Pokémon Black and White - Ingame Discussion



Because the games themselves are fun too! They've now been released, so let's discuss the ingame aspects. Try not to derail the thread, feel free to talk about your experiences and playthroughs. Excessively short and useless posts may be deleted; this is not a PC++ thread.

I'm having great fun so far. Here is my playthrough log; it's not interesting, but if you get stuck, you could see what I did.

Started game.
Went to the gift box on the side of the table. Yay Pokémon. Picked Tsutaja.
Fought and defeated Belle (blonde) and Cheren (douchey boy).
Went downstairs, talked to my mom blah blah, went to the bottom house to visit Belle.
Belle and Cheren were congregated outside the laboratory, so I went in there and nicknamed my Pokémon.
Went north, watched the PokéBall tutorial, got my Balls. Route 1 is pretty.
Caught a kitty. Not gonna use it. Bye bye, Choroneko!
Went to Town 1 (Karakusa) and into the PokéCenter. Did the guided walkthrough, checked out the PC. Bought some stuff at the mart in the bottom right hand corner of the center.
Went to the left. *sinister music* Team Plasma! Okay, okay, that's done, now...
Hey! N challenges! (The green-haired guy). Okay, beat him too.
Went left, beat all the trainers, caught a Yorterrie (doggie ^_^) and named it Loki after my favourite doggie, user Loki. Then I levelled it up since it's strong and went north into Sanyou City. Immediately to the left under the blue fence, you can go left and get an X Speed.
Went north and to the top left where there's the Pokémon school. Up the top near the blackboard there's Cheren, beat him again. Wow, don't these guys have anything to do other than stand around waiting for you to beat them?
Now I can go into the Gym, where the green-haired gym leader is standing. Talk to him, he heads back in.
Beat my way through the trainers (the puzzle's simple) and then the gym leader. He has the monkey whose type is super effective against your starter and leads with a Yorterrie. He gives you Cheer Up (+Atk +Speed 1-stage move), and since TMs are reusable, I recommend teaching it to your Pokémon.
Cutscene, then checked out the bed / PC, then talked to long-haired lady (Makomo, I think) and received HM01 Cut. Taught it to my Tsutaja, went downstairs, and left the house. If your starter doesn't learn it, go catch a Minezumi (red-eyed Bidoof clone) or something; that probably learns it.
Went to Route 2. To the left of R2, there's a tree you can use Cut on. Did so, picked up the Super Potion (to the south) and Great Ball (to the west).
Back into Sanyou City and to the north-east, there's an exit. I went through it to the ABANDONED LOT OF DREAMS. Lass~ Demolished the trainers, man, Loki is strong. The last NPC gives you the monkey of the type your starter is super effective against (so Tsutaja got me the water monkey) and lets you nickname it. Hmm... It evolves by the evolutionary stone, apparently, so it's up to you whether to train it.
Went around through the gate and picked up something (I forget) and then cut the tree at the front entrance and- Belle! I'm being stalked... She doesn't want to battle though. You encounter a Munna (it's shit don't bother, it's for the Dream World) and Team Plasma grunts. They want Munna, and yeah. tl;dr you get to battle them. Exciting. Lv. 10 Minezumi from one, lv. 10 Choroneko (kitty) from the other.
The creepy ass guys with horns or w/e appeared. Dialogue, they disappear, along comes Munna's evolution i.e Mushaana and Makomo. Go back to Makomo's house (it's the top of the easternmost column of houses in Sanyou, you were there earlier) and upstairs, talk to her, get your C Gear.
Now you have the C Gear, the guy in the garden will let you past, so go west from Sanyou and north through to Route 3. Double battle~
North to the left is the children's day care, beat up some toddler trainers, and to the right is the Pokémon day care. You can get some healing from the chick standing just in front of the door inside the toddler day care.
I went east, and if you can't guess in three guesses who it was stalking me again, you suck. Cheren, yada yada battle him. His starter is lv. 14. Then go into the north patch of grass and get that item.
I kept heading east and noticed a cave entrance, where Cheren was standing. First though I went into the grass, beat the trainer, caught a pigeon (Mamepato), and got an Oran Berry off her (it seems, since berries don't grow in Isshu, NPCs give them to you). Just below, there's an item as well. I really like the dynamic new sprites.
More Plasma guys in the cave. http://shaym.in/media/bw/malegrunt.png Lucky for them, they have... backup?! Double battle time, with Cheren by your side (using his starter). Yay, Koromori, I caught one at last! \o/
Exited the cave and went back to Belle, then south and had a trainer battle. Shiiiimama! <3 <3 <3
Oh my God. It's Cheren again. I need a restraining order. Lucky he doesn't wanna battle. In the dark green grass, some of your wild encounters are 2v2! So nope. You can't catch anythin in those. I dawdled for awhile until I caught my own Shimama.
Across the bridge, picked up the item in the sparse grass, and into Shippou City. IGNORING THE FACT CHEREN WAS THERE AGAIN DUDE WTF, I went to heal and explore.
From the very south east, the top floor of the third house... in there is a girl who wants to give you her (Grass-type version exclusive) for yours. As a Black player, she wants to give me her Churine for a Monmen. Wish I had one. I love Churine. :(
Into the Yageruma Forest from the north-east of Shippou. The first NPC gives you TM 94. Battle the pink chick (Business Lady), she heals you after battle. ^_^ I went south to battle the Toddlers. There's an item in front of where I'm standing here, btw.
I'm dumb and somehow missed Shippou's gym, even though I was looking for it, and doubled back into Shippou once I saw there were Plasma grunts blocking my path in the actual Yageruma Forest. So I went back and saw it. As I entered, I ran into our good friend N. I selected はい and we began to battle. You go through the museum and into the top building.
I'm so sorry, I forgot to record the question/answers in the books, but you have to read the books with the A button and answer their questions. Then you can talk to Makomo and challenge her to a battle. You have to battle the other chick too to finish the quiz. Then the bookshelf slides back to reveal a staircase.
Hi Smogon! This is a playthrough log of a Pokemon White no EXP playthrough. As the name implies... my Pokemon won't gain EXP. I guess I'm fairly disadvantaged considering the lack of information about the game, but I'm determined to progress as far as possible until it becomes too much of a pain to continue onwards.

