Because the games themselves are fun too! They've now been released, so let's discuss the ingame aspects. Try not to derail the thread, feel free to talk about your experiences and playthroughs. Excessively short and useless posts may be deleted; this is not a PC++ thread.
I'm having great fun so far. Here is my playthrough log; it's not interesting, but if you get stuck, you could see what I did.
Started game.
Went to the gift box on the side of the table. Yay Pokémon. Picked Tsutaja.
Fought and defeated Belle (blonde) and Cheren (douchey boy).
Went downstairs, talked to my mom blah blah, went to the bottom house to visit Belle.
Belle and Cheren were congregated outside the laboratory, so I went in there and nicknamed my Pokémon.
Went north, watched the PokéBall tutorial, got my Balls. Route 1 is pretty.
Caught a kitty. Not gonna use it. Bye bye, Choroneko!
Went to Town 1 (Karakusa) and into the PokéCenter. Did the guided walkthrough, checked out the PC. Bought some stuff at the mart in the bottom right hand corner of the center.
Went to the left. *sinister music* Team Plasma! Okay, okay, that's done, now...
Hey! N challenges! (The green-haired guy). Okay, beat him too.
Went left, beat all the trainers, caught a Yorterrie (doggie ^_^) and named it Loki after my favourite doggie, user Loki. Then I levelled it up since it's strong and went north into Sanyou City. Immediately to the left under the blue fence, you can go left and get an X Speed.
Went north and to the top left where there's the Pokémon school. Up the top near the blackboard there's Cheren, beat him again. Wow, don't these guys have anything to do other than stand around waiting for you to beat them?
Now I can go into the Gym, where the green-haired gym leader is standing. Talk to him, he heads back in.
Beat my way through the trainers (the puzzle's simple) and then the gym leader. He has the monkey whose type is super effective against your starter and leads with a Yorterrie. He gives you Cheer Up (+Atk +Speed 1-stage move), and since TMs are reusable, I recommend teaching it to your Pokémon.
Cutscene, then checked out the bed / PC, then talked to long-haired lady (Makomo, I think) and received HM01 Cut. Taught it to my Tsutaja, went downstairs, and left the house. If your starter doesn't learn it, go catch a Minezumi (red-eyed Bidoof clone) or something; that probably learns it.
Went to Route 2. To the left of R2, there's a tree you can use Cut on. Did so, picked up the Super Potion (to the south) and Great Ball (to the west).
Back into Sanyou City and to the north-east, there's an exit. I went through it to the ABANDONED LOT OF DREAMS. Lass~ Demolished the trainers, man, Loki is strong. The last NPC gives you the monkey of the type your starter is super effective against (so Tsutaja got me the water monkey) and lets you nickname it. Hmm... It evolves by the evolutionary stone, apparently, so it's up to you whether to train it.
Went around through the gate and picked up something (I forget) and then cut the tree at the front entrance and- Belle! I'm being stalked... She doesn't want to battle though. You encounter a Munna (it's shit don't bother, it's for the Dream World) and Team Plasma grunts. They want Munna, and yeah. tl;dr you get to battle them. Exciting. Lv. 10 Minezumi from one, lv. 10 Choroneko (kitty) from the other.
The creepy ass guys with horns or w/e appeared. Dialogue, they disappear, along comes Munna's evolution i.e Mushaana and Makomo. Go back to Makomo's house (it's the top of the easternmost column of houses in Sanyou, you were there earlier) and upstairs, talk to her, get your C Gear.
Now you have the C Gear, the guy in the garden will let you past, so go west from Sanyou and north through to Route 3. Double battle~
North to the left is the children's day care, beat up some toddler trainers, and to the right is the Pokémon day care. You can get some healing from the chick standing just in front of the door inside the toddler day care.
I went east, and if you can't guess in three guesses who it was stalking me again, you suck. Cheren, yada yada battle him. His starter is lv. 14. Then go into the north patch of grass and get that item.
I kept heading east and noticed a cave entrance, where Cheren was standing. First though I went into the grass, beat the trainer, caught a pigeon (Mamepato), and got an Oran Berry off her (it seems, since berries don't grow in Isshu, NPCs give them to you). Just below, there's an item as well. I really like the dynamic new sprites.
More Plasma guys in the cave. http://shaym.in/media/bw/malegrunt.png Lucky for them, they have... backup?! Double battle time, with Cheren by your side (using his starter). Yay, Koromori, I caught one at last! \o/
Exited the cave and went back to Belle, then south and had a trainer battle. Shiiiimama! <3 <3 <3
Oh my God. It's Cheren again. I need a restraining order. Lucky he doesn't wanna battle. In the dark green grass, some of your wild encounters are 2v2! So nope. You can't catch anythin in those. I dawdled for awhile until I caught my own Shimama.
Across the bridge, picked up the item in the sparse grass, and into Shippou City. IGNORING THE FACT CHEREN WAS THERE AGAIN DUDE WTF, I went to heal and explore.
From the very south east, the top floor of the third house... in there is a girl who wants to give you her (Grass-type version exclusive) for yours. As a Black player, she wants to give me her Churine for a Monmen. Wish I had one. I love Churine. :(
Into the Yageruma Forest from the north-east of Shippou. The first NPC gives you TM 94. Battle the pink chick (Business Lady), she heals you after battle. ^_^ I went south to battle the Toddlers. There's an item in front of where I'm standing here, btw.
I'm dumb and somehow missed Shippou's gym, even though I was looking for it, and doubled back into Shippou once I saw there were Plasma grunts blocking my path in the actual Yageruma Forest. So I went back and saw it. As I entered, I ran into our good friend N. I selected はい and we began to battle. You go through the museum and into the top building.
