to fully full health when he's it's in danger, making it more durable and harder to bring down in tandem with Coil. Gunk Shot is Arbok's most powerful STAB move (RC) that makes it hit hard and hits most of the tier hard (RC) thanks to its high 120 BP and a possible Coil boost; (SC) with a it also has good chance to inflict a poison status to the foe too. Earthquake is used principally for coverage purposes, because it lets allowing Arbok to hit Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass, Pawniard, Golem, Carracosta, and Barbaracle.

Set Details

Maximum HP investiment investment makes allows Arbok tank some more hits and set up its Coil with more safety. 192 EVs in SpD Special Defense with a Careful nature (RC) are used to mitigate damage from Special Attacks, then recover them up with Rest, (this is kinda self-explanatory imo and also is a bit awkward and out of place here, so I think it's safe to just remove it..) also finding some allowing Arbok to find more spaces to set up (RC) and making Arbok it hard to bring down with Defense boosts. 64 EVs in Speed are useful to outspeed some common base 45 to base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Torterra and Regice. 84 EVs investment in Speed can also be used to outspeed base 58 Speed Pokemon such as Aurorus and Rampardos. Shed Skin gives Arbok a chance to recover from status, and it's one of the main reasons it is viable with Rest. Black Sludge is preferred over Leftovers because most of the time it can damage foes if they get it, and also (Black Sludge is the default passive recovery item for Poison-types, it's assumed that the reader knows this bit) provides a passive recovery so Arbok doesn't have to abuse rely on Rest too much.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a setup sweeper, so bring it in on Pokemon that don't threaten it much, and weak attackers (pretty much the same as 'Pkmn that don't threaten it much') such as Lickilicky and Togetic, which are good examples on what Arbok should set up a Coil. Arbok tends to perform better mid- to late-game, as it needs the enemy opposing team weakened before it can do something concrete (RC) because of its low Speed. Don't hesitate to set up a Coil against slow paced teams, because Arbok can tear them apart with Gunk Shot after a boost, or against Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, because Arbok can switch in and deal with them well, also not without fearing Sleep Powder that much (RC) thanks to its ability, which has a chance to heal it from status. Shed Skin is unreliable, so Arbok should use Rest only when it is at low health (RC) and against Pokemon that can't threaten it, or at least can't 2HKO it, such as Tangela and Gourgeist. Take care Be wary of strong special attackers such as Simipour, Life Orb Poliwrath, (AC) and Regice, because even with SpD Special Defense investiment investment, Arbok won't appreciate getting hit by a STAB Hydro Pump.

Team Options

This defensive set fits best on defensive and balanced teams, as it needs a lot of support in weakening and crippling opposing Pokemon (RC) to succeed. Poison-type Its Poison typing makes Arbok a good choice in teams that suffer are vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon (RC) are a good option options coupled to pair up with Arbok, as they give it provide ('give it' would imply Arbok was taking them on, which isn't what you meant) a reliable way to handle Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem. Because Arbok works well against slow paced teams, it also appreciates teammates that can slow down foes, such as Thunder Wave users; (SC) Grumpig and Stunfisk are good options. Arbok is well paired pairs well with special walls such as Lickilicky, as they can tank take on (or 'tank hits from', but that sounds a bit awkward imo) strong special attackers and Ghost-types, also providing and provide a lot of utility to Arbok, especially if they run Knock Off or Thunder Wave. Fighting-types such as Machoke can deal well with Steel-types, especially the ones carrying that commonly carry Air Baloon Balloon variants, such as Probopass, as they can prevent Arbok from touching cannot touch them. Poliwrath is another great example of a Fighting-type that can work well along with Arbok, as it can also threaten Ground-types such as Hippopotas and Golem, which bother Arbok. If you want to have a more offensive alternative to remove Ghost-types, run Pawniard, as it can Pursuit trap or KO them directly with ease, though it has to be careful to of Hidden Power Fighting.

Other Options

Arbok can run Seed Bomb over Earthquake or Aqua Tail to hit bulky Ground-types without risking a miss, in exchange of for some base power. Substitute and Coil can both be used to make Arbok lethal if it manages to set both of them up, but this limit limits its coverage, making it easier to check. Running a Choiced set and Switcheroo is fine feasible, (more appropriate) as it allows Arbok to bait Piloswine and other physical walls such as Avalugg, or to hit even harder with Gunk Shot, in the case a Choice Band is ran chosen.

