RU Mega [Abomasnow]


hi guys
is a Contributor Alumnus

Taken over from HypnoEmpire

QC: Pearl. / Spirit / atomicllamas
GP: GatoDelFuego / The Dutch Plumberjack


Abomasnow has great mixed offensive stats and powerful STAB moves. It also has access to Swords Dance to boosts its high Attack stat and priority Ice Shard to mitigate its low Speed. In addition, its excellent Defense stat and typing help it check and counter some Electric-, Ground-, and Water-types such as Rotom-C, Dugtrio, and Slowking. It can also dent stall teams easily due to its wallbreaking abilities. It can also freely fire 100% accurate Blizzard because of its ability, Snow Warning. Sadly, Abomasnow can be easily worn down by entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes. Abomasnow is also weak to common Fire-, Fighting-, and Steel-types in the tier and has a hard time switching in and attacking due to its low base 30 Speed. Abomasnow has no form of recovery, which hinders its ability to switch into Pokemon that it checks. Lastly, if one uses Mega Abomasnow, it cannot be used alongside other useful Mega Pokemon such as Mega Steelix and Mega Camerupt.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Swords Dance is used to boost Mega Abomasnow's Attack by two stages, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Ice Shard is a strong priority move, especially after a Swords Dance boost, and can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Virizion and Hitmonlee. Wood Hammer does a massive amount of damage after a Swords Dance boost and is capable of 2HKOing very bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia and Bronzong after a bit of prior damage. Seed Bomb is a good option over Wood Hammer to avoid taking recoil damage and have a solid Grass STAB move, but the power difference is noticeable. Earthquake is used to hit Pokemon that resist Mega Abomasnow's STAB types such as Cobalion and Emboar.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. Maximum Attack investment with an Adamant nature is used for Mega Abomasnow to inflict as much damage as possible. The full investment in Speed allows it to outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior when it Mega Evolves. It can also outspeed minimum Speed Cresselia and maximum Speed neutral-natured Clawitzer and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves.

Usage Tips

Abomasnow can set up before Mega Evolving, as it outspeeds key threats such as Doublade and Druddigon. Mega Abomasnow should also be kept healthy so that it can safely and successfully set up. Mega Abomasnow can be used to pivot into something passive such as Aromatisse and Alomomola and proceed to set up, though it has to be careful of the latter's Scalds, which could burn it. Mega Abomasnow would love for entry hazards to be removed before preparing to set up, so be sure to remove them. Do not try to set up before threats like Bronzong and Cobalion have been taken out or considerably damaged. Try to predict Steel-types such as Cobalion switching in and hit them with an Earthquake to deal massive damage.

Team Options

Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners, as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them. Lures such as Sacred Sword Doublade for Houndoom and Hidden Power Fire Virizion for Doublade can be beneficial for Mega Abomasnow to remove its counters. Cresselia is also an excellent partner, as it deals with most Fighting-types in the tier and can provide Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support for Mega Abomasnow. Entry hazard support from Rhyperior and Qwilfish can also benefit Mega Abomasnow to weaken opposing teams. Pivots are also really useful for Mega Abomasnow. Cobalion is able to scare away Steel-types such as Doublade and has Volt Switch, which allows Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely.

name: Mixed
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 4: Focus Blast
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 92 Atk / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
nature: Mild


Blizzard is a strong STAB move that has no drawbacks due to its perfect accuracy under hail. Ice Shard has +1 priority and is used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Dugtrio and Hitmonlee. Giga Drain hits very hard and provides longevity for Mega Abomasnow. Wood Hammer is an option over Giga Drain for a stronger STAB move, but the recoil damage it brings can severely reduce Mega Abomasnow's lifespan. Focus Blast is used to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion, Mega Steelix and Durant. It is also used to hit opposing Mega Abomasnow. Earthquake is an option that hits Registeel and Delphox, but it is usually not preferred, as the targets that Focus Blast hits are more common that the targets that Earthquake hits. Substitute can also be used to block status and ease prediction throughout the match but should only be used with Giga Drain.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. 252 SpA EVs with a Mild nature are used to inflict as much damage as possible with Mega Abomasnow's most spammable move, Blizzard. 164 Spe EVs are used for Abomasnow to outspeed key threats such as Tangrowth and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves and outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior and Doublade when it Mega Evolves. A set with 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA with a Quiet nature is an option if one opts for more bulk.

Usage Tips

This set fits well on balanced or bulky offensive teams looking for a powerful wallbreaker that can punch holes in opposing teams. Players should attempt to double switch Mega Abomasnow on predicted switches into defensive Pokemon such as Alomomola, Amoonguss, and Aromatisse, as it is difficult for Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely. Try to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion and Durant with the appropriate coverage move when they switch in, as they resist both of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and outspeed it. Entry hazards are highly recommended to be removed, or they will wear down Mega Abomasnow very quickly.

Team Options

Fire-types such as Fletchinder, Houndoom, and Emboar are good partners, as they can deal with nearly every Steel-type in the tier that threatens Mega Abomasnow. Doublade can wall and set up on Fighting-types such as Virizion and Medicham. Mega Abomasnow also appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin support from Pokemon such as Skuntank and Hitmonlee due to its weakness to Stealth Rock. Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners, as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against, while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them.

Other Options

Ice Punch can be used on the Swords Dance set for a stronger Ice-type STAB move and hits Tangrowth, Druddigon, and Amoonguss harder. Hidden Power Fire can be used on the mixed set to hit an Escavalier that has been lured in. If your team already has a Mega Pokemon, regular Abomasnow is definitely a viable option to fit into a team. A Swords Dance set with Life Orb is a viable option. A set with Leech Seed and both Substitute and Protect is also an option on both regular and Mega Abomasnow. A set with Choice Scarf and Choice Specs can be used but is rather gimmicky. Finally, a set with Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is also a good option that makes Abomasnow a fearsome mixed sweeper.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective STAB Moves**: Fire-types such as Houndoom, Delphox, and Emboar can switch into one of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and proceed to outspeed and KO it, but they must be wary of Earthquake and Stealth Rock + Blizzard + hail can seriously pressure these Pokemon. Fletchinder doesn't like taking Blizzard and hates Stealth Rock, but it can eat up a predicted Grass-type move and proceed to KO Mega Abomasnow with its STAB moves. Fighting-types such as Hitmonlee and Medicham don't like taking any big hits from Mega Abomasnow and Hitmonlee takes a big chunk from Ice Shard, but if they can get in safely, they can easily KO Mega Abomasnow with their Fighting STAB moves.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Durant can deal a lot of damage to Mega Abomasnow with an Iron Head, though Durant cannot switch in safely. Doublade and Cobalion can take any hit from Mega Abomasnow and retaliate with their STAB Steel-type moves. Escavalier and Bronzong wall non-Hidden Power Fire variants of Mega Abomasnow and can cripple it with Megahorn and Toxic, respectively.

