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Slowking (Offensive Trick Room)


lurks in the shadows
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name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarily to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late-game cleaner while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams&mdash;a very dominant playstyle&mdash;as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and proceed to put pressure on the opposition. Surf is Slowking's main STAB move; it is quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO / 2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a Life Orb number, with Special Attack maximized and the rest of the EVs thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more; these moves would also provide Slowking a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up; Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful to facilitate Slowking's sweep, allowing it to OHKO Pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with Surf. It is in no way mandatory, however, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and gives any team an advantage against offensive rain teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as it allows Slowking to obtain many more OHKOs. Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can provide Stealth Rock (or Spikes in Ferrothorn's case), and assist Slowking against Pokemon that give it issues.</p>
Nasty Plot might be worth an AC mention - it's difficult to totally set up but it can totally wreck things, kind of like TR+Nasty Plot Cofagrigus. Picking coverage is a bit more difficult though.
This set looks pretty promising, so I'll test it out later. And it sorta makes me wonder why Slowbro doesn't have a similar set.

...actually, assuming Slowbro did have one, I'd like some reasons on Slowking.
Maybe because Slowbro is 2HKO'd by Keldeo and OHKO'd by Tornadus-T after hazards? Slowking is much better versus Rain threats due to them being more Specially-oriented, it can even tank a Volt Switch.
Exactly what Bri said. Slowking's strong point is fairing very good against Rain offense, which is mainly specially based.
Hey, alexwolf! Thanks for posting this cool set! Mention Leftovers along with Nasty Plot in AC. I've found Nasty Plot doesn't need the power as much from Life Orb, and Leftovers give it much more survivability.

Make these the main sets EV's:

EVs: 232 HP / 252 SAtk / 24 SDef

They give you a Life Orb number, and the rest is just thrown in Special Defense to tank Surf's and and the likes a little better. Cool set!


AC mention Leftovers with Nasty Plot - makes it much easier to grab that NP boost without biting the dust prematurely.

EDIT: Yep, Furai's right - plz add ability: Regnerator
I think you need to add the ability tag, as I assume the preferred one is Regenrator, and Slowking has more than one ability he can use (three, to be exact)
Furai has the eye of a tiger.

By the way, mention that NP should be used instead of a coverage move, not a STAB most of the time.
Amateur check :) Additions and spelling/grammatical changes are in blue, omissions are in red and comments are in green.

name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. With a role similar to Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late game cleaner (remove comma) while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks through the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain offense teams, a very dominant popular playstyle, as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as choiced Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and from there proceed to threaten the opposition (trying to avoid using 'threat' too many times) set up or attack. Surf is the main STAB move, which becomes quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon-(remove comma) and Grass-types that resist Surf. , while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows gives Slowking an easier time with to OHKO-2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a LO number, Special Attack is maximised, and the rest of the EVs are thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain(remove comma) and hurt Steel-types more, as well as have a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (remove comma) (preferably in the fourth slot usually)(remove comma) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost and with when Stealth Rock is in play, and in general break walls better. When using Nasty Plot, (add comma) Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up and Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power that Slowking suffers when without a Life Orb. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful and allows facilitates Slowking's to sweep better, buffing its main STAB move and allowing it to OHKO pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory. It is in no way mandatory though, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and still gives to any team an advantage against rain offense teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of having very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as Slowking gets a ton of OHKOes with it; Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can beat the Pokemon that wall Slowking, provide Stealth Rock and Spikes in Ferrothorn's case, and have good defensive synergy with it.</p>
Well, now it looks like i'm stalking you to anyone observant enough to notice. But i have the checking fever and all that jazz. Red Delete, Green Add, Comments At the end, Random Capitals Right here.

Pretty good overall. (As a reference, the official GP checking dropbox overloads if there's too many mistakes. I difference checked the entire thing and that didn't happen, so nice on that.)

It appears i have told you to put in a comma that someone else told you to remove, in the first paragraph. I guess let a GP checker decide?
name: Offensive Trick Room¶
move 1: Trick Room¶
move 2: Surf¶
move 3: Psyshock ¶
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball¶
item: Life Orb¶
ability: Regenerator¶
nature: Quiet¶
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD¶


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarily to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late game cleaner, while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams, a very dominant playstyle, as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as choiced Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and from there proceed to pressure the opposition from there. Surf is the main STAB move, which becomes quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO-/2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>¶


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a LO number, with Special Attack is maximised, and the rest of the EVs are thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more, as well as have a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferrably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and in general break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up, and Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power when without a Life Orb. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>¶

<p>Rain support is very helpful and facilitates Slowking's sweep, buffing its main STAB move and allowing it to OHKO pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with a buffed Surf. It is in no way mandatory though, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and still gives any team an advantage against rain offense teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of having very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as Slowking gets a ton of OHKOes with it; Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can beat the Pokemon that wall Slowking, provide Stealth Rock and(Or Spikes, in Ferrothorn's case), andwhile beating the Pokemon that wall Slowking, haveing good defensive synergy with it, or both.</p> ¶

