name: Rain Dance
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Synthesis
move 4: Leech Seed
item: Leftovers
ability: Rain Dish
nature: Calm
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
- An incredibly potent force under rain; only needs a single turn of setup to begin its sweep
- Unique Water/Grass typing that gives it excellent STABs and several handy resistances
- Also has an impressive Special Defense to work with, letting it take a more supportive role instead
- Does not require excessive team support to function
- Metagame is more offensive than ever, and threats like Scolipede making it harder for Ludi to set up
- However, while it’s not as dominant as it once was, it’s still just as powerful
name: Rain Dance
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Ludi’s signature sweeping set
- Rain Dance lets Ludi support itself and its sweep by doubling its Speed and giving its Water STAB a huge power boost, all in a single turn
- Hydro Pump is the Water STAB of choice, hitting like a truck in the rain
- Giga Drain is its best Grass STAB, punishing bulky Waters and healing Ludi in the process
- Ice Beam provides much-needed coverage against Dragons and Grass-types, as well as achieving perfect neutral coverage across the metagame
- Surf can be used for the accuracy, but Ludi loses the ability to break through walls like Lickilicky
- Entry hazards work well w/ Ludi, as they help it gain several KOs against certain mons, such as Alomomola (OHKO w/ Giga Drain after SR) and Roselia (2HKO by Ice Beam after SR+1 layer of Spikes)
- Offensive Seismitoad is a good partner, as the two form a powerful offensive core w/ Swift Swim
- Spikers such as Scolipede, Garbodor and Roselia benefit Ludicolo in multiple ways, as they can both set up hazards and absorb Toxic Spikes which are a massive pain to Ludi
- Ludi works well on dedicated rain teams so it doesn’t always have to set up rain itself/it can benefit its teammates as well
- Rain Dance Rotom-S is a good partner w/ the ability to summon rain/beat Roselia and Mantine, two Pokes Ludi struggles with
- In return, Ludi can easily beat Ground-types that Rotom struggles with
- Volbeat is another good partner w/ Prankster Rain Dance and a relatively slow U-turn to make sure it gets in safely
- Modest nature is preferred as it gives Ludi the power needed to break through most special walls, most notably Lickilicky
- Timid nature can be used to outspeed +1 base 100s and higher, but this is somewhat situational and Ludi generally needs the extra power more
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Synthesis
move 4: Leech Seed
item: Leftovers
ability: Rain Dish
nature: Calm
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
- Focuses more on Ludi's defensive capabilities (80/100 special bulk, Water/Grass typing, Rain Dish)
- Typing and bulk allows it to take on threats like Gorebyss, Samurott w/o Megahorn, Seismitoad, and opposing Ludicolo as well as Eelektross, Rotom-F, and Jynx
- Scald is a good Water STAB w/ a potential burn chance, patching up Ludi's lackluster Defense
- Giga Drain is a reliable Grass STAB that also heals you in the process; hits many rain sweepers (Gorebyss, Seismitoad) hard
- Synthesis is Ludi's most reliable form of recovery/is great for stalling out special attackers
- Leech Seed aids this further/racks up residual damage on the opponent, works in conjunction w/ Giga Drain + Synthesis recovery
- Has a few other options it can utilize, such as Toxic, Ice Beam and Protect
- Toxic allows you to beat opposing Ludicolo (standard mostly forces a stalemate)
- Ice Beam lets you hit Grass/Dragons, who could otherwise turn you into setup fodder
- Protect allows you to scout/gain extra Lefties recovery
- Ground-types, such as Golem, have good type synergy and can set up SR to whittle down the opposing team
- Garbodor is also a good teammate w/ good synergy/the ability to set up Spikes/Toxic Spikes
- Still loses to certain rain sweepers such as Mantine/Swanna, so an Electric-type is recommended to beat them
- Works best on balance/stall teams looking for a good rain counter, but is fairly niche
- Despite the fact that it has Rain Dish, it's best not to use it on rain teams as they are generally offensive/this set slows down momentum
- Swords Dance can surprise many special walls, but requires far too much setup to be effective and is easily walled
- It does have a rather expansive physical movepool, but doesn’t have the Attack stat to back it up
- Can use Sunny Day to abuse SolarBeam and Synthesis better, but Ludi works better in the rain b/c of Swift Swim
- Focus Blast can deal a lot of damage to Normal-types, but in the rain Hydro Pump does even more
