[Anything Goes] Deoxys-Attack

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Deoxys-A has incredible mixed offensive stats that allow it to OHKO most of the metagame and possesses an incredible Speed tier that allows it to outpace every relevant offensive Pokemon. This is further backed by a solid movepool, which gives it the coverage to hit any wall that resists its powerful STAB moves at least neutrally. Deoxys-A also has access to Extreme Speed, which allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and vulnerability to priority, which means it requires Defog support in order to not be forced out by common Pokemon such as Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A is also prey to fast Choice Scarf users, and it faces competition in its lead role from the bulkier and faster Deoxys-S.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high Base Power mean that it 2HKOes or OHKOes every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that are immune to or resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items.

Set Details

252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack-boosting nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, and Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself, and allow it to revenge kill top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because Extreme Speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and are all capable of OHKOing Deoxys-A. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes at the cost of a greater weakness to priority.

Usage Tips

Deoxys-A is best used in the beginning of the match to break down as many walls as possible for another Pokemon to sweep. It's usually optimal to use Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops allowing Pokemon such as Geomancy Xerneas to set up on it. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and to revenge kill whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep entry hazards off the field if that role will be necessary.

Team Options

Sweepers that appreciate Deoxys-A's wallbreaking, such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, and Xerneas, pair well to take advantage of the holes Deoxys-A provides. Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Arceus-Fairy, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bounce users such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep opposing entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Entry hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bounce users and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie and support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move, as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior, as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not affect Flying-types. Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops setup attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item-reliant Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-type Pokemon

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Speed-boosting nature allow Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to survive an extra Rapid Spin from Excadrill. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down.

Usage Tips

This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up entry hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A prevent hazards and Defog from other leads, but don't be too obvious in its use, as they can turn it into a wasted turn by attacking. When faced with a Magic Bounce user such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost and then set up hazards safely. If the opponent has a Mega Sableye, do not lead with Deoxys-A, and be cautious using it until Mega Sableye is knocked out.

Team Options

Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly bar offensive Pokemon that appreciate its entry hazards. However, Pokemon such as Xerneas that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-A and prevent hazards from going up. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as support Arceus and Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

Other Options

Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 Base Power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-A from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it, allowing Mega Sableye to invalidate the lead set.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi, and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in, they can revenge kill Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal that can take Deoxys-A's attacks.

**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to survive several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack.
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"236 Spe with Rash/Naive helps it reach 395 Spe"
Rash gives +Spa, Naive gives +Spe, 236 naive reaches 434 speed which is... idk weird. I think the nature you were looking for is mild.
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"236 Spe with Rash/Naive helps it reach 395 Spe"
Rash gives +Spa, Naive gives +Spe, 236 naive reaches 434 speed which is... idk weird. I think the nature you were looking for is mild.
I did mean mild over naive, thanks.
Minor nitpick. Through a quick search, I have concluded that Deoxys is unable to learn Swords Dance, and thus, the mention in OO needs to be removed.
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- Deoxys-Attack has incredible mixed offensive stats and an incredible speed tier, allowing it to defeat many Pokemon before they can make a move. give examples, what do these stats let deoxys-a do
- These offensive stats are further aided by an excellent offensive movepool that contains one of the strongest STAB moves in the game and what is that move, you also need to mention coverage moves like espeed and ice beam
- Access to Extreme Speed allows it to check faster or boosted threats examples to a certain degree
- Functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker what lets it function like this, making it useful vs any archetype.
- Has a lead set that can take advantage of its terrifying offensive presence to set hazards for free this point is oddly specific, just say "the offensive pressure it puts on the opponent lets it set up entry hazards with almost no risk"
- Severely hindered in all of its roles by low defences english spelling and requires Defog support in order to carry out most of its roles
- Is very weak to priority or Choice Scarfed/faster threats choice scarf users are a type of faster threat when not at full health with an intact Focus Sash just say "when its sash is broken"
- Has a few notable holes in its coverage that allow it to have reliable walls reword this to "its coverage allows it to hit almost every pokemon neutrally"

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower/Low Kick spaces between slashes
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam/Knock Off
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Rash/Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


- Psycho Boost is the go-to move for most cases, whether it is breaking walls or knocking out offensive threats. Its typing and high base power means that it 2HKOs or OHKOs almost every single Pokemon in the metagame this is a very choppy point, just say "psycho boost is deoxys-a's most reliable stab move because it can break walls and KO offensive threats thanks to its high base power"
- Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types like that "which" not "that" resist or are immune to Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect what is this side effect? elaborate
- Low Kick is another option that does not cause any attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for at least 120 base power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai which makes deo-a setup fodder
- Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened and faster Pokemon make sure to specify faster pokemon and priority users like ekiller, dd mray, etc without needing to worry about stat drops or boosted Speed stats
- Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza mention more than just flying types, maybe replace lugia with groundceus as it isnt as passive of a mon as well as dealing with weakened Mega Sableye
- Knock Off is another option that lands does heavy damage to dark weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Giratina while crippling opposing Pokemon maybe mention choice item users by removing their item.

Set Details

- 252 Special Attack EVs and a Rash/Mild nature make Psycho Boost/Ice Beam hit as hard as possible.
- 20 Attack EVs are used because additional investment doesn’t secure any notable KOes
- Ultimately, it is a matter of choice, but it is usually recommended to run 252 SpA because it makes a greater difference in overall damage dealt. this point isnt needed, because if max spa is almost always the better option, then why give an alternative
- 236 Speed EVs with a nuetral nature helps it reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself.
- Focus Sash is the only recommended item in this set because due to the fact that Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza are extremely common in Anything Goes. Since all of Deoxys-Attack's strong moves lack priority, it is hard to justify running Life Orb for the extra 30% power when a Focus Sash can allow you to almost always use two moves instead.
what does pressure let deo-a do? make sure to mention this; life orb can still be mentioned in here, in fact it could probably be slashed, but make sure to list why focus sash is preferred over life orb