Checks & Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types such as Golem, Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Torterra (RC) can switch in safely on Arbok (RC) thanks to their alright bulk and the resistance to Poison-type moves, (or remove 'type', whichever you prefer) which comes in hand often, (fluff) therefore force forcing Arbok's switch to switch out or directly KO KOing it with their STAB moves; (SC) but however, they don't really appreciate being hit by an Aqua Tail, though most of them are still able to tank it at least one time.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus take little damage from Arbok, as they resist Poison-type (RC) and most of them carry have Levitate, therefore are rendering them unaffected by moves such as Earthquake, which are usually ran by Arbok, then Taunt or directly threaten it with their STAB moves. Haunter is another good example of a Ghost-types that can trouble Arbok, as thanks to his 4x resistance to Gunk Shot, (AC) and immunity to Earthquake, also carrying and access to Trick, (AC) it can to cripple Arbok if carrying a Choice Scarf (RC) or KO it Arbok if it is not running Sucker Punch. (something seemed wrong with this sentence so again make sure the content is still sound)

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Kadabra and Grumpig can't switch in on physical attacks such as Gunk Shot and Earthquake and have to be wary of Sucker Punch, but thanks to their high Special Attack and super effective STAB moves, they can revenge kill and handle Arbok well, though they don't appreciate being hit by Sucker Punch either.

**Offensive Pressure**: Arbok is frail, especially on the specially bulk side without investment, and its typing isn't that great either, as it leaves Arbok with few resistances and susceptible to common types such as Water. Running a defensive set makes Arbok bulkier, but also lack then it lacks a priority move and important coverage to be truly effective offensively; (SC) therefore, (AC) it still can be easily worn down and struggles with many strong attackers such as Carracosta and Simipour.

GP 1/2
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add (Capitalize)

(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)

Arbok is a rather uncommon Pokemon, but it has some niche niches that allow it to be viable, such as its versatility, which ables enables it to fit both on balanced or and defensively oriented teams that can support it (RC) and as well as on bulky offensive teams (RC) other than being able for its ability (not entirely sure if I properly understood what you were getting at, so make sure I didn't mess anything up in terms of content, but at least this seems to make sense to me e.e) to set up on Pokemon such as Roselia and Tangela. The Its rare Poison-type Poison typing makes it able allows it to remove Toxic Spikes from the field, therefore making it useful against entry hazard stacking. Another niche consists in of one of its abilities, Intimidate, and access to Coil, which make up most of the time for its mediocre Defense on offensive sets, allowing it to be a decent setup sweeper into in the late-game; (SC) as nevertheless, (AC) (this also didn't make 100% sense to me, so make sure I didn't butcher it) it needs support to weaken its checks and counters, then and succeed. Its other ability, Shed Skin, allows it to run defensive sets too, which are somewhat durable thanks to the its access to Rest, which even if it limits Arbok's moveslots, it is able to hit while still hitting almost everything in the tier thanks to Gunk Shot along with a coverage move. This variant doesn't perform well against offensive teams, because most of the time they can shut Arbok down before it even set ups, as it's slow and has an hard time with common types in the tier such as Ground.

Offensive Coil
name: Offensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Aqua Tail
ability: Intimitade Intimidate
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, making it a viable setup sweeper (RC) dealing increased by increasing its damage output and being making it harder to bring down. Gunk Shot is Arbok's main STAB move and attacking tool, as it decimates everything that doesn't resist it or isn't a dedicated physical tank, which can still be crippled by poison. Sucker Punch is a priority move that makes Arbok difficult to revenge (space) kill by for Pokemon that outspeed it, (AC) such as Kadabra, Ninetales, and Mr. Mime, which outspeed it. Earthquake gives Arbok greater coverage letting it hit Steels-, Steel- and Rock-types for high damage, and as well as basically everything that tanks Gunk Shot fairly well. Aqua Tail instead is mainly used to hit Piloswine and be sort of a threat to Levitating Levitate users and Air Baloon Balloon Pokemon such as Probopass and Haunter and Probopass.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with an Adamant nature provide provides ('investment provides') the highest damage output possible (RC) and allow allows Arbok to outspeed common Pokemon such as Torterra, Pawniard, Flareon, (AC) and Golem. Intimitade Intimidate gives to Arbok plenty of opportunities and Pokemon to set up on or drop the Attack of physical attackers, most of the times time forcing their switch. Black Sludge is Arbok's only source of recovery and deals damage to foes if they get it. (highly situational and therefore not considered worth mentioning, also see comment on Black Sludge in second set)

