That OU whore team.

Welcome to my RMT, I got bored so.. I thought my current team can use some help =D
This is a team I use on the DS, I simply built it on shoddy to save me time.

Team progress:


I wanted a fun lead to use, I used probably every single one.. Bronzong was the most fun/effective to use.

Starmie has always been my spinner, and always will :P

Kingdra is one of my favorite pokemon. It makes an epic dragon dancer and is capable of sweeping teams with ease.

Such a fun revenge killer heracross is. It 2hkos Cresselia and ohkos Latias, now how great is that?

I realized that I had a suckish weakness to earthquake, calm mind latias iskickass, so here it is.

Well something needs to help latias when things get rough. (no homo)

Only one pokemon that resists earthquake is a problem. I didn't really have anything to deal with scizor, so gyarados was added.

I needed something to scout and basically do the same thing hercross does best, which is revenge kill. I wasn't sure if I should make this change, but Infernape is just as fun to use as heracross.. So :P

In dept...

Bronzong @ Lum Berry/Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/80 Atk/176 Def
Sassy nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Earthquake
- Hypnosis/Explosion
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock
Bronzong is one of the most sturdiest, if not the most sturdiest lead in today's metagame. Earthquake teaches those Metagross a lesson where Gyro ball hits everything else. Gyro ball 2hkos probably anything in the base 100 spe+ that doesn't resist it. Stealth rock is for obvious lead reasons. Now for hypnosis, I wasn't quite sure of using it because of the shaky accuracy, so explosion is still a fine fine option. You guys are maybe wondering, "Why a lum berry?" Well, after a shitload of battles, Bronzong does get hax'd a lot. Leftovers is probably the recommended option anyways. The Ev's on Bronzong were made without opening the strategy pokedex, lol ._. I was hoping, with a +sp.def nature and the fact that there is more physical attackers in OU, that defense evs should be more stressed. The small attack evs there just makes earthquake/gyro ball/explosion more powerful.

Just a bit of a summery. Bronzong vs top OU leads:

1. Azelf: A pain in the ass if they carry trick, if not... Gyro ball happily 2hko's this thing, assuming it has a focus sash.
2. Aerodactyl: easy cake. Gyro ball for the win!
3. Bronzong: Quite a pain this can be.. lets just hope I win..
4. Infernape: Well, Fire Blast sure fucks my up, fake out doesn't do much anyways, well... Lets hope fire blast misses, so I can set up rocks or 2hko this thing, assuming it has sash...
5. Jirachi: Ok, now these bug me, always have, and always will. Since these ALWAYS carry trick, I switch to my Infernape to hopefully knock it out with Flare Blitz.
6. Hippodown: Ugh! I just Set up rocks and go explode here =P
7. Ninjask: Pain in the ass is a pain in the ass. I normally set up rocks when it protects and switch out to Gyarados to set up Dragon dance or something. Whoever they switch to, won't like a gyro ball from Zong tho :P
8. Roserade: If I carry a lum berry, I can 2hko this thing assuming that nintendo loves me and makes sleep powder miss e___e
9. Swampert:Stealth rocks and explode.
10. Metagross: Stealthrocks and earthquake a few times, then explode.

These pokemon are my main offensive stuff, Latias provides epic coverage along side Metagross and Gyarados!

Latias (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 128 HP/252 Spd/128 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Recover/Surf
- Dragon Pulse
Bulky Calm mind latias is truly amazing. The defense Evs guaranty that you live a Choice Banded Scizor's bullet punch, to knock it out with hidden powe fire. Calm mind is amazing if you can get enough up to attempt a sweep, with the 349 speed stat. I was a bit worried about those heatran fucking me up, so surf over recover is a decent option (i think ._.) Dragon pulse is there for the obvious STAB. Leftovers is there because, bulky latias will epicly fail with a life orb. I was actually thinking to change this to a trick scarf latias, and switch infernape to a mixape.. But I'll leave that up to you.


Metagross @ Lum Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 112 HP/252 Atk/12 Def/132 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Agility
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash
- Thunderpunch
Late game sweeper is an absolute monster. When the opponent is struggling to win, I send this thing out to sweep away. The strategy is simple. Agility up, and sweep away. I stole this from the strategy pokedex, as most of my sets on this RMT is from there. Earthquake is a decent move for anything, and can do a nice amount of damage to anything that doesn't resist it (infernape, I'm looking at you.) Meteor mash is the only way that metagross can raise his epic attack stat, so yeah. Thunder punch is that move that is always good to have. Great way to kill those ANNOYING AS HELL BULKY WATER TYPES (suicune, vaporeon) and it is a nice way to kill things without risking meteor mash missing, (like those pesky gengars that are pesky.)


Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 156 HP/72 Atk/96 Def/184 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt/Substitute
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
What was originally a kingdra, is now this. This flying fishy is a real tank, and a true monster. Gyarados is really my only way to kill those Lucario and Scizor. Dragon dance is that attack that is usually on every single Gyarados set, and waterfall is a nice STAB that gives a flinch every once and a while. Stone Edge used to be on the bulky variant, until i saw that smogon (or you guys) put return on it. Well, since I battle on the DS.. Return will suck ass e___e. Substitute is actually a decent option, being able to dragon dance being a sub will be truly epic. But, taunt stops phazers, so I use it more.

That other junk.
The Revenge killer and Spinner.

Infernape (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge/Thunder punch
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz
Fuck yeah! The underestimated scarfape. This is a decent check for Tyranitar, as well as metagross. Flare Blitz is a really epic STAB attack that will make a hole in anything that doesn't resist it, and Close combat does the same. U-turn is great to just scout out opponents, and Stone edge makes a nice check for Salamence/Gyarados. Thunder punch might work as well for the cool coverage and makes a nice check for Gyarados that got a Dragon Dance. I see that people often mistake this as a mixape, and send in something stupid like blissy on it :P


Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Rapid Spin
- Thunderbolt/Recover
- Surf/Hydro pump
- Ice Beam/Recover
Starmie is one of my all time favorite pokemon, tied with shedinja, typhlosion, muk, kingdra, and a crap load of others. Rapid spin is to get rid of those things that Infernape hates with a passion for fashion. Ice beam takes care of salamence, as thunder bolt teaches gyarados a lesson. Surf is for.. Durrr hurr STAB. Hydro pump is a decent option as well, but moves with low accuracy, always fail me. Recover is always a nice option to let Starmie last longer.

Final Glance!

Some notes to the raters..

I don't like to use Scizor, since I just don't.. So try to stay away from recommending it. I hope you have as much fun rating as I will have using this team!
Threat list!
(got this from some RMT, and edited it.)
Defensive Threats:

Blissey – Infernape does a great amount of damage to this thing, if not.. Gyarados. Or then.. Metagross.
Bronzong – Once it sets up reflect.. Then fuck. Infernape will do a good amount of damage to it with Flare blitz, Gyarados can also set up a bit on this thing.
Celebi – Infernape, U-turn.. Or hp fire, latias..
Cresselia – Well, If I can get a sub up and get a few DDs on this thing.. Then that'll be good.. Other then that, explosion on metagross and U-turn on infernape are it.
Dusknoir- Lets just hope after intimidate, and a sub up.. That Gyarados can set up and rape.
Forretress –Latias.
Gliscor –Starmie..
Gyarados -Starmie/Infernape
Hippowdon –Starmie. Latias might work too.
Jirachi – If they're the calm mind thing.. Shit. Metagross will get some good damage off of it with Earthquake, and infernape can handle the rest.
Rotom-A – Not much... Lets just hope infernape can do something to it with latias.
Skarmory – Latias. Infernape's Flare Blitz 2hkos it to.
Snorlax –Metagross, or Infernape.
Suicune –Starmie, and Latias can work together. If it is the crocune.. Taunt gyarados will teach this a lesson
Swampert –Starmie.. Or Latias..
Tyranitar –Gyarados is a nice check to this thing, Starmie works to an extent with metagross
Vaporeon – What a bitch this is. U-turn on infernape out to metagross and thunder punch..
Zapdos – Latias takes care of this nicely.

Offensive Threats:

Azelf – Infernape U-turn will hurt this a lot, latias can hurt this if this doesn't have U-turn.
Breloom –Metagross and infernape.
Empoleon- Infernape if no Aqua jet, and then starmie can do some damage with t-bolt.
Gengar – Metagross can take a shadow ball with enough hp left to agility up and kill.
Heatran – Infernape will do good to this thing, with the opponent thinking that I'm a mixed ape.
Infernape – Starmie or Gyarados handle this nicely.
Jolteon-Latias can take a t-bolt nicely. If it is spec'd, I switch onto infernape after something is down, to ohko with flare Blitz.
Latias –This can be an ass, but Infernape does good dammage to this a long with metagross.
Kingdra – Gyarados for the intimidate, if it is a special based one.. Metagross can do damage to an extent.
Lucario – Gyarados.
Machamp – Gyarados damages this with intimidate.. And infernape can dent it with flare blitz
Magnezone – infernape
Mamoswine – People still use this? Gyarados.
Metagross – Latias can help kill this.
Salamence - Gyarados for the intimidate, and then stone edge it with infernape.
Scizor – Gyarados
Starmie – Latias, revenge kill with infernape
Weavile –Metagross can do damage to it, with gyarados.