Usage Tips

- Deoxys-Attack should preferably be used in the beginning of the match due to the hassle of removing entry hazards later in the game. mention that this lets deo-a be as useful as possible, as it lets deo-a make full use of focus sash and attack as much foes as possible
- Another reason is since it will be switching in and out the game due to its stat drops reword this first part to "use deo-a as a hit-and-run attacker" and then leave the part about stat drops, it is better to start it early to get more damage opportunities. again, to take advantage of sash as well, also in writing this up the first two points can probably be merged
- Many teams are woefully unprepared for an offensive Deoxys-Attack lead as not many Pokemon can switch into its moves. the current wording of this point is not suitable for usage tips, try rewording this
- When Stealth Rock is up, it is best to not send it in as it would break its Focus Sash and leave it vulnerable to faster/priority attacks.
- Sending it in against Pokemon that have massively boosted offensive stats is also advisable as it almost always lives 2 hits thanks to Focus Sash and usually eliminates the threat before that point.
- Lastly, when seeing any weakened Pokemon (Within KO range of any of your moves), do not hesitate to send it in to net a quick revenge KO. it isnt a revenge kill unless deo-a is sent in after a teammate is koed

deo-a needs to avoid yveltal and genesect, be wary of sash darkrai or bulkrai (yes i know this isnt common, but it's still a threat) as it can survive a hit from deo-a and put it to sleep, try to use deo-a as a wallbreaker and revenge killer, etc

Team Options

- Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Fairy Arceus, and Primal Groudon xerneas? are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls this set.
- Magic Bounce teammates such as Mega Diancie and Mega Sableye are also helpful to deal with Klefki, status, and hazards
- Physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza

stealth rock setters let LO deo-a ohko bulky yveltal after rocks with ice beam, darkrai with low kick after rocks, mray with psyco boost, and support pdon with psycho boost after rocks; darkrai answers like scarf xern and band ho-oh; etc. you need to fill in team options a lot more to have this be considered ready for qc

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock/Spikes again, spaces between slashes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off/Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Hasty/Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


- Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bouncers and Defoggers like from switching in. make sure to mention that psycho boost is deo-a's most reliable stab move
- Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move as it does 25% to Mega Rayquaza and generally consistent damage to other top threats. it also lets deo-a support its teammates by letting them get easier kos, deal more damage to pdon, ohko mray, break sashes
- Spikes is another potential hazard option, but Deoxys-Attack's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers of Spikes. it's also less reliable because it doesnt hit yveltal, mray, lugia, gengar pre-mega, etc
- Taunt helps to put pressure on early Defoggers, set-up attempts and opposing entry hazard setters give examples which often helps to give your team an early advantage. how so?
- Knock Off cripples most other leads and choice item users, lum berry users, geoxern, etc make sure to provide examples of choice users and lum users by removing their items.
- Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting, potentially bringing the opponent's Pokemon into KO range of a teammate's attack.

Set Details

- 252 Speed EVs and a Speed boosting just say hasty/naive nature allows Deoxys-Attack to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon give specific examples like arceus, mray, etc, only losing to Deoxys-Speed and choice scarf users like xerneas.
- 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, making Deoxys-Attack that much harder to switch in on. dark types switch in with ease, just say that it lets deo-a deal a significantly higher amount of damage
- 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed
- Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-Attack to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down

Usage Tips

the first point for sure needs to be "use this set on the first turn and set up stealth rock as quickly as possible" and then elaborate more onto that point
- This set is useful as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up hazards and then gets KOed. This gives its teammates a chance to set up.
- If Deoxys-Attack has already set all the hazards it can and still has HP remaining, do not hesitate to call it back as it could be extremely useful at all points of the game as a wallbreaker or revenge killer.
- However, do not do so if recalling Deoxys-Attack would result in major damage to your team. just say "switch deo-a out if it could be useful late-game as a revenge killer"
- Taunt also helps Deoxys-Attack to break through some walls that depend on chip damage and recovery spam to win, such as Giratina-A no need to specify the forme if it's the default forme, just say "Giratina" and Lugia im pretty sure support fairyceus can be mentioned here. However, be prepared for the occasional Dragon Tail from the former giratina or the Ice Beam from the latter lugia, and judgment from fairyceus.
- When faced with a magic bouncer such as Espeon ?_? im pretty sure mega sableye is much more flexible than espeon so im not sure why espeon is mentioned and msab isnt. if you still want to keep espeon, at least put it last in the list or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost if possible, then set up hazards safely.

mention that you need to try to avoid mega sableye, dont be afraid to spam psycho boost if there arent dark types on the opposing team, etc

Team Options

- Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly this really needs to be reworded to "this set can be used on almost any hyper offense or balance team because its main purpose is to set up hazards to support its teammates
- However, having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common defoggers like would be helpful
- "setup" Sweepers such as an Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, or Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

you need to mention pokemon that appreciate entry hazards to get crucial KOs and this section in general is sorta bland so you need to fill it up more