**Entry Hazards**: Stealth Rock can greatly hinder Mega Abomasnow, as it strips 25% of Mega Abomasnow's HP each time Mega Abomasnow switches in. Damage from Toxic Spikes and Spikes can also annoy it, as it does not have a form of recovery.
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uh, I like how this looks for the most part. Opportunity cost is worth mentioning, considering Abomasnow was (pretty much) the only viable Mega Evolution back in XY RU, and that isn't true anymore with Steelix, Glalie and even Audino.

I would also recommend you not to talk badly of regular Abomasnow, mostly because no one has really bothered using it in order to point whether it is actually bad or not. For reference:

+2 252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Wood Hammer vs. 252 HP / 152+ Def Cresselia: 298-352 (67.1 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Abomasnow Wood Hammer vs. 252 HP / 152+ Def Cresselia: 302-356 (68 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

It also possesses a better Speed tier and a higher variety of sets (SubSeed needs Leftovers recovery and the extra Speed badly), Choice Scarf might be decent but that's just me brainstorming so don't mention anything outside of MAboma in the analysis.

Overview (and the analysis in general at the glance) is really good, props for that (especially considering you're a relatively new user, niggas still got the nerves to say we drive those away hehe), but I'd try to find more pertinent mentions for the following point of the analysis:
  • Good defensive stats and typing helps it check/counter some Electric-, Water-, and Grass-types like Jolteon, Slowking, and Amoonguss.
Jolteon often carries Signal Beam and is less relevant than Heliolisk anyways (which carries Focus Blast) and Amoonguss uses Sludge Bomb often. How about Rotom-C (you're immune to Trick as well), keeping Slowking (although Scald can burn I guess) and Qwilfish? The latter barely carries Poison Jab and you can even revenge kill low HP Qwilfish to stop it from stacking more hazards on your team.

Besides that, mention somewhere how aside from being Stealth Rock weak, Abomasnow is also vulnerable to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, which along with the lack of any recovery outside of the Mixed set's Giga Drain make it ridiculously easy to wear down.

SD Abomasnow should be using max Speed (jumps on Speed crept Rhyperior, Doublade, Tangrowth and some Druddigon and it also allows you to make use of Regular Abomasnow's Speed tier more often). Keep in mind that not everyone likes this though, so I'd wait on the opinion of the remaining QC members before implementing this change. I'm also not a fan of Seed Bomb, and I was convinced to remove it back when I wrote XY SD Abomasnow, but maybe times have changed I guess?

I'd also give some emphasis to common hazard removers and setters in Team Options. Mention how Cresselia also gives you Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support, try to find some partners less vulnerable to Cobalion's Fighting-type STAB or Steelix's Earthquake and that's about it. Very useful reference, although the EV spread and some references are very outdated.

Lacking in experience with MAboma's mixed set, so I won't analyse that in-depth, but from reading how it is at the moment I feel that you should mention how it's better at punching holes instead of straight up sweeping. I mean, it doesn't really "need a lure such as Sacred Sword Doublade". If anything, that's a mention which should be on the SD set. Mixed Aboma (correct me if I'm wrong) is supposed to punch holes with its Blizzard (and sometimes its Grass-type STAB/coverage move) for other Steel-type weak Pokemon to clean up (it's not like Doubie/Cobalion can take Blizzards for days, let alone Steelix). Tagging Spirit cause he likes this set a lot IIRC

OO and C&C need the most work out of the entire analysis IMO. Putting the remaining input in a spoiler tag for the sake of organization:

Bullet Seed is useless, remove it. It does hit harder sometimes but it's way too unreliable in the end. You also have Hail and Ice Shard to finish off Pokemon with Focus Sash anyways.

SD Regular Abomasnow is probably a good set, keep that. Mention what Ice Punch hits harder (aka Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Probably something else I'm missing). HP Fire is fine too.

Mention Leech Seed (with both Protect and Substitute) here, both regular and Mega.

Mention regular Choice Scarf and Choice Specs too IMO (Blizzard spam n_n), but also how that's probably gimmicky.

Mention the usage of Substitute on mixed sets (and maybe Focus Punch I guess?). Psychotic (R.I.P. ;______;) used that a fuckton and while not even he believes that's viable, I feel that it's worth an OO mention.

Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is a godly set n_n (jk, I dunno how good this is, but I feel it might be worth messing around with.

C&C: Check this for reference. "Super Effective Damage" is too subjective, especially considering how Mega Abomasnow is tanky enough to tank weaker Super Effective moves. For reference:

252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 8 HP / 0 Def Abomasnow: 260-308 (80.4 - 95.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Implement this for a 1/3. This wall of text is what you get when I have way too much time to procrastinate with. Have a nice day :)
uh, I like how this looks for the most part. Opportunity cost is worth mentioning, considering Abomasnow was (pretty much) the only viable Mega Evolution back in XY RU, and that isn't true anymore with Steelix, Glalie and even Audino.

I would also recommend you not to talk badly of regular Abomasnow, mostly because no one has really bothered using it in order to point whether it is actually bad or not. For reference:

+2 252+ Atk Mega Abomasnow Wood Hammer vs. 252 HP / 152+ Def Cresselia: 298-352 (67.1 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Abomasnow Wood Hammer vs. 252 HP / 152+ Def Cresselia: 302-356 (68 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

It also possesses a better Speed tier and a higher variety of sets (SubSeed needs Leftovers recovery and the extra Speed badly), Choice Scarf might be decent but that's just me brainstorming so don't mention anything outside of MAboma in the analysis.