Are you a boy or girl? (girl)
What's your name? (dondon, or ドンドン)

Kanoko Town (カノコタウン)

I start off here, in my room, with a friend, Cheren (チェレン), and I'm waiting for another friend, Beru (ベル). Beru arrives and there's some discussion about a present on the table - this present contains the 3 starter Pokemon. At their urging, I choose my Pokemon first, then Beru chooses her Pokemon, and lastly, Cheren takes the last one. Since the starter Pokemon will be almost immediately outclassed, it doesn't really matter which one I pick, so I pick Tsutaaja (ツタージャ) because it looks cool. Beru challenges me to a battle with Mijumaru (ミジュマル). After I win, it turns out that the battle trashed my room, as evident by the dust clouds and the displaced furniture. Cheren then challenges me to a battle with Pokabu (ポカブ). Once the battling is over, Cheren and Beru leave. Mom gives me some cool gadget downstairs. Cheren is blocking the door to Prof. Araragi's (アララギ博士) lab, and he won't move unless I visit Beru's house, where she's having an argument with her father. Once that is done, I enter Araragi's lab with Cheren and Beru, and Araragi gives us our Pokedexes and tells the three of us to follow her out to Route 1 where she will demonstrate how to catch a wild Pokemon.

Route 1 (1番道路)

Not a whole lot happens here. The wild Pokemon are low leveled and there are no opponents. I do get a free Potion from an NPC. Araragi also gives me the standard 5 Poke Balls after the catch demonstration.