Other Options

- Life Orb Deoxys-Attack has the power to OHKO some Primal Groudons, Xerneas and Arceus forms as well as reliably OHKO Mega Rayquaza. While this is incredibly useful, it increases Deoxys-Attack's weakness to priority and therefore requires a greater degree of care when employed. see what i mentioned in the first set
- Depending on the situation, it could be worth it to use a physical all-out-attacker "all-out attacking set" with zen headbutt, superpower, and either ice beam or knock off so Deoxys-Attack can lure specially defensive Pokemon such as Ho-oh, Blissey and post-Geomancy Xerneas just say geomancy xerneas better except all of its physical moves are lower base power which results in deo-a not getting nearly as many crucial kos
- Skill Swap allows Deoxys-Attack to set hazards on Magic Bounce Pokemon, but this is usually only useful against Mega Sableye.
- A more specially oriented set allows Deoxys-Attack can run Focus Blast, which has no stat decrease, is not limited by weight, and has a chance to OHKO Ferrothorn., but means that more of its moves rely on the timing of psycho boost, so when psycho boost is used, all of its special moves are weakened, meaning it needs to rely more on extreme speed
- Other coverage moves like Thunder and Thunderbolt are also usable, but they cover less of the meta than Ice Beam with no significant additional targets
- HP Fire is another option that can be used to OHKO Ferrothorn and Scizor, but it is usually outclassed by Focus Blast due to the latter's higher Base Power.
- Magic Coat is a niche option to bounce back hazards, Taunt, and status, but Deoxys-Attack's bulk makes this usually a losing proposition. no need to be so overly sophisticated, just say "but is difficult to use due to deo-a's low bulk"
- Choice Specs is a somewhat gimmicky option that does far more damage, including 2HKOing Mega Sableye with, again, reword this to more easily tell the differences between advantages and disadvantages in exchange for an inability to switch moves and no Focus Sash to save Deoxys from a hit.
- Poison Jab lets Deoxys-A check the ubiquitous sigh just say "fairy-types" to still include xern and other fairies deo-a can hit Xerneas fairly well and has a high Poison chance, but has poor coverage with Deoxys's standard moveset
- Nasty Plot alongside a Focus Sash to provide Deoxys-Attack a truly devastating hit on any of its moves. Since Deoxys-Attack is extremely frail, however, it is not advisable to run unless your team can provide openings. you need to be more elaborate

Checks and Counters

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to live quite a few of Deoxys-Attack's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-Attack can attack.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Pokemon "Choice Scarf users" such as Xerneas, Jirachi yveltal and Genesect become massive issues for Deoxys-Attack when equipped with a Choice Scarf stop this cryptic wording. The former not only outspeeds Deoxys-Attack but hits nearly everything else in the metagame for solid damage. you dont need to mention anything in here that isnt relevant to deo-a The last two use flinching moves such as Iron Head to straight up beat Deoxys-Attack without it being able to move or U-Turn out into walls, which quickly wears Deoxys-Attack down. include yveltal into this All three, however, dislike taking hits, particularly Knock Off yveltal and ice beam.

**Mega Sableye **: Its specify the pokemon you're talking about typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower or and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-Attack or just KO it outright with. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-Attack from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it. Furthermore, it has Prankster on the turn it Mega Evolves, thus giving it the chance to get a quick Burn on Deoxys-Attack before it even attacks.

**Residual Damage**: As Deoxys is extremely fragile, it is usually forced to run Focus Sash for it to remain significant in a battle where almost every team has at least one extreme speed user. Any chip residual damage from entry hazards or status moves will render it practically useless until the opposing Extreme Speed Pokemon just say "opposing priority users" because espeed isnt the only priority that threatens deo-a are knocked out.

combine this with choice scarf users **Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-Attack's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Giratina-O in particular accomplish this well mention the priority moves they use, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-Attack have an intact Focus Sash.


what does pressure let deo-a do? make sure to mention this; life orb can still be mentioned in here, in fact it could probably be slashed, but make sure to list why focus sash is preferred over life orb

- When faced with a magic bouncer such as Espeon ?_? im pretty sure mega sableye is much more flexible than espeon so im not sure why espeon is mentioned and msab isnt. if you still want to keep espeon, at least put it last in the list or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost if possible, then set up hazards safely.

you need to mention pokemon that appreciate entry hazards to get crucial KOs and this section in general is sorta bland so you need to fill it up more

combine this with choice scarf users **Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-Attack's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Giratina-O in particular accomplish this well mention the priority moves they use, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-Attack have an intact Focus Sash.
Seem's oddly specific for an overview and looks a little off, but included b/c I have no actual reasons against it.

Pressure not included as its P much useless for Deoxys-A, except maybe with opposing defog. Life Orb is significantly worse, to the point that its not main set worthy. It might be ok simply mention it, but I'd really like another opinion there

MSab isn't considered because that isn't an option, there- in this case, Magic Bouncers like MDiancie and Espeon mean "magic bouncers Deoxys-a can do something to", while Mega Sableye just laughs.

I'm pretty sure that this was already included.

I've always seen these bullets separate in analyses, but LMK if you have further reasoning.
E: Explained

Otherwise, implemented and thanks.
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I'm going to hold off on stamping this, while the info is generally good the check took forever because I had to talk about changes in extremely awkward wording all over the place. after the AM check most of the info is pretty nice but you really might want to look at other analyses or skeletons if writing just the basic bullets is this awkward to read

- Deoxys-Attack has incredible mixed offensive stats and an incredible speed tier, allowing it to outpace the entire unboosted metagame bar Deoxys-Speed and deal havy damage before they can attack you could just say almost the entire metagame and not worry about one example that has zero staying power. also its speed tier and power really are amazing and this doesn't seem to get that point across at all, its the strongest mon in the meta with LO and barely behind ray/don/ogre if not and outspeeds lots of important shit like mega gengar and all I'm seeing is generic fast and strong
- These offensive stats are further aided by an excellent offensive movepool that contains Psycho Boost, one of the strongest STAB moves in the game, as well as powerful coverage such as Ice Beam and Knock Off
- Access to Extreme Speed allows it to check faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza to a certain degree
- Its coverage allows it to hit nearly every Pokemon neutrally i feel like this should be part of a little more emphasis on exactly how damn strong this thing is
- Functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful vs any archetype.
- Can set entry hazards with almost no risk thanks to its offensive pressure
- Severely hindered in all of its roles by low defences and requires Defog support in order to carry out most of its roles not really, since hazard lead doesn't require it and that's half of its role (although yes it does need defog support)
- Is very weak to priority or faster threats when its Focus Sash is broken and, more specifically, this is a very priority heavy metagame so it ends up being checked a lot
also lead faces heavy competition from all the other good leads especially deo-s

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower / Low Kick
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam / Knock Off you can drop knock off to just moves
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb (this really does need the slash)
ability: Pressure
nature: Rash / Mild we should just make this mild only. with mild you can live a lugia ice beam after stealth rock so if neither really matters then that one specific situation seems to make mild better.
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