Overview (and the analysis in general at the glance) is really good, props for that (especially considering you're a relatively new user, niggas still got the nerves to say we drive those away hehe), but I'd try to find more pertinent mentions for the following point of the analysis:
  • Good defensive stats and typing helps it check/counter some Electric-, Water-, and Grass-types like Jolteon, Slowking, and Amoonguss.
Jolteon often carries Signal Beam and is less relevant than Heliolisk anyways (which carries Focus Blast) and Amoonguss uses Sludge Bomb often. How about Rotom-C (you're immune to Trick as well), keeping Slowking (although Scald can burn I guess) and Qwilfish? The latter barely carries Poison Jab and you can even revenge kill low HP Qwilfish to stop it from stacking more hazards on your team.

Besides that, mention somewhere how aside from being Stealth Rock weak, Abomasnow is also vulnerable to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, which along with the lack of any recovery outside of the Mixed set's Giga Drain make it ridiculously easy to wear down.

SD Abomasnow should be using max Speed (jumps on Speed crept Rhyperior, Doublade, Tangrowth and some Druddigon and it also allows you to make use of Regular Abomasnow's Speed tier more often). Keep in mind that not everyone likes this though, so I'd wait on the opinion of the remaining QC members before implementing this change. I'm also not a fan of Seed Bomb, and I was convinced to remove it back when I wrote XY SD Abomasnow, but maybe times have changed I guess?

I'd also give some emphasis to common hazard removers and setters in Team Options. Mention how Cresselia also gives you Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support, try to find some partners less vulnerable to Cobalion's Fighting-type STAB or Steelix's Earthquake and that's about it. Very useful reference, although the EV spread and some references are very outdated.

Lacking in experience with MAboma's mixed set, so I won't analyse that in-depth, but from reading how it is at the moment I feel that you should mention how it's better at punching holes instead of straight up sweeping. I mean, it doesn't really "need a lure such as Sacred Sword Doublade". If anything, that's a mention which should be on the SD set. Mixed Aboma (correct me if I'm wrong) is supposed to punch holes with its Blizzard (and sometimes its Grass-type STAB/coverage move) for other Steel-type weak Pokemon to clean up (it's not like Doubie/Cobalion can take Blizzards for days, let alone Steelix). Tagging Spirit cause he likes this set a lot IIRC

OO and C&C need the most work out of the entire analysis IMO. Putting the remaining input in a spoiler tag for the sake of organization:

Bullet Seed is useless, remove it. It does hit harder sometimes but it's way too unreliable in the end. You also have Hail and Ice Shard to finish off Pokemon with Focus Sash anyways.

SD Regular Abomasnow is probably a good set, keep that. Mention what Ice Punch hits harder (aka Tangrowth and Amoonguss. Probably something else I'm missing). HP Fire is fine too.

Mention Leech Seed (with both Protect and Substitute) here, both regular and Mega.

Mention regular Choice Scarf and Choice Specs too IMO (Blizzard spam n_n), but also how that's probably gimmicky.

Mention the usage of Substitute on mixed sets (and maybe Focus Punch I guess?). Psychotic (R.I.P. ;______;) used that a fuckton and while not even he believes that's viable, I feel that it's worth an OO mention.

Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is a godly set n_n (jk, I dunno how good this is, but I feel it might be worth messing around with.

C&C: Check this for reference. "Super Effective Damage" is too subjective, especially considering how Mega Abomasnow is tanky enough to tank weaker Super Effective moves. For reference:

252+ Atk Fletchinder Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 8 HP / 0 Def Abomasnow: 260-308 (80.4 - 95.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Implement this for a 1/3. This wall of text is what you get when I have way too much time to procrastinate with. Have a nice day :)
hmm, yeah.

i also like speed on sd aboma, though usually i just stuck to 164 evs, which put it over uninvested base 50's in mega state, as well as addressing the stuff that sit around that benchmark. max comes off as excessive to me, since the defensive benchmarks you look to outpace (the qwilfish / cress area) tend to creep above it anyway, meaning that you'd need lame jolly to /maybe/ address them. that'd only leave outpacing modest clawlitzer, which is meh for me personally. i do like seed bomb > wood hammer though, mostly b.c being able to play into fatmons, particularly stuff like momo, w/o entirely burning out has some really value in more defensive match-ups. guess i wouldn't mind too much if it were a secondary slash.

also, i think mixed aboma should have a stark special orientation currently; it plays much better off the primary draw to the set, being strong, accurate blizzards, doesn't fold to scald burns as badly, and can target more relevant 'mons w/it's coverage (hitting durant, cobalion, etc., greatly out-values hitting delphox / particular spdef steels). i like 92 atk / 252 spa / 164 spe @ mild, with wood hammer slashed behind giga drain and eq relegated to an aside mention, but additional input would be cool. kinda wanna verify these kinds of things before checking, but it does look solid atm, so that's ayte
hmm, yeah.

i also like speed on sd aboma, though usually i just stuck to 164 evs, which put it over uninvested base 50's in mega state, as well as addressing the stuff that sit around that benchmark. max comes off as excessive to me, since the defensive benchmarks you look to outpace (the qwilfish / cress area) tend to creep above it anyway, meaning that you'd need lame jolly to /maybe/ address them. that'd only leave outpacing modest clawlitzer, which is meh for me personally. i do like seed bomb > wood hammer though, mostly b.c being able to play into fatmons, particularly stuff like momo, w/o entirely burning out has some really value in more defensive match-ups. guess i wouldn't mind too much if it were a secondary slash.

also, i think mixed aboma should have a stark special orientation currently; it plays much better off the primary draw to the set, being strong, accurate blizzards, doesn't fold to scald burns as badly, and can target more relevant 'mons w/it's coverage (hitting durant, cobalion, etc., greatly out-values hitting delphox / particular spdef steels). i like 92 atk / 252 spa / 164 spe @ mild, with wood hammer slashed behind giga drain and eq relegated to an aside mention, but additional input would be cool. kinda wanna verify these kinds of things before checking, but it does look solid atm, so that's ayte
I don't think those 23 HP EVs that aren't going to Speed actually add anything of value, i.e. Abomasnow avoiding a significant 2HKO/OHKO, whereas running Max Speed lets Abomasnow outspeed and KO Modest Clawitzer pre-mega before it gets destroyed by Aura Sphere, not that it's super important, but at least there's practicality towards running max Speed. Abomasnow really only needs bulk in order to set up, and it has that bulk with no investment needed once mega-evolved. Personally, I'd just go with 252 Spe on Swords Dance unless there's something the extra HP EVs do for it that I'm not aware of.