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a late-game sweeper, so bring it in on the field after foes, especially physical tanks, are have been weakened, or it won't be as effective. Arbok can also be used early- to mid-game as a wallbreaker or to simply wear down the enemy opposing team. Arbok is mainly used because for being able its ability to set up on common Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, so don't hesitate switching it to switch in or setting up a Coil on them; (SC) but however, Arbok should also be wary about moves such as Sleep Powder.Because of its lack of recovery, Arbok is easily worn down and shouldn't take unnecessary damage as it is easily worn down, so only bring it in if strictly necessary. Arbok should be careful about switching into Defiant users such as Pawniard, as Intimidate rises raises (raise=boost, rise=ascend) their Attack by two stages, therefore giving an a hard time to Arbok. Intimidate allows Arbok to set up on physical attackers, such as Jumpluff or and Mightyena, more easily and makes it a decent revenge killer of to them (RC) if brought in after a teammate's death. Thanks to Intimidate, Arbok can still also switch in on physical attackers, thanks to Intimidate, and minimize the damage taken, therefore find more chances to set up a Coil.

Team Options

Arbok appreciates entry hazard support to weaken wear (or plain 'weaken', but not 'weaken down') down the enemy opposing team with residual damage every time a foe switches, therefore getting precious KOs on Pokemon such as Ninetales, which gets OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Toxic and Thunder Wave support by from Pokemon such as Grumpig and Togetic is appreciated to cripple opposing Pokemon, especially physical walls such as Carracosta and fast threats such as Simipour, to clean up with ease the opposing team with ease or find more opportunities to set up a Coil. Slow VoltTurn cores are decent in tandem with Arbok (RC) to bring it in with safety, preventing and prevent it from taking unnecessary damage. Arbok also appreciates help from Sticky Web support to slow down the enemy opposing team, becoming more difficult to revenge (space) kill by for fast Pokemon such as Simipour or and Zebstrika. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon (RC) are good partners, (AC) as they can deal with bulky Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem, which check Arbok. Arbok struggles against Ghost-types such as Haunter and Misdreavus, so Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard are valid on offensive teams. Rotom-F can be a good teammate thanks to Levitate and Volt Switch, which makes it allow it to check Pokemon with Ground-type coverage and Volt Switch to bring in Arbok safely, respectively. Burn severely cripples Arbok, as it reduces its damage drastically, so clerics such as Grumpig are good partners thanks to Heal Bell.

Defensive Coil
name: Defensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gunk Shot
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Shed Skin
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 192 SpD / 64 Spe
nature: Careful


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, (AC) and accuracy, giving it a good mix of offensive and defensive stats to fit in a team. Rest gets Arbok to fully full health when he's it's in danger, making it more durable and harder to bring down in tandem with Coil. Gunk Shot is Arbok's most powerful STAB move (RC) that makes it hit hard and hits most of the tier hard (RC) thanks to its high 120 BP and a possible Coil boost; (SC) with a it also has good chance to inflict a poison status to the foe too. Earthquake is used principally for coverage purposes, because it lets allowing Arbok to hit Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass, Pawniard, Golem, Carracosta, and Barbaracle.

Set Details

Maximum HP investiment investment makes allows Arbok tank some more hits and set up its Coil with more safety. 192 EVs in SpD Special Defense with a Careful nature (RC) are used to mitigate damage from Special Attacks, then recover them up with Rest, (this is kinda self-explanatory imo and also is a bit awkward and out of place here, so I think it's safe to just remove it..) also finding some allowing Arbok to find more spaces to set up (RC) and making Arbok it hard to bring down with Defense boosts. 64 EVs in Speed are useful to outspeed some common base 45 to base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Torterra and Regice. 84 EVs investment in Speed can also be used to outspeed base 58 Speed Pokemon such as Aurorus and Rampardos. Shed Skin gives Arbok a chance to recover from status, and it's one of the main reasons it is viable with Rest. Black Sludge is preferred over Leftovers because most of the time it can damage foes if they get it, and also (Black Sludge is the default passive recovery item for Poison-types, it's assumed that the reader knows this bit) provides a passive recovery so Arbok doesn't have to abuse rely on Rest too much.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a setup sweeper, so bring it in on Pokemon that don't threaten it much, and weak attackers (pretty much the same as 'Pkmn that don't threaten it much') such as Lickilicky and Togetic, which are good examples on what Arbok should set up a Coil. Arbok tends to perform better mid- to late-game, as it needs the enemy opposing team weakened before it can do something concrete (RC) because of its low Speed. Don't hesitate to set up a Coil against slow paced teams, because Arbok can tear them apart with Gunk Shot after a boost, or against Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, because Arbok can switch in and deal with them well, also not without fearing Sleep Powder that much (RC) thanks to its ability, which has a chance to heal it from status. Shed Skin is unreliable, so Arbok should use Rest only when it is at low health (RC) and against Pokemon that can't threaten it, or at least can't 2HKO it, such as Tangela and Gourgeist. Take care Be wary of strong special attackers such as Simipour, Life Orb Poliwrath, (AC) and Regice, because even with SpD Special Defense investiment investment, Arbok won't appreciate getting hit by a STAB Hydro Pump.