- Psycho Boost is Deoxys-Attack's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high base power means that it 2HKOs or OHKOs almost every single Pokemon in the metagame eh there's shit like lugia and steels and drops mean stuff can live, if ur gonna be this generic then it can't be wrong
- Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-Attack's Attack you dont mention psycho boost drop but this gets mentioned?
- Low Kick is another option that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 base power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai and, for that reason, will only be mentioned in OO
- Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about stat drops, priority, or boosted Speed stats specifically helps revenge opposing espeed users when they're weakened
- Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza as well as dealing with weakened Mega Sableye dont rly need to mention this last part, not exactly what ice beam is for
- Knock Off is another option that lands does heavy damage to dark weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and jirachi. you can ice beam tina. Giratina while crippling opposing Pokemon by removing their item. crippling mons by removing their items is obvious, this would specifically help by situationally crippling a scarfer but other than that not rly important. dont be too positive on this, it's barely good for moves when ice beam actually hits stuff

Set Details

- 252 Special Attack EVs and a Rash/Mild nature make Psycho Boost/Ice Beam hit as hard as possible. mild nature, specify not dropping spdef for the above reason
- 20 Attack EVs are used because additional investment doesn’t secure any notable KOes ?? they're just leftover EVs that might as well go in attack, that description implies they came out of special attack or something but yeah no dont use reasoning like that
- 236 Speed EVs with a nuetral nature helps it reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself. specifically what does that benchmark beat? this is important
- Focus Sash is the only recommended item in this set because due to the fact that Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza are extremely common in Anything Goes. Since all of Deoxys-Attack's strong moves lack priority, it is hard to justify running Life Orb for the extra 30% power when a Focus Sash can allow you to almost always use two moves instead. reword this to not be quite as negative imo, life orb is slashed for the sheer power at the cost of being much weaker to priority users

Usage Tips

- Deoxys-Attack should preferably be used in the beginning of the match due to the hassle of removing entry hazards later in the game to keep Deoxys-Attack's Focus Sash intact. It's best to Deoxys-Attack as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops, hopefully bringing it back in before hazards go up. mentioning it wants to come in without hazards is good but I dont quite like the extrapolation that it's best early game. deo really can come out at any time depending on how ur team handles hazards, I dont think it's quite limited to early game
- Deoxys-Attack is nearly impossible to switch into, so bring it in on Pokemon it forces out and hit the switch for massive damage. but it forces out so much, the point should just be getting it in for free to preserve health so that it can't be revenged as easily
- When Stealth Rock is up, it is best to not send it in as it would break its Focus Sash and leave it vulnerable to faster/priority attacks. didn't you already do this point
- Sending it in against Pokemon that have massively boosted offensive stats is also advisable as it almost always lives 2 hits thanks to Focus Sash and usually eliminates the threat before that point. it only lives 1 hit thanks to focus sash and the reasoning/wording here is odd, basically says "thanks to sash it can beat things that have set up" which should be reworked to like "can be used as an emergency check to setup sweepers like xyz"
- Lastly, when seeing any weakened Pokemon (Within KO range of any of your moves), do not hesitate to send it in to net a quick revenge KO. remove this unless there is an actual point to be made

Team Options

- Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Fairy Arceus, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls this set.
- Magic Bounce teammates such as Mega Diancie and Mega Sableye are also helpful to deal with Klefki, status, and hazards what kind of build is fitting megasab (only good for stall) with deo (worthless on stall)? this should eb mons with defog + mega diancie
- Physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza
- Hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are useful to let Deoxys-Attack OHKO not rly an ohko if u need SR bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Hasty / Naive cba to look up natures, use whichever is -def
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


- Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bouncers and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie or Support Arceus, from switching in.
- Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move as it does 25% to Mega Rayquaza and generally consistent damage to other top threats. lol. give a real reason for SR
- Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it doesn't effect flying types basically just ray. not hitting levitate mons is more important and overall I think the drawback should be clear, it's more due to its bulk than how good spikes are because spikes are actually pretty good and Deoxys-Attack's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers.
- Taunt helps to put pressure on early Defoggers prevents them from defogging, set-up attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, allowing your team to control the flow of battle as long as they dont use the taunt to get off a free hit
- Knock Off cripples most other leads and item reliant Pokemon such as Deoxys-Speed, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh by removing their items.
- Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage on faster things/dark types tho, everything else ur psycho boosting before fainting, potentially bringing the opponent's Pokemon into KO range of a teammate's attack. dont need the last part, no need to explain what chip damage does

Set Details

- 252 Speed EVs and a Hasty or Naive nature allows Deoxys-Attack to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-Speed and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. this line is quintessential of the majority of my issues with this analysis. it has all the info you should include, but the phrasing is just weird/overly basic or descriptive enough that I have to make a comment about fixing it. also update to the -def nature
- 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significatly increasing Deoxys-Attacks offensive prowess presence?
- 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed
- Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-Attack to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down

Usage Tips

- This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up hazards and then gets KOed.
- Once it has been KOed, you then have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon fo your choice and begin attacking
- Don't hesitate to switch out Deoxys-Attack if it would be a useful revenge KOer in the mid-to-late game i would hesitate to do this. It's not that salvageable, especially when HO doesn't like switching into stuff. I wouldnt flat out say dont, but just remove the point
- Taunt also helps Deoxys-Attack to break through some walls that depend on chip damage and recovery spam to win, such as Giratina, Support Arceus, and Lugia. However, be prepared for the occasional Dragon Tail from Giratina, Judgment from Arceus, or Ice Beam from Lugia. you can shorten this to just attacking move
- When faced with a Magic Bouncer such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost, then set up hazards safely.
- Look out for Mega Sableye, as it must be removed before Deoxys-Attack can sucessfully be used

Team Options

- Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly
- However, Pokemon that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-Attack and, more importantly, prevent hazards
- Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as Support Arceus or Giratina is also handy
- Setup sweepers and wallbreakers. basically just anything that guarantees from hazards which is everything such as an Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, or Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

