Hi there. This is my first RMT, so bear with me. There are a few things to keep in mind here. This is a team meant for wifi battling, so as far as I'm concerned I am disallowed from using rotom-a forms. Most of my wifi friends/acquaintances specifically forbid it from being used, so please do not suggest using one of its forms. Secondly, I am having a bit of trouble deciding on the moveset for my last pokemon, so I apologize in advance if the analysis there seems vague or non-existent. Lastly, I can't rng legendaries well, so I would rather stay away from as many legendaries on my team as possible (I'm already pushing it with two). Without further do, let me present the team building process.
Team Building Process
First of all, I wanted to try out a unique lead, one that isn't seen very often. Crobat doesn't bring much. However, what it can do, it does really well.
Unfortunately, Crobat doesn't contribute much to the team aside from stopping other leads from setting up. This requires the use of a second lead. Lead Heatran is chosen's Heatran. Do I really need to explain that?
So now I have a fast taunter and a lead to set up stealth rock. Now I need a sweeper. 3 options came to mind: Infernape, Lucario, Tyranitar. I was already iffy about having perma sand storm, and the fact that the acid rain glitch exists means it's going to be between either infernape or lucario. Between the two, I chose lucario because of its access to extremespeed.
Using lucario brings up some concerns. Gliscor is an extremely good check to lucario, so I need something to deal with it. A water type would be able to deal with gliscor, as well as add some bulk to my team. Of the many available, I chose Vaporeon, because of its ability to switch into any water type move, as well as pass wishes off to the rest of my team.
Salamence isn't a threat anymore, but Dragonite can still be a problem. Lucario and Infernape are also constant concerns. With this in mind, I opted to put a ghost type and another steel type to take care the aforementioned problems. Scizor is the natural choice, with its deadly bullet punch to bring to the mix. So long as it isn't switched into a fire type move, it should be fine. As for the ghost type, I opted for Dusknoir. It would be a great spin blocker, and Will-O-Wisp would be a great way to deal with physical sweepers.
That should be it, right? Wrong. As it turns out, this team has a massive flaw. Any Zapdos would leave a charred crater where my team used to be. Furthermore, Scizor really only adds a liability at this point; it doesn't contribute much to the team while its weaknesses limit when and against whom I can switch. I decided to switch out Scizor for a grass type, and after some consideration, I decided upon Shaymin.
Now we're good, right? Nope, not quite. Blissey still quite easily walls me in. Now, there are both pro's and con's to using Dusknoir, but going up against a stall team with Blissey is definitely not a 'pro.' An option, then, would be to use a SubSplit Gengar. Gengar doesn't have to permanently replace Dusknoir, but I should use it if I know my opponent's team relies heavily on Blissey.
Finally, we're done...except not quite. A few friends/acquaintances of mine like to play with an Event Clause on. While I realize this deviates from OU Standard tiering, I certainly wouldn't mind altering my team to appease my friends and having enjoyable matches with them. In place of Shaymin, I can instead use a SubPunch Breloom or a bulky Spikes Roserade.
The Team
Hi there. This is my first RMT, so bear with me. There are a few things to keep in mind here. This is a team meant for wifi battling, so as far as I'm concerned I am disallowed from using rotom-a forms. Most of my wifi friends/acquaintances specifically forbid it from being used, so please do not suggest using one of its forms. Secondly, I am having a bit of trouble deciding on the moveset for my last pokemon, so I apologize in advance if the analysis there seems vague or non-existent. Lastly, I can't rng legendaries well, so I would rather stay away from as many legendaries on my team as possible (I'm already pushing it with two). Without further do, let me present the team building process.
Team Building Process
First of all, I wanted to try out a unique lead, one that isn't seen very often. Crobat doesn't bring much. However, what it can do, it does really well.

Unfortunately, Crobat doesn't contribute much to the team aside from stopping other leads from setting up. This requires the use of a second lead. Lead Heatran is chosen's Heatran. Do I really need to explain that?

So now I have a fast taunter and a lead to set up stealth rock. Now I need a sweeper. 3 options came to mind: Infernape, Lucario, Tyranitar. I was already iffy about having perma sand storm, and the fact that the acid rain glitch exists means it's going to be between either infernape or lucario. Between the two, I chose lucario because of its access to extremespeed.

Using lucario brings up some concerns. Gliscor is an extremely good check to lucario, so I need something to deal with it. A water type would be able to deal with gliscor, as well as add some bulk to my team. Of the many available, I chose Vaporeon, because of its ability to switch into any water type move, as well as pass wishes off to the rest of my team.

Salamence isn't a threat anymore, but Dragonite can still be a problem. Lucario and Infernape are also constant concerns. With this in mind, I opted to put a ghost type and another steel type to take care the aforementioned problems. Scizor is the natural choice, with its deadly bullet punch to bring to the mix. So long as it isn't switched into a fire type move, it should be fine. As for the ghost type, I opted for Dusknoir. It would be a great spin blocker, and Will-O-Wisp would be a great way to deal with physical sweepers.

That should be it, right? Wrong. As it turns out, this team has a massive flaw. Any Zapdos would leave a charred crater where my team used to be. Furthermore, Scizor really only adds a liability at this point; it doesn't contribute much to the team while its weaknesses limit when and against whom I can switch. I decided to switch out Scizor for a grass type, and after some consideration, I decided upon Shaymin.

Now we're good, right? Nope, not quite. Blissey still quite easily walls me in. Now, there are both pro's and con's to using Dusknoir, but going up against a stall team with Blissey is definitely not a 'pro.' An option, then, would be to use a SubSplit Gengar. Gengar doesn't have to permanently replace Dusknoir, but I should use it if I know my opponent's team relies heavily on Blissey.

Finally, we're done...except not quite. A few friends/acquaintances of mine like to play with an Event Clause on. While I realize this deviates from OU Standard tiering, I certainly wouldn't mind altering my team to appease my friends and having enjoyable matches with them. In place of Shaymin, I can instead use a SubPunch Breloom or a bulky Spikes Roserade.

The Team