Team Options

This defensive set fits best on defensive and balanced teams, as it needs a lot of support in weakening and crippling opposing Pokemon (RC) to succeed. Poison-type Its Poison typing makes Arbok a good choice in teams that suffer are vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon (RC) are a good option options coupled to pair up with Arbok, as they give it provide ('give it' would imply Arbok was taking them on, which isn't what you meant) a reliable way to handle Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem. Because Arbok works well against slow paced teams, it also appreciates teammates that can slow down foes, such as Thunder Wave users; (SC) Grumpig and Stunfisk are good options. Arbok is well paired pairs well with special walls such as Lickilicky, as they can tank take on (or 'tank hits from', but that sounds a bit awkward imo) strong special attackers and Ghost-types, also providing and provide a lot of utility to Arbok, especially if they run Knock Off or Thunder Wave. Fighting-types such as Machoke can deal well with Steel-types, especially the ones carrying that commonly carry Air Baloon Balloon variants, such as Probopass, as they can prevent Arbok from touching cannot touch them. Poliwrath is another great example of a Fighting-type that can work well along with Arbok, as it can also threaten Ground-types such as Hippopotas and Golem, which bother Arbok. If you want to have a more offensive alternative to remove Ghost-types, run Pawniard, as it can Pursuit trap or KO them directly with ease, though it has to be careful to of Hidden Power Fighting.

Other Options

Arbok can run Seed Bomb over Earthquake or Aqua Tail to hit bulky Ground-types without risking a miss, in exchange of for some base power. Substitute and Coil can both be used to make Arbok lethal if it manages to set both of them up, but this limit limits its coverage, making it easier to check. Running a Choiced set and Switcheroo is fine feasible, (more appropriate) as it allows Arbok to bait Piloswine and other physical walls such as Avalugg, or to hit even harder with Gunk Shot, in the case a Choice Band is ran chosen.

Checks & Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types such as Golem, Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Torterra (RC) can switch in safely on Arbok (RC) thanks to their alright bulk and the resistance to Poison-type moves, (or remove 'type', whichever you prefer) which comes in hand often, (fluff) therefore force forcing Arbok's switch to switch out or directly KO KOing it with their STAB moves; (SC) but however, they don't really appreciate being hit by an Aqua Tail, though most of them are still able to tank it at least one time.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus take little damage from Arbok, as they resist Poison-type (RC) and most of them carry have Levitate, therefore are rendering them unaffected by moves such as Earthquake, which are usually ran by Arbok, then Taunt or directly threaten it with their STAB moves. Haunter is another good example of a Ghost-types that can trouble Arbok, as thanks to his 4x resistance to Gunk Shot, (AC) and immunity to Earthquake, also carrying and access to Trick, (AC) it can to cripple Arbok if carrying a Choice Scarf (RC) or KO it Arbok if it is not running Sucker Punch. (something seemed wrong with this sentence so again make sure the content is still sound)

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Kadabra and Grumpig can't switch in on physical attacks such as Gunk Shot and Earthquake and have to be wary of Sucker Punch, but thanks to their high Special Attack and super effective STAB moves, they can revenge kill and handle Arbok well, though they don't appreciate being hit by Sucker Punch either.

**Offensive Pressure**: Arbok is frail, especially on the specially bulk side without investment, and its typing isn't that great either, as it leaves Arbok with few resistances and susceptible to common types such as Water. Running a defensive set makes Arbok bulkier, but also lack then it lacks a priority move and important coverage to be truly effective offensively; (SC) therefore, (AC) it still can be easily worn down and struggles with many strong attackers such as Carracosta and Simipour.

GP 1/2
ready for a last check



Arbok is a rather uncommon Pokemon, but it has some niches that allow it to be viable, such as its versatility, which enables it to fit on balanced and defensively oriented teams that can support it it can fit on balanced teams because those teams support it? I'm not sure what's being said here as well as on bulky offensive teams for its ability to set up on Pokemon such as Roselia and Tangela. Its rare Poison typing allows it to remove Toxic Spikes from the field, therefore making it useful against entry hazard stacking. Another niche consists of comes from one of its abilities, Intimidate, and access to Coil, which make up most of the time for its mediocre Defense on offensive sets, allowing it to be a decent setup sweeper in the late-game; Nevertheless, (AC) it needs support to weaken its checks and counters and succeed. Its other ability, Shed Skin, allows it to run defensive sets too, which are somewhat durable thanks to its access to Rest while still hitting almost everything in the tier thanks to Gunk Shot along with a coverage move. This variant doesn't perform well against offensive teams, because most of the time they can shut Arbok down before it even set ups, as it's slow and has an hard time with common types in the tier such as Ground.

