BW UU Strobe


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Hello Smogon, today I'm presenting to you one of my more recent teams. This is the team I used during the UU Open (even though I got haxed out really early...) and my favorite one to use for fun matches and whenever I get the chance to ladder a bit. It's also quite popular among a few of my friends who managed to make it far into the UU Open--including McMeghan who ended up winning the entire thing. Funnily enough, the only game this team lost was when I played with it. Anyway, I'm mostly posting this because a few of them insisted I do so, so yeah.

15:10 Eo you should mention
15:10 Eo that I went undefeated
15:10 Eo with that team
15:10 Eo xD
15:10 Eo (and lost with my team -_-)

The team was designed to work in the pre-October drops metagame and is really just balance with a splash of offense. It's geared towards achieving a late-game Swords Dance Heracross sweep, although that doesn't necessarily mean games always end that way. It heavily relies on defensive synergies between the team members to stay afloat, so if you decide to try it out, don't recklessly sacrifice team members (or their HP) and make sure you Roost and Slack Off as often as you need to. That's really all there is to it; anything else you need to know should become evident once you read the rest of the thread (which is nowhere near as tl;dr as the introduction, I swear). The name of the team was picked while I was driving home from work one day and realized just how amazing the song really is. So with that, I present to you: Strobe.​

In Detail



  • Item: Black Sludge
  • Trait: Infiltrator
  • EVs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 4 SpD / 144 Spe
  • Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -Atk)
    - Brave Bird
    - Taunt
    - Roost
    - U-turn

  • Why this pokemon?

    To be honest, there's really not reason not to use Crobat in the current metagame. Not only does it perform absolutely brilliantly versus the plethora of Fighting-types in the tier, it also keeps a ton of other dangerous things in check--think Shaymin, Roserade, and Yanmega, for example. The EVs might look complicated but they're really just the standard on-site EVs with a small tweak that lets it hit a Leftovers number in HP and get the jump on other standard Crobat spreads. The moves are also standard issue: Brave Bird for STAB and reliable damage, Taunt to prevent set-up and break Stall, Roost for longevity, and U-turn to keep momentum on my side. I'm using Infiltrator over Inner Focus because this team is geared more towards tournament matches, where people don't suck enough to use Ambipom or Fake Out on Mienshao. There's really not much else to say about Crobat other than it rules.

  • Possible Changes:

    - Inner Focus should be used over Infiltrator if you're going to use this team on the ladder.

    - Toxic can be used over U-turn to cripple some of Crobat's typical switch-ins, especially Rhyperior, whose Choice Band set is one of this team's notable weaknesses.



  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Solid Rock
  • EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 SpD
  • Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
    - Earthquake
    - Rock Blast
    - Stealth Rock
    - Dragon Tail

  • Why this pokemon?

    If you don't have a solid Raikou counter in UU, you're, well... fucked, and that's where specially defensive Rhyperior comes in. With this EV spread, Rhyperior actually becomes specially bulky enough to tank a Hidden Power Grass from Life Orb Zapdos; not that it needs to often since Snorlax does pretty well against it, but it gives you an idea of how bulky this fucker is. Earthquake is obviously the strong reliable STAB here, which just happens to have great coverage with Rhyperior's secondary STAB. Speaking of which, I like Rock Blast over Stone Edge in BW because its just strong and reliable enough to be used and just so happens to shit on SubRoost Zapdos. Definitely the best Rhyperior build in the current metagame and one of the most invaluable Pokemon on this team.

  • Possible Changes:

    - Dragon Tail can be a couple other things without much consequence. Toxic cripples switch-ins like Slowbro, Claydol, and Gligar while Megahorn severely dents the former two. Don't be tempted to use Ice Punch, it won't even 2HKO Gligar as it Roosts in your face.



  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Guts
  • EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  • Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
    - Megahorn
    - Close Combat
    - Swords Dance
    - Stone Edge

  • Why this pokemon?

    I'm not sure why, but this has become one of my favorite things to use at the moment. Not only does it absolutely wreck any and all defensive teams lacking the very niche Aerial Ace Gligar, but when used in conjunction with paralysis support it can cause some serious problems to more offensive teams as well. Another nice perk of this set is that people just don't expect it anymore (neither the fact that its a Swords Dance variant nor the fact that it uses Guts), so it gets plenty of setup opportunities. The EV spread and moveset are standard; they simply maximize offenses and coverage. Leftovers because it gives Heracross longevity against stall and Guts because its not only more useful on Swords Dance sets in general but also because it helps in tanking Scalds and absorbing Will-O-Wisps. Heracross rules.

  • Possible Changes:

    - Leftovers helps a lot, but it isn't absolutely necessary for this set to work. You definitely don't want to run a status or Life Orb on it, though, or else it will lose that all-important longevity Heracross needs to break stall.

