Let me preface this by saying that the original idea and formula for BSR is attributed to X-Act. This thread's purpose is to update BSR for the fifth generation of Pokemon so that it can be used in BW's first CAP (and potentially onward from there). I have calibrated the Speed factor table to factor in all BW Pokemon and updated the formulas for the new Pokemon to maintain our lovely standard deviations and means that we so cherish. I used the information presented in this post and this article to help me understand why X-Act made the decisions he did.
Speed Factors:
The Speed Factor Table was generated by Excel using a database search on Veekun. I know that some other people have done this table before, but one of the reasons I wanted to do it again is to include all of the formes of Pokemon so that the table was correct. Below is the table.
Base Speed Speed Factor
1 to 5 0
6 to 10 2
11 to 15 5
16 to 20 14
21 to 22 27
23 28
24 31
25 32
26 to 28 42
29 43
30 44
31 75
32 77
33 81
34 83
35 84
36 104
37 to 38 109
39 110
40 111
41 142
42 144
43 149
44 153
45 154
46 181
47 182
48 184
49 to 50 189
51 229
52 231
53 to 55 233
56 262
57 265
58 267
59 273
60 274
61 313
62 to 63 315
64 317
65 321
66 357
67 361
68 365
69 368
70 369
71 405
72 408
73 to 74 410
75 413
76 424
77 427
78 429
79 431
80 432
81 461
82 464
83 465
84 468
85 469
86 496
87 501
88 502
89 to 90 503
91 532
92 537
93 539
94 to 95 541
96 to 97 565
98 569
99 573
100 574
101 599
102 603
103 604
104 to 105 605
106 615
107 to 108 616
109 622
110 623
111 632
112 634
113 636
114 637
115 638
116 646
117 to 120 648
121 to 125 652
126 to 127 655
128 656
129 to 130 657
131 to 140 661
141 to 145 662
146 to 150 663
151 to 160 665
161 to 180 666
181 to 255 667
The following formulas for Gen V Pokemon stayed the same as for Gen IV because the numbers rendered by these formulas are the exact, no EV-investment numbers for the stats as calculated by the cartridge game. Speed is considered differently because the value of Speed is how many Pokemon are outsped. For that reason, the Speed Factor is divided by the number of Pokemon in BW (forme inclusive).
Statistical HP = Base HP * 2 + 141
Statistical Atk = Base Atk * 2 + 36
Statistical Def = Base Def * 2 + 36
Statistical SpA = Base SpA * 2 + 36
Statistical SpD = Base SpD * 2 + 36
Statistical Spe = Base Spe Speed Factor / 667
RPT = SHP * SDef
RPS = SAtk * (SAtk * SSpe + 415) / (SAtk * (1 - SSpe) + 415)
RSS = SSpA * (SSpA * SSpe + 415) / (SSpA * (1 - SSpe) + 415)
PT = (RPT / 401.424544) - 24.593586
ST = (RST / 415.017219) - 19.123917
PS = (RPS / 1.891436) - 4.668834
SS = (RSS / 1.939729) + 3.716211
ODB = (MAX(PS,SS) - MAX(PT,ST)) / 6.165301 - 0.490854
PSB = (PT - ST + PS - SS) / 6.8267
Overall Rating = (PT + ST + PS + SS) / 1.527059 - 61.941419
Because I used the same means and standard deviations for my derivations as X-Act, our tables for BSR, ODB, and PSB all remain the same! This should make the transition to the new formulas very easy, since as I mentioned somewhere above we won't have to remember any new conventions for what makes a Pokemon good or bad in some area. The following tables are copied straight from X-Act's other thread, but with different examples.
If PT/ST/PS/SS is Stat is Examples
Less than 25 Horrible Diglett (PT), Krabby (ST), Chansey (PS), <N/A> (SS)
25 to 49 Bad Whismur (PT), Shuppet (ST), Wynaut (PS), Beldum (SS)
50 to 74 Poor Buneary (PT), Gible (ST), Munchlax (PS), Corsola (SS)
75 to 99 Below Average Espeon (PT), Furret (ST), Snorlax (PS), Tauros (SS)
100 to 124 Above Average Scyther (PT), Quagsire (ST), Gligar (PS), Swampert (SS)
125 to 149 Good Slowking (PT), Moltres (ST), Hitmonchan (PS), Dragonite (SS)
150 to 174 Very Good Weezing (PT), Gyarados (ST), Mew (PS), Blaziken (SS)
175 to 199 Excellent Tyranitar (PT), Mantine (ST), Infernape (PS), Roserade (SS)
200 to 224 Fantastic Bastiodon (PT), Umbreon (ST), Electivire (PS), Porygon-Z (SS)
More than 224 Amazing Rhyperior (PT), Kyogre (ST), Rayquaza (PS), Alakazam (SS)
If ODB is Pokemon is Examples
Less than -20 Absolutely biased towards defense Chansey, Snorlax
-20 to -15 Heavily biased towards defense Lapras, Lugia
-15 to -10 Biased towards defense Suicune, Deoxys-D
-10 to -5 Moderately biased towards defense Gliscor, Giratina-O
-5 to 0 Slightly biased towards defense Crimgan, Mesprit
0 to 5 Slightly biased towards offense Dialga, Luxray
5 to 10 Moderately biased towards offense Roserade, Mismagius
10 to 15 Biased towards offense Honchkrow, Electivire
15 to 20 Heavily biased towards offense Weavile, Salamence
More than 20 Absolutely biased towards offense Sharpedo, Deoxys-A
If PSB is Pokemon is Examples
Less than -20 Absolutely biased towards special Espeon, Kyogre
-20 to -15 Heavily biased towards special Togekiss, Darkrai
-15 to -10 Biased towards special Magmortar, Porygon-Z
-10 to -5 Moderately biased towards special Drifblim, Chatot
-5 to 0 Slightly biased towards special Altaria, Tropius
0 to 5 Slightly biased towards physical Magcargo, Swampert
5 to 10 Moderately biased towards physical Machamp, Feraligatr
10 to 15 Biased towards physical Heracross, Scyther
15 to 20 Heavily biased towards physical Weavile, Donphan
More than 20 Absolutely biased towards physical Groudon, Gliscor
If Rating is Rating is Examples
Less than 50 Horrible Caterpie, Magikarp
50 to 99 Bad Horsea, Slugma
100 to 149 Poor Elekid, Gulpin
150 to 199 Below Average Plusle, Monferno
200 to 249 Above Average Gorebyss, Vespiquen
250 to 299 Good Roserade, Magnezone
300 to 349 Very Good Metagross, Uxie
350 to 399 Excellent Salamence, Suicune
400 to 449 Fantastic Garchomp, Landlos
More than 449 Amazing Groudon, Mewtwo
After I fixed a strange standard deviation issue I was suffering, everything lined up much more closely with DPP's table. You'll notice that even though the same Pokemon triumph and fail, the equations are different to compensate for the addition of ~33% new Pokemon to the mix.
Anyway, now that that's all explained clear as day for you guys, hopefully we'll be one step closer to getting BW CAP totally ready to go. If you have any questions about what I've done here, don't hesitate to ask. After doing everything, I've become incredibly familiar with the logic here, and I'd be more than happy to help you guys where needed.