Karakusa Town (カラクサタウン)

Araragi is waiting outside of a Pokemon Center, and she gives me a tour of its functions - most notably, the healing counter, the PC, and the shop. Once I exit, I notice a performance of sorts in town, which gathers a crowd of spectators. The performers are strangely dressed and are probably members of the antagonist team. They look stupid like always. After the crowd dissipates, I'm challenged by a trainer with a level 7 Choroneko (チョロネコ), whose name I don't remember.

Route 2 (2番道路)

Route 2 does have a few trainers scattered about, with Pokemon in the level 7 range. Needless to say, this was already getting a bit tough for Tsutaaja to handle alone (I had to chug down a Potion after every battle, and with each battle yielding less than $150, this was a net loss), so I waded through the grass until I found a level 6 Minezumi (ミネズミ). This guy did 13/19 HP damage to Tsutaaja on his first attack, and I had to resort through tossing Poke Balls when he was at ~75% HP. Luckily, he didn't attack after that and I caught him on my third Poke Ball. Before leaving the route, Beru challenges me to another battle with a level 8 Yooterii (ヨーテリー) (I think) and a level 8 Mijumaru.

Sanyou City (サンヨウシティ)

This city has the first gym, but there is someone standing in front of it telling you that the gym leader is at the trainer's school. I didn't pay attention to this at first, so I took the exit to the east to the next area.

Yume no Atochi (夢の跡地)

There are a few trainers here. One of them, notably, had 3 level 8 Pokemon, which prompted me to go back and catch a level 7 Minezumi to help out. I'm blocked from progressing by a tree, but someone at the end of the route gives me a level 10 Hiyappu (ヒヤップ). I then return to Sanyou City.

Sanyou City (サンヨウシティ)

From here, I actually read carefully what the man blocking the gym says and make my way back to the trainer's school. There, I find Cheren in front of the blackboard, who challenges me to a battle (I don't remember what Pokemon he had or their levels). Somewhere along the line I manage to obtain a Great Ball, a Dusk Ball, a Fresh Water, and 3 Oran Berries. Upon defeating Cheren, the gym leader will return to the gym's entrance and will go in after being talked to. The gym has 2 trainers. Because I picked Tsutaaja as my starter, the gym leader that I face has a level 12 Yooterii and a level 14 Boappu (ボアップ). This was actually a very tough battle, as pretty much the only chance that I had against Yooterii was that he wouldn't use his special move, Cheer Up (ふるいたてる), which increases Atk and SpA 1 level and thus allows him to borderline 2HKO Hiyappu. Boappu is a pushover, with ineffective attacks and a weakness to Hiyappu (Boappu is a fire type; Hiyappu is a water type). After about 12 tries I managed to get the first badge, in addition to TM83, which teaches Cheer Up. The strategy was fairly simple - against Yooterii, give Hiyappu an Oran Berry, use Potions whenever necessary to restore HP, and sacrifice 2 of Minezumi and Tsutaaja to get a free full HP heal with Fresh Water, and spam Water Gun against both Yooterii and Boappu.

Upon exiting the gym, a strange woman drags me to her house and give me HM01, Cut.

Pokemon in party:

Pokemon      Lv. Nature   HP  Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Tsutaaja       5 Mild      19  10   9  11  11  11
Minezumi       6 Brave     21  14   9   9   9   9
Minezumi       7 Naive     23  12  12  10  10  13
Hiyappu       10 Quiet     30  16  15  19  14  16

If you find any mistakes with opponent Pokemon (or in general), please tell me! I don't have the best memory.
(I hope you don't mind that I stole the format for listing my team.)

Pokemon      Lv. Nature   HP  Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Choroneko    10 Relaxed   28  15  15  16  14  17
Minezumi     02   Bold    14  06  06  06  06  07
Tsutaaja     15  Impish   38  20  26  19  24  28
Yooterii     10  Mild     30  18  13  13  14  18
Hiyappu      10  Hasty    33  16  14  15  17  20
I'm liking the game so far. The shifting camera angles really make the game more colorful and the graphics are definitely improved. The constant animation makes battles a lot less boring, visually.