- Substitute can block status/ease prediction, but Ludi does not have the room for it
- Ludi’s best options have already been covered; if you’re not using one of the above sets, you shouldn’t be using it at all
- Ironically, bulky Ludicolo is a great counter for offensive sets thanks to its typing
- Mantine makes for an excellent counter, as it is immune to Hydro Pump, tanks Giga Drain and Ice Beam with ease and 2HKOes w/ Air Slash
- Roselia counters Ludi fairly well and kills a slightly weakened one easily w/ Sludge Bomb, but cannot switch into Ice Beam stacked w/ hazard damage
- SpD Braviary can even take rain-boosted Hydro Pump at full health and OHKO w/ Brave Bird, but recoil will most likely cause it to kill itself as well
- Jynx is a decent check w/ Dry Skin, but is only 2HKOed by Giga Drain and loses if Sleep Clause is active
- Fast Scarfers such as Zebstrika, Charizard or Tauros can revenge it even in rain, but none can KO it w/o prior damage
- Priority can revenge a weakened one, examples being Kangaskhan’s Fake Out/Sucker Punch combo/Gurdurr’s Mach Punch
- Toxic Spikes are very effective at wearing down Ludi, limiting its sweeping/walling capabilities
- Best way to keep it in check is to prevent it from setting up rain
- W/o rain, it is much slower and much easier to deal with
<p>Ludicolo’s big grin and happy dance aren’t just for show; it is one of the most powerful rain sweepers in NU. Give it a single chance to switch in, a single turn to set up, and it can shred entire teams to pieces within seconds. Its unique Water/Grass typing only benefits this, giving it excellent coverage with it STABs alone as well as granting it several handy resistances. It also has an impressive Special Defense to work with, letting it take a more supportive role instead. In addition, Ludicolo does not require excessive team support to function, having every tool it needs to sweep or wall right under its belt. Not all is well for the Mexican pineapple, though; the metagame is more offensive than ever, with the prevalence of threats like Scolipede making it harder for Ludicolo to come in and set up. Nonetheless, while it may not be as dominant as it once was, it’s still just as powerful, and stands its ground as a true threat in NU.</p>
name: Rain Dance
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: Hydro Pump
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Ice Beam
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
<p>This is Ludicolo’s signature sweeping set, largely unchanged from the transition to BW2. Rain Dance turns Ludicolo into an absolute offensive monster, doubling its Speed and giving its Water STAB an enormous power boost all in a single turn. Hydro Pump is Ludicolo’s Water STAB of choice, hitting like an absolute truck with a high 120 Base Power and boost from rain. Giga Drain is Ludicolo’s best Grass STAB, punishing bulky Waters as well as healing Ludicolo in the process. Finally, Ice Beam provides much-needed coverage against Grass- and Dragon-types, as well as attaining near-perfect neutral coverage across the metagame.</p>
<p>Surf is an alternative to Hydro Pump if accuracy is a problem, but Ludicolo loses out on the ability to break through special walls like Lickilicky. Entry hazards work well with Ludicolo, allowing it to net several KOs against certain Pokemon—Alomomola, for example, is OHKOed by Giga Drain after Stealth Rock. Additionally, Roselia is 2HKOed by Ice Beam after Stealth Rock and one layer of Spikes. Offensive Seismitoad is a good partner for setting up Stealth Rock, as it forms a powerful offensive core with Swift Swim. Spikes users, such as Scolipede, Garbodor and Roselia, also pair well with Ludicolo—not only do they set up entry hazards, but they absorb Toxic Spikes as well which are a massive pain to Ludicolo. Ludicolo performs quite well on dedicated rain teams; not only can it rely on its teammates to set up rain for it, but can benefit its teammates right back with its own manual rain. On that note, Rain Dance Rotom-S is a good partner for summoning rain as it beats Mantine and Roselia, two Pokemon Ludicolo tends to struggle against. In return, Ludicolo can make quick work of Ground-types that give Rotom-S trouble. Volbeat is another good partner with Prankster Rain Dance, near ensuring rain is set up, and has a relatively slow U-turn to make sure Ludicolo gets in safely. Finally, a Modest nature is preferred as it lets Ludicolo break down most special walls, most notably Lickilicky. Timid can be used to let Ludicolo outspeed +1 base 100s and higher in the rain, but this is somewhat situational and Ludicolo generally needs the extra power more.</p>
