Hello everyone, I hereby present my first RMT. This is a team that I have used extensively in the early BW2, before the arrival of Garchomp in the tier.It is one of my favorite teams and I have had a lot of success with it, winning the #pokemon tournament for example, which is why I present today. I hope you enjoy :d
I started with the idea of the Landorus + Stoutland- core, because I noticed that most of Stoutland’s checks were lured in and killed by Landorus.
After that I obviously added a Sandstorm inducer to abuse Stoutland's special ability, Sand Rush. Since I prefer semi stall , I decided to run Hippowdon.
I then needed a solid defensive core fitting semi stall. I started to play with Amoongus, Heatran and Jellicent. The core was pretty good and also gave me a spinblocker who was pretty solid.
I noticed I was weak to Entry Hazards so I decided to try defensive Starmie which proved to be a good choice.
Lets take a closer look at the team: (changes will be in bold)
Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers
• Sand Stream
• 252 HP / 36 Def / 216 sdef / 4 Spd
• Impish Nature
• Moveset:
- Earthquake: Strong STAB-move that hits a lot of things hard.
- Ice Fang: Allows Hippowdon to pop Air Balloons, and it hits Flying Types- like Gliscor and Dragonite.
- Slack Off: Allows him to stay healthy throughout the battle.
- Stealth Rock: Essential move for all offensive or defensive teams, "to limit switching".
Why Hippowdon?
I needed Sandstorm for Stoutland, so my choice would therefore involve either or Hippowdon or Tyranitar. Since I didn’t really like the latter, I immediately tried Hippowdon. It's also not trapped by Dugtrio which is extremely useful, especially against Sun Teams.
Spread, item and nature
For the distribution of EV's, I chose a middle ground between the Defensive and Specially Defensive sets. It does not hurt Hippowdon to take Special or Physical Moves, and it can Slack Off the damage. Impish Nature takes hits better on the physical side and Leftovers to regain health every turn for increased longevity.
Heatran @ Leftovers
• Flash Fire
• 252 HP / 216 sdef / 40 Spd
• Calm Nature
• Moveset:
- Lava-Plume: Stab and can get a burn which is always good
- Earth Power: Mainly for other Heatran who otherwise would wall my Heatran
- Protect: Allows you to scout the enemy moves, saving a round sandstorm / toxic or burn when possible and recovers 6% damage with Leftovers
- Toxic: Discourages other Pokemon from using set up moves
Why Heatran?
The first member of Fire Water Grass core. Real counter of Genesect, and it is just great at defending Special Attacks. It allows you to check all Fire Pokemon, and usually Sun Teams without Dugtrio have a hard time beating it.
Spread item and nature
Distribution is easy, I reach 200 speed and allows me to outspeed all defensive Heatran and Pokemon that aim for that benchmark. This also allows me to be able to catch opposing Heatran with Earth Power. The rest is put into HP and SpeDef for obvious reasons of bulk. I use Leftovers to regain 6% per turn and thus prolong its life. Protect and opposing switches make sure Heatran is healthy throughout the game. Calm nature for obvious reasons of special bulk.
Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
• Regenerator
• 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 sdef
• Calm Nature
• Moveset:
- Giga Drain: allows me to attack the opponent and regain a little of my health
- Spore: Puts an enemy asleep which is very advantageous
- Clear Smog: Prevents the opposing Pokemon from setting up. It is also a STAB.
- Stun Spore-: To paralyze a pokemon usually on the switch after using Spore.
Why Amonguss?
Second member of the Water Fire Grass Core, it helps to have a good weapon with which to face rain teams because it is able to take almost all Special Attacks. It also allows me to put opposing Pokemon to sleep. Sleep is always beneficial, and Amoongus can paralyze other Pokemon to facilitate my switches. Amoongus is a perfect check to Breloom and Water Pokemon.
Spread item and nature
EV distribution allows me to take as much damage on the specially defensive side. 40 Defense EVs allow me to take a little more physical beating and mainly Psyshock of Starmie that often comes when they think they will OHKO me. Leftovers to regain my life (or not losing is when there is SandStorm). A Calm nature to better take special moves (mainly water types).