On the topic of mixed, I agree that primarily special is the way to go, and one-shotting Durant, Cobalion, and other Steels is too good to pass up just to hit Delphox (and I suppose not missing); Focus Blast > Earthquake definitely. I also agree that when you talk about the roles mixed Abomasnow has, it's primarily a hole puncher meant to pave way for another Pokemon's sweep, unlike the Swords Dance set. Also, I've used normal Abomasnow and it's pretty solid. Normal Abomasnow + Mega Audino isn't a bad core actually, so don't tack on it because it is a solid Pokemon in its own right, just outclassed by its Mega for the most part. I'd give it a solid other options mention, particularly if your team wants to use another Mega, normal Abomasnow is by far the most useful and viable.



Abomasnow has great mixed offensive stats and powerful STAB moves. It also has access to Swords Dance to boosts its high Attack stat and priority Ice Shard that can mitigate its low Speed. In addition, its excellent Defensive Defense stat and typing helps it check and counter some Electric-, Ground-, and Water-types such as Rotom-C, Dugtrio, and Slowking. It can also dent stall teams easily due to its wallbreaking abilities. It can also freely fire 100% accurate Blizzard because of its ability, Snow Warning. Sadly, Abomasnow can be easily worn down by entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, (AC) and Toxic Spikes that can severely cripple it. Abomasnow is also weak to common Fire-, Fighting-, and Steel-types that are very common in the tier. Abomasnow has a hard time switching in and attacking due to its low base 30 Speed. Abomasnow has no form of recovery which hinders its ability to switch into Pokemon that it checks. If one uses Mega Abomasnow, it can take up a mega slot and therefore, cannot be used alongside other useful Mega Pokemon such as Mega Steelix and Mega Camerupt.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Swords Dance is used to boost Mega Abomasnow's Attack by two stages, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Ice Shard is a strong priority move, especially after a Swords Dance boost, (AC) and can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Virizion and Hitmonlee. Wood Hammer does a massive amount of damage after a Swords Dance boost and is capable of 2HKOing very bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia and Bronzong after a bit of prior damage. Seed Bomb is a good option over Wood Hammer to avoid taking recoil damage and have a solid Grass-type STAB move, but the power difference is noticeable. Earthquake is used to hit Pokemon that resists Mega Abomasnow's dual STAB types such as Cobalion and Emboar.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. Max Attack investment with an Adamant nature are used for Mega Abomasnow to inflict as much damage as possible. The full investment in Speed allows it to outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior when it Mega Evolves. It can also outspeed minimum Speed Cresselia and max Speed neutral-natured Clawitzer and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves.

Usage Tips

Abomasnow can set up before Mega Evolving as it outspeeds key threats such as Doublade and Druddigon. Mega Abomasnow should also be kept healthy so that it can safely and successfully set up. Mega Abomasnow can be used to pivot into something passive such as Aromatisse and Alomomola and proceed to set up, though it has to be careful of the latter's Scalds which could burn Mega Abomasnow. Mega Abomasnow would love for entry hazards to be removed before preparing to set up so be sure to remove them. Do not try to set up before threats like Bronzong and Cobalion are taken out or considerably damaged. Try to predict Steel-types such as Cobalion switching in and hit them with an Earthquake to deal massive damage to it as it resists Abomasnow's STAB or to switch into something that can deal with Cobalion.

Team Options

Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them. Lures such as Sacred Sword Doublade for Houndoom or Hidden Power Fire Virizion for Doublade can be beneficial for Mega Abomasnow to remove its counters. Cresselia is also an excellent partner as it deals with most Fighting-types in the tier and provide Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support for Mega Abomasnow. Entry hazard support from Rhyperior and Qwilfish can also benefit Mega Abomasnow as it can to weaken opposing teams. Pivots are also really useful for Mega Abomasnow. Cobalion is able to scare away Steel-types such as Doublade and has Volt Switch which allows Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely.

name: Mixed
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 4: Focus Blast
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 92 Atk / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
nature: Mild


Blizzard is a strong STAB move that has no drawbacks due to its perfect accuracy under hail. why is the ability soundproof then?? Ice Shard has +1 priority and is used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Dugtrio and Hitmonlee. Giga Drain hits very hard and provides longevity for Mega Abomasnow. Wood Hammer is an option over Giga Drain for a stronger STAB move but the recoil damage it brings can severely reduce Mega Abomasnow's lifespan. Focus Blast is used to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion, Mega Steelix and Durant. It is also used to hit opposing Mega Abomasnow. Earthquake is an option that hits Registeel and Delphox but it is usually not preferred as the targets that Focus Blast hits are more common that the targets that Earthquake hits. Substitute can also be used to block statuses and eases prediction throughout the match but should only be used with Giga Drain.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. 252 SpA EVs with a Mild nature are used to inflict as much damage as possible on its with Mega Abomasnow's most spammable move, Blizzard. 164 Spe EVs are used for Abomasnow to outspeed key threats such as Tangrowth and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves and outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior and Doublade when it Mega Evolves. A set with 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA with a Quiet nature is an option if one opts for more bulk on Abomasnow

Usage Tips

This set fits well on balanced or bulky offense teams looking for a powerful wallbreaker that can punch holes in opposing teams. Players should attempt to double switch Mega Abomasnow on predicted switches into defensive Pokemon such as Alomomola, Amoonguss, (AC) and Aromatisse as it is difficult for Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely. Try to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion and Durant with the appropriate coverage move when they switch in as they resist both of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and outspeed it. Entry hazards are highly recommended to be removed or they will wear down Mega Abomasnow very quickly easily.

Team Options

Fire-types such as Fletchinder, Houndoom, (AC) and Emboar are good partners as they can deal with nearly every Steel-type in the tier that threatens Mega Abomasnow. Doublade is also a good partner as it can wall and set up on Fighting-types such as Virizion and Medicham. Mega Abomasnow also appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin support from Pokemon such as Skuntank and Hitmonlee due to its weakness to Stealth Rocks. Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them.