Other Options

- Life Orb Deoxys-Attack has the power to OHKO some Primal Groudons, Xerneas and Arceus forms as well as reliably OHKO Mega Rayquaza. While this is incredibly useful, it increases Deoxys-Attack's weakness to priority and therefore requires a greater degree of care when employed. remove, going to full slash
- Depending on the situation, it could be worth it to use a physical All-Out attacking set with Zen Headbut, Poison Jab, Superpower and either Extreme Speed or Knock Off this set needs espeed, poison jab is a shitty slot and shouldn't be mentioned in OO so that Deoxys-Attack can defeat specially defensive Pokemon such as Ho-oh, Blissey and Geomancy Xerneas better, but Deoxys-Attack's physical options have lower base power.
- Skill Swap allows Deoxys-Attack to set hazards on Magic Bounce Pokemon, but this is usually only useful against Mega Sableye. done better by deo-s which can live a hit and doesn't need slots for attacks
- A more specially oriented set this set is specially oriented lol, first part is unnecessary allows Deoxys-Attack can run Focus Blast, which has no stat decrease, is not limited by weight, and has a chance to OHKO Ferrothorn, at the cost of being vastly weakened by using Psycho Boost more that superpower is useful for after SpA has been dropped (same point but ur wording is just so awkward) and also it misses vs things like arceus and you cry
- Other coverage moves like Thunder and Thunderbolt are also usable, but they cover less of the metagame than Ice Beam with no significant additional targets then why mention? I see no reason to at all
- HP Fire is another option that can be used to OHKO Ferrothorn and Scizor, but it is usually outclassed by Focus Blast due to the latter's higher Base Power. it can't be outclassed by another shitty OO option, it's just not good because hits 2 niche things when u already have way better coverage moves
- Magic Coat is a niche option to bounce back hazards, Taunt, and status, but is difficult to use thanks to Deoxys-Attack's low bulk remove, ur never running this when even taunt is dangerous. doesn't have the bulk, leave it to deo-s
- Choice Specs is a somewhat gimmicky option that does far more damage, including 2HKOing Mega Sableye with Ice Beam, at the cost of an inability to switch moves and no Focus Sash to save Deoxys from a hit. remove, complete shit
- Poison Jab lets Deoxys-A check Fairy-types fairly well and has a high Poison chance, but has poor coverage with Deoxys's standard moves remove, complete shit
- Nasty Plot alongside a Focus Sash to provide Deoxys-Attack a truly devastating hit on any of its moves. Since Deoxys-Attack is extremely frail, however, it is not advisable to run unless your team guarentee hazard removal and setup offortunities. remove, complete shit

Checks and Counters

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to live quite a few of Deoxys-Attack's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-Attack can attack. you could combine klefki and mega sableye into **prankster** which would look nicer

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi and Genesect become massive issues for Deoxys-Attack. The last two can use flinching moves such as Iron Head to straight up beat Deoxys-Attack without it being able to move or U-Turn out into walls such as Yveltal, which quickly wears Deoxys-Attack down. All three, however, dislike taking hits, particularly Knock Off. none of them like to switch in but all can revenge or pivot in on one or more of its moves. rachi and gene can also pivot on it for momentum. this is all you should get across but the wording makes it really weird

**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-Attack or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-Attack from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it. Furthermore, it has Prankster on the turn it Mega Evolves, thus giving it the chance to get a quick Burn on Deoxys-Attack before it even attacks.

**Residual Damage**: As Deoxys is extremely fragile, it is usually forced to run Focus Sash for it to remain significant in a battle where almost every team has at least one Extreme Speed user. Any chip damage from entry hazards or status moves will render it practically useless until the opposing priority users are knocked out.

**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-Attack's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Giratina-O in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-Attack have an intact Focus Sash. no mention of any espeed users hurts, I dont really think yveltal and gira o do priority much better at all when gira doesn't like running sneak too much and yveltal can get into mind games with sucker vs espeed. also move this category before residuals amage
I'm going to hold off on stamping this, while the info is generally good the check took forever because I had to talk about changes in extremely awkward wording all over the place. after the AM check most of the info is pretty nice but you really might want to look at other analyses or skeletons if writing just the basic bullets is this awkward to read
Implemented. Just as a note on Natures, the reason they weren't specified before is that its super arbitrary. -spd lets Deoxys-Attack live a dragon tail
0 Atk Groudon Dragon Tail vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Deoxys-A: 190-224 (78.8 - 92.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0- Atk Giratina Dragon Tail vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Deoxys-A: 180-213 (74.6 - 88.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
more Rapid Spins (useful for the hazards lead)
252+ Atk Blaziken Low Kick (80 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Deoxys-A: 210-247 (87.1 - 102.4%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

-def lets it live
Lugia ice beam/psychic
sometimes psycho boost from deo-s 0 SpA Deoxys-S Psycho Boost vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Deoxys-A: 223-263 (92.5 - 109.1%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
In that case then I dont think there should be an issue with making hazard lead -spdef (because it's the one that could reasonably go up against an excadrill) and make offensive -def (because don, gira, and even blaze all have other moves to hit it with so it's really not relevant here). Also specify what ur EVs do etc etc and I'll stamp this later tonight
was gonna check over the whole thing again but skimmed and it looks fine as long as you make sure to emphasize being weak to priority/scarfers a bit better in overview since that's probably it's second most defining trait after being stupidly strong

also I'm sorry but in hindsight prankster is really really stupid since mega sableye beats it by virtue of just walling it and not because it has prankster. Looking back idk why I was dumb enough to say that, so just split those back apart (they both looked fine pre-combining them), put sableye first and klefki after priority
And thus ends the saga of the least quality controlled analysis in smogon history