Nice team, and some sets I don't see much anymore so it's pretty interesting. But you seem to rely on Gyarados a lot, which can be a problem with the way your team is set up. Firstly, give Starmie a Life Orb and Hydro Pump. This is to ensure that you can 2HKO pretty much any spin blocker, so you can keep rocks off easier. It also gives you a bit more fire power, which is always nice. Next, I think your Gyarados might appreciate some recovery, so perhaps try the Rest/Talk set. From the look of things, he's more of a defensive backbone than he is a dominant sweeper, so I think giving that set a try is worth a shot.

With that settled, you have a sturdier defensive core, but you also have something that kind of worries me. You have no electric immune, which can be a huge problem against teams with a powerful sweeper and paralysis support. You also have only one Pokemon that wouldn't mind paralysis, being Bronzong.(R/T Gyarados doesn't mind it either, but you know how he can be if they're packing an actual electric attack. I really think a Flygon would fit well on your team, doing pretty much the same job as Infernape with the drawback of being weaker and slower. However the only major thing you lose is now you would tie with +1 Positive base 100's, which aren't extremely common. However, you gain the ability to actually switch into attacks as well as better typing. You can also do more damage to Latias now, and you don't have to let something take a hit to do it.

That's all I can think of without changing more members, which would change the make up of the team. Good Luck!

Gyarados @Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Rest/ Sleep Talk/ Waterfall/ Dragon Dance

Flygon @Leftovers
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Dragon Claw/ U turn/ Earthquake/ ThunderPunch
No particular comments other than that you actually had two Earthquake immunities (Latias and Bronzong) and one resist (Heracross) before you made the switch to Gyarados, although switching Heracross out for Infernape removed that advantage.

Right now, you have a particularly noticeable weakness to Starmie in particular and to Electric-type attacks generally. Starmie rolls right through Gyarados and Infernape, beats Latias and your Starmie if it wins the speed tie, and gets neutral STAB hits on Metagross and Bronzong. You need Pursuit somewhere at the least, preferably on Metagross. This is partially symptomatic of having only one Electric resist, Latias, who can't take the other half of the BoltBeam combo, yet two weaknesses, including one 4x weakness.
Nice team, and some sets I don't see much anymore so it's pretty interesting. But you seem to rely on Gyarados a lot, which can be a problem with the way your team is set up. Firstly, give Starmie a Life Orb and Hydro Pump. This is to ensure that you can 2HKO pretty much any spin blocker, so you can keep rocks off easier. It also gives you a bit more fire power, which is always nice. Next, I think your Gyarados might appreciate some recovery, so perhaps try the Rest/Talk set. From the look of things, he's more of a defensive backbone than he is a dominant sweeper, so I think giving that set a try is worth a shot.

With that settled, you have a sturdier defensive core, but you also have something that kind of worries me. You have no electric immune, which can be a huge problem against teams with a powerful sweeper and paralysis support. You also have only one Pokemon that wouldn't mind paralysis, being Bronzong.(R/T Gyarados doesn't mind it either, but you know how he can be if they're packing an actual electric attack. I really think a Flygon would fit well on your team, doing pretty much the same job as Infernape with the drawback of being weaker and slower. However the only major thing you lose is now you would tie with +1 Positive base 100's, which aren't extremely common. However, you gain the ability to actually switch into attacks as well as better typing. You can also do more damage to Latias now, and you don't have to let something take a hit to do it.

That's all I can think of without changing more members, which would change the make up of the team. Good Luck!

Gyarados @Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Rest/ Sleep Talk/ Waterfall/ Dragon Dance

Flygon @Leftovers
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Dragon Claw/ U turn/ Earthquake/ ThunderPunch

Well, first off.. I'm not a fan of the restalk gyarados since it gives the opponent a chance to pull out their latias/jolteon and knock Gyara out. As for Flygon, I used them before, and it is just to predictable. I mean, EVERYONE knows that a Flygon is scarfed.

I'll give starmie a life orb and hydro, I like the idea.
First things first. There is no such thing as being an OU whore since UUs are seldom viable in the metagame. Anyone dissing you for using OUs when the tier is OU is only jealous that they can't seem to win so they act like they have some more skill by using UUs so they can blame inferior pokes for their losses, not their inferior skills.