I took out "When without a Life Orb" right after the NP set. I figure most people probably know that not having a Life Orb=less power. And i replaced STAB Move with Surf, since you don't mention any others anyhow. (I guess it could sort of use Scald;not sure if that's even worth mentioning). And at the end it's and or or both, mostly because of Rakion.
name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarily to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late (hyphen)game cleaner while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams, a very dominant playstyle, as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as cChoiced Scarf Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and then proceed to put pressure on the opposition. Surf is the main STAB move, which becomes quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO / 2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a Life Orb number, with Special Attack maximiszed and the rest of the EVs thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more, as well as have a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up, and Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful and facilitates Slowking's sweep, allowing it to OHKO pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with a buffed Surf. It is in no way mandatory though, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and gives any team an advantage against rain offense teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of having very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as Slowking gets a ton of OHKOes with it;. Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can provide Stealth Rock (or Spikes in Ferrothorn's case), while beating the Pokemon that wall Slowking, having good defensive synergy with it, or both.</p>

name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarily to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late(hyphen)game cleaner while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams, a very dominant playstyle, as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and then proceed to put pressure on the opposition. Surf is the main STAB move, which becomes quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO / 2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a Life Orb number, with Special Attack maximized and the rest of the EVs thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more, as well as have a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up, and Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful and facilitates Slowking's sweep, allowing it to OHKO pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with a buffed Surf. It is in no way mandatory though, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and gives any team an advantage against rain offense teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of having very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as Slowking gets a ton of OHKOes with it. Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can provide Stealth Rock (or Spikes in Ferrothorn's case), while beating the Pokemon that wall Slowking, having good defensive synergy with it, or both.</p>

name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarily to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late-game cleaner while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams, &mdash;a very dominant playstyle, &mdash;as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and then proceed to put pressure on the opposition. Surf is theSlowking's main STAB move, which become; it is quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO / 2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a Life Orb number, with Special Attack maximized and the rest of the EVs thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more, a; these moves well as havould also provide Slowking a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up, and; Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful andto facilitates Slowking's sweep, allowing it to OHKO pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with a buffed Surf. It is in no way mandatory, thoughwever, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and gives any team an advantage against rain offensive rain teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of having very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as it allows Slowking gets a ton ofto obtain many more OHKOes with it. Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can provide Stealth Rock (or Spikes in Ferrothorn's case), while beat and assist Slowking againsthe Pokemon that wall Slowking, having good defensive synergy with it, or bothssues.</p>
name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarly to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late-game cleaner while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams&mdash;a very dominant playstyle&mdash;as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and proceed to put pressure on the opposition. Surf is Slowking's main STAB move; it is quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO / 2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a Life Orb number, with Special Attack maximized and the rest of the EVs thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more; these moves would also provide Slowking a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up; Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful to facilitates Slowking's sweep, allowing it to OHKO pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with Surf. It is in no way mandatory, however, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and gives any team an advantage against offensive rain teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as it allows Slowking to obtain many more OHKOs. Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can provide Stealth Rock (or Spikes in Ferrothorn's case) and assist Slowking against Pokemon that give it issues.</p>
name: Offensive Trick Room
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Surf
move 3: Psyshock
move 4: Ice Beam / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb
ability: Regenerator
nature: Quiet
evs: 232 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>With its abysmal Speed stat, usable Special Attack, good bulk, and great coverage, Slowking is a natural candidate for an offensive Trick Room set. Similarily to Trick Room Reuniclus, this Slowking acts as a late-game cleaner while also being a useful pivot for taking special attacks throughout the entire game, thanks to Regenerator. However, this set's real strength lies in its ability to greatly threaten offensive rain teams, &mdash;a very dominant playstyle, &mdash;as well as act as an amazing Keldeo check. Slowking can easily switch into Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Politoed, offensive Starmie, and Keldeo, and then proceed to put pressure on the opposition. Surf is theSlowking's main STAB move, which become; it is quite powerful under rain, OHKOing most offensive Pokemon neutral to it. Psyshock covers many threats that don't mind Surf, such as Tentacruel, Keldeo, Toxicroak, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Dragon- and Grass-types that resist Surf, while Shadow Ball still takes care of some Dragon- and Grass-types, namely Latios, Latias, and Celebi, but also allows Slowking to OHKO / 2HKO Jellicent and Starmie.</p>


<p>The HP EVs give Slowking a Life Orb number, with Special Attack maximized and the rest of the EVs thrown into Special Defense. Slowking has access to Fire Blast and Flamethrower, so it can use either of them to get past Ferrothorn outside of rain and hurt Steel-types more, a; these moves well as havould also provide Slowking a pseudo-STAB move in sun. Nasty Plot can also be used (preferably in the fourth slot) to enable Slowking to OHKO Blissey after a boost with Stealth Rock in play, and break walls better in general. When using Nasty Plot, Leftovers is a fine alternative to Life Orb, as the extra survivability eases set-up, and; Nasty Plot more than makes up for the lack of power. Finally, Psychic deals more damage to defensive Politoed, Cloyster, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr, so it is an option for any team that has problems with those Pokemon.</p>

<p>Rain support is very helpful andto facilitate Slowking's sweep, allowing it to OHKO Pokemon such as Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory with a buffed Surf. It is in no way mandatory, thoughwever, as Slowking can still clean up effectively even without rain and gives any team an advantage against rain offensive rain teams. Magnezone is a good partner solely for its ability to remove one of Slowking's biggest obstacles, Ferrothorn, and has the added bonus of having very good defensive synergy with Slowking. Gothitelle is another appreciated teammate, as it is able to cripple or KO Chansey, Blissey, Gastrodon, Celebi, and Ferrothorn, making it much easier for Slowking to sweep. Lastly, Stealth Rock support is a must, as it allows Slowking gets a ton ofto obtain many more OHKOes with it. Ferrothorn, Celebi, Terrakion, and Heatran are all excellent partners that can provide Stealth Rock (or Spikes in Ferrothorn's case), while beat and assist Slowking againsthe Pokemon that wall Slowking, having good defensive synergy with it, or bothssues.</p>

i made a couple edits in the last paragraph