I'm so sorry, I forgot to record the question/answers in the books, but you have to read the books with the A button and answer their questions. Then you can talk to Makomo and challenge her to a battle. You have to battle the other chick too to finish the quiz. Then the bookshelf slides back to reveal a staircase.
Went to the gift box on the side of the table. Yay Pokémon. Picked Tsutaja.
Fought and defeated Belle (blonde) and Cheren (douchey boy).
Went downstairs, talked to my mom blah blah, went to the bottom house to visit Belle.
Belle and Cheren were congregated outside the laboratory, so I went in there and nicknamed my Pokémon.
Went north, watched the PokéBall tutorial, got my Balls. Route 1 is pretty.
Caught a kitty. Not gonna use it. Bye bye, Choroneko!
Went to Town 1 (Karakusa) and into the PokéCenter. Did the guided walkthrough, checked out the PC. Bought some stuff at the mart in the bottom right hand corner of the center.
Went to the left. *sinister music* Team Plasma! Okay, okay, that's done, now...
Hey! N challenges! (The green-haired guy). Okay, beat him too.
Went left, beat all the trainers, caught a Yorterrie (doggie ^_^) and named it Loki after my favourite doggie, user Loki. Then I levelled it up since it's strong and went north into Sanyou City. Immediately to the left under the blue fence, you can go left and get an X Speed.
Went north and to the top left where there's the Pokémon school. Up the top near the blackboard there's Cheren, beat him again. Wow, don't these guys have anything to do other than stand around waiting for you to beat them?
Now I can go into the Gym, where the green-haired gym leader is standing. Talk to him, he heads back in.
Beat my way through the trainers (the puzzle's simple) and then the gym leader. He has the monkey whose type is super effective against your starter and leads with a Yorterrie. He gives you Cheer Up (+Atk +Speed 1-stage move), and since TMs are reusable, I recommend teaching it to your Pokémon.
Cutscene, then checked out the bed / PC, then talked to long-haired lady (Makomo, I think) and received HM01 Cut. Taught it to my Tsutaja, went downstairs, and left the house. If your starter doesn't learn it, go catch a Minezumi (red-eyed Bidoof clone) or something; that probably learns it.
Went to Route 2. To the left of R2, there's a tree you can use Cut on. Did so, picked up the Super Potion (to the south) and Great Ball (to the west).
Back into Sanyou City and to the north-east, there's an exit. I went through it to the ABANDONED LOT OF DREAMS. Lass~ Demolished the trainers, man, Loki is strong. The last NPC gives you the monkey of the type your starter is super effective against (so Tsutaja got me the water monkey) and lets you nickname it. Hmm... It evolves by the evolutionary stone, apparently, so it's up to you whether to train it.
Went around through the gate and picked up something (I forget) and then cut the tree at the front entrance and- Belle! I'm being stalked... She doesn't want to battle though. You encounter a Munna (it's shit don't bother, it's for the Dream World) and Team Plasma grunts. They want Munna, and yeah. tl;dr you get to battle them. Exciting. Lv. 10 Minezumi from one, lv. 10 Choroneko (kitty) from the other.
The creepy ass guys with horns or w/e appeared. Dialogue, they disappear, along comes Munna's evolution i.e Mushaana and Makomo. Go back to Makomo's house (it's the top of the easternmost column of houses in Sanyou, you were there earlier) and upstairs, talk to her, get your C Gear.
Now you have the C Gear, the guy in the garden will let you past, so go west from Sanyou and north through to Route 3. Double battle~
North to the left is the children's day care, beat up some toddler trainers, and to the right is the Pokémon day care. You can get some healing from the chick standing just in front of the door inside the toddler day care.
I went east, and if you can't guess in three guesses who it was stalking me again, you suck. Cheren, yada yada battle him. His starter is lv. 14. Then go into the north patch of grass and get that item.
I kept heading east and noticed a cave entrance, where Cheren was standing. First though I went into the grass, beat the trainer, caught a pigeon (Mamepato), and got an Oran Berry off her (it seems, since berries don't grow in Isshu, NPCs give them to you). Just below, there's an item as well. I really like the dynamic new sprites.
More Plasma guys in the cave. http://shaym.in/media/bw/malegrunt.png Lucky for them, they have... backup?! Double battle time, with Cheren by your side (using his starter). Yay, Koromori, I caught one at last! \o/
Exited the cave and went back to Belle, then south and had a trainer battle. Shiiiimama! <3 <3 <3
Oh my God. It's Cheren again. I need a restraining order. Lucky he doesn't wanna battle. In the dark green grass, some of your wild encounters are 2v2! So nope. You can't catch anythin in those. I dawdled for awhile until I caught my own Shimama.
Across the bridge, picked up the item in the sparse grass, and into Shippou City. IGNORING THE FACT CHEREN WAS THERE AGAIN DUDE WTF, I went to heal and explore.
From the very south east, the top floor of the third house... in there is a girl who wants to give you her (Grass-type version exclusive) for yours. As a Black player, she wants to give me her Churine for a Monmen. Wish I had one. I love Churine. :(
Into the Yageruma Forest from the north-east of Shippou. The first NPC gives you TM 94. Battle the pink chick (Business Lady), she heals you after battle. ^_^ I went south to battle the Toddlers. There's an item in front of where I'm standing here, btw.
I'm dumb and somehow missed Shippou's gym, even though I was looking for it, and doubled back into Shippou once I saw there were Plasma grunts blocking my path in the actual Yageruma Forest. So I went back and saw it. As I entered, I ran into our good friend N. I selected はい and we began to battle. You go through the museum and into the top building.
I'm so sorry, I forgot to record the question/answers in the books, but you have to read the books with the A button and answer their questions. Then you can talk to Makomo and challenge her to a battle. You have to battle the other chick too to finish the quiz. Then the bookshelf slides back to reveal a staircase.