Other Options

Ice Punch can be used on the Swords Dance set for a stronger Ice-type STAB move and hits Tangrowth, Druddigon, (AC) and Amoonguss harder. Hidden Power Fire can be used on the mixed set to lure in hit an Escavalier that has been lured in and inflict a big chunk of damage on it. If your team already has a Mega Pokemon, regular Abomasnow is definitely a viable option to fit into a team. A Swords Dance set with Life Orb is a viable option that can fit onto teams. A set with Leech Seed and both Substitute and Protect is also another option on both regular and Mega Abomasnow. A set with Choice Scarf and Choice Specs can be used but is rather gimmicky. Finally, a set with Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is also a good option that makes Abomasnow a fearsome mixed sweeper.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective STAB Moves**: Fire-types such as Houndoom, Delphox, and Emboar can switch into one of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and then proceed to outspeed and KO it, but they must be wary of Earthquake and Stealth Rock + Blizzard + hail can seriously pressure these Pokemon. Fletchinder don't like taking Blizzard and hates Stealth Rock, but they can eat up a predicted Grass-type move and proceed to KO it Mega Abomasnow with its STAB moves. Fighting-types such as Hitmonlee and Medicham don't like taking any big hits from Mega Abomasnow and Hitmonlee takes a big chunk from Ice Shard, but if they can get in safely, they can easily KO Mega Abomasnow with their Fighting STAB moves.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Durant can deal a lot of damage to Mega Abomasnow with an Iron Head, though it Durant cannot switch into it safely. Doublade and Cobalion can take any hit from Mega Abomasnow and retaliate with their STAB Steel-type moves. Escavalier and Bronzong wall non-Hidden Power Fire variants of Mega Abomasnow and can cripple it with Megahorn and Toxic, respectively.

**Entry Hazards**: Stealth Rocks can greatly hinder Mega Abomasnow as it can takes out 25% of its Mega Abomasnow's HP each time it Mega Abomasnow switches in. Damage from Toxic Spikes and Spikes can also annoy it as it does not have a form of recovery. (period)


If a Pokemon is almost entirely used with a Mega stone, mention it as Mega [Pokemon]. Also, check that ability!
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Abomasnow has great mixed offensive stats and powerful STAB moves. It also has access to Swords Dance to boosts its high Attack stat and priority Ice Shard that can mitigate its low Speed. In addition, its excellent Defensive Defense stat and typing helps it check and counter some Electric-, Ground-, and Water-types such as Rotom-C, Dugtrio, and Slowking. It can also dent stall teams easily due to its wallbreaking abilities. It can also freely fire 100% accurate Blizzard because of its ability, Snow Warning. Sadly, Abomasnow can be easily worn down by entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, (AC) and Toxic Spikes that can severely cripple it. Abomasnow is also weak to common Fire-, Fighting-, and Steel-types that are very common in the tier. Abomasnow has a hard time switching in and attacking due to its low base 30 Speed. Abomasnow has no form of recovery which hinders its ability to switch into Pokemon that it checks. If one uses Mega Abomasnow, it can take up a mega slot and therefore, cannot be used alongside other useful Mega Pokemon such as Mega Steelix and Mega Camerupt.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Swords Dance is used to boost Mega Abomasnow's Attack by two stages, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Ice Shard is a strong priority move, especially after a Swords Dance boost, (AC) and can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Virizion and Hitmonlee. Wood Hammer does a massive amount of damage after a Swords Dance boost and is capable of 2HKOing very bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia and Bronzong after a bit of prior damage. Seed Bomb is a good option over Wood Hammer to avoid taking recoil damage and have a solid Grass-type STAB move, but the power difference is noticeable. Earthquake is used to hit Pokemon that resists Mega Abomasnow's dual STAB types such as Cobalion and Emboar.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. Max Attack investment with an Adamant nature are used for Mega Abomasnow to inflict as much damage as possible. The full investment in Speed allows it to outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior when it Mega Evolves. It can also outspeed minimum Speed Cresselia and max Speed neutral-natured Clawitzer and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves.

Usage Tips

Abomasnow can set up before Mega Evolving as it outspeeds key threats such as Doublade and Druddigon. Mega Abomasnow should also be kept healthy so that it can safely and successfully set up. Mega Abomasnow can be used to pivot into something passive such as Aromatisse and Alomomola and proceed to set up, though it has to be careful of the latter's Scalds which could burn Mega Abomasnow. Mega Abomasnow would love for entry hazards to be removed before preparing to set up so be sure to remove them. Do not try to set up before threats like Bronzong and Cobalion are taken out or considerably damaged. Try to predict Steel-types such as Cobalion switching in and hit them with an Earthquake to deal massive damage to it as it resists Abomasnow's STAB or to switch into something that can deal with Cobalion.

Team Options

Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them. Lures such as Sacred Sword Doublade for Houndoom or Hidden Power Fire Virizion for Doublade can be beneficial for Mega Abomasnow to remove its counters. Cresselia is also an excellent partner as it deals with most Fighting-types in the tier and provide Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support for Mega Abomasnow. Entry hazard support from Rhyperior and Qwilfish can also benefit Mega Abomasnow as it can to weaken opposing teams. Pivots are also really useful for Mega Abomasnow. Cobalion is able to scare away Steel-types such as Doublade and has Volt Switch which allows Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely.

name: Mixed
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 4: Focus Blast
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 92 Atk / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
nature: Mild


Blizzard is a strong STAB move that has no drawbacks due to its perfect accuracy under hail. why is the ability soundproof then?? Ice Shard has +1 priority and is used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Dugtrio and Hitmonlee. Giga Drain hits very hard and provides longevity for Mega Abomasnow. Wood Hammer is an option over Giga Drain for a stronger STAB move but the recoil damage it brings can severely reduce Mega Abomasnow's lifespan. Focus Blast is used to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion, Mega Steelix and Durant. It is also used to hit opposing Mega Abomasnow. Earthquake is an option that hits Registeel and Delphox but it is usually not preferred as the targets that Focus Blast hits are more common that the targets that Earthquake hits. Substitute can also be used to block statuses and eases prediction throughout the match but should only be used with Giga Drain.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. 252 SpA EVs with a Mild nature are used to inflict as much damage as possible on its with Mega Abomasnow's most spammable move, Blizzard. 164 Spe EVs are used for Abomasnow to outspeed key threats such as Tangrowth and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves and outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior and Doublade when it Mega Evolves. A set with 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA with a Quiet nature is an option if one opts for more bulk on Abomasnow

Usage Tips

This set fits well on balanced or bulky offense teams looking for a powerful wallbreaker that can punch holes in opposing teams. Players should attempt to double switch Mega Abomasnow on predicted switches into defensive Pokemon such as Alomomola, Amoonguss, (AC) and Aromatisse as it is difficult for Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely. Try to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion and Durant with the appropriate coverage move when they switch in as they resist both of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and outspeed it. Entry hazards are highly recommended to be removed or they will wear down Mega Abomasnow very quickly easily.