    - Jolly is also okay if you don't mind missing out on a lot of power as it makes sure Heracross is always faster than non-Scarf Chandelure and Togekiss.



  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Regenerator
  • EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
  • Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spe)
    - Scald
    - Dragon Tail
    - Slack Off
    - Thunder Wave

  • Why this pokemon?

    One of the important things to ask yourself when using Slowking in UU is "why am I using this over Slowbro?" Most of the time the answer is going to be "to deal with Kingdra better" and this team is no exception. Between Dragon Tail and the added special bulk, Kingdra becomes much less of an issue than it would be if Slowbro was in this slot. The small Attack investment ensures Slowking always breaks 0/0 Kingdra's Substitutes with Dragon Tail; which is a great move outside of just dealing with Kingdra, by the way. Scald is obvious; STAB with a nice chance to burn and a good range of coverage. Slack Off is in case Regenerator isn't enough recovery, which is likely due to Slowking's much lower physical bulk not letting it tank things like Life Orb Darmanitan nearly as well as its cousin does. Thunder Wave rounds out the set by supporting the team and easing a Heracross sweep late-game.

  • Possible Changes:

    - Not on this guy. I guess you can run Slowbro if you don't mind being a bit weaker to Kingdra.



  • Item: Choice Band
  • Trait: Thick Fat
  • EVs: 252 Atk / 244 SpD / 12 Spe
  • Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
    - Return
    - Crunch
    - Pursuit
    - Earthquake

  • Why this pokemon?

    Mostly because Chandelure exists, but to be honest, BandLax is a really cool Pokemon to use. The main issue with this set is that it sometimes fails to beat Choice Specs Chandelure (gets 2HKO'd by Hidden Power Fighting), but I'd rather be forced to play better and double switch into it than use a weaker Snorlax that'll either be stall-bait or just suck. The EVs simply maximize Attack, give it enough Speed to beat most opposing Snorlax and Slowbro, and maximize Special Defense after that. My reasons for picking these three offensive moves should be obvious: Return for consistent STAB damage, Crunch is mainly to damage Cofagrigus, Pursuit to make sure Chandelure dies, and Earthquake for general coverage on things like Rhyperior. This thing's a boss.

  • Possible Changes:

    - Defensive Porygon2 can also go in this slot, as it will actually let you handle Choice Band Flygon, but with people starting to catch on to Flame Body Chandelure being good, it's no longer a reliable way of dealing with it... so pick your poison.



  • Item: Choice Scarf
  • Trait: Regenerator
  • EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  • Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
    - Hi Jump Kick
    - Aerial Ace
    - U-turn
    - Stone Edge

  • Why this pokemon?

    I needed a revenge killer, and between that stupendously powerful Hi Jump Kick, Regenrator, and U-turn, Mienshao was a natural fit. There's two things I really like about having Mienshao as my Choice Scarf user. One is that it outspeeds every other common user of the item in the tier, i.e. is faster than Flygon. The other is the fact that, thanks to Regenerator, it won't die to hazards quickly and can actually afford to miss a Hi Jump Kick. Granted, the imperfect accuracy on its two main killing moves is a big downer, but whatever, I can deal with it. Hi Jump Kick is obviously the move you'll be using to kill things most often, with Stone Edge providing coverage on Pokemon like Zapdos, Chandelure, and Crobat. U-turn helps me keep momentum on my side, and Aerial Ace gives me a nice way to make sure I never get swept by Heracross. Not much else to say about Mienshao here, it's a pretty straightforward set.

  • Possible Changes:

    - Scarf Flygon can also go in this slot, especially since it actually helps a ton with a few of this team's weaknesses (Nidoking and Nidoqueen mostly), but it's a lot weaker and generally "less good" that Mienshao. Although in theory it does fit the team better, so hey, if you're into it, go ahead.

Final Look


Major Threats
Flygon - Unless you're running Porygon2 over Snorlax (and consequentially getting raped by Flame Body Chandelure), chances are that if you run into a Choice Band Flygon, you're gonna lose. Other sets are handled just fine by Slowking.
Cofagrigus - Offensive Trick Room Cofagrigus is a huge problem for this team, since it legitimately has a very hard time stopping it. Basically if you run into one, you're very likely to lose.
Nidoking - If you play smart, you should be able to handle it between Slowking and Snorlax, but it requires heavy prediction, and if your opponent outsmarts you, you'll lose.
Nidoqueen - If it's offensive, it's just as much of a bitch as Nidoking, really.
Rhyperior - It's really hard to switch into, but it's not a huge deal as long as you don't give it many chances to come in. Still, if its well played, you'll have some trouble.
Spikes - Qwilfish would probably have been a more appropriate icon to use, since that's the real problem, but I suppose a well played Spikes Roserade can also give the team some issues.