Offensive Coil
name: Offensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Aqua Tail
ability: Intimidate
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, making it a viable setup sweeper by increasing its damage output and making it harder to bring down. Gunk Shot is Arbok's main STAB move and attacking tool, as it decimates everything that doesn't resist it or isn't a dedicated physical tank, which can still be crippled by poison. Sucker Punch is a priority move that makes Arbok difficult to revenge kill for Pokemon that outspeed it, such as Kadabra, Ninetales, and Mr. Mime. Earthquake gives Arbok greater coverage, (AC) letting it hit Steel- and Rock-types for high damage, as well as basically everything that tanks Gunk Shot fairly well. Aqua Tail instead is mainly used to hit Piloswine and be sort of a threat to Levitate users and Air Balloon Pokemon such as Haunter and Probopass.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with an Adamant nature provides the highest damage output possible and allows Arbok to outspeed common Pokemon such as Torterra, Pawniard, Flareon, and Golem. Intimidate gives to Arbok plenty of opportunities to set up on or drop the Attack of physical attackers, most of the time forcing their switch. Black Sludge is Arbok's only source of recovery.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a late-game sweeper, so bring it in on the field after foes, especially physical tanks, have been weakened, or it won't be as effective. Arbok can also be used early- to and mid-game as a wallbreaker or to simply wear down the opposing team. Arbok is mainly used for its ability to set up on common Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, so don't hesitate to switch in or set up a Coil on them; however, Arbok should also be wary about moves such as Sleep Powder. Because of its lack of recovery, Arbok is easily worn down and shouldn't take unnecessary damage, so only bring it in if strictly necessary. Arbok should be careful about switching into Defiant users such as Pawniard, as Intimidate raises their Attack by two stages, therefore giving a hard time to Arbok. Intimidate allows Arbok to set up on physical attackers, such as Jumpluff and Mightyena, more easily and makes it a decent revenge killer to them if brought in after a teammate's death is KOed. Thanks to Intimidate, Arbok can also switch in on physical attackers and minimize the damage taken, therefore finding more chances to set up a Coil.

Team Options

Arbok appreciates entry hazard support to wear down the opposing team with residual damage every time a foe switches, therefore getting precious KOs on Pokemon such as Ninetales, which gets OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Toxic and Thunder Wave support from Pokemon such as Grumpig and Togetic is appreciated to cripple opposing Pokemon, especially physical walls such as Carracosta and fast threats such as Simipour, to clean up the opposing team with ease, (AC) or find more opportunities to set up a Coil. Slow VoltTurn cores are decent in tandem with Arbok to bring it in with safety and prevent it from taking unnecessary damage. Arbok also appreciates Sticky Web support to slow down the opposing team, becoming more difficult to revenge kill for fast Pokemon such as Simipour and Zebstrika. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon are good partners, as they can deal with bulky Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem, which check Arbok. Arbok struggles against Ghost-types such as Haunter and Misdreavus, so Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard are valid on offensive teams. Rotom-F can be a good teammate thanks to Levitate and Volt Switch, which allow it to check Pokemon with Ground-type coverage bring in Arbok safely, respectively. Burn severely cripples Arbok, as it reduces its damage drastically, so clerics such as Grumpig are good partners thanks to Heal Bell.

Defensive Coil
name: Defensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gunk Shot
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Shed Skin
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 192 SpD / 64 Spe
nature: Careful


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, giving it a good mix of offensive and defensive stats to fit. Rest gets Arbok to full health when it's in danger, making it more durable and harder to bring down in tandem with Coil. Gunk Shot is Arbok's most powerful STAB move and hits most of the tier hard thanks to its high 120 Base Power and a possible Coil boost; it also has good chance to poison the foe. Earthquake is used principally for coverage purposes, allowing Arbok to hit Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass, Pawniard, Golem, Carracosta, and Barbaracle.