Right now I'm stuck at the Sanyou City gym. Apparently, the 3 gym leaders are triplets (one of them is Dento iirc). Each one has a different elemental monkey, and you're forced to fight the one that your starter is weak to.

I've lost to the red-haired guy with Boappu twice because it uses some strong fire attack that OHKOs Tsutaaja. so I've been trying to train the other pokemon in my party.

Edit: Reading the post above, I just realized that someone gives the opposing monkey, Hiyappu. *facepalm*
So the game is trully amazing visually, and gameplay wise. We I first battled against the grass starter, and it started crossing it's arms I was like "WTF?! You Little Prick!" It seriously made me that more interested in simply the battle animations of the game. Did I forget to mention that the art seems amazing? As soon as my poke-phone opened up, and showed my everyone's faces in an active animation with dialogue, I practically fell in love. Despite the look of some of the pokemon, it definitely makes it feel more realistic to the possibility of pokemon would trully be like in the real world (team plasma adds to this clause as well).
decided to do a nuzlocke run. Dento's terrier thing fucking killed 2 of my pokemon right off the bat, first by surviving with 1HP, then by 2 crits in a row and winning a speed tie. I ended up winning with my fire monkey, but he's all I have left :(
I'm doing a Nuzlocke run as well. I lost against Water Dento (?) the first time I fought him but I'm doing quite well right now. My team is Pokabu (16), Yanappu (11), Choroneko (11), Minezumi (5) and Shimama (8)


Because the games themselves are fun too! They've now been released, so let's discuss the ingame aspects. Try not to derail the thread, feel free to talk about your experiences and playthroughs. Excessively short and useless posts may be deleted; this is not a PC++ thread.

I'm having great fun so far. Here is my playthrough log; it's not interesting, but if you get stuck, you could see what I did.