Another option: Roserade with Spikes could play the same role as it, Spikes are great for my team but it is less bulky.
Starmie @ Leftovers
• Natural Cure
• 136 HP / 64 Def / 56 SAtk / 252 Spd
• Timid Nature
• Moveset:
- Scald: It never burns!
- Psyshock: Stab, lets get rid of fighting or even gengar
- Recover: For longevity
- Rapid Spin: removes the Hazards that my opponent set up
Why Starmie?
I really need a spinner, after playing Jellicent for a long time, the stall team were horrible to face if they managed to put all their hazards. So I opted for Starmie, and he completed the FWG core more.
Spread, item and nature
For EV distribution, it's pretty simple, I do not like not being max speed with him. Whenever I tested, I always regretted less speed. Distribution allows me to take hits relatively well and weak priority moves. 56 SpAtk EVs to hit the relatively stronger Fighting Pokes like Conkeldurr that upset me. Timid nature to be the fastest possible.
Landorus @ Life Orb
• Sheer Force
• 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
• Timid Nature
• Moveset:
- U-turn: To keep the momentum against the teams presenting checks as Rotom or Latias Celebi.
- Earth Power: STAB mandatory, surprises physicall stallers such as Forretress.
- Focus Blast: For the coverave, can make good damage to Skarmory or Bliss / Chansey.
- Hidden Power [Ice]: Another option that covers Gliscor, Dragonite.
Why Landorus?
It is the perfect partner for Stoutland because it lures the majority of stallers thanks to it usually having a physical movepool. It does well against Bulkys Offense by OHKO/2HKOing a large portion of the metagame. He enjoys SR to KO Stoutland checks.
Spread, item and nature
The simple 252/252 to enter the strongest possible as soon as possible. LO with Sheer Force, since Earth Power and Focus Blast won't damage Landorus.
Another option: Rock Polish over U-Turn
White Fang (Stoutland) @ Choice Band
• Sand Rush
• 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
• Adamant Nature
• Moveset:
- Return: STAB and it can finish the opposing team effectively. "I do not give a fuck" button
- Pursuit: Used to weaken or finish some threats on a switch, such as Starmie or Gengar.
- Wild Charge: Basically for SKarmory especially if I am not able to get rid of it with Landorus
- Superpower: Used against Steel / Rock types if Landorus has not completed its sweep out, another coverage move.
Why Stoutland?
Being faster than other Pokemon is really important in a metagame as offensive as BW2. With the decline in use Scizor, Stoutland is back stronger than BW1, with a range of new threats to revenge kill. It obviously benefits the work of Landorus, which successfully eliminates physical walls. This is a late-game sweeper. He’s really strong, look at the calculations below.
Spread, item and nature
Choice Band to hit as hard as possible, Adamant to hit harder and EV distribution to hit as hard as possible and the fastest too. Not much to explain again.
The last words
Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it. I'd like to thanks everyone who helped me with this RMT. A big thanks to Delko / undisputed and Steven Snype who helped me with grammar check.
Hello everyone, I hereby present my first RMT. This is a team that I have used extensively in the early BW2, before the arrival of Garchomp in the tier.It is one of my favorite teams and I have had a lot of success with it, winning the #pokemon tournament for example, which is why I present today. I hope you enjoy :d
I started with the idea of the Landorus + Stoutland- core, because I noticed that most of Stoutland’s checks were lured in and killed by Landorus.
After that I obviously added a Sandstorm inducer to abuse Stoutland's special ability, Sand Rush. Since I prefer semi stall , I decided to run Hippowdon.
I then needed a solid defensive core fitting semi stall. I started to play with Amoongus, Heatran and Jellicent. The core was pretty good and also gave me a spinblocker who was pretty solid.
I noticed I was weak to Entry Hazards so I decided to try defensive Starmie which proved to be a good choice.