Now onto the team :)
Trust me when I say that Latias needs Recover. Otherwise you'll find a CM set just gets nickeled and dimed. Infernape shouldn't be on this team. Given its Adamant nature and the rest of your team, you are severely weak to DD Salamence. Instead of Infernape I'd recommend using Scarf Jirachi, namely the below set.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunderpunch
It can revenge kill Salamence, Gyarados, and Lucario, OHKOing the first two and killing Lucario when it is weakened or after a CC drop.

Overall, solid team, nice job :)
First things first. There is no such thing as being an OU whore since UUs are seldom viable in the metagame. Anyone dissing you for using OUs when the tier is OU is only jealous that they can't seem to win so they act like they have some more skill by using UUs so they can blame inferior pokes for their losses, not their inferior skills.

Now onto the team :)
Trust me when I say that Latias needs Recover. Otherwise you'll find a CM set just gets nickeled and dimed. Infernape shouldn't be on this team. Given its Adamant nature and the rest of your team, you are severely weak to DD Salamence. Instead of Infernape I'd recommend using Scarf Jirachi, namely the below set.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunderpunch
It can revenge kill Salamence, Gyarados, and Lucario, OHKOing the first two and killing Lucario when it is weakened or after a CC drop.

Overall, solid team, nice job :)

Aren't you on purplesurge?

Anyways, I am currently testing a bunch of revenge killers. And, I said "OU whore" because I normally never "OU whore" Lol.
Anyhow, scarf rachi sounds cool. I'll try it out and see how it does ;]
Hey this is a cool team, but there are a few changes I think you should make. First off, I encourage you to change your Infernape set. While ScarfApe is no doubt unique and a surprise, it really isn't necessary. Infernape is already very fast, and since you will mainly be checking Tyranitar and Metagross, there really is no need for you to pack the extra speed. I suggest that you instead go for a MixApe. Yeah its boring and standard and common, but hey, it works well. I suggest a set of Close Combat, Fire Blast, Hidden Power Ice, and Grass Knot, a Naive nature, and an EV spread of 64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe (item Life Orb). Mixape is a good fit for this team, who would have some trouble breaking SkarmBliss (a common defensive combination, but yeah effective and easily walls your team). 64 Atk EVs and a neutral attack nature allows you to always OHKO Blissey with Stealth Rock damage.

As Hunt of the Lion said, you definitely want to go for a Life Orb on Starmie; it allows it to pack much more power while still retaining its ability to be an effective spinner. I also suggest that you use Bounce in place of Stone Edge on Gyarados; Bounce is a much better option for hitting bulky water types who seem to give your team a fair share of problems. Aside from that, not much else I can suggest, as HuntoftheLion and the other raters have goten everything else. Hope I helped, and good luck! ;)
Hey this is a cool team, but there are a few changes I think you should make. First off, I encourage you to change your Infernape set. While ScarfApe is no doubt unique and a surprise, it really isn't necessary. Infernape is already very fast, and since you will mainly be checking Tyranitar and Metagross, there really is no need for you to pack the extra speed. I suggest that you instead go for a MixApe. Yeah its boring and standard and common, but hey, it works well. I suggest a set of Close Combat, Fire Blast, Hidden Power Ice, and Grass Knot, a Naive nature, and an EV spread of 64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe (item Life Orb). Mixape is a good fit for this team, who would have some trouble breaking SkarmBliss (a common defensive combination, but yeah effective and easily walls your team). 64 Atk EVs and a neutral attack nature allows you to always OHKO Blissey with Stealth Rock damage.

As Hunt of the Lion said, you definitely want to go for a Life Orb on Starmie; it allows it to pack much more power while still retaining its ability to be an effective spinner. I also suggest that you use Bounce in place of Stone Edge on Gyarados; Bounce is a much better option for hitting bulky water types who seem to give your team a fair share of problems. Aside from that, not much else I can suggest, as HuntoftheLion and the other raters have goten everything else. Hope I helped, and good luck! ;)


I was told to use a mixape several times >__<! I don't mind using it, it's just that I'd like a revenge killer. So maybe turning Latias into the Trick scarf set? And then making Infernape a mixed sweeper.... >.<

Thanks for the rate tho :3
Yeah, ScarfTias would probably be good on this team. I personally don't feel that this team needs a revenge killer particularly badly, as it has no specific weakness to a certain Pokemon. However, if you really want a revenge killer, than by all means go for Scarf Latias.
Yeah, I shall make that change.
I do feel like I need a revenge killer, as every single team that i ever used had one. >__<!