Started game.
Went to the gift box on the side of the table. Yay Pokémon. Picked Tsutaja.
Fought and defeated Belle (blonde) and Cheren (douchey boy).
Went downstairs, talked to my mom blah blah, went to the bottom house to visit Belle.
Belle and Cheren were congregated outside the laboratory, so I went in there and nicknamed my Pokémon.
Went north, watched the PokéBall tutorial, got my Balls. Route 1 is pretty.
Caught a kitty. Not gonna use it. Bye bye, Choroneko!
Went to Town 1 (Karakusa) and into the PokéCenter. Did the guided walkthrough, checked out the PC. Bought some stuff at the mart in the bottom right hand corner of the center.
Went to the left. *sinister music* Team Plasma! Okay, okay, that's done, now...
Hey! N challenges! (The green-haired guy). Okay, beat him too.
Went left, beat all the trainers, caught a Yorterrie (doggie ^_^) and named it Loki after my favourite doggie, user Loki. Then I levelled it up since it's strong and went north into Sanyou City. Immediately to the left under the blue fence, you can go left and get an X Speed.
Went north and to the top left where there's the Pokémon school. Up the top near the blackboard there's Cheren, beat him again. Wow, don't these guys have anything to do other than stand around waiting for you to beat them?
Now I can go into the Gym, where the green-haired gym leader is standing. Talk to him, he heads back in.
Beat my way through the trainers (the puzzle's simple) and then the gym leader. He has the monkey whose type is super effective against your starter and leads with a Yorterrie. He gives you Cheer Up (+Atk +Speed 1-stage move), and since TMs are reusable, I recommend teaching it to your Pokémon
Cutscene, then checked out the bed / PC, then talked to long-haired lady (Makomo, I think) and received HM01 Cut. Taught it to my Tsutaja, went downstairs, and left the house. If your starter doesn't learn it, go catch a Minezumi (red-eyed Bidoof clone) or something; that probably learns it.
Went to Route 2. To the left of R2, there's a tree you can use Cut on. Did so,
picked up the Super Potion (to the south) and Great Ball (to the west).
Back into Sanyou City and to the north-east, there's an exit. I went through it to the ABANDONED LOT OF DREAMS. Lass~ Demolished the trainers, man, Loki is strong. The last NPC gives you the monkey of the type your starter is super effective against (so Tsutaja got me the water monkey) and lets you nickname it. Hmm... It evolves by the evolutionary stone, apparently, so it's up to you whether to train it.
Went around through the gate and picked up something (I forget) and then cut the tree at the front entrance and- Belle! I'm being stalked... She doesn't want to battle though. You encounter a Munna (it's shit don't bother, it's for the Dream World) and Team Plasma grunts. They want Munna, and yeah. tl;dr you get to battle them. Exciting. Lv. 10 Minezumi from one, lv. 10 Choroneko (kitty) from the other.
The creepy ass guys with horns or w/e appeared. Dialogue, they disappear, along comes Munna's evolution i.e Mushaana and Makomo. Go back to Makomo's house (it's the top of the easternmost column of houses in Sanyou, you were there earlier) and upstairs, talk to her, get your C Gear.
Now you have the C Gear, the guy in the garden will let you past, so go west from Sanyou and north through to Route 3. Double battle~
North to the left is the children's day care, beat up some toddler trainers, and to the right is the Pokémon day care. You can get some healing from the chick standing just in front of the door inside the toddler day care.
I went east, and if you can't guess in three guesses who it was stalking me again, you suck. Cheren, yada yada battle him. His starter is lv. 14. Then go into the north patch of grass and get that item.
I kept heading east and noticed a cave entrance, where Cheren was standing. First though I went into the grass, beat the trainer, caught a pigeon (Mamepato), and got an Oran Berry off her (it seems, since berries don't grow in Isshu, NPCs give them to you). Just below, there's an item as well. I really like the dynamic new sprites.
More Plasma guys in the cave. http://shaym.in/media/bw/malegrunt.png Lucky for them, they have... backup?! Double battle time, with Cheren by your side (using his starter). Yay, Koromori, I caught one at last! \o/
Exited the cave and went back to Belle, then south and had a trainer battle. Shiiiimama! <3 <3 <3
Oh my God. It's Cheren again. I need a restraining order. Lucky he doesn't
wanna battle. In the dark green grass, some of your wild encounters are 2v2! So nope. You can't catch anythin in those. I dawdled for awhile until I caught my own Shimama.
Across the bridge, picked up the item in the sparse grass, and into Shippou City. IGNORING THE FACT CHEREN WAS THERE AGAIN DUDE WTF, I went to heal and explore.
From the very south east, the top floor of the third house... in there is a girl who wants to give you her (Grass-type version exclusive) for yours. As a Black player, she wants to give me her Churine for a Monmen. Wish I had one. I love Churine. :(
Into the Yageruma Forest from the north-east of Shippou. The first NPC gives you TM 94. Battle the pink chick (Business Lady), she heals you after battle. ^_^ I went south to battle the Toddlers. There's an item in front of where I'm standing here, btw.
I'm dumb and somehow missed Shippou's gym, even though I was looking for it, and doubled back into Shippou once I saw there were Plasma grunts blocking my path in the actual Yageruma Forest. So I went back and saw it. As I entered, I ran into our good friend N. I selected はい and we began to battle. You go through the museum and into the top building.
I'm so sorry, I forgot to record the question/answers in the books, but you have to read the books with the A button and answer their questions. Then you can talk to Makomo and challenge her to a battle.

I'm curious, I've pled aboutthis to other people but they are probably busy, do you know Japanese? If not, how hard is it to continue playing? If you use translations, how hard is it to learn those?