Lets take a closer look at the team: (changes will be in bold)
Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers
• Sand Stream
• 252 HP / 36 Def / 216 sdef / 4 Spd
• Impish Nature
• Moveset:
- Earthquake: Strong STAB-move that hits a lot of things hard.
- Ice Fang: Allows Hippowdon to pop Air Balloons, and it hits Flying Types- like Gliscor and Dragonite.
- Slack Off: Allows him to stay healthy throughout the battle.
- Stealth Rock: Essential move for all offensive or defensive teams, "to limit switching".
Why Hippowdon?
I needed Sandstorm for Stoutland, so my choice would therefore involve either or Hippowdon or Tyranitar. Since I didn’t really like the latter, I immediately tried Hippowdon. It's also not trapped by Dugtrio which is extremely useful, especially against Sun Teams.
Spread, item and nature
For the distribution of EV's, I chose a middle ground between the Defensive and Specially Defensive sets. It does not hurt Hippowdon to take Special or Physical Moves, and it can Slack Off the damage. Impish Nature takes hits better on the physical side and Leftovers to regain health every turn for increased longevity.
Heatran @ Leftovers
• Flash Fire
• 252 HP / 216 sdef / 40 Spd
• Calm Nature
• Moveset:
- Lava-Plume: Stab and can get a burn which is always good
- Earth Power: Mainly for other Heatran who otherwise would wall my Heatran
- Protect: Allows you to scout the enemy moves, saving a round sandstorm / toxic or burn when possible and recovers 6% damage with Leftovers
- Toxic: Discourages other Pokemon from using set up moves
Why Heatran?
The first member of Fire Water Grass core. Real counter of Genesect, and it is just great at defending Special Attacks. It allows you to check all Fire Pokemon, and usually Sun Teams without Dugtrio have a hard time beating it.
Spread item and nature
Distribution is easy, I reach 200 speed and allows me to outspeed all defensive Heatran and Pokemon that aim for that benchmark. This also allows me to be able to catch opposing Heatran with Earth Power. The rest is put into HP and SpeDef for obvious reasons of bulk. I use Leftovers to regain 6% per turn and thus prolong its life. Protect and opposing switches make sure Heatran is healthy throughout the game. Calm nature for obvious reasons of special bulk.
Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
• Regenerator
• 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 sdef
• Calm Nature
• Moveset:
- Giga Drain: allows me to attack the opponent and regain a little of my health
- Spore: Puts an enemy asleep which is very advantageous
- Clear Smog: Prevents the opposing Pokemon from setting up. It is also a STAB.
- Stun Spore-: To paralyze a pokemon usually on the switch after using Spore.
Why Amonguss?
Second member of the Water Fire Grass Core, it helps to have a good weapon with which to face rain teams because it is able to take almost all Special Attacks. It also allows me to put opposing Pokemon to sleep. Sleep is always beneficial, and Amoongus can paralyze other Pokemon to facilitate my switches. Amoongus is a perfect check to Breloom and Water Pokemon.
Spread item and nature
EV distribution allows me to take as much damage on the specially defensive side. 40 Defense EVs allow me to take a little more physical beating and mainly Psyshock of Starmie that often comes when they think they will OHKO me. Leftovers to regain my life (or not losing is when there is SandStorm). A Calm nature to better take special moves (mainly water types).
Another option: Roserade with Spikes could play the same role as it, Spikes are great for my team but it is less bulky.
Starmie @ Leftovers
• Natural Cure
• 136 HP / 64 Def / 56 SAtk / 252 Spd
• Timid Nature
• Moveset:
- Scald: It never burns!
- Psyshock: Stab, lets get rid of fighting or even gengar
- Recover: For longevity
- Rapid Spin: removes the Hazards that my opponent set up
Why Starmie?
I really need a spinner, after playing Jellicent for a long time, the stall team were horrible to face if they managed to put all their hazards. So I opted for Starmie, and he completed the FWG core more.