Deoxys-A has the highest mixed offensive stats in Anything Goes tied with mega ray actually and an incredible speed tier, allowing it to outpace and KO nearly the entire unboosted metagame doesnt really get across that this thing is faster than every non scarfer really (deo-s doesnt count) which is really important for blowing shit back. These offensive stats are further aided by an excellent offensive movepool that contains Psycho Boost, one of the strongest STAB moves in the game, as well as powerful coverage such as Ice Beam and Knock Off that allows it to hit nearly every Pokemon neutrally and 2HKO them this part just sounds odd, like its "amazing" coverage isn't that ridiculous and superpower is honestly its most important move after psycho boost. All this needs to say is something about deo-a murdering everything, which isn't quite gotten across. In particular, Additionally, access to Extreme Speed allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and extreme susceptibility to priority !!! and requires Defog support in order to succeed in most battles well just in order to not be forced out every time ekiller, ray, etc comes in; it is very easily removed by - and ineffective against - priority and faster threats just say scarfers since it's faster than everything else, particularly when its Focus Sash is broken. Deoxys-A also faces competition from other good leads and wallbreakers such as Deoxys-S and Mega Rayquaza You can bring up competition for sui lead since deo-s gives this a lot of competition by virtue of some bulk, screens, being able to set up on sab with a skill swap 50/50, etc, but nothing does what this does offensively

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high base power means that it 2HKOs or OHKOs every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that lands does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items but has far worse coverage.

Set Details

252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack boosting nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, while Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself and allows it to revenge KO top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because due to the fact that Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza extreme speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and can ohko u. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes as well as reliably OHKO Mega Rayquaza does this matter, u kill it after rocks and it has espeed at the cost of a greater weakness to priority

Usage Tips

Deoxys-A is best in the beginning of the match due to the hassle of removing entry hazards later in the game to keep Deoxys-A's Focus Sash intact I dont agree with this, it's best used earlier in order to start breaking stuff down but as long as you have an effective hazard game its fine and this is far from worthless with hazards up. It's best to Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops, hopefully bringing it back in before hazards go up. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and revenge KOes whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep hazards off the field if that role will be necessary. also be aware that dropping stats can lead to setup opportunities like how xern can geo when ur at -2

Team Options

Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Fairy Arceus, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as Support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bouncers such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon. sweepers that appreciate this guy wallbreaking, cmon that should be the #1 thing here

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bouncers and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie or Support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not effect flying types. Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops set-up attempts and opposing entry hazard setters and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item reliant Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-Type Pokemon

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Speed boosting nature allows Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to live 1 more Rapid Spin from Excadrill 1 more than what, this is unclear. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down

Usage Tips

This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you then have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A to break through some walls that depend on chip damage and recovery spam to win, such as Giratina, Support Arceus, and Lugia this doesnt break through anything and why would those mons come out vs sui lead deo. the point should just be "taunt other leads to prevent hazards but be aware that if they attack u just lost a turn". However, be prepared for the occasional attacking move. When faced with a Magic Bouncer such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost, then set up hazards safely. Look out for Mega Sableye, as it must be removed before this Deoxys-Attack can successfully be used. I'd honestly just say "if you see a sableye, dont lead with deo"

Team Options

Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly although it does fit best on hyper offensive teams (or somth like that). However, Pokemon such as Primal Groudon that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-Attack and prevent hazards from going up there are lots of sableye checks, pdon is not what I'd list. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as Support Arceus or Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as an Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, or Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

Other Options

Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 base power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai formatting ???
In some situations, a physical all-out attacking set with Zen Headbut, Superpower, Extreme Speed and Knock Off is useful so that Deoxys-A can defeat specially defensive Pokemon such as Ho-oh, Blissey and Geomancy Xerneas better, but Deoxys-A's physical options have lower base power. I dont believe this is even worth a mention, zhb is so much weaker. I'd never want to run this A fully Special Attacking set allows Deoxys-A to run Focus Blast, which has no stat decrease, is not limited by weight, and has a chance to OHKO Ferrothorn, but he entire set becomes weaker after a Psycho Boost. LO superpower can KO ferro after rocks, and there's also never a situation I'd want to be focus blast over superpower. I know that'd leave OO super small, but there really is nothing else I'd have

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys- from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it. Furthermore, it has Prankster on the turn it Mega Evolves, giving it the chance to get a quick Burn on Deoxys-A before it even attacks. last sentence isn't really relevant since burn doesnt make sableye beat u any harder than it already does. Just end with how magic bounce completely invalidates suicide lead

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in they can revenge KO Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal who can take Deoxys-A's attacks.

**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to live several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack

**Residual Damage**: As Deoxys-A is extremely fragile, it is usually forced to run Focus Sash for it to remain significant in a battle where almost every team has at least one Extreme Speed user. Any chip damage from entry hazards or status moves will render it practically useless until the opposing priority users are knocked out. Man I was dumb to leave this in last time, this is basically covering what already happened in priority and is pretty unnecessary. Just remove this section.
1.5/1.5 :^)
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add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Deoxys-A has incridible incredible mixed offensive stats (RC) allowing that allow it to OHKO most of the metagame (RC) and possesses an incredible Speed tier that allows it to outpace every relevant offensive Pokemon. This is further backed by a solid movepool, which gives it the coverage to hit any wall that resists its powerful STAB moves at least neutrally. Deoxys-A also has access to Extreme Speed, which allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and vulnerability to priority, which means it requires Defog support in order to not be forced out by common Pokemon such as Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A is also prey to fast Choice Scarf users, and it faces competition in its lead role from the bulkier and faster Deoxys-S.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high Base Power means that it 2HKOes or OHKOes every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that lands does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items.

Set Details

252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack-boosting (AH) nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, while Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself and allows it to revenge KO top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because due to the fact that Extreme Speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and are all capable of OHKOing Deoxys-A. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes at the cost of a greater weakness to priority. (AP)

Usage Tips

Deoxys-A is best in the beginning of the match to break down as many walls as possible for another Pokemon to sweep. It's usually optimal to Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops allowing Pokemon such as Geomancy Xerneas to set up on it. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and on revenge KOes kills whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep entry hazards off the field if that role will be necessary.