Team Options

Fire-types such as Fletchinder, Houndoom, (AC) and Emboar are good partners as they can deal with nearly every Steel-type in the tier that threatens Mega Abomasnow. Doublade is also a good partner as it can wall and set up on Fighting-types such as Virizion and Medicham. Mega Abomasnow also appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin support from Pokemon such as Skuntank and Hitmonlee due to its weakness to Stealth Rocks. Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them.

Other Options

Ice Punch can be used on the Swords Dance set for a stronger Ice-type STAB move and hits Tangrowth, Druddigon, (AC) and Amoonguss harder. Hidden Power Fire can be used on the mixed set to lure in hit an Escavalier that has been lured in and inflict a big chunk of damage on it. If your team already has a Mega Pokemon, regular Abomasnow is definitely a viable option to fit into a team. A Swords Dance set with Life Orb is a viable option that can fit onto teams. A set with Leech Seed and both Substitute and Protect is also another option on both regular and Mega Abomasnow. A set with Choice Scarf and Choice Specs can be used but is rather gimmicky. Finally, a set with Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is also a good option that makes Abomasnow a fearsome mixed sweeper.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective STAB Moves**: Fire-types such as Houndoom, Delphox, and Emboar can switch into one of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and then proceed to outspeed and KO it, but they must be wary of Earthquake and Stealth Rock + Blizzard + hail can seriously pressure these Pokemon. Fletchinder don't like taking Blizzard and hates Stealth Rock, but they can eat up a predicted Grass-type move and proceed to KO it Mega Abomasnow with its STAB moves. Fighting-types such as Hitmonlee and Medicham don't like taking any big hits from Mega Abomasnow and Hitmonlee takes a big chunk from Ice Shard, but if they can get in safely, they can easily KO Mega Abomasnow with their Fighting STAB moves.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Durant can deal a lot of damage to Mega Abomasnow with an Iron Head, though it Durant cannot switch into it safely. Doublade and Cobalion can take any hit from Mega Abomasnow and retaliate with their STAB Steel-type moves. Escavalier and Bronzong wall non-Hidden Power Fire variants of Mega Abomasnow and can cripple it with Megahorn and Toxic, respectively.

**Entry Hazards**: Stealth Rocks can greatly hinder Mega Abomasnow as it can takes out 25% of its Mega Abomasnow's HP each time it Mega Abomasnow switches in. Damage from Toxic Spikes and Spikes can also annoy it as it does not have a form of recovery. (period)


If a Pokemon is almost entirely used with a Mega stone, mention it as Mega [Pokemon]. Also, check that ability!
Soundproof is Abomasnow's ability before it mega evolves and has more niche since it can safely switch into sound moves such as Exploud's Boomburst, etc. and when it mega evolves it already has snow warming anyway
add (Capitalize)

(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)

Abomasnow has great mixed offensive stats and powerful STAB moves. It also has access to Swords Dance to boosts its high Attack stat and priority Ice Shard that can to mitigate its low Speed. In addition, its excellent Defense stat and typing help it check and counter some Electric-, Ground-, and Water-types such as Rotom-C, Dugtrio, and Slowking. It can also dent stall teams easily due to its wallbreaking abilities. It can also freely fire 100% accurate Blizzard because of its ability, Snow Warning. Sadly, Abomasnow can be easily worn down by entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes. Abomasnow is also weak to common Fire-, Fighting-, and Steel-types in the tier. Abomasnow and has a hard time switching in and attacking due to its low base 30 Speed. Abomasnow has no form of recovery, (AC) which hinders its ability to switch into Pokemon that it checks. Lastly, if one uses Mega Abomasnow, it cannot be used alongside other useful Mega Pokemon such as Mega Steelix and Mega Camerupt.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Swords Dance is used to boost Mega Abomasnow's Attack by two stages, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Ice Shard is a strong priority move, especially after a Swords Dance boost, (AC) and can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Virizion and Hitmonlee. Wood Hammer does a massive amount of damage after a Swords Dance boost and is capable of 2HKOing very bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia and Bronzong after a bit of prior damage. Seed Bomb is a good option over Wood Hammer to avoid taking recoil damage and have a solid Grass STAB move, but the power difference is noticeable. Earthquake is used to hit Pokemon that resist Mega Abomasnow's STAB types such as Cobalion and Emboar.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. Maximum Attack investment with an Adamant nature are is used for Mega Abomasnow to inflict as much damage as possible. The full investment in Speed allows it to outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior when it Mega Evolves. It can also outspeed minimum Speed Cresselia and maximum Speed neutral-natured Clawitzer and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves.

Usage Tips

Abomasnow can set up before Mega Evolving, (AC) as it outspeeds key threats such as Doublade and Druddigon. Mega Abomasnow should also be kept healthy so that it can safely and successfully set up. Mega Abomasnow can be used to pivot into something passive such as Aromatisse and Alomomola and proceed to set up, though it has to be careful of the latter's Scalds, (AC) which could burn Mega Abomasnow it. Mega Abomasnow would love for entry hazards to be removed before preparing to set up, (AC) so be sure to remove them. Do not try to set up before threats like Bronzong and Cobalion are have been taken out or considerably damaged. Try to predict Steel-types such as Cobalion switching in and hit them with an Earthquake to deal massive damage.