Spread, item and nature
For EV distribution, it's pretty simple, I do not like not being max speed with him. Whenever I tested, I always regretted less speed. Distribution allows me to take hits relatively well and weak priority moves. 56 SpAtk EVs to hit the relatively stronger Fighting Pokes like Conkeldurr that upset me. Timid nature to be the fastest possible.
Landorus @ Life Orb
• Sheer Force
• 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
• Timid Nature
• Moveset:
- U-turn: To keep the momentum against the teams presenting checks as Rotom or Latias Celebi.
- Earth Power: STAB mandatory, surprises physicall stallers such as Forretress.
- Focus Blast: For the coverave, can make good damage to Skarmory or Bliss / Chansey.
- Hidden Power [Ice]: Another option that covers Gliscor, Dragonite.
Why Landorus?
It is the perfect partner for Stoutland because it lures the majority of stallers thanks to it usually having a physical movepool. It does well against Bulkys Offense by OHKO/2HKOing a large portion of the metagame. He enjoys SR to KO Stoutland checks.
Spread, item and nature
The simple 252/252 to enter the strongest possible as soon as possible. LO with Sheer Force, since Earth Power and Focus Blast won't damage Landorus.
Another option: Rock Polish over U-Turn
White Fang (Stoutland) @ Choice Band
• Sand Rush
• 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
• Adamant Nature
• Moveset:
- Return: STAB and it can finish the opposing team effectively. "I do not give a fuck" button
- Pursuit: Used to weaken or finish some threats on a switch, such as Starmie or Gengar.
- Wild Charge: Basically for SKarmory especially if I am not able to get rid of it with Landorus
- Superpower: Used against Steel / Rock types if Landorus has not completed its sweep out, another coverage move.
Why Stoutland?
Being faster than other Pokemon is really important in a metagame as offensive as BW2. With the decline in use Scizor, Stoutland is back stronger than BW1, with a range of new threats to revenge kill. It obviously benefits the work of Landorus, which successfully eliminates physical walls. This is a late-game sweeper. He’s really strong, look at the calculations below.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 0HP/0Def Leftovers Volt Absorb Thundurus Therian (Neutral): 102% - 120% (306 - 361 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Keldeo (Neutral): 77% - 91% (250 - 295 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return vs 4HP/0Def Tornadus Therian (Neutral): 92% - 108% (276 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 51% chance to OHKO.(100% OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Salamence (Neutral): 83% - 97% (276 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. (Clean OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Starmie (Neutral): 100% - 117% (262 - 309 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Tentacruel (+Def): 58% - 69% (214 - 253 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Leftovers Landorus (Neutral): 78% - 92% (250 - 295 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. (Possible OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band -1 Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 252HP/0Def Leftovers Landorus Therian (Neutral): 43% - 51% (166 - 196 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. (High chance to 2HKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 252HP/0Def Leftovers Levitate Latios (Neutral): 75% - 89% (276 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. (Possible OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Keldeo (Neutral): 77% - 91% (250 - 295 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return vs 4HP/0Def Tornadus Therian (Neutral): 92% - 108% (276 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 51% chance to OHKO.(100% OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Salamence (Neutral): 83% - 97% (276 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. (Clean OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Starmie (Neutral): 100% - 117% (262 - 309 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 252HP/252Def Leftovers Tentacruel (+Def): 58% - 69% (214 - 253 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 4HP/0Def Leftovers Landorus (Neutral): 78% - 92% (250 - 295 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. (Possible OHKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band -1 Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 252HP/0Def Leftovers Landorus Therian (Neutral): 43% - 51% (166 - 196 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. (High chance to 2HKO with Rocs)
252Atk Choice Band Stoutland (+Atk) Return in Sandstorm vs 252HP/0Def Leftovers Levitate Latios (Neutral): 75% - 89% (276 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. (Possible OHKO with Rocs)
Spread, item and nature
Choice Band to hit as hard as possible, Adamant to hit harder and EV distribution to hit as hard as possible and the fastest too. Not much to explain again.
The last words
Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it. I'd like to thanks everyone who helped me with this RMT. A big thanks to Delko / undisputed and Steven Snype who helped me with grammar check.