CAP 5 CAP 5 - Final Product

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not quite too old for this, apparently
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Important Note: The official name chosen for 'Ancient Beam' is Paleo Wave. Please stop posting votes for the name of the new move, or your post will be deleted and infracted. All remaining posts should solely be about the final product.

August 31st 2008, 4:00 PM EST: We started the first poll of CAP 5.
November 7th 2008 3:56 PM EST: We finished the last poll of CAP 5.

Total time: 10 Weeks, 6 Days. HA DOUG ITS NOT THE LONGEST!

Before I reveal the complete final product, I'd just like to say a few words. I'd like to thank you all for keeping this project running smoothly. There were almost no major conflicts. I'd like to thank Doug, X-Act, and Darkie for keeping the forum running smoothly. I'd like to thank the other server mods, keep it up guys!

This project came a long way from a "surefire" Electric/Dragon Bulky Mixed Attacker. It's taken many surprising and fun twists along the way. Here's what we ended up with!


Break the Mold-Click here to see the full post.
latinoheat said:
Name: Break the Mold

An OU viable pokemon that goes completely against the stereotypes of its typing.
Type: Rock

Offensive/Defensive Bias: Offensive 20-40
Physical/Special Bias: Special -20 and lower
Base Stat Rating: Very Good
Base Stats: 90/60/65/120/70/130 Speed Last
Primary Ability: Levitate
Secondary Ability: Technician

Art By yourDeadGrandad

[B]Level Up:[/B]
H. Weather Ball
- Tackle
- Defense Curl
- Rollout
5. Defense Curl
8. Rollout
13. Quick Attack
17. Disable
20. Acupressure
25. Mud Shot
29. Power Gem
32. Headbutt
37. Metal Sound
42. Paleo Wave
50. Head Smash
TM04 - Calm Mind
TM06 - Toxic
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM13 - Ice Beam
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM17 - Protect
TM18 - Rain Dance
TM19 - Giga Drain
TM21 - Frustration
TM24 - Thunderbolt
TM25 - Thunder
TM26 - Earthquake
TM27 - Return
TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM31 - Brick Break
TM32 - Double Team
TM34 - Shock Wave
TM35 - Flamethrower
TM37 - Sandstorm
TM38 - Fire Blast
TM39 - Rock Tomb
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM42 - Facade
TM43 - Secret Power
TM44 - Rest
TM52 - Focus Blast
TM53 - Energy Ball
TM54 - False Swipe
TM56 - Fling
TM57 - Charge Beam
TM58 - Endure
TM63 - Embargo
TM64 - Explosion
TM65 - Shadow Claw
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM69 - Rock Polish
TM71 - Stone Edge
TM73 - Thunder Wave
TM74 - Gyro Ball
TM75 - Swords Dance
TM76 - Stealth Rock
TM80 - Rock Slide
TM81 - X-scissor
TM82 - Sleep Talk
TM83 - Natural Gift
TM89 - U-turn
TM90 - Substitute
HM01 - Cut
HM04 - Strength
HM06 - Rock Smash
HM08 - Rock Climb
[B]Tutor Moves:[/B]
- Ancientpower
- Earth Power
- Heat Wave
- Icy Wind
- Iron Head
- Magnet Rise
- Mud-slap
- Ominous Wind
- Rollout
- Signal Beam
- Snore
- Swift
- Vacuum Wave
- Zen Headbutt
Pokedex Entries:

Kamen Rider said:
STRATAGEM'S peculiar shape is a result of the wind erosion it constantly experiences moving at high speeds. The older a STRATAGEM gets, the smaller and more streamlined its body will be.

Mr_Goodbar said:
STRATAGEM roam in volcanic regions, thriving on the intense heat. Their spontaneous and destructive nature has prevented much exploration in these areas.

Leman said:
The claws on STRATAGEM'S limbs are actually rather brittle. Instead of using those for stabbing, STRATAGEM'S uses them as a launching-pad for its various energy attacks.



Deck Knight said:
Ancient Beam
Type: Rock
BP: 85
PP: 15
Acc: 100%
Damage: Special
Effect: 20% chance to reduce opponent's attack by 1.
The official name chosen for 'Ancient Beam' is Paleo Wave.

Other than that, I've had a great time as TL, and now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to finish writing the in-depth analysis, and start the 3 PR threads for after CAP 5!
Bravo, tennis. You did an excellent job of TL.

I think Paleoblast is an apt name for the new move.
Ancient Beam

I'm glad this is done. Too bad I just made a new team that can't fit this guy on it... (and I'm not changing the team because it's excellent)
Tennis, pick a weight for this thing, so I can implement it on the server. I really don't care what number is chosen. But, this will affect Grass Knot and Low Kick damage, both of which are SE on this pokemon -- so take that into account when making your choice.

As for the project on the whole, this one remained quite focused throughout, once the idea of a fast Rock special sweeper was mentioned early on. It's certainly one of the strangest creations from the CAP project. But, testing should be fun for everyone.