Set Details

Maximum HP investment allows Arbok tank some more hits and set up Coil with more safety. 192 EVs in Special Defense with a Careful nature are used to mitigate damage from special attacks, allowing Arbok to find more spaces times to set up and making it hard to bring down with Defense boosts. 64 EVs in Speed are useful to outspeed some common base 45 to base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Torterra and Regice. 84 EVs investment in Speed can also be used to outspeed base 58 Speed Pokemon such as Aurorus and Rampardos. Shed Skin gives Arbok a chance to recover from status, and it's one of the main reasons it is viable with Rest. Black Sludge provides passive recovery so Arbok doesn't have to rely on Rest too much.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a setup sweeper, so bring it in on Pokemon that don't threaten it much, such as Lickilicky and Togetic. Arbok tends to perform better mid- to or late-game, as it needs the opposing team weakened before it can do something concrete because of its low Speed. Don't hesitate to set up a Coil against slow teams, because Arbok can tear them apart with Gunk Shot after a boost, or against Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, because Arbok can switch in and deal with them well, (RC) without fearing Sleep Powder that much thanks to its ability. Shed Skin is unreliable, so Arbok should use Rest only when it is at low health and against Pokemon that can't threaten or at least can't 2HKO it, such as Tangela and Gourgeist. Be wary of strong special attackers such as Simipour, Life Orb Poliwrath, and Regice, because even with Special Defense investment, Arbok won't appreciate getting hit by moves such as a STAB Hydro Pump.

Team Options

This defensive set fits best on defensive and balanced teams, as it needs a lot of support in weakening and crippling opposing Pokemon to succeed. Its Poison typing makes Arbok a good choice in teams that are vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon (RC) are good options to pair up with Arbok, as they provide a reliable way to handle Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem. Because Arbok works well against slow teams, it also appreciates teammates that can slow down foes, such as Thunder Wave users; Grumpig and Stunfisk are good options. Arbok pairs well with special walls such as Lickilicky, as they can take on strong special attackers and Ghost-types and provide a lot of utility to Arbok, especially if they run Knock Off or Thunder Wave. Fighting-types such as Machoke can deal well with Steel-types, especially the ones that commonly carry Air Balloon, such as Probopass, as Arbok cannot touch them. Poliwrath is another great example of a Fighting-type that can work well along with Arbok, as it can also threaten Ground-types such as Hippopotas and Golem, which bother Arbok. If you want to have a more offensive alternative to remove Ghost-types, run Pawniard, as it can Pursuit trap or KO them directly with ease, though it has to be careful of Hidden Power Fighting.

Other Options

Arbok can run Seed Bomb over Earthquake or Aqua Tail to hit bulky Ground-types without risking a miss, in exchange for some a lower Base Power. Substitute and Coil can both be used to make Arbok lethal if it manages to set both of them up, but this limits its coverage, making it easier to check. Running a Choiced set and Switcheroo is feasible, as it allows Arbok to bait Piloswine and other physical walls such as Avalugg, or to hit even harder with Gunk Shot, in the case a Choice Band is chosen.

Checks & Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types such as Golem, Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Torterra can switch in safely on Arbok thanks to their alright bulk and resistance to Poison-type moves, therefore forcing Arbok to switch out or directly KOing it with their STAB moves; However, they don't really appreciate being hit by an Aqua Tail, though most of them are still able to tank it at least one time.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus take little damage from Arbok, as they resist Poison and most of them have Levitate, rendering them unaffected by moves such as Earthquake, which are usually ran by Arbok, then and can Taunt or directly threaten it Arbok with their STAB moves. Haunter is another good example of a Ghost-type that can trouble Arbok, as thanks to his its 4x resistance to Gunk Shot, immunity to Earthquake, and access to Trick, it can to cripple Arbok if carrying a Choice Scarf or KO Arbok if it Arbok is not running Sucker Punch.

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Kadabra and Grumpig can't switch in on physical attacks such as Gunk Shot and Earthquake and have to be wary of Sucker Punch, but thanks to their high Special Attack and super effective STAB moves, they can revenge kill and handle Arbok well.

**Offensive Pressure**: Arbok is frail, especially without Special Defense on the specially bulk side without investment, and its typing isn't that great either, as it leaves Arbok with few resistances and susceptible to common types such as Water. Running a defensive set makes Arbok bulkier, but then it lacks a priority move and important coverage to be truly effective offensively. (period) Therefore, it still can be easily worn down and struggles with many strong attackers such as Carracosta and Simipour.

Last edited:



Arbok is a rather uncommon Pokemon, but it has some niches that allow it to be viable, such as its versatility, which enables it to fit on balanced and defensively oriented teams that can support it it can fit on balanced teams because those teams support it? I'm not sure what's being said here as well as on bulky offensive teams for its ability to set up on Pokemon such as Roselia and Tangela. Its rare Poison typing allows it to remove Toxic Spikes from the field, therefore making it useful against entry hazard stacking. Another niche consists of comes from one of its abilities, Intimidate, and access to Coil, which make up most of the time for its mediocre Defense on offensive sets, allowing it to be a decent setup sweeper in the late-game; Nevertheless, (AC) it needs support to weaken its checks and counters and succeed. Its other ability, Shed Skin, allows it to run defensive sets too, which are somewhat durable thanks to its access to Rest while still hitting almost everything in the tier thanks to Gunk Shot along with a coverage move. This variant doesn't perform well against offensive teams, because most of the time they can shut Arbok down before it even set ups, as it's slow and has an hard time with common types in the tier such as Ground.

