Deoxys-A has incredible mixed offensive stats that allow it to OHKO most of the metagame and possesses an incredible Speed tier that allows it to outpace every relevant offensive Pokemon. This is further backed by a solid movepool, which gives it the coverage to hit any wall that resists its powerful STAB moves at least neutrally. Deoxys-A also has access to Extreme Speed, which allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and vulnerability to priority, which means it requires Defog support in order to not be forced out by common Pokemon such as Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A is also prey to fast Choice Scarf users, and it faces competition in its lead role from the bulkier and faster Deoxys-S.
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe
Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high Base Power mean that it 2HKOes or OHKOes every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that are immune to or resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items.
Set Details
252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack-boosting nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, and Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself, and allow it to revenge kill top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because Extreme Speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and are all capable of OHKOing Deoxys-A. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes at the cost of a greater weakness to priority.
Usage Tips
Deoxys-A is best used in the beginning of the match to break down as many walls as possible for another Pokemon to sweep. It's usually optimal to use Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops allowing Pokemon such as Geomancy Xerneas to set up on it. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and to revenge kill whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep entry hazards off the field if that role will be necessary.
Team Options
Sweepers that appreciate Deoxys-A's wallbreaking, such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, and Xerneas, pair well to take advantage of the holes Deoxys-A provides. Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Arceus-Fairy, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bounce users such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep opposing entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Entry hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon.
name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bounce users and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie and support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move, as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior, as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not affect Flying-types. Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops setup attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item-reliant Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-type Pokemon
Set Details
252 Speed EVs and a Speed-boosting nature allow Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to survive an extra Rapid Spin from Excadrill. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down.
Usage Tips
This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up entry hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A prevent hazards and Defog from other leads, but don't be too obvious in its use, as they can turn it into a wasted turn by attacking. When faced with a Magic Bounce user such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost and then set up hazards safely. If the opponent has a Mega Sableye, do not lead with Deoxys-A, and be cautious using it until Mega Sableye is knocked out.
Team Options
Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly bar offensive Pokemon that appreciate its entry hazards. However, Pokemon such as Xerneas that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-A and prevent hazards from going up. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as support Arceus and Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.
Other Options
Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 Base Power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai.
Checks and Counters
**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-A from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it, allowing Mega Sableye to invalidate the lead set.
**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi, and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in, they can revenge kill Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal that can take Deoxys-A's attacks.
**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.
**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to survive several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack.
Deoxys-A has incredible mixed offensive stats that allow it to OHKO most of the metagame and possesses an incredible Speed tier that allows it to outpace every relevant offensive Pokemon. This is further backed by a solid movepool, which gives it the coverage to hit any wall that resists its powerful STAB moves at least neutrally. Deoxys-A also has access to Extreme Speed, which allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and vulnerability to priority, which means it requires Defog support in order to not be forced out by common Pokemon such as Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A is also prey to fast Choice Scarf users, and it faces competition in its lead role from the bulkier and faster Deoxys-S.
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe
Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high Base Power mean that it 2HKOes or OHKOes every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that are immune to or resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items.
Set Details
252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack-boosting nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, and Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself, and allow it to revenge kill top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because Extreme Speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and are all capable of OHKOing Deoxys-A. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes at the cost of a greater weakness to priority.
Usage Tips
Deoxys-A is best used in the beginning of the match to break down as many walls as possible for another Pokemon to sweep. It's usually optimal to use Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops allowing Pokemon such as Geomancy Xerneas to set up on it. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and to revenge kill whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep entry hazards off the field if that role will be necessary.
Team Options
Sweepers that appreciate Deoxys-A's wallbreaking, such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, and Xerneas, pair well to take advantage of the holes Deoxys-A provides. Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Arceus-Fairy, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bounce users such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep opposing entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Entry hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon.
name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bounce users and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie and support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move, as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior, as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not affect Flying-types. Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops setup attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item-reliant Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-type Pokemon
Set Details
252 Speed EVs and a Speed-boosting nature allow Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to survive an extra Rapid Spin from Excadrill. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down.
Usage Tips
This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up entry hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A prevent hazards and Defog from other leads, but don't be too obvious in its use, as they can turn it into a wasted turn by attacking. When faced with a Magic Bounce user such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost and then set up hazards safely. If the opponent has a Mega Sableye, do not lead with Deoxys-A, and be cautious using it until Mega Sableye is knocked out.
Team Options
Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly bar offensive Pokemon that appreciate its entry hazards. However, Pokemon such as Xerneas that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-A and prevent hazards from going up. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as support Arceus and Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.
Other Options
Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 Base Power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai.
Checks and Counters
**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-A from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it, allowing Mega Sableye to invalidate the lead set.
**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi, and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in, they can revenge kill Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal that can take Deoxys-A's attacks.
**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.
**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to survive several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack.
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