I have some work ahead of me for implementing this new move. It won't be terribly hard, but new stuff is always a challenge. I'll try to work on everything this weekend. This is going to be piled into a whole lot of other server changes -- so testing could be shaky in the early going. Please be patient with me, as I try to get everything worked out...
Excellent job Tennis and all the supporters of this project and i can't wait for play testing to begin!

And we are allowed to Suggest move name here?
Prefer Paleo Wave/Blast and Primal Wave over Ancient Beam. I also suggest a weight of 40 to 80 pounds :P. You can't expect it to weight a helluva lot for it's size/design.
This guy seems fairly small, but he's still made of rock, so I'd say 40-45 kg (~80-90 lbs) for his weight. This also puts Low Kick and Grass Knot at 60 Base Power, low but not too low, I'd say.

Additionally, I like Paleo Wave for the move name.
Tennis, pick a weight for this thing, so I can implement it on the server. I really don't care what number is chosen. But, this will affect Grass Knot and Low Kick damage, both of which are SE on this pokemon -- so take that into account when making your choice.

Well, its a bunch of disconnected floating rocks. How about 115 Lbs/52.2 kg? 80 Base Power sounds about right to me. As for height (though it doesn't make a difference), I can see it being kinda big. 3' 11" sounds about right.
Oh OK we can edit the name here:
maybe Stone Shower/Stone Pulse/Stone Power.

I agree with Tennis.... Stratagem may be small but all those rock will add a some weight on to it but i think i think taking out about 15 LBS from it.
Tennis what about the number of Pre-Evos?
Are we going to bold vote that or could someone just edit in a poll to the thread?

Also I would like to point this out to everyone:

there is art ready for the pre-evos if we want it.

And I have little if any preference as to the moves name so am not voting.
Ahh, another great CaP. Although this project wasn't as enjoyable as Fidgit, imo, I think of it as a redo of Syclant except more reasonable and with a much better process this time around.
Tennis, great job being the TL! You provided some great explanations and it's obvious that you spent a lot of time on this! Although the project took a little longer than desired, the ends justify the means well.
Doug, take as much time as you want, we all respect how much you do for us as always.
Great job for pretty much everyone in the community for staying consistent with CaP5 despite the controversy with the evo project as well.
As for the name, I think Ancient Beam would be nice. Can't wait to start playtesting!
Tennis what about the number of Pre-Evos?
Are we going to bold vote that or could someone just edit in a poll to the thread?

Also I would like to point this out to everyone:

there is art ready for the pre-evos if we want it.

And I have little if any preference as to the moves name so am not voting.

Eric as I said in the other thread we're going to do it in the Prevo PR thread or in the resulting threads.
Wow CAP is the coolest project there is for pokemon. Btw what does ''TL'' mean? Sorry im new xD and yeah i'm going to like Stratagem alot though i liked protolith much better but yeah doesn't matter. :D
I misinterpreted..
All the other CaPs had at least the number of pre-evos picked as part of the project though, and the PR threads have not yet changed the process... but its ok if you want to do it that way.

TL is Topic Leader.
We have a new one for each CaP project, tennis was the one for this project.
Going also with Paleo Wave.

For weight, I'd say combined the stones would weigh about 80-90 lbs to have enough Iron and such to be magnetic. I'd go with Nasty Pass's 45kg.

For height: 2'10". It's a consortium of floating rocks. filling up a 3x3 foot cube seems to be logical enough.
Unless this Pokemon would, in-game, be awakened from a fossil, why should the moves name have anything to do with 'ancient' or 'paleontology'? Just because it happens to be made of stone.

Gem beam or something? Considering the fact it's covered in them, on it's limbs as well as head. Upgraded Power Gem I suppose.

How about Stone Shot?
I vote Diamond Core for the new move.

Other new move names for people who have forgotten them -

Ruby Ray
Gem Cannon
Diamond Cutter
Vital Impact
Onyx Blast
Primal Ray
Diamond Flash
Stone Shot

Well, its a bunch of disconnected floating rocks. How about 115 Lbs/52.2 kg? 80 Base Power sounds about right to me. As for height (though it doesn't make a difference), I can see it being kinda big. 3' 11" sounds about right.

From a competitive standpoint, 80BP Grass Knot is pretty threatening!

Wouldn't it be better to make Stratagem lighter so that Grass Knot (the most common Grass move, according to X-Act's recent thread) is weaker?

Seeings how this thing is gonna have Bullet Punchers, Bulky Waters and Fighting types as checks/counters it'd be nice to nerf the Grass counters a bit or at least force them to run Energy Ball instead.

Just my two cents.
Aurora Beam clone. Auroras are in the sky. Meteors are in the Sky. I wanted a meteor pokemon.

Meteor Beam
gets my vote.

Also, I don't think this thing would be above 20 lbs. Yes it's a rock, but its small and mostly pebbles. Lets break the mold with a light rock!
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