Offensive Coil
name: Offensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Gunk Shot
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Earthquake / Aqua Tail
ability: Intimidate
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, making it a viable setup sweeper by increasing its damage output and making it harder to bring down. Gunk Shot is Arbok's main STAB move and attacking tool, as it decimates everything that doesn't resist it or isn't a dedicated physical tank, which can still be crippled by poison. Sucker Punch is a priority move that makes Arbok difficult to revenge kill for Pokemon that outspeed it, such as Kadabra, Ninetales, and Mr. Mime. Earthquake gives Arbok greater coverage, (AC) letting it hit Steel- and Rock-types for high damage, as well as basically everything that tanks Gunk Shot fairly well. Aqua Tail instead is mainly used to hit Piloswine and be sort of a threat to Levitate users and Air Balloon Pokemon such as Haunter and Probopass.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment with an Adamant nature provides the highest damage output possible and allows Arbok to outspeed common Pokemon such as Torterra, Pawniard, Flareon, and Golem. Intimidate gives to Arbok plenty of opportunities to set up on or drop the Attack of physical attackers, most of the time forcing their switch. Black Sludge is Arbok's only source of recovery.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a late-game sweeper, so bring it in on the field after foes, especially physical tanks, have been weakened, or it won't be as effective. Arbok can also be used early- to and mid-game as a wallbreaker or to simply wear down the opposing team. Arbok is mainly used for its ability to set up on common Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, so don't hesitate to switch in or set up a Coil on them; however, Arbok should also be wary about moves such as Sleep Powder. Because of its lack of recovery, Arbok is easily worn down and shouldn't take unnecessary damage, so only bring it in if strictly necessary. Arbok should be careful about switching into Defiant users such as Pawniard, as Intimidate raises their Attack by two stages, therefore giving a hard time to Arbok. Intimidate allows Arbok to set up on physical attackers, such as Jumpluff and Mightyena, more easily and makes it a decent revenge killer to them if brought in after a teammate's death is KOed. Thanks to Intimidate, Arbok can also switch in on physical attackers and minimize the damage taken, therefore finding more chances to set up a Coil.

Team Options

Arbok appreciates entry hazard support to wear down the opposing team with residual damage every time a foe switches, therefore getting precious KOs on Pokemon such as Ninetales, which gets OHKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Toxic and Thunder Wave support from Pokemon such as Grumpig and Togetic is appreciated to cripple opposing Pokemon, especially physical walls such as Carracosta and fast threats such as Simipour, to clean up the opposing team with ease, (AC) or find more opportunities to set up a Coil. Slow VoltTurn cores are decent in tandem with Arbok to bring it in with safety and prevent it from taking unnecessary damage. Arbok also appreciates Sticky Web support to slow down the opposing team, becoming more difficult to revenge kill for fast Pokemon such as Simipour and Zebstrika. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon are good partners, as they can deal with bulky Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem, which check Arbok. Arbok struggles against Ghost-types such as Haunter and Misdreavus, so Pursuit trappers such as Pawniard are valid on offensive teams. Rotom-F can be a good teammate thanks to Levitate and Volt Switch, which allow it to check Pokemon with Ground-type coverage bring in Arbok safely, respectively. Burn severely cripples Arbok, as it reduces its damage drastically, so clerics such as Grumpig are good partners thanks to Heal Bell.

Defensive Coil
name: Defensive Coil
move 1: Coil
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gunk Shot
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Shed Skin
item: Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 192 SpD / 64 Spe
nature: Careful


Coil boosts Arbok's Attack, Defense, and accuracy, giving it a good mix of offensive and defensive stats to fit. Rest gets Arbok to full health when it's in danger, making it more durable and harder to bring down in tandem with Coil. Gunk Shot is Arbok's most powerful STAB move and hits most of the tier hard thanks to its high 120 Base Power and a possible Coil boost; it also has good chance to poison the foe. Earthquake is used principally for coverage purposes, allowing Arbok to hit Steel- and Rock-types such as Probopass, Pawniard, Golem, Carracosta, and Barbaracle.