Team Options

Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners, (AC) as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega (space) Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them. Lures such as Sacred Sword Doublade for Houndoom or and Hidden Power Fire Virizion for Doublade can be beneficial for Mega Abomasnow to remove its counters. Cresselia is also an excellent partner, (AC) as it deals with most Fighting-types in the tier and can provide Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support for Mega Abomasnow. Entry hazard support from Rhyperior and Qwilfish can also benefit Mega Abomasnow to weaken opposing teams. Pivots are also really useful for Mega Abomasnow. Cobalion is able to scare away Steel-types such as Doublade and has Volt Switch, (AC) which allows Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely.

name: Mixed
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 4: Focus Blast
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 92 Atk / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
nature: Mild


Blizzard is a strong STAB move that has no drawbacks due to its perfect accuracy under hail. Ice Shard has +1 priority and is used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Dugtrio and Hitmonlee. Giga Drain hits very hard and provides longevity for Mega Abomasnow. Wood Hammer is an option over Giga Drain for a stronger STAB move, (AC) but the recoil damage it brings can severely reduce Mega Abomasnow's lifespan. Focus Blast is used to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion, Mega Steelix and Durant. It is also used to hit opposing Mega Abomasnow. Earthquake is an option that hits Registeel and Delphox, (AC) but it is usually not preferred, (AC) as the targets that Focus Blast hits are more common that the targets that Earthquake hits. Substitute can also be used to block status and ease prediction throughout the match but should only be used with Giga Drain.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. 252 SpA EVs with a Mild nature are used to inflict as much damage as possible with Mega Abomasnow's most spammable move, Blizzard. 164 Spe EVs are used for Abomasnow to outspeed key threats such as Tangrowth and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves and outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior and Doublade when it Mega Evolves. A set with 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA with a Quiet nature is an option if one opts for more bulk.

Usage Tips

This set fits well on balanced or bulky offense offensive teams looking for a powerful wallbreaker that can punch holes in opposing teams. Players should attempt to double switch Mega Abomasnow on predicted switches into defensive Pokemon such as Alomomola, Amoonguss, (AC) and Aromatisse, (AC) as it is difficult for Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely. Try to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion and Durant with the appropriate coverage move when they switch in, (AC) as they resist both of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and outspeed it. Entry hazards are highly recommended to be removed, (AC) or they will wear down Mega Abomasnow very quickly.

Team Options

Fire-types such as Fletchinder, Houndoom, and Emboar are good partners, (AC) as they can deal with nearly every Steel-type in the tier that threatens Mega Abomasnow. Doublade can wall and set up on Fighting-types such as Virizion and Medicham. Mega Abomasnow also appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin support from Pokemon such as Skuntank and Hitmonlee due to its weakness to Stealth Rock. Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners, (AC) as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow (space) hates going up against, (AC) while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them.

Other Options

Ice Punch can be used on the Swords Dance set for a stronger Ice-type STAB move and (space) hits Tangrowth, Druddigon, and Amoonguss harder. Hidden Power Fire can be used on the mixed set to hit an Escavalier that has been lured in. If your team already has a Mega Pokemon, regular Abomasnow is definitely a viable option to fit into a team. A Swords Dance set with Life Orb is a viable option. A set with Leech Seed and both Substitute and Protect is also another option on both regular and Mega Abomasnow. A set with Choice Scarf and Choice Specs can be used but is rather gimmicky. Finally, a set with Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is also a good option that makes Abomasnow a fearsome mixed sweeper.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective STAB Moves**: Fire-types such as Houndoom, Delphox, and Emboar can switch into one of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and then proceed to outspeed and KO it, but they must be wary of Earthquake and Stealth Rock + Blizzard + hail can seriously pressure these Pokemon. Fletchinder don't doesn't like taking Blizzard and hates Stealth Rock, but it can eat up a predicted Grass-type move and proceed to KO Mega Abomasnow with its STAB moves. Fighting-types such as Hitmonlee and Medicham don't like taking any big hits from Mega Abomasnow and Hitmonlee takes a big chunk from Ice Shard, but if they can get in safely, they can easily KO Mega Abomasnow with their Fighting STAB moves.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Durant can deal a lot of damage to Mega Abomasnow (space) with an Iron Head, though Durant cannot switch in safely. Doublade and Cobalion can take any hit from Mega Abomasnow and retaliate with their STAB Steel-type moves. Escavalier and Bronzong wall non-Hidden Power Fire variants of Mega Abomasnow and can cripple it with Megahorn and Toxic, respectively.

**Entry Hazards**: Stealth Rock can greatly hinder Mega Abomasnow, (AC) as it strips 25% of Mega Abomasnow's HP each time Mega Abomasnow switches in. Damage from Toxic Spikes and Spikes can also annoy it, (AC) as it does not have a form of recovery.

GP 2/2
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add (Capitalize)

(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)

Abomasnow has great mixed offensive stats and powerful STAB moves. It also has access to Swords Dance to boosts its high Attack stat and priority Ice Shard that can to mitigate its low Speed. In addition, its excellent Defense stat and typing help it check and counter some Electric-, Ground-, and Water-types such as Rotom-C, Dugtrio, and Slowking. It can also dent stall teams easily due to its wallbreaking abilities. It can also freely fire 100% accurate Blizzard because of its ability, Snow Warning. Sadly, Abomasnow can be easily worn down by entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes. Abomasnow is also weak to common Fire-, Fighting-, and Steel-types in the tier. Abomasnow and has a hard time switching in and attacking due to its low base 30 Speed. Abomasnow has no form of recovery, (AC) which hinders its ability to switch into Pokemon that it checks. Lastly, if one uses Mega Abomasnow, it cannot be used alongside other useful Mega Pokemon such as Mega Steelix and Mega Camerupt.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Seed Bomb
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant


Swords Dance is used to boost Mega Abomasnow's Attack by two stages, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Ice Shard is a strong priority move, especially after a Swords Dance boost, (AC) and can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Virizion and Hitmonlee. Wood Hammer does a massive amount of damage after a Swords Dance boost and is capable of 2HKOing very bulky Pokemon such as Cresselia and Bronzong after a bit of prior damage. Seed Bomb is a good option over Wood Hammer to avoid taking recoil damage and have a solid Grass STAB move, but the power difference is noticeable. Earthquake is used to hit Pokemon that resist Mega Abomasnow's STAB types such as Cobalion and Emboar.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. Maximum Attack investment with an Adamant nature are is used for Mega Abomasnow to inflict as much damage as possible. The full investment in Speed allows it to outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior when it Mega Evolves. It can also outspeed minimum Speed Cresselia and maximum Speed neutral-natured Clawitzer and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves.

