Welcome to Metagamiate, where every single Pokemon gets an -ate Ability on top of their old one!
How does it work? Well, I just told you, but let me go over it again. Each and every Pokemon has an -ate ability. What -ate ability? Any one of them, including 15 other ones that haven't been made yet! What it means is simple. Each Pokemon's Normal moves get boosted in power by 30%, and transform to either their primary type (For instance, Electric type for Pikachu, and Rock type for Diancie) or their secondary type if they're Shiny! (Electric for Pikachu, Fairy for Diancie)
All Pokemon gain an intrinsic -ate ability corresponding to their first type if not shiny, and second type (if applicable) if shiny. This ability cannot be removed, and the Pokemon's old abilities still have their effects.
OU Clauses
OU Banlist
Extreme Speed is a good move. You should probably use it. In fact, you should run Normal-type moves instead of your STAB moves corresponding to that type most of the time. This is an offensively-oriented meta, however stall can be runif you're a lunatic. Try to have something for Noivern and Extreme Speed on your team. You're going to need it.
Q: I'm Normal type. Now what?
A: You'll get a 30% boost in power on your normal-type moves, and those moves will turn to Normal-type moves. Obvious, no?
Q: I somehow changed typing. Now what?
A: Your -ate ability will change too to correspond with your new typing, assuming the type change applies to the -ate ability.
Q: I keep saying "now what?" as the second sentence of these questions. Now what?
A: Your problem, not mine.
Q: I already have an -ate ability. Now what?
A: The old -ate ability will have priority over the new one. As an example, a non-shiny Gardevoir-Mega will still have Pixilate.
Q: I have both Gale Wings and a typing that allows me to have Aerilate. Now what?
A: Your priority will not get increased, as the intrinsic -ate ability is processed after Gale Wings is checked because Gale Wings is turn order-based.
Play this meta at pandora.psim.us, as well as the main Pokemon Showdown server for the month of March!
Viability Rankings can be found here.
If you want to implement this metagame on your own server, place the following code [Thanks to The Immortal for it] in your formats.js file and tell me so I can add your server to the OP:
That's really about it, and I hope you guys enjoy this meta! Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.
How does it work? Well, I just told you, but let me go over it again. Each and every Pokemon has an -ate ability. What -ate ability? Any one of them, including 15 other ones that haven't been made yet! What it means is simple. Each Pokemon's Normal moves get boosted in power by 30%, and transform to either their primary type (For instance, Electric type for Pikachu, and Rock type for Diancie) or their secondary type if they're Shiny! (Electric for Pikachu, Fairy for Diancie)
Regulate (Normal) [Credit to abenx for this]
Gladiate (Fighting) [Credit to Wimblesaurus for this]
Aerilate (Flying)
Toxicate (Poison)
Terrate (Ground) [Credit to unfixable for this]
Sedimentiate (Rock)
Infestate (Bug) [Credit to TheNextDimentions for this]
Spectrate (Ghost)
Metallate (Steel)
Pyrate (Fire) [Credit to SpartanMalice for this]
Hydrate (Water) [Credit to PokemonMasterDebater for this]
Germinate (Grass) [Credit to unfixable for this]
Generate (Electric) [Credit to Wimblesaurus for this]
Psychokinate (Psychic) [Credit to SpartanMalice for this]
Refrigerate (Ice)
Slaviate (Dragon) [Credit to unfixable for this]
Tenebrate (Dark) [Credit to Wimblesaurus for this]
Pixilate (Fairy)
Metagamiate (Metagame)
Gladiate (Fighting) [Credit to Wimblesaurus for this]
Aerilate (Flying)
Toxicate (Poison)
Terrate (Ground) [Credit to unfixable for this]
Sedimentiate (Rock)
Infestate (Bug) [Credit to TheNextDimentions for this]
Spectrate (Ghost)
Metallate (Steel)
Pyrate (Fire) [Credit to SpartanMalice for this]
Hydrate (Water) [Credit to PokemonMasterDebater for this]
Germinate (Grass) [Credit to unfixable for this]
Generate (Electric) [Credit to Wimblesaurus for this]
Psychokinate (Psychic) [Credit to SpartanMalice for this]
Refrigerate (Ice)
Slaviate (Dragon) [Credit to unfixable for this]
Tenebrate (Dark) [Credit to Wimblesaurus for this]
Pixilate (Fairy)
All Pokemon gain an intrinsic -ate ability corresponding to their first type if not shiny, and second type (if applicable) if shiny. This ability cannot be removed, and the Pokemon's old abilities still have their effects.
OU Clauses
OU Banlist
Extreme Speed is a good move. You should probably use it. In fact, you should run Normal-type moves instead of your STAB moves corresponding to that type most of the time. This is an offensively-oriented meta, however stall can be run
Q: I'm Normal type. Now what?
A: You'll get a 30% boost in power on your normal-type moves, and those moves will turn to Normal-type moves. Obvious, no?
Q: I somehow changed typing. Now what?
A: Your -ate ability will change too to correspond with your new typing, assuming the type change applies to the -ate ability.
Q: I keep saying "now what?" as the second sentence of these questions. Now what?
A: Your problem, not mine.
Q: I already have an -ate ability. Now what?
A: The old -ate ability will have priority over the new one. As an example, a non-shiny Gardevoir-Mega will still have Pixilate.
Q: I have both Gale Wings and a typing that allows me to have Aerilate. Now what?
A: Your priority will not get increased, as the intrinsic -ate ability is processed after Gale Wings is checked because Gale Wings is turn order-based.
Play this meta at pandora.psim.us, as well as the main Pokemon Showdown server for the month of March!
Viability Rankings can be found here.
If you want to implement this metagame on your own server, place the following code [Thanks to The Immortal for it] in your formats.js file and tell me so I can add your server to the OP:
name: "Metagamiate",
desc: ["• <a href=\"https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3502303/\">Metagamiate</a>"],
section: "OM of the Month",
column: 2,
ruleset: ['OU'],
banlist: ['Dragonite', 'Kyurem-Black'],
onModifyMovePriority: -1,
onModifyMove: function (move, pokemon) {
if (move.type === 'Normal' && move.id !== 'hiddenpower' && !pokemon.hasAbility(['aerilate', 'pixilate', 'refrigerate'])) {
let types = pokemon.getTypes();
let type = types.length < 2 || !pokemon.set.shiny ? types[0] : types[1];
move.type = type;
move.isMetagamiate = true;
onBasePowerPriority: 8,
onBasePower: function (basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (!move.isMetagamiate) return;
return this.chainModify([0x14CD, 0x1000]);
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