Set Details

Maximum HP investment allows Arbok tank some more hits and set up Coil with more safety. 192 EVs in Special Defense with a Careful nature are used to mitigate damage from special attacks, allowing Arbok to find more spaces times to set up and making it hard to bring down with Defense boosts. 64 EVs in Speed are useful to outspeed some common base 45 to base 70 Speed Pokemon such as Torterra and Regice. 84 EVs investment in Speed can also be used to outspeed base 58 Speed Pokemon such as Aurorus and Rampardos. Shed Skin gives Arbok a chance to recover from status, and it's one of the main reasons it is viable with Rest. Black Sludge provides passive recovery so Arbok doesn't have to rely on Rest too much.

Usage Tips

Arbok is only viable as a setup sweeper, so bring it in on Pokemon that don't threaten it much, such as Lickilicky and Togetic. Arbok tends to perform better mid- to or late-game, as it needs the opposing team weakened before it can do something concrete because of its low Speed. Don't hesitate to set up a Coil against slow teams, because Arbok can tear them apart with Gunk Shot after a boost, or against Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela, because Arbok can switch in and deal with them well, (RC) without fearing Sleep Powder that much thanks to its ability. Shed Skin is unreliable, so Arbok should use Rest only when it is at low health and against Pokemon that can't threaten or at least can't 2HKO it, such as Tangela and Gourgeist. Be wary of strong special attackers such as Simipour, Life Orb Poliwrath, and Regice, because even with Special Defense investment, Arbok won't appreciate getting hit by moves such as a STAB Hydro Pump.

Team Options

This defensive set fits best on defensive and balanced teams, as it needs a lot of support in weakening and crippling opposing Pokemon to succeed. Its Poison typing makes Arbok a good choice in teams that are vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Water- and Grass-types such as Poliwrath, Pelipper, Tangela, and Leafeon (RC) are good options to pair up with Arbok, as they provide a reliable way to handle Ground-types such as Piloswine, Hippopotas, and Golem. Because Arbok works well against slow teams, it also appreciates teammates that can slow down foes, such as Thunder Wave users; Grumpig and Stunfisk are good options. Arbok pairs well with special walls such as Lickilicky, as they can take on strong special attackers and Ghost-types and provide a lot of utility to Arbok, especially if they run Knock Off or Thunder Wave. Fighting-types such as Machoke can deal well with Steel-types, especially the ones that commonly carry Air Balloon, such as Probopass, as Arbok cannot touch them. Poliwrath is another great example of a Fighting-type that can work well along with Arbok, as it can also threaten Ground-types such as Hippopotas and Golem, which bother Arbok. If you want to have a more offensive alternative to remove Ghost-types, run Pawniard, as it can Pursuit trap or KO them directly with ease, though it has to be careful of Hidden Power Fighting.

Other Options

Arbok can run Seed Bomb over Earthquake or Aqua Tail to hit bulky Ground-types without risking a miss, in exchange for some a lower Base Power. Substitute and Coil can both be used to make Arbok lethal if it manages to set both of them up, but this limits its coverage, making it easier to check. Running a Choiced set and Switcheroo is feasible, as it allows Arbok to bait Piloswine and other physical walls such as Avalugg, or to hit even harder with Gunk Shot, in the case a Choice Band is chosen.

Checks & Counters

**Ground-types**: Bulky Ground-types such as Golem, Piloswine, Stunfisk, and Torterra can switch in safely on Arbok thanks to their alright bulk and resistance to Poison-type moves, therefore forcing Arbok to switch out or directly KOing it with their STAB moves; However, they don't really appreciate being hit by an Aqua Tail, though most of them are still able to tank it at least one time.

**Ghost-types**: Ghost-types such as Misdreavus take little damage from Arbok, as they resist Poison and most of them have Levitate, rendering them unaffected by moves such as Earthquake, which are usually ran by Arbok, then and can Taunt or directly threaten it Arbok with their STAB moves. Haunter is another good example of a Ghost-type that can trouble Arbok, as thanks to his its 4x resistance to Gunk Shot, immunity to Earthquake, and access to Trick, it can to cripple Arbok if carrying a Choice Scarf or KO Arbok if it Arbok is not running Sucker Punch.

**Psychic-types**: Psychic-types such as Kadabra and Grumpig can't switch in on physical attacks such as Gunk Shot and Earthquake and have to be wary of Sucker Punch, but thanks to their high Special Attack and super effective STAB moves, they can revenge kill and handle Arbok well.

**Offensive Pressure**: Arbok is frail, especially without Special Defense on the specially bulk side without investment, and its typing isn't that great either, as it leaves Arbok with few resistances and susceptible to common types such as Water. Running a defensive set makes Arbok bulkier, but then it lacks a priority move and important coverage to be truly effective offensively. (period) Therefore, it still can be easily worn down and struggles with many strong attackers such as Carracosta and Simipour.

This is done.