Usage Tips

Abomasnow can set up before Mega Evolving, (AC) as it outspeeds key threats such as Doublade and Druddigon. Mega Abomasnow should also be kept healthy so that it can safely and successfully set up. Mega Abomasnow can be used to pivot into something passive such as Aromatisse and Alomomola and proceed to set up, though it has to be careful of the latter's Scalds, (AC) which could burn Mega Abomasnow it. Mega Abomasnow would love for entry hazards to be removed before preparing to set up, (AC) so be sure to remove them. Do not try to set up before threats like Bronzong and Cobalion are have been taken out or considerably damaged. Try to predict Steel-types such as Cobalion switching in and hit them with an Earthquake to deal massive damage.

Team Options

Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners, (AC) as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow hates going up against while Mega (space) Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them. Lures such as Sacred Sword Doublade for Houndoom or and Hidden Power Fire Virizion for Doublade can be beneficial for Mega Abomasnow to remove its counters. Cresselia is also an excellent partner, (AC) as it deals with most Fighting-types in the tier and can provide Lunar Dance and Thunder Wave support for Mega Abomasnow. Entry hazard support from Rhyperior and Qwilfish can also benefit Mega Abomasnow to weaken opposing teams. Pivots are also really useful for Mega Abomasnow. Cobalion is able to scare away Steel-types such as Doublade and has Volt Switch, (AC) which allows Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely.

name: Mixed
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Giga Drain / Wood Hammer
move 4: Focus Blast
ability: Soundproof
item: Abomasite
evs: 92 Atk / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
nature: Mild


Blizzard is a strong STAB move that has no drawbacks due to its perfect accuracy under hail. Ice Shard has +1 priority and is used to pick off weakened Pokemon as well as to hit frail threats such as Dugtrio and Hitmonlee. Giga Drain hits very hard and provides longevity for Mega Abomasnow. Wood Hammer is an option over Giga Drain for a stronger STAB move, (AC) but the recoil damage it brings can severely reduce Mega Abomasnow's lifespan. Focus Blast is used to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion, Mega Steelix and Durant. It is also used to hit opposing Mega Abomasnow. Earthquake is an option that hits Registeel and Delphox, (AC) but it is usually not preferred, (AC) as the targets that Focus Blast hits are more common that the targets that Earthquake hits. Substitute can also be used to block status and ease prediction throughout the match but should only be used with Giga Drain.

Set Details

Abomasite is used to Mega Evolve Abomasnow. Soundproof is used for Abomasnow to safely switch into Boomburst from Exploud and Hyper Voice from Meloetta. 252 SpA EVs with a Mild nature are used to inflict as much damage as possible with Mega Abomasnow's most spammable move, Blizzard. 164 Spe EVs are used for Abomasnow to outspeed key threats such as Tangrowth and Druddigon before it Mega Evolves and outspeed minimum Speed Rhyperior and Doublade when it Mega Evolves. A set with 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA with a Quiet nature is an option if one opts for more bulk.

Usage Tips

This set fits well on balanced or bulky offense offensive teams looking for a powerful wallbreaker that can punch holes in opposing teams. Players should attempt to double switch Mega Abomasnow on predicted switches into defensive Pokemon such as Alomomola, Amoonguss, (AC) and Aromatisse, (AC) as it is difficult for Mega Abomasnow to switch in safely. Try to hit Steel-types such as Cobalion and Durant with the appropriate coverage move when they switch in, (AC) as they resist both of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and outspeed it. Entry hazards are highly recommended to be removed, (AC) or they will wear down Mega Abomasnow very quickly.

Team Options

Fire-types such as Fletchinder, Houndoom, and Emboar are good partners, (AC) as they can deal with nearly every Steel-type in the tier that threatens Mega Abomasnow. Doublade can wall and set up on Fighting-types such as Virizion and Medicham. Mega Abomasnow also appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin support from Pokemon such as Skuntank and Hitmonlee due to its weakness to Stealth Rock. Water-types such as Slowking and Alomomola make good partners, (AC) as they can deal with Fire- and Steel-types that Mega Abomasnow (space) hates going up against, (AC) while Mega Abomasnow can deal with Electric- and Grass-types for them.

Other Options

Ice Punch can be used on the Swords Dance set for a stronger Ice-type STAB move and (space) hits Tangrowth, Druddigon, and Amoonguss harder. Hidden Power Fire can be used on the mixed set to hit an Escavalier that has been lured in. If your team already has a Mega Pokemon, regular Abomasnow is definitely a viable option to fit into a team. A Swords Dance set with Life Orb is a viable option. A set with Leech Seed and both Substitute and Protect is also another option on both regular and Mega Abomasnow. A set with Choice Scarf and Choice Specs can be used but is rather gimmicky. Finally, a set with Growth / Blizzard / Giga Drain / Ice Shard is also a good option that makes Abomasnow a fearsome mixed sweeper.

Checks & Counters

**Super Effective STAB Moves**: Fire-types such as Houndoom, Delphox, and Emboar can switch into one of Mega Abomasnow's STAB moves and then proceed to outspeed and KO it, but they must be wary of Earthquake and Stealth Rock + Blizzard + hail can seriously pressure these Pokemon. Fletchinder don't doesn't like taking Blizzard and hates Stealth Rock, but it can eat up a predicted Grass-type move and proceed to KO Mega Abomasnow with its STAB moves. Fighting-types such as Hitmonlee and Medicham don't like taking any big hits from Mega Abomasnow and Hitmonlee takes a big chunk from Ice Shard, but if they can get in safely, they can easily KO Mega Abomasnow with their Fighting STAB moves.

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Durant can deal a lot of damage to Mega Abomasnow (space) with an Iron Head, though Durant cannot switch in safely. Doublade and Cobalion can take any hit from Mega Abomasnow and retaliate with their STAB Steel-type moves. Escavalier and Bronzong wall non-Hidden Power Fire variants of Mega Abomasnow and can cripple it with Megahorn and Toxic, respectively.

**Entry Hazards**: Stealth Rock can greatly hinder Mega Abomasnow, (AC) as it strips 25% of Mega Abomasnow's HP each time Mega Abomasnow switches in. Damage from Toxic Spikes and Spikes can also annoy it, (AC) as it does not have a form of recovery.

GP 2/2
Thanks a lot :) This is done