This question is open to anyone who wants to explain it, I just thought you might have thorough info on it. Thanks in advance man.
So far it's been nice. I dunno whether it's because of the Japanese I don't understand or what, but the first bit of the game up until the forest had a crap ton of "STOP - IT'S TIME TO TALK FOR 5 MINUTES... AGAIN". Oh well lol.

Started with Mijumaru. Shell Blade is really awesome, and it KOs everything [So far]. I don't think I'll be usually Yorterrie, Minezumi, or the black cat later on so they are HM "slaves" / extra weight for now. Still trying to figure out how to get one of the monkeys, but now I know so thanks Jumpluff lol :P

Minor cool tidbit: In the 2nd city, if you go up a flight of stairs to a house overlooking the city there is a boy and girl with a set of drums and a piano respectively. If you talk to them and hit "Yes" they begin to play and drums or piano is added to the city's soundtrack for awhile. I thought that was cool...

?_? Anyone know why that old man to the left of Town3 wont let you pass?

EDIT1: Thanks Scicky 8D

EDIT2: Minor annoyance, but battles take forever to start up... Especially when it's a wild battle and I just wanna run.

I'm curious, I've pled aboutthis to other people but they are probably busy, do you know Japanese? If not, how hard is it to continue playing? If you use translations, how hard is it to learn those?

This question is open to anyone who wants to explain it, I just thought you might have thorough info on it. Thanks in advance man.

I know 0 Japanese, and have been getting around just fine. Talk to everyone, battle everyone, and you're good. If you're given 2 options, pick one and if it fails try the other. Exploring doesn't require you to know any Japanese... Items have images, so just do your best to identify them. Toughest part is trying to figure out what attacks are what! Minezumi learns like 3 attacks in a row and I still don't know what any of them were :|
Wishy, you have to go get the C-Gear from the black haired woman after you defeat the team plasma members.

Edit: Pokabu just evolved. Looking good ;D
played for four hours straight. to answer the above guy's question, i haven't had any troubles so far navigating the game. im at hiun city (the new york city place). is it just me or is it kinda hard? aloe beat my shit up and i had to level up my fighting-type construction worker to level 19 just to beat her. maybe its because i had a party of 6 pokemon though. alot of the pokemon in the grass are also pretty annoying like those fucking churines who keep sapping my health
Thanks, ya, that's the stuff I'm worrying about, I like convos with characters and I like knowing what moves are what. So that solves one problem, now I think Ima have to translate, how difficult is it to translate?

Man, sorry for typos on that last post, pled meant to be pm'ed, I'm on my iPod.
Moves aren't hard to figure out. Except for new ones. Otherwise you can just take note of the type, PP, Power and Accuracy and that should tell you... (not always though) if not, check how your pokemon learned it.
I'm curious, I've pled aboutthis to other people but they are probably busy, do you know Japanese? If not, how hard is it to continue playing? If you use translations, how hard is it to learn those?

This question is open to anyone who wants to explain it, I just thought you might have thorough info on it. Thanks in advance man.

I barely know Japanese. I took a few months of it last year in college, and while their instruction is pretty comprehensive, it's not enough to know what everything says. The entire game, though, is in Hiragana and Katakana, 2 of the 3 parts of Japanese language. Hiragana is used for common Japanese words and articles. Katakana is used for foreign words, foreign names, or loanwords. They're part of the basic Japanese "alphabet", so they're the first things you would learn if you took a Japanese class. Kanji, characters adapted from Chinese, aren't used because it's a childrens' game.

Anyways... if you have absolutely NO knowledge of Japanese, it's not impossible to play. Most of the events occuring at the beginning are pretty standard for the series. You start out picking your starter, you get introduced to your rivals and professor, then you go through the grass and get to the next town to learn about the Pokecenter. Later on, your mom gives you Running Shoes, and you move on to the next town, which has the first gym. And so on.

