A home wrecking Ditto and a fat OP Mega Venusaur (1500 rank cur.)

As the title says, this team revolves around Ditto and a bulky Venusaur to counter 90% of the usual stall/annoying pokes. One good thing to note when playing with this team, each poke as a VERY specific role. Only hovering around high 1400's in rank now on PS, but that is only because I don't play often enough. I've wont 10+ straight games with this team.​

The lineup :

Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Spe / 206 Attk / 50 HP
Jolly Nature

- Taunt: I love Taunt what are usually all out, offensive pokes. And as my LEAD, it is essential.
- Dual Chop: For Marvel Scale Dragonite, and this is also for frail pokes that hide behind subs or sash.
- Super Power: Hit air balloon Heatran, Scizor and other steels.
- Earthquake: coverage

As noted above, I like to use Greed as my Lead. It catches people SO off guard. One thing to note, I only use him as a lead when I can predict an obvious, non attacking lead such as Ferro, Forretress, Smeargle. Pretty much lets me get a free hit on a switch in poke, or free KO.


Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
Shiny: No
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 Spec Attk / 4 HP
Timid Nature

- Earth Power: Coverage
- Dragon Pulse: People like to switch in Garchomp and other Dragons. Surprise!
- Dark Pulse: Oh, cute *insert annoying poke here*. Here's Dark Pulse for Super effective (Coverage slot)
- Lava Plume: Stab, and for when there is daylight from ever so popular Mega Charz Y.

In this OU meta FILLED with will-o-wisp's and other annoying stall pokes (Toxic-er's), I absolutely NEED Sloth on my team. People say choice scarf Heatran is outdated, but oh well... If its not broke... It works especially this gen around because with the inflated amount of stall teams, people always suspect rocks coming, or some other stupid support move from Heatran.. Nope.. KO.. deuces...


Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spec Def / 4 Def
Calm Nature

- Will-o-wisp: Cripple certain attacking pokes
- Thunder wave: Same as above
- Protect: Extend longevity.
- Volt Switch: Poof. Gone. What happened...

Somewhat similar to Heatran. Rotom H is here to nerf thunder waves, will-o-wisps, earthquakes, and eat a few physical fighting attacks. Pretty much, thats it. lol


Mega stone
Ability: Thick Fat
Shiny: No
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 spec Def
Bold Nature

- Sleep powder: When I switch in this poke on chansey, or some other stall toxic abuser, you can then easily predict charizard or some other big hitter coming... Bam, sleep powder. Game. Blouses.
- Synthesis: Out stall other support pokes
- Sludge Bomb: Hit those fairies and hope for poison. lol
- Giga Drain: Obvious usage.

Mega V, in any variation should undoubtedly be in Uber. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mentally challenged. In this gen's OU meta, you NEED mega V. It outstalls EVERY other poke. Counters ALL toxic users, and packs a huge punch. And with Thick Fat, I can give any Mega Char Y a run for their money ( thanks to sleep powder ) and totally nom on a Ice Beam from Greninja countering with Giga Drain. Mega V is the second most important poke to this team as it takes care of just about ALL annoying stall-er's. NOTE: Rotom Wash......


Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
Shiny: No
EVs: 252 Attk / 252 Speed / 4 hp
Jolly Nature

- Earthquake: Stab
- Dragon Claw: Stab
- Iron Head: Oh, you like your fairy?
- Flamethrower: Purely for Scizor switch in's and Forretress/Ferro

One of my fav pokes, as is everyone else's so of course I have a spot for it. Side note: the art above looks weird doesn't it... ? Doesn't do Garchomp justice, yet at the same time is very... interesting... lol
It's really a straight-forward, guessing game with this Garchomp. Switch in on some physical attacker that Garchomp takes minimal damage from. They Switch to fairy, but you guess iron head with first move. Typically you are faster than fairies, so you get another free hit or KO. Also needed a pokemon to take physical attacks. Talon Flame brave bird, oh take that recoil, LO damage, rough skin + Rocky helmet.. yea, 'nuff said.. lol


Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Speed / 4 Attk
Timid Nature

- Transform

OMG. lol Best pokemon ever. The key to Envy is, DON'T LET IT DIE. In this gen's OU meta, many serious threats counter themselves. IE, mega venusaur switches in on me. Okay, let me throw in my Ditto at half HP. Transform and eat your sleep powder/Toxic/whatever on switch in. Oh, thanks for the synthesis. Switch back out. Oh, you think you're cool with your DD boosted mega Char X, let me try it out. lol Mainly, I like to keep Ditto alive for one sole purpose... Copy other mega's or stat boosted pokes that would otherwise derail and sweep my team. And with the Scarf, I always win the battle. Another great usage I get out of Ditto, is as a lead poke. When I don't see an obvious lead on the other team, instead of Greed, I use Envy. lol It's about 50/50, but usually people are stupid enough to keep their attacking lead in and let me get a free KO with scarfed Ditto. E.g., Latios as their lead, I send Ditto, imposter, then Draco Meteor for a free first kill. I keep Ditto alive by switching in on support stalls that counter themselves.. Chansey, Skarm, Venusaur, Sylveon.. The great thing about all the pokes I named (and more...) is that they 99% of the time have a recovery move so I can get Ditto's health back up then switch out. A lot of the time I find myself LETTING people setup boosted pokes on me, just because I know Ditto is going to run train once I let the current poke in play suicide. Totally unfair.

Thats my team! Feel free to suggest improvements! If you hadn't noticed. Seven Deadly sins, FMA = FTW.


  • upload_2014-6-5_22-28-41.jpeg
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this is nice Team but give garchamp
Fire blast instead of flamethrower since its physical not spp attacker and if you give more power to spp attacker it will be more effective
But Fire Blast kill all annoying threats , and a tip bro change the set for Heatran:

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Eruption / Fire Blast /Flamethrower / Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flash Cannon

Explain the set , flash cannon for wall fairy pokemons and HP ice for kill all threaths , like garchomp , landorus , etc...
is an best option than dragon pulse , sorry for mistakes , English isn't my native languaje , Good Luck in your team bro
I think poison jab over iron head on garchomp, cuz you still get the fairy coverage, but can hit grass types and azumarill harder than with fire blast. dunno