Team Options

Sweebers Sweepers that appreciate Deoxys-A's wallbreaking, such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, and Xerneas, pair well to take advantage of the holes Deoxys-A provides. Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Fairy Arceus, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bounce users such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Entry hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bounce users and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie or and support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move, (AC) as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior, (AC) as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not affect Flying-types. (AH) Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops set-up setup attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, (AC) and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item-reliant (AH) Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-type Pokemon

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Speed-boosting (AH) nature allows Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to survive an extra Rapid Spin from Excadrill. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down. (AP)

Usage Tips

This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up entry hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you then have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A to prevent hazards and Defog from other leads, but don't be too obvious in its use, (AC) as they can turn it into a wasted turn by attacking. When faced with a Magic Bounce user such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost (RC) and then set up hazards safely. If the opponent has a Mega Sableye, do not lead with Deoxys-A, and be cautious using it until Mega Sableye is knocked out.

Team Options

Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly bar offensive pokemon that appreciate its entry hazards. However, Pokemon such as Xerneas can that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-Attack and prevent hazards from going up. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as support Arceus or and Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as an Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, or and Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

Other Options

Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 Base Power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-A from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it, allowing Mega Sableye to invalidate the lead set.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi, (AC) and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in, (AC) they can revenge KO Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal who that can take Deoxys-A's attacks.

**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to live survive several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack. (AP)
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add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Deoxys-A has incridible incredible mixed offensive stats (RC) allowing that allow it to OHKO most of the metagame (RC) and possesses an incredible Speed tier that allows it to outpace every relevant offensive Pokemon. This is further backed by a solid movepool, which gives it the coverage to hit any wall that resists its powerful STAB moves at least neutrally. Deoxys-A also has access to Extreme Speed, which allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and vulnerability to priority, which means it requires Defog support in order to not be forced out by common Pokemon such as Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A is also prey to fast Choice Scarf users, and it faces competition in its lead role from the bulkier and faster Deoxys-S.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high Base Power means that it 2HKOes or OHKOes every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that lands does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items.

Set Details

252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack-boosting (AH) nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, while Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself and allows it to revenge KO top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because due to the fact that Extreme Speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and are all capable of OHKOing Deoxys-A. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes at the cost of a greater weakness to priority. (AP)

Usage Tips

Deoxys-A is best in the beginning of the match to break down as many walls as possible for another Pokemon to sweep. It's usually optimal to Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops allowing Pokemon such as Geomancy Xerneas to set up on it. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and on revenge KOes kills whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep entry hazards off the field if that role will be necessary.

Team Options

Sweebers Sweepers that appreciate Deoxys-A's wallbreaking, such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, and Xerneas, pair well to take advantage of the holes Deoxys-A provides. Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Fairy Arceus, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bounce users such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Entry hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bounce users and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie or and support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move, (AC) as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior, (AC) as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not affect Flying-types. (AH) Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops set-up setup attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, (AC) and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item-reliant (AH) Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-type Pokemon

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Speed-boosting (AH) nature allows Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to survive an extra Rapid Spin from Excadrill. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down. (AP)

Usage Tips

This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up entry hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you then have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A to prevent hazards and Defog from other leads, but don't be too obvious in its use, (AC) as they can turn it into a wasted turn by attacking. When faced with a Magic Bounce user such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost (RC) and then set up hazards safely. If the opponent has a Mega Sableye, do not lead with Deoxys-A, and be cautious using it until Mega Sableye is knocked out.

Team Options

Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly bar offensive pokemon that appreciate its entry hazards. However, Pokemon such as Xerneas can that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-Attack and prevent hazards from going up. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as support Arceus or and Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as an Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, or and Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

Other Options

Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 Base Power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-A from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it, allowing Mega Sableye to invalidate the lead set.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi, (AC) and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in, (AC) they can revenge KO Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal who that can take Deoxys-A's attacks.

**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to live survive several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack. (AP)
Implemented, thanks!
AC = add comma


Deoxys-A has incredible mixed offensive stats that allow it to OHKO most of the metagame and possesses an incredible Speed tier that allows it to outpace every relevant offensive Pokemon. This is further backed by a solid movepool, which gives it the coverage to hit any wall that resists its powerful STAB moves at least neutrally. Deoxys-A also has access to Extreme Speed, which allows it to aid in checking faster or boosted threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A functions as an offensive sweeper as well as a capable wallbreaker, making it useful against nearly any archetype, and it can set entry hazards with almost no risk of being setup bait thanks to its offensive pressure. However, Deoxys-A is severely hindered in all of its roles by low defenses and vulnerability to priority, which means it requires Defog support in order to not be forced out by common Pokemon such as Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Deoxys-A is also prey to fast Choice Scarf users, and it faces competition in its lead role from the bulkier and faster Deoxys-S.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Mild
evs: 20 Atk / 252 SpA / 236 Spe


Psycho Boost is Deoxys-A's most powerful STAB move. Its typing and high Base Power means that it 2HKOes or OHKOes every neutral target, making it usually worth the drop in Special Attack. Superpower is solid coverage for Dark- and Steel-types that are immune to or resist Psycho Boost, albeit with a nasty side effect of dropping Deoxys-A's Attack. Extreme Speed is a powerful physical move used to revenge kill weakened Pokemon without needing to worry about opposing priority, stat drops, or boosted Speed stats. Ice Beam handles threats such as Yveltal, Lugia, and Mega Rayquaza, while Knock Off is another option that does heavy damage to Dark-type weak Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Jirachi while removing items.

Set Details

252 Special Attack EVs and a Special Attack-boosting nature make Psycho Boost and Ice Beam hit as hard as possible, while and Mild is chosen over Rash to avoid the OHKO from Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock. 236 Speed EVs let Deoxys-A reach 395 Spe, which lets it outspeed every single unboosted offensive threat other than Mega Mewtwo Y and faster variants of itself, (AC) and allows it to revenge KO kill (consistency) top metagame picks such as Mega Gengar and Mewtwo. The remaining 20 EVs are placed in Attack to add a little extra damage to Extreme Speed and Superpower. Focus Sash is the recommended item in this set because due to the fact that Extreme Speed users are extremely common in Anything Goes and are all capable of OHKOing Deoxys-A. Since all of Deoxys-A's strong moves lack priority, it is very valuable to get off a second hit. Life Orb is an alternative option that gives the power to OHKO some Primal Groudon variants, Xerneas, and Arceus formes at the cost of a greater weakness to priority.