Jumpluff has an excellent thread sticked right now that can help you identify moves, abilities types, and items. All you need is a Japanese keyboard and the Ctrl + F command will match whatever you're looking for with its English counterpart. There's also an excellent website called Jisho.org that has a Japanese dictionary. Use the keyboard to type whatever characters you're having trouble with in the search box, and it'll come up with all the definitions for that word. Later on, I'm guessing people will put eventually up a walkthrough for those with no understanding whatsoever. And lastly, a good tip to remember is that items will always be highlighted blue during a dialogue, so try to remember that so you can look it up.
There is a Kanji mode newly introduced in B/W, IIRC. It's one of the options in the menu (and when you start a new game).
I'm not even at the second gym yet and I think I found the daycare? That's pretty nuts.

My team is Chaobuu, Dangoro, Yanappu, Shimama and Minezumi.

I could really use a ground immunity! @0@
I barely know Japanese. I took a few months of it last year in college, and while their instruction is pretty comprehensive, it's not enough to know what everything says. The entire game, though, is in Hiragana and Katakana, 2 of the 3 parts of Japanese language. Hiragana is used for common Japanese words and articles. Katakana is used for foreign words, foreign names, or loanwords. They're part of the basic Japanese "alphabet", so they're the first things you would learn if you took a Japanese class. Kanji, characters adapted from Chinese, aren't used because it's a childrens' game.

Anyways... if you have absolutely NO knowledge of Japanese, it's not impossible to play. Most of the events occuring at the beginning are pretty standard for the series. You start out picking your starter, you get introduced to your rivals and professor, then you go through the grass and get to the next town to learn about the Pokecenter. Later on, your mom gives you Running Shoes, and you move on to the next town, which has the first gym. And so on.

Jumpluff has an excellent thread sticked right now that can help you identify moves, abilities types, and items. All you need is a Japanese keyboard and the Ctrl + F command will match whatever you're looking for with its English counterpart. There's also an excellent website called Jisho.org that has a Japanese dictionary. Use the keyboard to type whatever characters you're having trouble with in the search box, and it'll come up with all the definitions for that word. Later on, I'm guessing people will put eventually up a walkthrough for those with no understanding whatsoever. And lastly, a good tip to remember is that items will always be highlighted blue during a dialogue, so try to remember that so you can look it up.

Awesome thanks man I appreciate it. Man. I might give this a try. This game is awesome.
Playin Pokemon Black, and I planned my team.

I haev to say something though. Grinding Pokabu and the monkey to lvl 17 for first gym is HARD.
Sure is Destiny Warrior.

What's really hard is not catching that Nageki! I'm still before Aloe and that thing's got 120/85/85 defenses! Not to mention 100 base attack...

Damn Nuzlocke challenge.
Nuzlocke seems kinds of difficult to pull off since this thing just dropped.

Also, I agree, grinding Pokabu is almost required for first gym. Luckily mine is 7 lvls away since i've been grinding him, and the angry squirrel on route 2.
Grinding has become such a bitch this gen I haven't really bothered and I'm doing fine. I just got up to museum town and I have a Lv17 Futachimaru and a Lv16 (iirc) Baoppu. I was going to use Moguryuu but I couldn't be bothered spending ages looking for it so I skipped it. Might have to pick something else up soon though. :/

I think the games are neat. Very good use of 3D, and the camera shifts in battle is a nice changes (albeit somewhat annoying).
Guys, I'm stuck at New York City (I forgot the game's name for it). The male rival is standing in the middle of the road in the sandstorm place. I already defeated the janitor/boss in the building. The guy in the gym is blocking my way, and the construction man in the sandstormy road is also blocking my way. I don't know what to do/where to go!
has anyone figured out pokabu's second fire move gained through leveling up?

The animation looks like flame wheel, but it seems to be boosting a stat or something afterwards (or just gaining more power). Anyone know what it is?

-Edit- Actually, I think I just figured it out. It has to be nitro charge! It's been boosting my speed afterwards and man does it rock! I can outspeed alot of things after one charge.