Super Multi Make me nearly throw away my 3ds.
I lost on 49 due scarf Aero that rock slide flinch hax to me
I lost on 49 due scarf Aero that rock slide flinch hax to me
Go for penta, the time you used for calculating IV's should be used for hatching moar eggs :PI've been trying to breed a Jolly Garchomp, but I'm not very good at breeding and only got a quad-flawless Chomp before losing patience. Right now, I have a 31/31/31/X/31/29 Chomp and a 31/31/31/X/14/31 Chomp. Is being guaranteed to outspeed the genies worth the bad special defense, or should I just bite the bullet and go for pentaflawless?
For the Genies, I wouldn't reccomend Garchomp, because despite his natural speed due to Jolly, he'll STILL get outspend by Landorus due to Choice Scarf, and mines Jolly with 31Speed, so I'd go for the first one, it's only 2 off anyway, I'd take it. Oh, and if you want to take down the Genies easily, Ice Beam Greninja will take care of Thunderus and Tornadus, Landorus will Earth Power(?) Greninja to death, then you bring in something else, preferably with Ice Shard. GL out there. ;)I've been trying to breed a Jolly Garchomp, but I'm not very good at breeding and only got a quad-flawless Chomp before losing patience. Right now, I have a 31/31/31/X/31/29 Chomp and a 31/31/31/X/14/31 Chomp. Is being guaranteed to outspeed the genies worth the bad special defense, or should I just bite the bullet and go for pentaflawless?
OR just give scarf to Greninja, ice beam, GGFor the Genies, I wouldn't reccomend Garchomp, because despite his natural speed due to Jolly, he'll STILL get outspend by Landorus due to Choice Scarf, and mines Jolly with 31Speed, so I'd go for the first one, it's only 2 off anyway, I'd take it. Oh, and if you want to take down the Genies easily, Ice Beam Greninja will take care of Thunderus and Tornadus, Landorus will Earth Power(?) Greninja to death, then you bring in something else, preferably with Ice Shard. GL out there. ;)
OR just give scarf to Greninja, ice beam, GG
So basicly, atleast if Tornadus is last, you will win over her with scarfed Greninja Ice Beam :PI just slapped Life Orb on Greninja so, I guess that could work, but without the raw killing power, Thunderus and Tornadus may be able to screw Greninja.... I'll run a Mock Battle later to see what happens ;)
Edit: Yeah, you're right, besides Tornadus who has the berry that reduces damage, they all get 1HKOed by Greninjas Ice Beam, and even on that turn, Tornadus can't really screw you unless you get really unlucky, so... I'll concede Fierza, you're right.
But only for that battle, after that, it's back to the Life Orb :3So basicly, atleast if Tornadus is last, you will win over her with scarfed Greninja Ice Beam :P
Dragonite @ Persim Berry (wasted my only Lum accidentally, doh!)
Adamant - Multiscale
6 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPD
-Dragon Dance
-Roost (Fire Punch?)
VJust started toying with Pokémon again this gen after several years off. Battle Maison is where I'm setting up camp, have bred several flawless Pokémon to get things rolling and am looking for suggestions in the team as it stands right now:
Greninja @ Life Orb
Hasty - Protean
6 ATK / 252 SP ATK / 252 SPD
-Ice Beam
EDIT: If it helps any, I'm playing Pokémon Y, and I have Modest Blastoise, Modest Charizard, Careful Dragon Dance Tyranitar, Adamant Haxorus, Adamant Kangaskhan, Impish Immunity Gligar (need to train), and a Timid Froakie (also needs training, not particularly Maison friendly, with Toxic Spikes). All Pokémon have flawless IVs save attacking stats not being used (Greninja is hex-flawless using both attack stats)
Can Thundurus learn Discharge? If so, you could form a DisQuake combo for stuff you may hit. Only thing I see is that you will be weak against ice type moves,Well, I'm going to be taking on Super Doubles, and I think I found my 4th member!
Thumdurus @ (undecided)
252 SpAtt/252Speed/6SpeDefense Prankster
Thunder Wave
Nasty Plot
Dark Pulse
The plan is, send out Thundurus and Garchomp. Garchomp SDs while Thundurus Thunder Waves the biggest threat. And then proceed to sweep with Earthquake. Sadly this isn't Defiant...
He does, and for the Ice types, I'll pack Focus Miss, because I already have Dark Pulse on Greninja (because screw training more Pokemon, I'll use my Singles team XD)Can Thundurus learn Discharge? If so, you could form a DisQuake combo for stuff you may hit. Only thing I see is that you will be weak against ice type moves,
Well, I'm going to be taking on Super Doubles, and I think I found my 4th member!
Thumdurus @ (undecided)
252 SpAtt/252Speed/6SpeDefense Prankster
Thunder Wave
Nasty Plot
Dark Pulse
The plan is, send out Thundurus and Garchomp. Garchomp SDs while Thundurus Thunder Waves the biggest threat. And then proceed to sweep with Earthquake. Sadly this isn't Defiant...
Can Thundurus learn Discharge? If so, you could form a DisQuake combo for stuff you may hit. Only thing I see is that you will be weak against ice type moves,
He does, and for the Ice types, I'll pack Focus Miss, because I already have Dark Pulse on Greninja (because screw training more Pokemon, I'll use my Singles team XD)
And this is why I announced my 4th member BEFORE training it, having a second Steel type move wouldn't be a bad idea (Mega Mawile Iron Head is the first, but I'm considering replacing her with Infernape...)Thundurus does learn Discharge and unless you're running a rain team it should 100% replace Thunder.
Don't use Focus Blast, he can learn Flash Cannon which kills ice types, also fairies which threaten Garchomp, also rock types..
Congrats on 5 trophies! :DFinally
Single Team - (Mega)Mawile, Azumaril, Hydregon
Double Team - (Mega)Charizard, Garchomp, Typhosion, Venusaur
Triple Team - (Mega)Charizard, Garchomp, Hitmontop, Typhosion, Greninja, Aegislash
Rotation Team - (Mega)Khanganshan, Aegislash, Florges, Talonflame
Multi Team(with AI) - (Mega)Charizard, Garchomp, Thunderus, Typhosion
Multi Replay - 6REW-WWWW-WWW5-WWLA
I don't know why AI Spam Free Fall on those genies instead Mageeter
I had an Entrainment team, but it didn't work.
My lead was Durant and a Scrafty fakes me out. And then I lost the battle. Only the 12th...
I had an Entrainment team, but it didn't work.
My lead was Durant and a Scrafty fakes me out. And then I lost the battle. Only the 12th...
That's pretty much why I stopped using Tru-Ant. If it gets disrupted from getting off Entrainment, the fight becomes a lot more obnoxious and that's before accounting the idea of switching it out and giving the AI a free turn.
Gratz on the Multi Victory! Out of my (full) Friends List, the best partner I had was someone with Scizor and Zapdos, so I found my Multi partner! :DYes finally maison is done. Thanks Haunter for the multi support character. Sadly (just like singles) I forgot to save the battle video again in my excitement -.-"
Excellent, glad I could help.Yes finally maison is done. Thanks Haunter for the multi support character. Sadly (just like singles) I forgot to save the battle video again in my excitement -.-"