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Anything Goes - Finals [Won by Zangooser]


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Because banlists are for crybabies​
Tournament Rules
  • This is a ORAS Anything Goes Tournament.
  • The tournament will be Best of Three, Single Elimination.
  • Players may change their teams during the Best of Three.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!
  • Post replays
  • Tournament rules and general guidelines apply
Anything Goes resources

Finals (currently on the second cycle)

HunterStorm vs thelinearcurve
thelinearcurve vs Zangooser
vs HunterStorm

Just get them done! Also massive hype, feels nice to host a tour for "lol uncompetitive meta" but still actually get to the finals and see the established top players as the ones who make it through.
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HunterStorm vs thelinearcurve
thelinearcurve vs Zangooser
Zangooser vs HunterStorm

I like bolding but here's my actual one

HunterStorm vs thelinearcurve - Idk much about you bro, so I can't really judge
thelinearcurve vs Zangooser - "
Zangooser vs HunterStorm - 2 Much 4 me to try to predict zzz
Forfeiting out of the tour. Clearly didn't deserve any of the wins. Good luck to Zang and Curve. (No self loathing, I just don't want to be called "lucky" or anything like that till the next tour. I'll earn the wins next time).
Beat Curve 2-0 to win the tournament, ggs!
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-389784731 Morals
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-389786018 Enfin

HunterStorm this didn't feel like I actually won the way you left like that D: You would've won easily if only you'd stayed.
thelinearcurve sry for any hax in that set, you were definitely the better player. You'll probably win the next five tours anyway x.
GunnerRohan i did it without you holding my hand this time :D
Megazard idk how you do it but these tours are amazing, thanks for hosting them!
Thimo one of the best ag players even tho youve only been here a month or two. underrated af
DontStealMyPenguin unlucky curve draw early on, you couldve made finals rip.
Dream Eater Gengar i dedicate this to you :]
InfernapeTropius11 for your amazing predicts
Joshz for caring?
