Team Hail Stall

The main idea of this team is just stalling stuff with Toxic Spikes + Hail damage. I started this team as a UU team, later on Manaphy was the Suspect, and I thought a Hail team would be a good option for a Suspect team, so I replaced some Pokemon (like Blissey over Flareon) and tested it on the Suspect ladder. It did pretty good .I tested it on the Standard ladder later, and it just did as good as it did on the Suspect ladder, so I decided to make it my "main team". Voting on Stage 3 is soon and the Metagame will change for sure after that, I don't think this team will work in that Metagame, so I decided to make a RMT about this team.
The Team:

Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP/32 Spd/224 SDef
Sassy nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Leech Seed
- Blizzard
- Protect
- Wood Hammer
Every Hail team must have an Abomasnow, of course. It is very important for this team, not just because of Hail, I need it for things like Calm Mind Latias with Refresh (I Leech Seed them and go to Blissey) and to take Trick from Latias, if they have it, so basically this is my inetial switch-in for Latias .I also use it to counter stuff like the Dragon Dance/Heal bell/Dragon Claw/Roost Dragonite. 32 Speed EV's are to outspeed Swampert leads, most of the time people stay in with Swampert against Abomasnow excepting me to use Substitute or something, so its really helpful. Against sleep moves users I go to one of my RestTalkers to absorb it, unless its Roserade, I go to Blissey and let them setup Toxic Spikes on me, because I don't really care about Toxic Spikes, Nioqueen will absorb them anyway. Against Azelf leads I just go to Rotom and kill them, and some leads like Aerodactyl, or others who can't really "touch" Hitmontop, I just go to Hitmontop against them and spin the rocks.

Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP/188 Def/12 Spd/56 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Roar
- Sleep Talk
- Rest
- Waterfall
Gyrados is really important for this team. Its my only phazer, and Fire resistnace, I need it to wall things like Infernape. I had Walrein over this before, but later I realized how much I need a phazer and an Infernape counter, so I decided to use Gyrados. You might notice that I have Careful natue with some SDef EV's, I use Careful to live a Draco Meteor from any MixMence, classic version or the new version, after Stealth Rock, it also helps to take Grass Knot's from Infernape better. Gyrados works as a Lucario counter (the Stone Edgeless versions) Nidoqueen dies first most of the time, so if it dies, Gyrados will be my only counter to Lucario I can switch it on Scizor's U-turn's every time, too, they don't have Stealth Rock most of the time on the field with that Hitmontop, so I can switch it on Scizor a lot, and Scizor loses around 24% of its health every time they send it in (thanks to Stealth Rock and Protect on Abomasnow and Blissey, they can't really switch Scizor on something else). 12 Speed EV's to outspeed the other Roar Gyrados's.

Nidoqueen (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Poison Point
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 SDef
Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Toxic Spikes
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock
Nidoqueen is my main Lucario counter, and my Trick absorber. I chose Nidoqueen over other Ground Pokemon like Swamper and Hippowdon (of course I won't pick Hippowdon since this is a Hail team), because it learns Toxic Spikes and Fire Blast, Toxic Spikes are needed for this team, so I can stall things like Blissey and Celebi. Fire Blast is for Forretress and the bulky Sword Dance Scizor's. I also use Nidoqueen to counter Machamp who is really annoying for Stall teams,I switch Hitmontop/Gyrados first for Intimidate and go to Nidoqueen, so they don't do a lot to Nidoqueen with Machamp. Nidoqueen is my Heracross counter, too (especially the Sword Dance versions, Gyrados can't take Stone Edges and Rotom can't take Night Slash's). I used to have Black Sludge over Leftovers, but the Trick users always tricked Black Sludge to Blissey, which costed me some matches, so I decided to go with Leftovers.

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 148 HP/252 Def/108 SDef
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Wish
- Protect
- Seismic Toss
- Toxic
Blissey is the best Special Wall in the game, so why not use it? Anyway, Blissey is for annoying things like Zapdos, and other Special sweepers who are only walled by Blissey. Toxic is obviously for Flying and Levitate Pokemon. I switch Bliseey on Salamence first to take the obvious Draco Meteonr, if it uses something like Dragon Dance I swtchi between Hitmontop and Gyrados to abuse Intimdate on it, then just Roar it or use Stone Edge with Hitmontop. Seismic Toss over Flamethrower or Ice Beam for the annoying SubHeatrans or Heatran in general, some of them pack HP Electric, so Gyrados won't work. Blissey is really important, because without it Salamence would've just Draco Meteor'd the whole team.

Rotom-f @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/120 Def/136 SDef
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Sleep Talk
- Rest
Rotom is my anti-spinner, obviously. This is my only Metagross counter, so if Rotom gets pursuited by Tyranitar or something I'll really have a hard time with Metagross, so I'm considering using Will-o-wisp, I considered using Magezone because I don't really need an anti-spinner, getting Toxic Spikes up is really easy, but I was worried of Metagross, so I didn't change it. I'm using Shadow Ball over Will-o-wisp because once I lost to a Rotom without Shadow Ball when I used Will-o-wisp over over Shadow Ball (it had Thunderbolt/Will-o-wisp/Rest/Sleeptalk, like the set I was using) and because I have Toxic Spikes, so I can't really burn Tyranitar with Will-o-wisp because of Toxic Spikes. I also use Rotom to counter Gyrados (if it gets pursuited I can still take care of Gyrados by abusing Intimidate on it with Hitmontop/Gyrados then Stone Edge it with Hitmontop.

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP/5 Atk/252 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rapid Spin
- Foresight
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
This team really needs a spinner, because I have 2 Pokemon who are weak to Stealth Rock that I switch them in a lot, so I decided to use the best spinner, Hitmontop. I didn't choose Hitmontop only to spin, I also use it to abuse Intimidate on stuff like Gyrados/Salamence, and to counter Tryanitar (it's my only Tyranitar counter, Nidoqueen could work, but I can't switch it on Choice Banded Earthquake's). I can also switch Hitmontop on Scizor's U-turn's if somehow I didn't spin Stealth Rock, because I can't really switch Gyrados in if Stealth Rock is in the field. Foresight is there so I can spin 100% of the time.