Crobat @ Black Sludge
Trait: Infiltrator
EVs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 4 SpD / 144 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, - SpA)
- Brave Bird
- Taunt
- Roost
- U-turn

Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Trait: Solid Rock
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 SpD
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail

Heracross @ Leftovers
Trait: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Megahorn
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge

Slowking @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- Scald
- Dragon Tail
- Slack Off
- Thunder Wave

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk / 244 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Return
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Earthquake

Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Hi Jump Kick
- Aerial Ace
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
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Yeah, those threats would rip your team to shreds. Umbreon has really exceptional bulk, and is not particularly fast, so it can withstand Trick Room; it is also a great team supporter and Special Wall, allowing it to put up with Roserade, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen. Therefore, I suggest you go Umbreon > Snorlax.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Sp Def
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Foul Play / Payback
- Toxic / Protect
just saying I built almost the same team independantly and mine is much better!!!

also use aerial ace on mienshao
All we know A dude is clearly a pkmn master
I don't have any shit idea about UU so I can't suggest anything, but it's obviously a good team due to the success you/another users had with it.

just luvdisc'd, gj frend :)
Aerial Ace? Bad idea without a reason.

An explanation isn't really necessary, it's pretty clear why you would use Aerial Ace on Mienshao. It is needed to revenge kill Heracross, because currently it can 6-0 him with Crobat being such a shaky check to anything not named Gligar.

Another thing I would suggest is Immunity on Snorlax, otherwise Sub Roost Zapdos with Toxic Spikes support can stall out your entire team.
yeah nice team koko...

The only thing I can suggest is going with Crunch>Ice Punch on Snorlax, as that way you have a semi-decent Cofagrigus check, as Snorlax will be able to at least 2hko it, and Cofagrigus is a bigger threat than Gligar on the current metagame. I guess you can also replace Earthquake if you really want to hit Gligar, so it's up to you!
Crobat is a great check to half the metagame if you don't suck, though!

Anyway, as for the given suggestions:

Umbreon over Snorlax is a big no due to Umbreon being huge set-up bait for... anything. It has no power to deter any switchins and doesn't even beat Nidoking and Nidoqueen reliably due to Focus Blast (and needs Toxic to beat Cofagrigus. Granted, it switches into them much more easily than Snorlax, but it can't hurt them, so it becomes a huge momentum killer.

RE: Aerial Ace - It's not a bad idea. I thought about it briefly before, but never really gave it much thought due to Crobat being amazing. I can see its merit obviously.

RE: Immunity on Snorlax - SubRoost Zapdos is rare and Rhyperior has Rock Blast specifically to deal with it. Not to mention I need Thick Fat for Chandelure.

RE: Crunch over Ice Punch - Yes, I've used both, they both work. The main reason I stuck with Ice Punch in the end was because Cofagrigus wasn't common enough to warrant Crunch when and where this team was being used. Ice Punch puts a huge dent on Gligar, either forcing it to Roost and giving me momentum, or weakening it enough for SD Heracross to just blast right past it.
Ah yes, that team!
I kinda have to post here as that team always saved me in the UU Open, going 4 or 5-0, always in the tie-breaker.

Here are some random things I feel like saying about it :

- kokoloko and I discussed on a regular basis about what was better between Snorlax and Porygon2. My opinion clearly goes for Snorlax, first because it has ALWAYS been a key to the victory in my game and also because I think that team has to keep the offensive pressure / momentum to not let any kind of stallish team developps its strategy. Pursuit is also utterly needed as it's a key to remove earlier as possible the opponent ghost, to let Mienshao and Heracross pull their magic.

- kokoloko said in the OP he built the team to let Heracross finish game. Thing is, in every game I played with that team, Heracross never finished a team, actually I would advice everyone to rely on Heracross when it comes down to opening your way to the victory. You have to use it as early as possible (do not rush your sweep tho) vs Stallish team so they will be in trouble and you don't let them launch their hazards-related strategy, otherwise it'll be too late for you to overcome the pressure of hazards crushing you.

- Keep Mienshao alive at all cost, you would be surprised how much of a finisher it is when using that team. It actually finished almost all my game in the UU Open.

So yeah, since there isn't any spinner, play well early game vs Stallish team with Heracross and Crobat to not let your opponent set up their strategy, otherwise it'll be too late. Also, play recklessly with Snorlax vs Ghost type as killing them as early as possible will greatly help you soon or later. Offensive team are really well kept in check with Slowking/Scarfshao/Crobat.

Awesome team, with its weakeness of course, but I've had great times using it and I truthfully relied on it to win my tie-breakers, so thanks again.