Usage Tips

Deoxys-A is best used (I think this is what you mean?) in the beginning of the match to break down as many walls as possible for another Pokemon to sweep. It's usually optimal to use Deoxys-A as a hit-and-run attacker due to its stat drops allowing Pokemon such as Geomancy Xerneas to set up on it. Bring Deoxys-A in with pivoting moves and revenge kills (Not sure what this meant. Bring it in and then revenge kill, or bring it in with revenge kills (?)) whenever possible to keep its Focus Sash intact. Focus Sash allows Deoxys-A to act as an emergency check to powerful attackers such as Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza and Geomancy Xerneas, so be sure to keep entry hazards off the field if that role will be necessary.

Team Options

Sweepers that appreciate Deoxys-A's wallbreaking, such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, and Xerneas, pair well to take advantage of the holes Deoxys-A provides. Answers to Mega Sableye such as Mega Diancie, Fairy Arceus-Fairy, and Primal Groudon are important, as Mega Sableye utterly walls Deoxys-A. Checks to Klefki such as Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie, and Lum Berry Arceus are also great teammates due to how effectively Klefki deals with Deoxys-A. Defog Pokemon such as support Arceus and Giratina or Magic Bounce users such as Mega Diancie should be paired with Deoxys-A to keep opposing entry hazards off the field, while physical walls such as Lugia, Yveltal, and Skarmory are useful to check common priority users like Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Rayquaza. Entry hazard setters such as Primal Groudon, Klefki, and support Arceus are also handy to let Deoxys-A OHKO bulky Pokemon such as Yveltal and Primal Groudon.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Psycho Boost
move 2: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Knock Off / Extreme Speed
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psycho Boost does heavy damage to opposing Pokemon, preventing most Magic Bounce users and Defoggers, such as Mega Diancie and support Arceus, from switching in. Stealth Rock is the preferred entry hazard move, as it is easy to set up and does more consistent damage, particularly to common Rock-weak Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza and Ho-Oh. Spikes is another potential hazard option, but it is usually inferior, as Deoxys-A's nonexistent bulk makes it difficult to set up more than one or two layers and it does not affect Flying-types. Taunt prevents Pokemon from Defogging, stops setup attempts and opposing entry hazard setters, and allows your team to dictate the flow of battle. However, some Pokemon can use this opportunity to get off a free attack. Knock Off cripples most other leads and item-reliant Pokemon such as Deoxys-S, Xerneas, and Ho-Oh, while Extreme Speed is an option to get in a bit more chip damage before fainting against a faster or Dark-type Pokemon

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Speed-boosting nature allows Deoxys-A to outspeed nearly every relevant Pokemon, only losing to Deoxys-S and Choice Scarf users such as Xerneas and Jirachi. Naive is chosen over Hasty to allow Deoxys-A to survive an extra Rapid Spin from Excadrill. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize the power of Psycho Boost, significantly increasing Deoxys-A's offensive presence, while 4 Attack EVs provide a little extra power to Knock Off and Extreme Speed. Focus Sash is a must in order for Deoxys-A to get at least one entry hazard in place before it goes down.

Usage Tips

This set should be used as a lead for offensive or hyper offensive teams, where it sets up entry hazards and then gets KOed. Once it has been KOed, you have the opportunity to bring in the Pokemon of your choice to gain momentum. Taunt also helps Deoxys-A to prevent hazards and Defog from other leads, but don't be too obvious in its use, as they can turn it into a wasted turn by attacking. When faced with a Magic Bounce user such as Espeon or Mega Diancie, it is better to attempt to eliminate them first with Knock Off or Psycho Boost and then set up hazards safely. If the opponent has a Mega Sableye, do not lead with Deoxys-A, and be cautious using it until Mega Sableye is knocked out.

Team Options

Since this set is usually used right at the start of the battle, there isn't really any specific set or teammate that it needs to function properly bar offensive Pokemon that appreciate its entry hazards. However, Pokemon such as Xerneas can that can answer Mega Sableye are extremely useful due to its ability to hard wall Deoxys-A and prevent hazards from going up. Having a Pokemon such as Mega Gengar or Darkrai that puts pressure on common Defoggers such as support Arceus and Giratina is also handy. Setup sweepers and wallbreakers such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and Dragon Dance Mega Rayquaza that appreciate hazards and crippled walls also pair well with this set.

Other Options

Low Kick is another option for the offensive set that does not cause any Attack drops and still hits the majority of the metagame for 120 Base Power, but it fails to OHKO Darkrai.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye **: Mega Sableye's typing makes it immune to Psycho Boost, Superpower, and Extreme Speed. It also has sufficient bulk to tank hits such as Knock Off or Ice Beam with ease and stall out Deoxys-A or just KO it outright with Foul Play. Magic Bounce even prevents Deoxys-A from setting up Stealth Rocks or Taunting it, allowing Mega Sableye to invalidate the lead set.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Xerneas, Jirachi, and Genesect are massive issues for Deoxys-A due to their greater Speed. While none of them like switching in, they can revenge KO kill Deoxys-A or pivot into walls such as Yveltal that can take Deoxys-A's attacks.

**Priority**: Priority users can take advantage of Deoxys-A's poor bulk, forcing it to use Extreme Speed rather than getting major damage in. Yveltal and Arceus in particular accomplish this well, as they have the bulk to take a hit should Deoxys-A have an intact Focus Sash.

**Klefki**: Due to its defensive typing, ability, and stats, Klefki is able to survive several of Deoxys-A's moves and more importantly cripple it with status moves such as Swagger and Thunder Wave before Deoxys-A can attack.
GP 2/2
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