name: Specially Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Synthesis
move 4: Leech Seed
item: Leftovers
ability: Rain Dish
nature: Calm
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
<p>This set focuses more on Ludicolo’s defensive capabilities, namely its 80/100 special bulk and Water/Grass typing, to become one of the best counters to various special attackers in the tier available. Courtesy of its unique defensive attributes, Ludicolo can take on threats such as Gorebyss, Samurott lacking Megahorn, Seismitoad and opposing Ludicolo with ease and manages to hold its own against Eelektross, Rotom-F and Jynx as well. Scald is a relatively strong Water-type STAB with a potential burn, which is great for patching up Ludicolo’s lackluster Defense. Giga Drain is a reliable Grass-type that also heals Ludicolo in the process, and hits many top threats like Samurott, Seismitoad and Gorebyss hard. Synthesis is Ludicolo’s most reliable form of recovery, and works great for stalling out special attackers. Finally, Leech Seed really helps for racking up residual damage against the opponent, and heals Ludicolo as well, working in conjunction with Giga Drain and Synthesis recovery.</p>
<p>Ludicolo has a few moves it can utilize, including Toxic, Ice Beam and Protect. Toxic is useful for wearing down opponents similarly to Leech Seed, but comes with the added benefit of hitting Grass-types. In a similar vein, Ice Beam provides coverage against said Grass-types, as well as Dragon-types both of which would otherwise turn Ludicolo into setup fodder. Finally, Protect allows Ludicolo to scout for the opponent’s next move and gain a potentially crucial extra Leftovers recovery. Because this set forces a lot of switches, entry hazards are recommended to abuse that. Ground-types make good choices to set up Stealth Rock, as they share good type synergy with it. As for Spikes users, Garbodor works well with good type synergy, and can set up Toxic Spikes as well which works fantastically with Ludicolo’s ability to stall. Finally, an Electric-type makes for a good partner to beat Mantine and Swanna, two Water-types in NU that Ludicolo loses to. This Ludicolo works best on stall or balanced teams looking for a good rain counter, but is fairly a niche Pokemon and can’t just fit onto any team. This is highly due to the offensive nature of most teams in NU, and this set can really slow down momentum.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Swords Dance can come as a big surprise to many special walls, but requires far too much setup to be effective and is not advised. It does have a rather expansive physical movepool, but does not have the Attack to back it up and is easily walled. Ludicolo can use Sunny Day to abuse SolarBeam and Synthesis better, but is a far better sweeper in rain due to Swift Swim. Focus Blast can be used to hit Normal-types hard, but is not very necessary as Hydro Pump in the rain hits even harder than Focus Blast. Substitute is a viable option to block status and ease prediction, but Ludicolo does not have the room for it. Damp Rock can be used on the Rain Dance set to extend rain turns, but the extra power from Life Orb is far more important. Ludicolo’s best options have already been listed; if you aren’t using one of the above sets, you shouldn’t be using it at all.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
Ironically, bulky Ludicolo is actually a great counter to offensive variants, as bulky Ludicolo can easily stall the latter out of rain turns. Aside from that, Mantine is an excellent counter as it is immune to Hydro Pump, can comfortably tank Giga Drain and Ice Beam with its titanic Special Defense, and 2HKO with Air Slash. Roselia counters Ludicolo fairly well and can KO a slightly weakened one with Sludge Bomb, but cannot switch directly into Ice Beam stacked with hazard damage. Specially defensive Braviary can even tank a rain-boosted Hydro Pump at full health and OHKO with Brave Bird, but the recoil will most likely cause it to kill itself in the process. Jynx is a shaky check thanks to Dry Skin; however, it is 2HKOed by Giga Drain and loses if Sleep Clause is active. Fast Choice Scarf users, such as Zebstrika, Charizard and Tauros, can revenge kill it even in the rain, but none can do it without prior damage. Priority can also revenge a weakened one, examples being Kangaskhan’s Fake Out/Sucker Punch combination and Gurdurr’s Mach Punch. Toxic Spikes are also very effective at wearing down Ludicolo, limiting its sweeping and walling capabilities. However, the best way to keep Ludicolo in check is to prevent it from setting up rain, as without rain Ludicolo is much slower and much easier to deal with.</p>